Sunday, September 28, 2014


                                                      CITY ITEMS

         The Ottawa hotel closed Monday after a successful season.
          The H. F. Webb Company, of this city commenced operations at its Leeds factory
     last Thursday, and it has been running full blast ever since.
          Messrs. William W. Lawrence and Howard R. Ives sail on the American line
     Wednesday for Europe, where they will complete their studies.
          Postmaster Swett has obtained from the department the promise of a new roof on the
     building, to make several important improvements and redecorate the court room.
          James Carter of Braintree, Mass., was thrown out of a carriage on Congress Street
     Saturday afternoon by reason of the horse running away, and sustained a cut on his  head
     which required fourteen stitches to close.
          William B. McElroy, John A. McCarthy, John Reardon and Thomas Davis, the boys
     who stole oranges at the Grand Trunk depot, were before Judge Robinson Thursday, and
     their case was continued until Saturday.
          Governor Powers, Mayor Randall, Capt. George A. Dow of Company A., and
     Lieutenant Philbrook of Company L, together with a squad of Company A men were
     among those who attended the funeral of Corporal Benjamin Nelson  of Company A,
     1st Maine Volunteers in Portland, Tuesday of last week. (Aug. 29, 1898)
           Mr. Amos Emery Howell, while walking down Exchange Street at 10:30 o'clock
     Saturday forenoon, was seized with paralytic stroke that affected one side of his body.
     Although Mr. Howell is over eighty years old, on account of his vigorous constitution
     there are hopes for his recovery.
            Mr. Thaddeus S. Hatch died in this city Saturday morning after a long illness.
     He was a native of Saco and was 65 years of age. For many years Mr. Hatch was in the
     restaurant business and kept the leading restaurant of the city on the site now occupied
     by Owen Moore & Co.  He was the first man to introduce ice cream on the street. Mr.
     Hatch was a member of the Veteran Firemen. He leaves five sons and two daughters.
          The official reports of the recent firing of the ten-guns at Portland Head have just
      been forwarded by Major William Crozier, Volunteers, U. S. A. and Captain of
      Ordnances, U. S. A., also by Captain, G. F. E. Harrison, Commanding Officer of
     the Head, but of course have not yet been given to the public. In the meantime, a
     statement from so competent and scientific an officer as Captain John R. Williams,
     7th Artillery, who witnessed the recent tests, will be of interest. Smokeless powder
     was used, and the Buffington-Crozie disappearing carriages worked most successful.
     The shots were excellent, and would have struck the hull of a battleship at target range
      over five miles. The guns were mannered by detachments taken from the batteries
     stationed at Portland Head namely; Battery E. of the 3rd Artillery and Battery D of
     7th Artillery, and their work was commendable, especially in view of the fact that the
     guns had never before been fired at drill and some of the men had but a few month's
     service in the ranks of the regulars. Major Crozier expressed the greatest satisfaction
     with the working of the disappearing carriages, and the results of the test firing at
     Portland Head from every view point can be regarded as highly satisfactory. Firing
     began with moderate charges, no guns being trained nearer the lighthouse or adjoining
     buildings except the breaking of one or two pane of window glass in some of the out
     buildings.  The second shot from each gun was fired without further damage to the
     lighthouse except the breaking of a few more window panes in the out buildings.
          Mr. Stephen Howard, a well known citizen of Stroudwater, came to an untimely
    end Wednesday evening. Since his wife's death he had lived along, a neighbor
    occasionally assisting him in the housework. Wednesday afternoon he came to Portland
    and bought some lobsters for supper. While eating a lobster he got a piece of shell in
    his throat. He soon strangled. Mr. Howard was a currier, 60 years of age and had been
    a resident of Stroudwater 40 years. He leaves no  near relatives.
          A great crowd witnessed the dedication of the Firemen's Monument of the West
     Promenade Monday afternoon, the ceremonies being conducted by the Veteran
    Firemen. Rev. S. F. Pearson delivered the prayer, and Mr. Henry Fox, the presiding
    officer of the occasion gave an address, dealing largely with the history of the Relief
    Association. Councilman F. F. Driscoll and Mayor Randall followed with addresses,
     which were eloquent tributes to the heroism of the fireman.


