Friday, February 27, 2015
In this city, January 6th, Mr. Edward M. Wildrage, aged 57.
In this city, January 1st, Lydia J. Holmes, wife of Charles S. Trowbridge, aged
27 years and 10 months.
In this city, January 1st, Rosetta, eldest child of Meyer and Margaret Waterman,
aged 5 years and 5 months.
In this city January 2nd, of scarlet fever, Eugene Humphrey, son of Albert and
Mary Colley.
In Charlestown, Mass., January 2nd, Joseph H. Nutter, formerly of this city.
In Cape Elizabeth, December 24th, Freddie W., only son of William and Martha
Coolbroth, aged 8 years, 2 months and 15 days.
Lost overboard from barque Neversink, on the passage from Philadelphia to
Antwerp, Belgium, December 1st, George B. Hubbard, 1st officer.
In Falmouth, January 5th, Mr. Nathaniel Knight, aged 95 years, 6 months and
27 days.
In Windham, December 29th, Frankie L., son of Thomas C. and Martha Hawkes,
2 years and 8 months.
In Saco, December 23rd, Mrs. Hannah, wife of Cyrus Means, aged 37 years. Calmy
she fell asleep.
In Auburn, December 30th, Mrs. Lizzie, wife of F. C. Adams, aged 21 years.
In Pownal, December 29th, Mrs. Eunice Tobey, aged 78 years and 4 months.
In Dixfield, December 19th, Mr. Nathaniel Benjamin, aged 79 years , 5 months
and 10 months.
In Bridgton, November 22nd, Dorcas Grant, aged 70 years, 5 months and
15 days.
In Hollis, December 31st, Colonel John Smith, aged 60 years.
In Skowhegan, December 14th, Honorable William Rowell, aged 68.
In Augusta, December 10th, Susan J. Libby, aged 33 years and 10 months.
In Carver, Minnesota, October 10th, Mrs. Nancy Griffin, relict of William
Griffin, formerly of Vassalboro, Maine; December 19th, Mr. Luke Noyes,
formerly of Minot, Maine.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
In this city, January 1st., George H. Libby and Miss Emma G. Nutter, both of
this city.
In this city December 31st., Frederick A. Bibber and Miss Ellen E. Skillings, both
of this city.
In Lewiston, December 24th, Mr. Edward S. Pridle of Portland, and Miss Jennie
M. Clement of Lewiston.
In Cape Elizabeth, January 2nd, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. F. C.
Ayer, Mr. Ivory Libby, of Gorham and Miss Susan A. Jackson of Cape Elizabeth.
In Vineland, New Jersey, December 13th, by Rev. J. O. Wells, Mr. Thomas
Scales (?) of Vineland, to Mrs. Hannah A. Higgins, formerly of Calais, Maine.
In Wayne, Kennebec County, December 30th, by Dr. C. H. Barker, Mr. William
L. G. Clark and Miss Marcia Erskine, both of Wayne.
In Westbrook, December 19th, by S. H. McCollester, Mr. Edwin I. Cate to Miss
Mary J. Blaisdell.
In Saccarappa, December 31st, by Rev. A. W. Pottle, Mr. Frank A. Calkins and
Miss Martha M. Morriss (?), both of Westbrook; also Mr. William Payne, of
Arlington, Mass., and Miss Alice B. Robinson, of Westbrook.
In Gray, January 1st, by Rev. J. M. Purkis, Mr. Edward Cobb and Miss Abbie D.
Allen, daughter of R. A. Allen, Esq., both of Gray.
In Gray, January 4th, Mr. James M. Morris and Miss Olive J. Gilbert, both of
In Cape Elizabeth, (Ferry) December 24th, Charles A. Parsons, of Portland and
Eunice C. Lovett, of Cape Elizabeth; January 1st, John Willard and Mary E.
Winslow, both of Cape Elizabeth.
In Westbrook, January 1st, General I. W. Starbird, of Portland, and Miss Emma
S. Merrill of Westbrook, daughter of Rev. W. P. Merrill, the officiating clergyman.
In Bradford, Mass., January 1, 1868, by Rev. J. Mariner, Mr. Albert G.
