Sunday, March 9, 2014



          The method by which the affairs of the Lewiston Mills, Lewiston, Me., and Boston,
     are to be settled has been definitely agreed upon The Merchants National Bank has agreed
     to release its attachments on the corporation's property as far as they affect the property in
     Maine, and the corporation is to make an assignment for the benefit  of its creditors to
     Charles E. Raymond and Gerald C. Tobey.
          The body of Jerry Murphy was recovered from the river at Lewiston, Friday. It is
     supposed to have been a case of suicide, as a man was seen to plunge from the logs
    Wednesday, since which date Murphy has been missing.
          The District Labor Convention at Auburn, Friday nominated W. T. Eustis, of Dixfield,
     for Congress.

          Nelson Herrin purchase on Monday the grove on the shore of Nickerson Lake,
     Houlton, seven acres more or less of Hiram Nickerson. Mr. Herrin intends to make
     special improvement in the near future for the entertainment of pleasure parties.


          The Maine Grand Lodge, I. O.O.F., opened Tuesday morning its 42nd annual
     session in Bridgton. There are 112 subordinate lodges with a membership of 15,811,
     an increase of three lodges and 824 members. T. Freeman of Portland has been elected
     Grand Master.
          Captain Jerry H. York of Ferry village, underwent one day last week a very painful
     surgical operation, having a part of his tongue cut out, necessitating the taking of twenty
     stitches therein, all of which was done without the administering of anything to cause
          One day last week, Mr. George Curtis, an elderly resident of Harpswell, narrowly
     escaped being gored to death by a vicious bull. He was trying to put a heavy ring in the
     animals' nose, when he was knocked down and would have been gored had he not struck
    the bull in the eye with the ring.


           A fine horse owned by T. McL. Davis, of West Farmington was terribly mangled
     recently in the pasture. He was feeding near a barbed wire fence and a fly having bitten
     him the horse stamped and stuck its foot through the fence. The barbs pricked his leg and
     he sprang away from the fence and ran taking the fence with him, which wound about and
     pierced his leg and breast in many places. Before the animal ceased his struggles he had
     torn five or six rods of barbed fencing from the posts. Under the fore leg the flesh was torn
      to pieces.

          There are 520  patients at the Insane Hospital as compared with 474 one year ago. The
     board of managers of the institution meets next Wednesday.


          Benjamin F. Palmer of Morse's Corner, Thomaston, who was hurt some weeks ago by
     a premature explosion in a quarry, is dead from his injuries. He  was a member of the
     Fourth War Regiment and of the Grand Army.
          The net earnings of the Knox & Lincoln Railroad for the month of June 1886, were
     $3,634.54. In June 1885 the net earnings were $2,093.73.

          The Boothbay Register says; Mrs. Mary P. Stinson has a found a bonanza or rather
     Boston Company have found it for her in the shell heaps on the Damariscotta  River.
     $45 a ton is the price paid her for the remains in Indian dinners long ago eaten by the
     river side. They also pay a bonus for all arrow heads, cooking utensils, etc., dug out
     shell heap. There are tons and tons of shell; one of them brought to the Register by
     John McFarland measures 10 3/4 by 3 3/4 inches.
          Last Wednesday Chester O. Witham shot and instantly killed Joseph H. Turner, at
     Somerville. Some claim that the shooting was accidental while other claim that it was
     murder.  Witham disappeared and has not been seen since.
          While walking in her sleep a few nights ago, Miss Susie Bailey, of Wiscasset, fell
     down a flight of steps breaking her right shoulder.
          The Newbert family hold a reunion at North Waldoboro, August 27th.
          The Boothbay Register has the following in regard to the Knickerbocker's paymaster,
     who lately disappeared. It is known that Mr. Whitten has been "feathering his nest," at
     the expense of the Knickerbocker Ice Co. The plan of operation was make out a  pay
     roll for $50 to $100 more than men actually worked, draw the money and appropriate
     the surplus. This was a game that must have an end and knowing this Mr. Witten
     stepped out Friday of last week. He was seen to purchase a ticket for Portland.  The
     amount is not known to a certainty, but must be for $1,500 to $2,000. His house is
     attached for $3,000. It has been a matter of wonder how a man on a small salary could
     afford so fine a house, stable and grounds.

          South Paris voted Saturday to make a 20 year contract with the Norway Water Co.,
     for as effective fire services for the village, and to supply the Park Cemetery and for
     street sprinkling.
          Mrs. W. R. French of Canton Point, shows us a piece of bed ticking woven in 1807,
     that has been in almost constant use ever since that date. A short time ago when the tick
     was opened it was found that the inside of the cloth head a thick, soft nap, composed of
     the down of feathers worked into the texture. While the tick was filled with feathers of all
     colors, the nap appears of a even brownish hue.-Canton Telephone




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