Friday, September 26, 2014



               In this city, August 30th, James Martin, aged 65 years, 11 months, 16 days.
               In this city, August 31st, David Decelle, aged 66 years.
               In this city, August 31st, Marjorie Velma, infant child of Adelbert H. and
          Nellie Cora McRonald, aged 3 weeks, 6 days.
              In this city, August 31st, Benjamin, infant child of Norah Hall, aged 1 month,
          and 27 days.
               In this city, August 30th, Kisten (Kristen?) E., infant daughter of Christian
         B. and Laura Baade, aged 1 year,1 month.
               In this city, September 1st, Madeline, daughter of George E. and Mary E.
          Ward, aged 3 years, 1 month. (Haverhill papers please copy.)
               In this city, September 1st, Jeremiah Conley.
               In this city, September 2nd,  Honora, widow of the late Thomas Neely, aged
          57 years.
               In this city, September 2nd, Catherine G., youngest child of John F. and Mary
          Kelley, aged 6 months.
               In this city, September 1st, Franklin F. youngest child of Franklin L. and
         and Annie Hunnewell, aged 6 months, 6 days.
               In this city, September 3rd, Ella M., wife of George H, Kane, aged 39 years.
               In this city, September 2nd, Agnes J. Mulloy, aged 17 years, 5 days.
               In this city, September 3rd, Thaddeus S. Hatch, 65 years, 1 month.
               In this city, September 3rd, Francis J. infant son of Francis W. and Nora
          Gourivan, aged 4 months, 15 days.
               In this city, September 3rd, Mary E., daughter of William and Catherine
         Colney, aged 15 years, 25 days.
               In this city, September 4th, Catherine B., infant daughter of James A. and
         Kate K. Millett, aged 3 months, 18 days. (Bath paper please copy.)
               In this city, September 6th, Sarah C., widow of the late Foster Jordan, aged
          85 years.
               In South Portland, September 2nd, James H. Johnson, aged 73 years, 10
          months, 15 days.
               In South Portland, September 2nd, Richard Lee, aged 71 years.
               In Stroudwater, August 31th, Stephen Howard aged 60 years, 11 months.
               In Deering, August 31st, Alexander Higgins, aged 70 years, 6 months.
          In South  Portland, September 1st, Captain Elmer M. York, aged 35 years,
               5 months, 11 days.
               In Cape Elizabeth, August 31st, John H. Colley, aged 83 years.
               In Bowery Beach, August 30, Joshua Chamberland, aged 77 years,
          3 months. (Cape Elizabeth)
               In Gray, August 30th, Mrs. Lucette, widow of he late Jacob Clark, Esq.,
          aged 75 years, 11 months.
               In Boston, September 1st, Harriet L., widow of the late George M. Stevens.
               In Vinalhaven, August 20th, Hezekiah Amos, aged 77 years.
               In Jefferson, August 18th, Mrs. Minerva Kennedy, aged 57 years.
               In Phipsburg, August 25th, Walter F. Wyman, aged 14 years.
               In Belfast, August 18th, Jane W. Thurston, aged 70 years; 33rd  (as written)
          (30?) Mrs. Susan E. Ginn, aged 52.
               In Calais, August 19th, Frank  E. Hill, aged 40 years; Ernest T. Lee, aged
          36 years; 24th, Fannie M. Thayer, aged 29 years.
              In Bath, August 28th, Maurice W. Hunt, aged 22 years; May Patten Welch,
         aged 35 years.
              In Biddeford, August 28th, George F. Goodwin, aged 50 years; 27th George
          F. Goodwin, aged 50 years; 27th, William Andrews,, aged 34 years.
               In Limington, August 28th, Professor William G. Lord, aged 70 years.
               In East Deering, September 8th, Mary M., wife of Louis M. Cloudman,
          of Boston.