Dearborn, of Limington, Me., and Miss Susie E. Hanson, of Bradford, Mass.
In Raymond, January 1st, by Rev. James S. Porter, Robert T. S. Smith and
Miss Abbie M. Sawyer.
In Windham, by Rev. Luther Wiswell, George M. Leach of Raymond, and Miss
Sarah M. Harmon of Naples.
In North Bridgton, Samuel Ring and Miss Cornella M., daughter of Honorable
Luke Brown, all of Bridgton.
In Gardiner, December 26th, Captain C. B. Waite of Freeport, and Fredericka
F. Bennett, of Farmingdale.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
At the Calais term of the S. J. Court, 12 indictment were reported for deer
killing. For the offense W. F. Rockwell, Columbia Falls, was fined $40 and costs.
Joseph Robbins and Thomas Colby, of the same town were each sentenced to two
years in State prison for forgery, they having plead guilty to in the indictment.
At Calais last week, the S. J. Court tried the case of the assignees of James
Pinkerton, a suicide, whose life was insured by Mutual Life of New York. The
company relied on a clause in the policy in regard to suicide. A verdict was given
against the company for full amount of policy and interest. The cases goes up
to fall court.
Thomas M. Wentworth of Lebanon, recently deceased, left $2,000 to the First
Congregational Church in Lebanon, West Lebanon Free Will Baptist Society,
East Lebanon Free Will Baptist Society and Maine Home Missionary Society;
$5,000 to Bangor Theological Seminary; $1,000 each to Lebanon Academy and
and to Rev. John Garmon.
Weston Willard, son of Horace Willard of Alfred, a brakeman, was killed
while shackling cars at Springvale on Thursday of last week. His foot caught
in a frog (?,) and he fell under the cars. He was an estimable young man.
Rev. Andrew Hobson, of Steep Falls a venerable Free Baptist clergyman,
died last week, aged 82.
Mrs. Cyrus Means, of Old Orchard, recently found that the rays of the sun
passing through an ordinary stereoscope had set fire to a newspaper and her
knitting work, and but for timely discovery might have destroyed the house.
J. T. Osgood & Co., have published a novel entitled "Deep Haven," written
by Miss Sarah O. Jewett, of North Berwick.
Mrs. Salome, wife of David Mudgett of North Parsonfield, died last week.
They had been married 50 years, had five children and this is the first death
that has ever occurred in the family. there has been one death each in the third
and fourth generations. Dr. Simon Mudgett of Dexter is the oldest son.
It is at Wells Branch, (not at Wells Beach, as stated last week) that C..H.
Clark is keeping account of the profit of his hens. In April his 66 Brown
Leghorns lad 99 dozen eggs. He considers them the most profitable of
anything that can be kept for the capital used.
Sunday, February 15, 2015
A three year old daughter of Jerry Russell, Lewiston, was burned to death,
her clothes catching fire at a bonfire.
Two cows in a pasture in Turner last Saturday fought till they killed each
other. Both were found dead.
A Pioneer gives a sketch of Sidney Cook of Presque Isle, the celebrated diver.
He began work last year at Port Morris, Long Island Sound, on the wreck of the
British frigate Hussar, which sank in 90 feet of water 96 years ago, carrying down
with her $600,000 in coins, intended to pay off the British army. The diving suit
was not of the right kind for the work, and he has had another made, which he has
lately received. His chief difficulty is in getting light at the great depth, as the water
is muddy. The bottom is rocky with two or three feet of mud. This mud he washes
away with an ordinary rubber hose, the force being supplied from a pump on board
the sloop. he has found bits of the treasure, and the contractor is sanguine of final
success, though he has thus far spent $40,000 with but little results.
Rev. G. T. Ridlon, now of North Fairfield, is soon to publish an historical sketch
of Harrison. The work will give full genealogies of about 50 families of early settlers.
Orders should be sent as above as soon as possible, since only a few extra copies will
be printed, beside those subscribed for. Price one dollar.
Rev. H. P. Nichols of Salem, Mass., has accepted the call of St. Paul's Church at
Brunswick. He was recently rector of the Free Church of St. John, Philadelphia.
The Haskell Silk Co., at Saccrappa, is increasing its capacity for manufacturing
Embroidery silk.
