Wednesday, February 11, 2015


                                                             CITY ITEMS
                                                         Glances about Time
          The Advertiser learns that the late Charles W. Cahoon let $1,000 each to the
     Portland Benevolent and Widow's Wood Societies, and $2,000 to a Home for Aged
     men, yet to established; the money is to be set aside in 1882 and principal and
     interest to be paid over in one hundred years to from date.
          Mr. Higgins, of Bangor gave his fourteen year old boy $130.00 to pay a debt
    with, but instead of doing so the boy took a companion and came to the city to
     have a good time; his father followed him and the police found him on board the
    Boston steamer with all the money except $33.00, which he had spent.
          The Portland Yacht Club has chosen J. P. Thomas Commodore for the ensuing
     year; the fleet numbers twenty-five sails and will start on the annual cruise on
     Monday, the 28th inst.; the annual regatta for the challenge cup will come off
     Friday, June 1st, starting at ten o'clock.
          Alfred B. Roberts, of Cape Elizabeth, switchman on the Boston & Maine, was
     knocked from the top of a freight car in going under High Street bridge, on
     Wednesday week, and his arm was so badly broken that it was necessary to
     amputate it, and he died soon after the operation.
          The employees of the Custom House visited the residence of ex-Collector
     Washburn on Thursday evening of last week, and presented him with a fine
     marine view, and Mrs. Washburn with the "Poets and Poetry of Scotland," in
     two volumes; Mr. Washburn responded appropriately in behalf of himself and
    wife, and the company were then invited to partake a lunch.
          U. S. Shipping Commissioner Charles P. Knapp was fined five dollars and
     costs in the Municipal Court on Friday week, for obstructing the side walk, and
     refusing to move on when an officer was arresting a drunken man.
          Reverend Dr. Carruthers is rapidly recovering.
          There was a good attendance at Miss Marsh's benefit, Friday evening, and
     the comedy of "School for Scandal," was finely presented, Miss Marsh making
     an excellent Lady Teazle.
          The bequest of $2,000 made by the late C. W. Cahoon as a fund to be kept
     at interest from 1882 to a century from the present date, and then to endow a
     Home for Aged Men, if placed so that compound interest be regularly realized
     upon it, will amount to about half a million dollars.
          John G. Whittier is spending a few days with friends in the city.
          From the press of Stephen Berry we have a convenient little pamphlet
     containing the official Register for the several counties of the State, for the
     year 1877 prepared by Fred J. Littlefield, Clerk of Courts.

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