Sunday, September 21, 2014



               In this city, September 9th, by Rev. Rollin P Hack, assisted by Rev. J. H.
          Hallock, Alfred Eugene Nickerson and Mabel Louise Hopper, both of Portland.
               In this city, September 1st, by Rev. J. L. Jenkins, assisted by Rev. C. E. Gruver
          of Lock Haven, Pa., father of the groom, Elbert A. Gruver of Philadelphia and
          Margaret F. Hinkley, of this city.
              In York, August 26th, Pearl Norton and Florence J. Plaisted.
              In Winthrop, August 17th, Loring Herrick of Leeds, and Linda Clifford.
              In North Vassalboro, August 20th, Augustus Glazier of Winslow, and Elizabeth
              In Richmond, August 18th, Redmon Elliot of South Portland, and Josephine
              In Bangor, August 29th, John F. Berry and Mrs. Louisa Geaton, both of Bangor.
              In Sullivan, August 18th, Fletcher F. Martin and Laura E. Whitten.
              In Augusta, August 20th,  Frank E. McFarrand and Ethel Cummingham, of
              In Blanchard, August 17th, George Day and Bessie Pullen.
              In Farmington, August 28th, Edwin O. Brown and Evelyn L. Jones; Leroy M.
         Pike of Livermore and Lena B. Kinney; Rufus Hodgkins and Annie P.
              In Bridgton, August 25th, Minott S. Brazier and Mrs. Lizzie A. Hogdon, both
         of Hiram.
              At Great Pond, August 14th, Matthew J. Laughlin and Geneva S. Bracey.
              In Gray, August 24th, Fred A. Knight and Fannie E. Pritham.
              In Rockland,  August 22nd. F. F Gray and Mrs. Julia Burke, both of Ellsworth.
              In Wiscasset, August 22, Charles E. Sewall and Ruth B. Groves.
              In Bath, August 24th, Milton H. Douglas and Mary M. Mann.
              In West Bath, August 24th, Edwin W. Haggett and Lizzie A. Lement.
              In Woolwich, August 24th, John C. Preble and Elizabeth A. Carter; Professor
         Leslie Baily of Minneapolis, and Laura Main.
              In Calais, August 24th, Frank P. Yeaton and Helen A. Lucas.
              In East Boston, Mass., August 18th, Sidney J. Treat of Searsport, and Lenora
        E. Haskell, of Deer Isle.
              At Dresden, August 28th, Bert Hasson and Alice V. James, both of Dresden.
              In Veazie, August 27th, Anthony Gallant and Mrs. Mary L. Smith, both of
              In Enfield, August 29th, Alonzo E. Shorey and Millie M. Oldenburg, both
       of Enfield.
              In Norridgewock, August 20th, Leon A. Taylor and Sarah F. Longley, both
       of Norridgewock.
              In Portsmouth, N. H., August  29th, Fred L. Andrews and Julia E. Litchfield,
        of Bath.
              In Ripley, August 27th, George M. Kimball  of Cambridge and F. Josephine
        Hart, of Ripley.
             In Bangor, August 25th, George M. Frazer of Oldtown and Julie Cressey.
             In Gardiner, August 24th, J. H. McKinley of Portland and Georgie Authur;
       Frank Goodine and Ida Gordon.

Friday, September 19, 2014



               Schooner Alaska, of Cherryfield, 128 tons, built in 1867, has been purchased
          by parties in Portland at $7,000. She is to be commanded by Captain John H.
          LAUNCHED.- At Thompston 29th, a three-masted schooner to be commanded
     by Captain Webb. Length of keel 137 feet, beam 23 feet and depth 11 feet, 8 inches.