The Knowlton Brothers, machinists at Saccarappa, intend to erect a new building
for their increasing business.
The trial of Edwin M. Smith, accused of the murder of the Trim family, began
at Ellsworth on Wednesday of last week. We briefly recapitulate the circumstances
of the murder, which happened last September. Captain Trim was a man 74 years
old, and a widower. At the time of the murder Mrs. Thayer, his daughter, and her
little child were living with him at Bucksport. On the night of the murder Capt.
Trim's house was burned, and in searching the ruins the charred remains of Capt.
Trim's were found in the carriage house, and the body of Mrs. Thayer in the barn.
Mrs. Thayer had been to visit a neighbor, Mrs. Harriman, the previous evening and
from the fact that several articles of clothing belonging to her were found covered
with blood near the house, it is supposed robbery was the object, as Mrs. Thayer
had about $850 in money. Smith, the accused was at Harriman's house, where he
been at work, when Mrs. Thayer called, but was found the next morning at his home
4 miles distant. There were blood marks on his clothing, and his coat had been colored
by some dye. The American says of Smith's appearance, that "he is not 40 years of
age, is about 5 feet 10 inches in height, well made and strongly built in apparent
good health, of light complexion and wears full, sandy colored whiskers. His eyes
are bright and clear, and neither seeks nor avoids the gaze of the observer, and he will
look you almost too squarely in the eye without shrinking to be a natural for a man
in his situation. On the whole his face is more than usually prepossessing, and the
tone of his voice neither harsh nor unpleasant. He is intelligent, reads much, talks
with fluency and frequently and freely alludes to the serious position in which he
is placed." The general feeling in the community at the beginning of the trial was
that Smith is guilty, the chain of evidence, though circumstantial, seeming
conclusive. Sheriff Devereux testified that Smith made no inquiry as to the cause
of his arrest. He was wearing a clean shirt, and the one he had been wearing was
not to be found. His coat had been colored that morning, and was still wet with
dye. There were spots on vest and pantaloons that looked like blood. Dr. Treadwell
of Boston testified to finding large quantities of blood on the coat and cap of Smith,
and some on pants, vest and knife. The size of the corpuscles of blood corresponded
with those of the cloud of the murdered woman. A long hair torn out by the roots was
found on Smith's coat, and on the cloud was a stiff hair like that of Smith's beard. On
Monday the testimony of the State was all in, and Mr. Hadlock opened for the defense.
Doctors Harriman and Babcock testified that it is impossible to distinguish human
from other blood. Smith's wife, sister and sister-in-law testify that he wore the same
when arrested at the evening of the murder.
Friday, February 13, 2015
Glances about Town
A large audience assembled at the New Jerusalem Church, last Sunday to hear
Rev. B. N. Stone give his reasons for leaving the Orthodox church, and adopting the
New Jerusalem faith; he thought the doctrine of the Trinity as taught by the
evangelical churches was erroneous and held that there never can be but one God,
and he is the Savior
General Neal Dow of this city, is delivering lectures on prohibition in North
Carolina towns.
A young sculptor of Yarmouth, E. E. Thaxter, has a creditable specimen of his
work at Schumacher's gallery; it is a spirited bust of a sailor lad, and show decided
Colonel Edward Moore and A. R. Wright, of this city after a thorough
competitive examination by a board of English engineers, have been given an
important contract at Quebec; a new harbor is to be made at the mouth of the
Charles River at a cost of about $1,500,000; the work is to be completed
in four years.
Honorable Benjamin Kingsbury, Jr., of this city has been appointed
Deputy Grand Templar for Cumberland County, by ex-Governor Perham,
on the death of Alfred B. Roberts, censures the Boston & Maine Railroad
Company for negligence for not erecting and maintaining a suitable bridge
guard at High Street bridge as required by law; it ought to be somebody's
duty to see that the railroads comply with the provisions of this law.
Frank Coffin, of this city was knocked overboard and drowned from bark
Selina on the passage to Buenos Ayres, March 11th; he was a promising young
man whose death is mourned by a large circle.
