Sunday, February 22, 2015


                                                           MAINE MATTERS
          At the Calais term of the S. J. Court, 12 indictment were reported for deer
     killing. For the offense W. F. Rockwell, Columbia Falls, was fined $40 and costs.
     Joseph Robbins and Thomas Colby, of the same town were each sentenced to two
     years in State prison for forgery, they having plead guilty to in the indictment.
           At Calais last week, the S. J. Court tried the case of the assignees of James
     Pinkerton, a suicide, whose life was insured by Mutual Life of New York. The
     company relied on a clause in the policy in regard to suicide. A verdict was given
     against the company for full amount of policy and interest. The cases goes up
     to fall court.
          Thomas M. Wentworth of Lebanon, recently deceased, left $2,000 to the First
     Congregational Church in Lebanon, West Lebanon Free Will Baptist Society,
     East Lebanon Free Will Baptist Society and Maine Home Missionary Society;
     $5,000 to Bangor Theological Seminary; $1,000 each to Lebanon Academy and
     and to Rev. John Garmon.  
          Weston Willard, son of Horace Willard of Alfred, a brakeman, was killed
     while shackling cars at Springvale on Thursday of last week.  His foot caught
     in a frog (?,)  and he fell under the cars. He was an estimable young man.
          Rev. Andrew Hobson, of Steep Falls a venerable Free Baptist clergyman,
    died last week, aged 82.
          Mrs. Cyrus Means, of Old Orchard, recently found that the rays of the sun
     passing through an ordinary stereoscope had set fire to a newspaper and her
    knitting  work, and but for timely discovery might have destroyed the house.
          J. T. Osgood & Co., have published a novel entitled "Deep Haven," written
    by Miss Sarah O. Jewett, of North Berwick.
          Mrs. Salome, wife of David Mudgett of North Parsonfield, died  last week.
     They had been married 50 years, had five children and this is the first death
    that has ever occurred in the family. there has been one death each in the third
    and fourth generations. Dr. Simon Mudgett of Dexter is the oldest son.
          It is at Wells Branch, (not at Wells Beach, as stated last week) that C..H.
     Clark is keeping account of the profit of his hens. In April his 66 Brown
     Leghorns lad 99 dozen eggs. He considers them the most profitable of
     anything that can be kept  for the capital used.


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