          Brig M. A.  Herrers, ashore at Cape Henry, has been stripped and will probably
     be a total lost, as she is settling in the sand.
          Schooner St. Elmo before reported in collision with the sloop President, carried
    away head-gear and flying jib-boom. The sloop was cut down to the water and
     her maters, Marshal,  killed.
          Ship Polar Star, Stetson, from Auckland, New Zeeland, for London. which put
     back, encountered a gale February 27th, and 28th, and shipped  a sea which washed
     away everything movable on deck, threw the vessel on her beam ends, straining her
     badly and causing her to leak at the rate of 10 inches per hour.
          Schooner Fanny Reed, of Biddeford, Captain Sennett, collided with a Boston
     pilot boat 30th ult., in a thick fog  off Cape Ann, and sprung bow-spit started 
     cutwater  &c. The pilot had her mainsail torn and  top-works injured.
          Schooner, Edward, Dodge (master) of and from Ellsworth for Providence
     with lumber, went ashore at Hewett Point Marshfield, Mass., Sunday morning,
     and is a total wreck. crew saved and most of the cargo will be ? (saved.)
          Schooner J. B. Myers  of Orrington  from Bangor for Portsmouth went ashore
     morning of the 4th near Kennebunkport, and will be a total lost.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


                                                   MAINE MATTERS

               Ex-Governor Coburn is steadily recovering.
               Bernard Cromwell, an eccentric bachelor, of Skowhegan died lately at the age
           of  67.    The Reporter say he has remembered several poor widows in his will.
               Charles Bigelow, of Skowhegan, aged about 35 years committed suicide last
          Friday by shooting himself through the heart. No cause assigned.
               Edward McDonald was crushed to death in a jam of logs at the Forks of the
          Kennebec, last Friday.
               Senator Sprague is much impressed with the beauty and advantageous location
          of Skowhegan. The purity of the water makes it a place especially suitable for print
          works. Speaking of works at Augusta, he said he thought they should go on increasing
          their business there, as they found they could manufacture cheaper in Maine, than in
          Massachusetts or Rhode Island.

               Seven divorces were decreed at the last term of court at Belfast.
                The first salmon of the season was a 12lb. one, caught at Seasrport, and served
          at the newly opened Biddeford House.

               Deacon Small, of Lubec, offers to explain in the secret of his success in taking
          foxes, to any one who will send him $5.00. J. S. Sprague of Charlotte, has taken
          25 foxes the past season besides a great variety of other game.
               They had a fox hunt in the streets of Calais a few day ago, but Reynard made
          good his escape to the woods.
               Albert Chaffee of Lubec, mate of schooner May Harmon, was thrown overboard
          while holding the sheet of the staysail, and drowned last Saturday.

               Mrs. John Stevens of Kennebunk was knocked down and run over by a
          locomotive on the Boston & Maine railroad, at Biddeford last week Thursday.
          One of her feet was badly crushed rendering amputation necessary.
               Mrs. Jane Davis of Biddeford, committed suicide last Thursday by jumping
         into the Saco from the Boston & Maine railroad bridge. She had for some months
         shown symptoms of insanity. After she threw herself into the water her shrieks were
         heard for a long distance. The river here is narrow, and the water swift. She was
         carried over the falls, and her body was not recovered.
               Elder Vance will resume public religious services at Shaker Village, Alfred, the
         Sabbath in June.
               Another hotel is to be built at Old Orchard by E. C. Staples.
               Mayor McMullan, of Biddeford, offers to pay any person arrested for intoxication
          his fine and $25.00 besides for evidence that will convict the party selling him liquor.
          Also to pay $25.00 to any person giving information that will lead to the conviction
         of the rum seller. This is a standing offer for a year, and will be backed up to the extent
         of $10,000 if necessary. He made the announcement in the Municipal Court Monday
            They say that Wagner disturbs the other prisoners in Alfred jail by praying and