Woodford's Corner is growing fast; the district now has 379 scholars, a
large increase over last year; the two new stores at the foot of Spring Street
will be finished in June, and are already rented to residents of the place; one
of the offices will be rented by Dr. C.W. Foster and one H. H. Tukey,
The representatives of the press were handsomely entertained by Messrs.
O. J. Shaw & Son the new landlords of the Falmouth Hotel, on Saturday
evening last; the bill of fare did honor to the house and was duly honored by
the guest; this fine hotel is now in excellent hands and we cordially
recommend it to the patronage of the public.
The new store foundry of Messrs. Clark & Lawrence formerly of Bangor,
is now in operation; it is located upon Fore Street, is fitted for the manufacture
of all kinds of stoves, and will employ about thirty men; the proprietors are
thoroughly acquainted with their business, and employ only experienced
mechanics; as there is no similar foundry in this part of the State there can
be no doubt the enterprise will prove successful.
The Messrs. Milliken, proprietor of the Glen House, are receiving many
application for rooms the coming season, and all the indications point to an
early unusual rush of summer visitors to this favored nook among the
Mr. W. F. Moody, who was injured at the Rolling Mills, died on Thursday
Frank L. Collins popular song, "Only A Sweet Litter,: has crossed the Atlantic,
and is meeting with great favor and large sale in England; a convincing proof of
it merit.
The oil painting presented to Honorable L. Washburn by the officers of
the customs has been put on exhibition in Schumacher's window; it is the
work of E. T. Eldren, of New Bedford, Mass., and if a fine work as well.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Glances about Time
The Advertiser learns that the late Charles W. Cahoon let $1,000 each to the
Portland Benevolent and Widow's Wood Societies, and $2,000 to a Home for Aged
men, yet to established; the money is to be set aside in 1882 and principal and
interest to be paid over in one hundred years to from date.
Mr. Higgins, of Bangor gave his fourteen year old boy $130.00 to pay a debt
with, but instead of doing so the boy took a companion and came to the city to
have a good time; his father followed him and the police found him on board the
Boston steamer with all the money except $33.00, which he had spent.
The Portland Yacht Club has chosen J. P. Thomas Commodore for the ensuing
year; the fleet numbers twenty-five sails and will start on the annual cruise on
Monday, the 28th inst.; the annual regatta for the challenge cup will come off
Friday, June 1st, starting at ten o'clock.
Alfred B. Roberts, of Cape Elizabeth, switchman on the Boston & Maine, was
knocked from the top of a freight car in going under High Street bridge, on
Wednesday week, and his arm was so badly broken that it was necessary to
amputate it, and he died soon after the operation.
The employees of the Custom House visited the residence of ex-Collector
Washburn on Thursday evening of last week, and presented him with a fine
marine view, and Mrs. Washburn with the "Poets and Poetry of Scotland," in
two volumes; Mr. Washburn responded appropriately in behalf of himself and
wife, and the company were then invited to partake a lunch.
U. S. Shipping Commissioner Charles P. Knapp was fined five dollars and
costs in the Municipal Court on Friday week, for obstructing the side walk, and
refusing to move on when an officer was arresting a drunken man.
Reverend Dr. Carruthers is rapidly recovering.
There was a good attendance at Miss Marsh's benefit, Friday evening, and
the comedy of "School for Scandal," was finely presented, Miss Marsh making
an excellent Lady Teazle.
The bequest of $2,000 made by the late C. W. Cahoon as a fund to be kept
at interest from 1882 to a century from the present date, and then to endow a
Home for Aged Men, if placed so that compound interest be regularly realized
upon it, will amount to about half a million dollars.
John G. Whittier is spending a few days with friends in the city.
From the press of Stephen Berry we have a convenient little pamphlet
containing the official Register for the several counties of the State, for the
year 1877 prepared by Fred J. Littlefield, Clerk of Courts.
Sunday, February 8, 2015
In this city, May 5th, Mrs. Phebe L., widow of Levis W. Morrill, aged 67 years,
2 months.
In this city, May 6, Mrs. Keziah, wife of Oren Allen, aged 68 years, 6 months
In this city, May 2nd, Walter Pickering, son of R. D. and N E. Bean, aged 17
years, 2 months.
