Wednesday, December 30, 2015


                                                      MAINE MATTERS
          Mr. David Bemis, of Levant, was 80 years old July 4th, and celebrated his own
     and the nation's birthday by hoeing 1,021 hills of potatoes.
          Gideon Andrews, of Hermon, raises 12,000 quarts of strawberries this season. His
     shipments are made to points all over New England.
          At the 27th annual session of the Maine Dental Society,  held at Dexter, Tuesday and
     Wednesday of this week, Dr. C. W. Davis, of Augusta, reads an essay on "Soft and
      Cohesive  Gold," and  speaks on "Artificial Crowns and Methods of Setting;" D. E.
     Roberts introduces  the discussion on "Artificial Dentures," and Dr. J. L. Williams has
     an essay on "Study in the Histological Pathology of the Teeth and Contiguous Parts."

          A case of neglect and inhumanity toward a Swede girl in Monson , whose are has
     been burned with powder, is reported. The powder had been stolen, and the parents
     not wishing this known, had not called in medical aid.
          Packard & Haggett launched schooner L. A. Plummer, 400 tons, at Bath  Saturday.
     Four-masted schooner Charles E. Balch, 843 tons, was launched the same day from the
     yard of B. W. & H. P. Morse. Deering & Donnell are laying the keep for a 400 ton
     schooner for Bath parties.
          Pittsfield is to have a new town hall, to be 90 to 70 feet in size.
          Mr. A. H. Kelley has resigned the charge of Belfast High School to accept a position
     in the Chapman school of Boston, at a salary of $1,750.
          While the horse race at Pembroke on the Fourth was being witnesses by a  large
     crowd, one of the horses became unmanageable and bolted in among the spectators.
     Mr. John Perkins was knocked insensible, and it was feared seriously injured internally;
     A Mr.  Card had his wrist broken, and several others were slightly injured.
          Mrs. Dennis Torrey, of Deblois, recently found in yard what she supposed was a
     cartridge shell. As it had no ball in it, she attempted to remove the other material for
     the sake of the empty shell,  when an explosion followed, blowing off the ends of her
     thumbs and two fingers on one hand. The shell was a "cap" such as is used in
     exploding rend-rock, and had been  dropped by the river drivers.



Friday, December 25, 2015


                                                       MAINE MATTERS
          James Hartley, fell through the floor over the wheel pit at the Lewiston mill,
     Lewiston, a day or two ago, and struck on his back on the stone foundation. Both
     legs and an arm were paralyzed, and he died the next day.
          Joseph Forsaith, 15 years old, injured by a toy pistol on the Fourth in Lewiston,
     died Friday of lockjaw.
          The publication of a new Greenback organ, the "Candid Observer," was begun
     in Lewiston on the 14th. The name Solon Chase appears at its head for Governor.
          Night of the 11th, Eli L. Rogers was calling on a lady in Lewiston, when a man
     entered the room and inflicted four slight wounds on his head and face with a knife.
     George Pierce has been arrested for the assault, and placed under $1,000 bond.
          Honorable A. D. Lockwood, during a recent visit to Lewiston, informed a
     gentleman that he is making plans for a 60,000 spindle mill to be erected there next
     season if business holds good.
          The two Knowles boys, sons of Joseph who were burned so severely in the powder
     explosion in Lewiston July 5th, are now quit well. They bear horrible scars and one of
     them cannot use his hand. The Laughton boy is also on the road to recovery.

          Miss Hellen M. McDonald, who has been conspicuous through several suits,
     under the advice of General Butler, against parties infringing her patent rights on a
     "dress protector," died recently in Washington of consumption. General Butler has
     ordered her body embalmed and sent to Houlton, where her sister lives.

          Mr. Hiram Libby, Cape Elizabeth, has been confined to his house for several days,
     as the result of a bite from a vicious dog owned by John Hannaford.
          Honorable N. S. Littlefield, of Bridgton, is dangerously ill.
          Bowdoin commencement exercises were held the past week. The new Memorial
    Hall was dedicated with interesting and appropriate exercises. The Latin prize competed
     for by members of the Sophomore class, has been awarded to Ernest C. Smith, Augusta.
     Bowdoin College does not owe anything, and the surplus of the year above expenses is
     $2,188. it has $300,000 invested in endowment funds at a average of 5%, and never lost
     an investment. The present excellent financial standing is due in a great measure to the
     management of the treasurer, Prof. Stephen J. Young. A subscription has been started
     by the Class of 1871 for the cast of some classic statue, and a member of the Class of
     1860 will present another. Mrs. Thatcher has given a bust of Admiral Thatcher, and
     a bust  of General Chamberlain by Jackson has been presented by the Honorable
     Thomas W. Hyde, of Bath. The gifts of Mrs. Noah Woods, of Bangor this year to the
     college amount to $8,800. The Class of '82 have elected the following class officers;
     President, Charles H. Gilman; Secretary, Howard Carpenter, Executive Committee,
     George F. Bates, j. F. Libby, J. R. Jordan. It was voted to hold a  reunion next year
          Luke & F. H. Brown's bedstead factory at North Bridgton turns over fifty bedsteads
     per day.
          Stephen Grant, owner of Grant' Hotel, Brunswick died from dropsy on the 11th.

           L. B. Stoyell, Farmington, arrested for assaulting his brother, has been placed
     under $500 bonds to keep the peace.
           James S. Brackett has been chosen treasurer to the Phillips Saving Bank, in place
     of Elias Field, deceased.
          One of the Bluehill miners had over $250 stolen from his trunk, July 4th.