Sunday, September 14, 2014


                                                   MATTERS IN MAINE


          Lieutenant Albion Howe of the Fourth U. S. Artillery, killed in the recent fight
     with the Modocs, was the son of Colonel Marshall S. Howe, of Standish, who was
     placed on the retired list as Colonel of the Third Cavalry. Colonel Howe's family
     was one of the oldest in Standish, and young Albion Howe was born in Florida in
     1838. He graduated at Bowdoin College in the Class of 1861 and in December 1865,
     was appointed Second Lieutenant in the Fourth Artillery. He was promoted Brevet
     Captain 3rd March, 1867, and Major Volunteers same date.
          Lettice Libby of Scarboro, a deaf and dumb lady,80 years old, committed suicide
     by hanging Tuesday morning. Her bachelor brother with whom she had resided died a
     year or  two ago, and she has been much depressed since.
          William S. Brown of West Gorham, brings us a fair and sound russet potato, picked
     up  under the tree this spring. It is in all respects as well preserved as though it has been
     lying in a cellar. This phenomenon is quite common this spring throughout the

          There is urgent call for more houses at Farmington. There is not an unoccupied
     house in the village, says the Chronicle, and several person desirous of obtaining rents
     feel hardly able to build.

          Mr. Ogden of Boston is to build an $8,000 house for himself at Bar Harbor, this
          The body of a unknown man was found washed ashore on Verona Island last week.
      He was from 25 to 30 years of age.
          A false marriage noticed we copied from the American is causing a considerable
     sensation at Cranberry Isle. The author of such a hoax deserves the severest punishment.


          Mrs. Croswell caught a woodchuck and held him firmly in the folds of her dress,
     till she could carry him several rods to an axe, with which she dispatched him. Talk
     about the degeneracy of American women!
          The factory at Waterville for the manufacture of Watson's boat and shoe shanks
      turns out 130 gross of pairs per day, and employs 40 operatives. There is such a
      demand for this work, that the factory runs night and day.
          John Herbert Philbrick, son of J. W. Philbrick, Esq., of Waterville was the
     successful competitor for the West Point cadetship, for the Third District. The
     examination was made by the Faculty of Colby University.
          Leander Ballard of Vassalboro, has lost an arm by pulling a gun towards him by
     the muzzle.
          The Kennebec Journal of last Saturday published the version of "Rock me to Sleep,
     Mother," put forth by the absurd New Jersey plagiarist, Ball, and credits it to Florence
     Percy. It is a piece of patchwork which those familiar with the original poem of
     Percy's will at once recognize as spurious. The first stanzas are correctly given, and
     doubtless the editor of the Journal failed to notice how it has been pieced cut,

          Mr. W. A. Titcomb for over 20 years cashier of the Rockland Bank, has resigned,
     and Mr. G. H. Wiggin has been selected as his successor.
          Schooner Dolphin of Camden, foundered off Turtle Head, last Saturday, and the
     crew barely escaped with their lives.

          Schooners Anna Sargent, Captain Greenlief; (sic) Josephine Swarton, McKown;
     Ripley Ropes, Willey; Hannah Eldridge, Hodgdon; James Pool, McAuley; Regalia,
     Pinkham; Arizona, Stover; Young Sutton, Barter; sailed on the 29th, and went ashore
     the same day near the mouth of Little River, and is a total loss. The crew was saved.
          The divorce case of Emma G. Call vs. Dr. Moses Call, of Newcastle, has been
     attracting much attention at Wiscasset the past week, being somewhat sensational.
     The defendant is a physician of large practice, 68 years of age. The libellant is his
     second wife, is 36 years old, and they have been married about six years.
          Our Waldoboro correspondent inform us that on the 29th ult. Raymond W. Hoffses
     sawed off the fingers and thumb from his right hand in a stave machine.-April 30th,
     steamer Charles Houghton made her first trip of the season.-Mrs. Solomon Brock,
     aged 64 years, was burned to death on the 24th..