In this city, May 3rd, Sarah R., wife of Edmund Cole, aged 65 years.
In this city, May 4th, Fred O., only son of Walter S. and Annie E. Pennnell,
aged 7 months.
In this city, May 4th, at the Maine General Hospital, Alfred V., only child of
Lemuel S. and H. M. Roberts of Cape Elizabeth, aged 21 years, 3 days.
In this city, May 8th, Mary E. Haggett, aged 32 years.
In this city, May 5th, Horatio W. Batchelder, aged 21 years, 5 months.
Ferry Village, May 8th, George H. B., son of George F. and Mariam L. Henley.
Limerick, April 28th, Emma, only daughter of George and Hattie E. Richardson,
aged 3 years, 13 days.
Bath, April 26th (?) , Julia Downey, aged 40 years, 8 months.
South Windham, April 6th, Jesse Cloudman Shaw, aged 8 years, only son of
Louisa A. and Daniel Shaw.
Visalia City, California, April 9th, of consumption, Mr. Fred L. Moore, a
graduate of Maine State College, Class of 1873, aged 23 years.
Lawrence, Mass., May 1st, Maurice F. Dearborn, Jr., aged 17 years, aged
2 months. (Press and Argus please copy.)
Bath, April 20th, Henry C. Donnell, aged 12 years.
Brunswick, April 30th, Lucy A., wife of America B. Coombs, aged 62 years.
Dorchester, Mass., May 1st., Captain Albert H. Stevens,, formerly of Portland,
aged 77 years.
Wakefield, Mass., April 8th (?) Captain Abram M. Savage, aged 71 years,
formerly of North Bridgton.
Greenville, April 22nd, Martha Harrington, aged 16 years.
Rockland, April 26th, Sadie E. Fleming, aged 17 years, 10 months.
Somerset Mills, April 21st, Selden Witham, aged 43 years.
New Sharon, April 25th, Sadie E. Fleming, and 17 years, 10 months.
Casco, 25th, Jordan Cook, aged 41 years.
Berwick, April 29th, Sarah A. Hurd, aged 34 years, and 6 months. May 1st.,
Charles W. Guptill, aged 18 years and 9 months.
Skowhegan, May 1st., Jane M. Wildes, wife of Colonel A. W. Wildes, aged
56 years.
Cutler, April 23, Hillery Drew, aged about 73 years.
Brooksville, April 29th, Francis Redman, aged 72 years.
Kennebunkport, Joseph Brown, aged about 72.
Belgrade, April 27th, Deacon John Tibbetts, aged 67 years, 3 months.
Hanover, April 29th, Charles R. Abbott, aged 47.
Sidney, April 2th, Joseph H. Scates, formerly of Waterville, aged 67 (?.)
Windham, April, Jesse C., son of D. B and L. A. Shaw, aged 8 years, 19 days.
Saco, May 5th (?) Clara, daughter of Joseph M. and Eliza B. Grant, aged 12 years.
Friday, February 6, 2015
Rockland, April 27th, to the wife of Captain Anthony Greeley, a daughter.
Hurricane Island, April 29th, to the wife of James Robinson, a son.
West's Mills, April 23rd, to the wife of J. L. Coughlin, a son.
Freeman, April 21st, to the wife of Albert Knowles, twin sons.
In this city, May 1st, by Rev. C. J. Clark, Charles H. Douglas, of Gatesville,
Wisconsin, and Millissa C. Williamson of New York City.
In this city, April 29th, by S. L. Carlton, Esq., Washington Babson and Mrs.
Helen M. Dale.
In this city, May 1st, by Rev. T. N. Lord, assisted by Rev. Mr. Lord, Mr.
George S. Swasey, of Westminster and Emily O'Brion, of Portland.
Raymond, April 24th, by F. H. Witham, Esq., Winfield S.Estes and Mary
A. Eveleth, both of New Gloucester.
Boston, April 25th, by Llewellyn M. Marr and Isabella B. Shapleigh, both
of Boston.
Gorham, April 29th, Winfield S. Libby and Isora Hamlin, both of Gorham.
Augusta, April 25th, E. F. McKinney and Catherine M. McNally.
