Friday, November 13, 2015


                                                     CITY ITEMS
                                               (Glances About Town)
                Monday the first division of the Naval Reserve had a drill under the officers
          Lieutenants Clifford and Cam[p, at the Auditorium, and were inspected afterwards
          by commander Harrison G. Colby, U. S. N., who is on a trip of inspection of the
          Maine Naval Reserve. it is stated that Commander Colby will command this
         patrol district extending from Eastport to Cape Cod.
               Rev. Fay Mills, the distinguished young preacher whom Portland several years
          ago became greatly interested in through his evangelical labors here, and who has
          lately come into prominence by the renunciation of certain Orthodox beliefs,
          occupied the pulpit at the Congress Square universalist Church, Sunday.  The
          church was densely packed, both morning and evening.
               Mrs. Lousia Bailey, who resides with her son, Mr. A. Baily, Oxford Street,
          reached her 83 birthday last Thursday, April 28th.  She is one of the soul
          survivors of a family of nine children being the daughter of the late Honorable
          William Gould of Dexter.  Honorable John H. Gould of Hutchinson, Minn., and
          Addison, Esq., of Lawrence, Mass, are her two living brothers.
               The retirement of John Sherman from the State portfolio was desirable in view
          of the his infirmities, but it seems, nevertheless, a sad ending of a notable public
          career. It is nearly 44 years since he was first elected to Congress, and all his life
          from that time to this has been devoted to the public service, and for three decades
          he was a leader of his party and conspicuous for his ability and sincerity in the
          councils of the nation. Mention of his duties and offices and honors recalls the great
          events of the corresponding years.  Mr. Sherman took a prominent part in the
          memorable contests which elevated N. P. Banks to the Speakership of the House of
          Representatives; he was one of the Congressional committee of inquiry sent to
          Kansas, and ardently supported Fremont in 1856; during the historic Congressional
          struggles and debates of the three years preceding the Civil War. Mr. Sherman led
          the Republican forces in the house and when elevated to the Senate, was identified
          in a conspicuous manner with the financial measures which made the prosecution
          of the war possible. Indeed, from that time until his failing health Senator Sherman
          was regarded as the foremost financier of our public men, and his impress on our
           policy is a matter of historical record.  He was a staunch supporter of the
           Reconstruction measures, a prominent defender of the Republican policy of
           protection.  After serving, Senator Sherman was given the treasury portfolio in
           President Hayes's cabinet, returning to the Senate in 1881, and retained his seat until
           requested by President McKinley to assume the duties  of the head of the State
           Department. This is a remarkable career has few parallels in our history, and it is
           peculiarly pleasant to note that absolute honesty, sincerity and patriotism, joined
           to great natural ability and energy brought about Mr. Sherman's eminent success.



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