                                                      MAINE MATTERS


          Frank W. Chandler of Fryeburg, a young man of much promise, aged about
     18 years, committed suicide with laudanum last Tuesday night. He had twice been
     thwarted in his love affairs, and it is supposed that this had so discouraged him as
     make him weary of life.
          Rev. D. B. Sewall closed his long and prosperous pastorate of the Congregational
     Church at Fryeburg last Sabbath. He has served this society for 13 1/2 years, and a
     feeling of warm attachment had sprung up between him and his people.
          Commencement exercises were held at the Oxford Normal Institute this week. Mr.
     Swazey retires from the profession of teaching, in which he earned an honorable
          The town collector of Rumford has left for unknown parts, with the funds of the
     town and of private parties.
          The two firms, A. & P. B. Young and B. G. Green & Co., of Hiram, employ each
     about twenty-five girls in the manufacture of clothing, besides hiring a large amount
     done in surrounding towns. The later firm will build them a new work house 60 x 30
     feet, for better accommodations.
          The old Western House at Fryeburg, nearly a century old, is being moved to give
     place a modern structure to be build by John Western upon plans by Fassett.


          Rev. Mr. Bean, pastor of the M. E. Church at Orono, lately baptized 21 persons,
     converted during the recent revival, and 15 or 20 more will receive the same
     ordinance soon.
          The house of Leonard H. Smith, Charleston was burned last week. Partly insured.
          "Oliver" writes to us from Bangor that Dr. Field accompanied his brother Rev. Mr.
     Field to Europe. H. C. Goodenow has been appointed Judge of the Police Court.
          The reunion of the alumni of Mr. Joseph Littlefield, the veteran teacher, will be held
     in Norombega Hall on the 15th; a grand time is expected.
          The Whig  says that Charles G. Atkins, Esq., ex-Commissioner of Fisheries, has
     issued a circular requesting all persons engaged in fishing or dealing in salmon on the
     Penobscot to examine carefully all the fish of this kind that may come into their hands,
     to see if any have attached a metal tag indicate that they were at the Penobscot Salmon
     Breeding works, at Bucksport last season. His purpose is to learn the breeding habits of
     the fish.

              The town collector of  Dover is $3,000 short, the deficit being the growth of
     five years. The Observer divides the blame between several parties interested in town
     affairs. The collector's bondsman give notice that unpaid taxes must be settled at once,
     or either property will be seized and sold, or the body of the delinquent will be taken.


          The Androscoggin Pulp Co., successfully operating at Topsham, have recently
     purchased a mill property at Bennington, Vt., for the same kind of work.
           The old Haley house in Topham once a tavern long unoccupied, was burned
     the other day.
           Mr. H. P. Mallett of Topsham, denies the irregularity in his accounts with the
     town which has been charged upon him. He says six boards of annual auditors have
     examined them and pronounced them properly vouched.
          Newhall Kimball, an old peddler, who was supposed to be murdered some years
    ago for his money, has returned to Bath with the peculiar crooked cane he always used
    to carry.



Sunday, September 7, 2014


                                                MATTERS IN MAINE

          Honorable  Nelson Dingley, Jr., of Lewiston Journal will probably receive the
     gubernatorial nomination of the Republican party.