North Vassalboro, April 25th, Will A. Morey, of Morrill, and Clara W. Wyman,
of North Vassalboro.
Bridgton, April 29th, R. Prince Waldron and Emma I. Leavitt.
Naples, Me., April 22nd, Madison Clark of Naples and Addie Adams of
North Harrison.
Brunswich, April 25th, Walter S. Merryman and Mrs. Nancy L. McManus.
Topham, April 24th, W. W. Thomas of Farmington, and Emma F. Malleth,
of Topham.
Strong, April 28th, Charles E. Whitney and Julia Burbank, both of Freeman.
Biddeford, May 1st, William Armstrong and Sarah E. Skillings, both of
Tremont, April 26th, Benjamin Gilley and Lizzie Harmon, both of Tremont.
Skowhegan, April 26th, by Rev. O. J. Hancock, Charles N. Maxwell, at
Winthrop, and Pamelia A. Jewett, of Skowhegan.
Freeport, April 26 John C. Dennison and Lucy M. Joselyn.
Gardiner, April 24th, George Thomas of Lewiston, and Clara E. Donnall,
of Bowdoinham.
Dover, Me., April 28th, Henry A. Fogg and Mrs. Martha A. Stackpole.
Rockland, April 28th, Frederick Blackington and Lizzie F. Brown.
Warren, April 24th, William H. Harrison and Mary M. Cummings.
South Norridgewock, April 24th, Robert Hussey and Mrs. Esther Adams.
Rockland, April 28th, H. M. Brown and Nellie Blood, both of Rockland.
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Honorable Elisha Allen, Minister Plenipotentiary from the Sandwich Islands,
(Hawaii,) is visiting his friends at Bangor.
The Maine Teachers' Association, met at Bangor last week, and about 200
teachers, from all parts of the State were in attendance. Superintendent Corthell
read a paper on "Methods of Teaching Reading." He thought the phonic method
would save a year's study. Only classic English should be read, and he did not
approve of using histories or works of science as reading books. Dramatic
elocution he did not think fit for the common schools. Professor C. C. Rounds
of Farmington read a paper on "Teaching this English Language," in which
he expressed the opinion that technical grammar should be deferred to a late
stage in the course. Messrs. Rounds, Corthell and Robertson of Augusta, were
appointed to prepare, and print a course of instruction in accordance with the
views of Mr. Rounds.
J. M. Hager, of Richmond, the well-known ship builder, who was very
severely injured by a fall at Philadelphia, some time ago, has so far recovered
as to walk about the street without a cane.
Quite a revival is in the progress at Phipsburg in Rev. Mr. Lovering's
parish. Messers. Ufford and Roberts of the Portland, Y. M. C.A. have been
laboring with grand success in this field.
E. F. Tukey and John Littlefield have bought out the old original S. S. Putnam
Curtain Fixture Co., of Boston, and will remove the machinery from Boston to
their new shop in Fairfield, where the Chronicle says, they will at once begin work
on an extensive scale. Mr. Putnam began the manufacture of these fixtures in
Fairfield over 20 years ago, and has made a fortune by their manufacture and sale.
Mr. Littlefield has been his foreman 15 years.
C. Davis Miller is Nominate Postmaster at Skowhegan.
The wife of Colonel A. W. Wildes, of Skowhegan, died suddenly last week.
She had suffer from asthma, and procured some stamonium by advice of a nurse,
and steeping it partook quite freely. She died in a short time, and some suppose it
was from the medicine. Her physician think her heart had become affected by
disease and this caused her death.
A salmon weighing 33 1/2 lbs., was lately caught in the Penobscot, to which
was attached a metallic tag numbered "1019" showing that it had been caught three
or four years ago and liberated at the Bucksport breeding works by Mr. Atkins.
An interesting case was tried at Belfast recently. The heirs of Robert Elwell
claimed that a deed of land in Northport purporting to be give by him in 1815, and
upon which all the titles to the land have stood since that date, was a forgery. They
said that Robert Elwell sailed around Cape Horn in 1811 and never returned. They
brought experts to show that his signature was unlike genuine signatures that were
offered. But their whole case was nearly taken out from under them by the
production of a paper folded so as to show only a signature. This signature the
experts said was identical with that on the deed of 1815. It proved to be a genuine
signature of Robert Elwell witnessing a deed of land in Belfast made in 1815. This
of course settled the matter, and the plaintiff consented to a nonsuit.