          A DOUBLE MURDER!-LYNCH LAW-A terrible tragedy occurred at Chapman
     Plantation last Tuesday night. It seems that James Cullen, a native of New Brunswick,
     broke into the store of David Dudley, at Ball's Mills, and stole a pair of boots and some
     other articles, last Saturday night. As he was known to be a desperate character, Deputy
     Granville A. Hayden took two men with him as assistants, Messrs. W. H. Bird and
     Thomas Hubbard. They traced the burglar to a shingle camp occupied by one Swanback,
     and captured him there without resistance. He acknowledged the crime and promised to
     return peaceable with the officers. As the hour was late they concluded to spend the
     night at the camp. After midnight Swanback and Bird were awakened by a noise and saw
     Cullen chopping off the heads of Sheriff Hayden and Mr. Hubbard. Being unarmed they
     ran for their lives, pursued for some distance by Cullen, who brandished the axe reeking
     with blood and yelled like a madman. They succeeded in escaping and spread the alarm.
     A party headed by B. J. Hughes started for the camp which they found a pile of smoking
     ruins, under which lay the charred bodies. Several armed parties started in pursuit of
     the murderer, and one of their party found him secreted in the cellar of his residence in
     Mapleton. He was dragged out, bound and the captors started for Presque Isle. They met
     a party from that place who took possession of the prisoner, led him to a tall tree, gave
     him a few minutes for prayer, put a noose about his neck, threw the other end of the
     rope over a limb, and taking hold strung him up, and left him hanging till he was dead.
     These horrible murders, so swiftly and terribly avenged have created an intense
      excitement not only throughout the county, but through the state. Mr. Hayden was a
      young man greatly respected. He leaves a wife and one young child. Mr. Hubbard
     was a young unmarried man, of excellent reputation. Cullen, the lynched murdered
     leaves a wife and child at Mapleton. Since the above was in type we have from a
     correspondent at Presque Isle a fuller account of the affair, which will be found in
     another column.
          Mr. J. K. Osgood has been meeting with a warm welcome in his labors for the cause
     of temperance in Aroostook. At Houlton 140 signed the pledge at the close of his first
     lecture, and a reform club was at once organized.  At subsequent meetings in Houlton
     400 signed the pledge. Mr. Osgood is not now making the tour of the whole county,
     but defers his visit to Presque Isle and other points till the travelling is better.
          Mr. Stickney, of the Sunrise speaks out promptly and decidedly in condemnation
     of the Lynch law, and we trust the public sentiment  of the community about him will
     him in it.


Friday, September 5, 2014


                                                  CITY ITEMS
                                             Glance About Town

          The Young Women's Christian Association has voted to purchase the residence
     of  Captain Charles M. Davis, 16 Spring Street, to be used as a boarding house for
     young women seeking employment; the price of the house is $5,500.
          The Boston and Maine road has been perfecting their depot accommodations at
     the Walker House by the addition of a restaurant to be in charge of C.C. Spring, of
          A deck hand on the New York Steamer, named Martin Kennedy a Nova Scotian,
     fell from the plank while intoxicated, one evening last week, and all attempts to
     rescue him were unavailing until too late to save his life; he had a wife and two
     children in Halifax.
          Wagner, and other York county prisoners were removed to Alfred from the jail
     in this city last week, the new jail at that place being ready for occupancy.
          Last Wednesday the jury in the case of E. T. Cotton, of Brownfield, accused of
     passing counterfeit money, returned a verdict of not guilty.
          The father of James Brooks was a native of England, and for several years a
     shipmaster from Portland; he commanded the ill-fated privateer Yankee, which
     sailed from this port in June 1814 and captured an armed ship which was sent here
     as a prize in July; after that nothing was ever heard of the Yankee, which probably
     foundered at sea; it was  a flat bottomed sloop with a deep keel; Capt. Brooks left
     a son and daughter, James and Eliza, and Erastus was born several months after his
     father sailed; the orphans received an  annuity from the government, and their guardian
     guardian was the late David Trull.
          Rev. D. H. Hannaburg of the Pine Street Methodist Church, takes leave of his flock
     this week; he contemplates spending  the summer in California.         
          The steamer John Brooks has been thoroughly renovated, and is on the Boston
     route this week.
          (Anton?)  Rubenstein, the great pianist and composer will be here the 6th.
          The art of telegraphing will be taught by D. C. Shaw, operator at the Western Union
      Telegraph office; he will open a school.
         The last steamer of the Allan line, for the this season sailed from the port on
     Saturday last.
             Mr. and Mrs. George E. Taylor celebrate their Silver Wedding Monday evening;
     a host of friends greeted them with presents and good wishes.
          The new choir of High Street Church is composed of Mr. Samuel Thurston, tenor
     and leader; Mr. George F. Mariner, bass; Mrs. Warren P. Chase, Soprano; Mrs. Noyes,
     contralto; Mrs. George O. Gosse, organist.
          Lewis Whidden & Co., has leased Hog Island of the Deering heirs for ten years,
     for curing and drying fish.
          President White of the Boston & Maine road, thinks stockholder of his road will
     not consent to consolidation with the Eastern Road.
          The Masonic meeting brought large numbers of members of the Order to this
     city from all parts of the state; the Grand Lodge elected David Cargill of Augusta,
     Grand  Master; Albert Moore of North Anson, Deputy Grand Master; E. P. Burnham,
     Saco, Senior Grand Warden; W. O. Poor, Belfast, Junior Warden; Moses Dodge,
     of this city, Grand Treasurer; Ira Berry, of this city, Grand Secretary; the Grand
     Chapter elected Horace H. Burbank,  of Limerick, Grand High Priest.
          Rev. Burke F. Leavitt was ordained pastor of Williston Church on Wednesday.


Wednesday, September 3, 2014


                                                     CITY ITEMS
                                                Glances About Town
          Honorable F. O. J. Smith was notified last week  that in the "Cornell case," in
     which he was plaintiff, he had recovered a verdict for $532,000.
          It is expected that the Nashua & Rochester railroad will be completed by
     June 1, 1874, and this will give us our most direct connection with New York, via
     Rochester and Worcester.
          Mr. Joshua F. Strout, keeper of the Portland Light, had two fingers crushed in
     the machinery of the fog whistle last week Wednesday.
          Misses Annie and Ada Cary and the Beethoven Quintette  Club will appear in
     the concert in aid of the hospital next Saturday evening.
          The Carlotta did not lose a trip between the port and Halifax all last winter.
          Rev. Mr. Luce, who preached his farewell sermon at the Chestnut Street M. E.
     Church, last Sunday will act as presiding elder of the circuit during the illness of
     Mr. Sanderson, who it is feared will not recover.
          Mr. R. O. Robbins, editor of the Dexter Gazette, married Miss Phosie Fassett,
     of Deering, at the Woodford's Corner Church last Saturday, the good wishes of a
     large circle of friend go with the happy pair.
          Captain Alfred Burns, of schooner Sangammon, of Waldoboro, was drowned
     last Saturday evening from Commercial wharf; he probably made a misstep on
     the capstan of the wharf, while seeking his vessel; he was 45 years old, and was
     the owner of the craft.
          The competitive examination for the West Point cadetship from this district is
     to be held at Saco on the 27th isn't.; Mr. Burleigh has designated Dr. Jewett, of
     South Berwick, A. A. Strout, Esq., of this city and B. F. Hamilton, Esq., of
     Biddeford, as examiners.
          Our neighbor, Mr.  George A. Whitney, the furniture man gives a splendid
     easy chair, satin lined to the Hospital Fair.
          The Starbird Concert Company is organized for a extended summer tour; it
     comprises  a vocal quartette of the best quality, including as it does Miss Annie
     Fairman, Mr. Nelson Varley and Mr. W. H. Becket; they will be assisted by Miss
     Theresa Liebe, the violinist.
          A lad named John Casey was seriously injured by falling out of a dump cart
     he was driving on Monday; the wheel passed over him and he received internal
          Rev. Dr. Peabody will preach the sermon and Rev. J. T. G. Nichols and Rev.
     Mr. Buck will assist in the exercises.
          Lieutenant Howe, slain by the Modoes was a Standish man, and  was well-
     known and highly respected in this city and vicinity.
          Miss Sarah E. Danielson, daughter of S. O. Danielson, Esq., residing at No. 1
     Stone Street, got up Saturday night about 12 o'clock to wait upon her father who
     has been sick all winter, and in the dark mistook the door at the head of the stairs
     leading to the basement for the bedroom door. She fell headlong to the bottom of
     the stairs, injuring her right hip very badly. This is singularly afflicted family.
     Mr. Danielson, the father fell down the same stairs last fall, but fortunately escaped
     any serious injury. He was taken down sick the last of December, of paralysis of the
     right side, and for nearly three months his life was despaired of; he has begun to
     recover and is able to sit up and walk about the house and now this daughter who
     has taken care of him all winter has met with this accident, rendering her entirely
     helpless. Hopes are entertained that she will not sustain any permanent injury.