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
John Hamilton of Winter Harbor, had his eyes and face seriously injured by the
bursting of the breech of a gun he discharged at a hawk. it is feared one eye is
Charles Y. Butler of Eastbrook met with a shocking accident while taking a
harrow from a cart. He fell over backward and the harrow came upon him, one of
the teeth entering his throat, and penetrating to the roots of his tongue. His
recovery is considered doubtful.
The remains of the late Captain Lewis H. Bracey of Cranberry Isles, master of
schooner Helen G. King, of Calais, were brought to Calais April 14th, and buried
with Masonic honors. He was 32 years old, and leaves a widow and four children to
mourn his loss. It is thought he did not die of yellow fever as first reported, but a
billous affection. The second mate at the vessel, Samuel Eye, of Calais, died on
the passage home, but not of fever.
Captain Kimball Bracy, of schooner Carrie H. Spofford, was shot instantly dead
April 12th at Deer Isle, while gunning with a young man, who accidentally
discharged his piece when the muzzle was within a few feet of the back of Captain
Bracy's head. The top of the skull was entirely blown off.
E.W. Brown, of Benton, has corn four inches high, which he hoed April 28th.
Four octogenarians have died at Winthrop recently, Mrs. Wing 80, Mrs.
Hayward 81, Mrs. Perkins 84, and Mrs. Bonney 91.
A daughter of Thomas Emery of Waterville, aged 15, went Maying, sat down
on the damp ground to rest, and took a cold which resulted in a fever, which
caused her death.
It was Senator Hamlin's son who took first prize for declamation at Colby,
last week.
Waterville was stirred by a search for a lost child, a little daughter of Mr. A. W.
Nye, on Wednesday night of last week. The alarm bells were rung, and the citizens
organized a through search. At midnight the signal bell announced that the child was
found. She was in the attic of the Continental House, fastened there by a broken
latch. She had been playing there with other children, and the door was shut after
the rest had passed through. The crowds in the street when assured of her safety,
called for "Daisy," and the Mall says she went upon the balcony and accepted
three rousing cheers. Next day the photograph of this modern Ginevra was
at a premium on Main Street.
A little boy name Charles Brown was fatally injured at South China, Me., the
other day, in a jumping match with some of his schoolmates.
A little girl named Witham was scalded to death at Rockland last week.
The Wiscasset steam mill of Haynes and Sturgis saw from 55,000 to 58,000
of long lumber per day, and load it on ships from England. They were filling
an order for 100,000 boards, 4 1/2 feet long of any width from four inches
upwards. They are used for sheathing passages in mines.
Daniel Davis, of Somerville, is in the hundredth of his age, and takes care
of his cow, his fowls, saws wood, and does other chores.
General Hodgkins, who it was thought had been assaulted at Bristol, and
thrown off the bridge, recovered consciousness for a moment Wednesday
night and said that in crossing the bridge he turned to the right and fell
accidentally. There is little hope of his recovery.
There are 3,000 water powers in Maine, one half of which are improved.
Since the Republican party came into power in this State in 1856, Bangor has
furnished a Governor, Augusta six times and Lewiston twice.
Sixty-six towns in Maine are to celebrate the day made glorious by the fathers
of '76.
The Lewiston Journal has been compiling divorce statistics. From them we
learn that 512 divorces were granted in Maine the past year. Cumberland County,
from its greater population head the hideous galaxy-73. Knox County comes
next, having more than its share in the number of 63 legal separations while
Lincoln is the happiest county of all, having had only six of these cases.
Patents have been issued to Edward B. Allen, Portland, nail assorting machine;
Charles R. Darling and H. Free, Lewiston, tobacco pipe; Charles F. Tebbetts,
assignor to Tebbetts Rolled Forging and Machine Co., Kittery, machine for
rolling metal forms.
Fires In Maine.-House of John Palmer, Topsfield. Caused by the explosion
of a kerosene lamp-House of William M. Hall, on the Sabatis Road, Lewiston-
Farm building belonging to Charles Chase, East Atkinson. All the farm tools
were burned, and nearly all the household goods-Farm buildings of Joseph Gillin
on East Ridge Mars Hill. Partially insured.
Schooner Reno, Colbeth (master) from Machias for New York, put into
Vineyard Haven, 25th inst., having broke wind-lass on Nantucket Shoals.
Chatham, Mass., June 26th-Schooner Andrew Adams went ashore on
Pollock Rip, bit was floated by steam tub Confidence and proceeded North
3 p. m., apparently uninjured.
New York, June 27th-Schooner I. H. Wainwright, Phillips (master) from
Elizabethport for Portland, sprung a least of 500 strokes per hour yesterday
and put into City Island to repair. She proceeds to her port of destination today..
Vineyard Haven, June 26th.-Schooner Reno has had her wind lass repaired
here and is nor ready to proceed. The hull of the Charter Oak has been reported
sunk at the head of the harbor, has been raised. She was launched off the marine
railway today and will be towed to Wiscasset, where she will be converted into
a barge.
Rockland, June 29th-Schooner Fairy Forest of Portland before reported at
Seal Harbor with cargo of lime on fire, has discharged cargo and arrived here
for repairs.
Schooner Mary Jane, Carl (master) from Bangor for Rondout arrived at
Salem 28th inst., waterlogged-Reports at 4 a. m. Thursday, 30 miles off Cape
Ann, lost deck load of barrel shanks sprung a leak and filled.
St. John, New Brunswick, June 27th.-The hull of schooner John Bird,ashore
at Mispeck Point was sold today for $40. The tackle, sails, running and standing
gear, anchors, chains, masts, spars &c., were sold in lots and realized about
Ship McNear, Dickinson (master) from Baltimore April 20th for San Francisco
put into Rio Janeiro with steering gear disabled.
Ship Syren, Merryman (master) from Baltimore April 13th, for San Francisco,
has put in here leaky.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Our valued contributor, Mrs. Frances L. Mace, arrived in Bangor from
California last Friday, and will remain in that city and vicinity until September.
The Bangor Commercial says that the farmers in the up-river towns say they
will not allow the game laws to interfere with their crops. Last year Mr. Weld
of Olamon, had his field of vegetables destroyed by the deer entering and feeding
on the tender tops shortly after appearing from mother earth. This year a fine crop
of pears and strawberry vines have proved too strong a attraction for the deer to
resist. Those who think that game is not on the increase in Maine should take
particular notice of this incident.
Bela Parker of Orono, sixty-three years old, dropped dead on the steamer
Katahdin from Boston to Bangor, Saturday night. Heart disease was the cause.
An Indian boy named Lyon, while swimming in the river at Oldtown, Sunday
week, was drowned. He was an expert swimmer, but was probably taken by a
cramp. Another Indian boy named George Francoway dropped dead Tuesday
while playing ball. Heart disease was the cause.
Orrington, the oldest town in Penobscot County celebrated the Centennial
of its incorporation on the 28th of June. An immense crowd was present, including
Mrs. Ryder, the oldest woman in this town, if not in New England, aged 104 years
and 6 months. A historical address by Col. J.W.Porter, an address by Honorable
Hannibal Hamlin, of Bangor, and an oration by Rev. Mark Trafton, D. D., of
were listened to with close attention as were the poems by Miss. H.G. Rowe,
of Bangor, and Miss Rebecca R. Pierce of Orrington, and historical sketches
of early families by various gentlemen. Orrington sent 242 men to put down the
rebellion, one half of the number liable to service, and one-eighth of the entire
population. No liquor has been sold in the town for 58 years.
A sad accident occurred on Saturday week a short distance above West
Greenville at Camp #2. One man was thrown a hundred feet by a blast into the
water and instantly killed. His companion received severe injuries about the
head and face. They were both New Brunswick men.
The Manson Slate Co., are starting up the Forest quarry.
For knocking Abram T. Green, of Richmond, down three times by striking
him on the side of the head with a gun barrel, in a dispute about a chicken
killed by Green's dog, Charles H. French settled by payment of $24 rather than
stand a trial.
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