Sunday, February 7, 2016


                                                            MATTER IN MAINE
          We are very glad to welcome the advent of the first number of Mr. Shorey's new
     paper, the Bridgton Weekly News. It deserves and should have the patronage of all those
     towns in Cumberland Oxford counties which find a common center in Bridgton. It should
     be a point of honor with the business men of the vicinity to keep  the News supplied with
     their advertisements and job printing. The same remark applies to all the towns where
     presses are established; it is of very great importance to very village to have a well supported
     paper published in it, for it gives a name and reputation aboard that could otherwise be
          Rev. Dr. Adams explains in a very humorous note to the editor of the Brunswick
     Telegraph, just how he was robbed at Fall River, on his way to New Jersey. He was jostled
      by three or four young gentlemen, as he was getting out of the car. They pretended to be
      very anxious to find a valise they had left in the car and pushed him backward and forwards
      in their pretended search for it. But they got a mere trifle for their pains and the good doctor
      chuckles over his good fortune in putting his money into the safe keeping of "a lady who
      sometime travels with him."
          Horace M. Jordan, Esq., of Westbrook, has purchased the interest of Mr. Pillsbury in
     the Maine Standard, and  assumes control of the paper. Mr. Jordan is a young man well
     fitted by his literary tastes, and also by a considerable experience upon the Argus and
     other papers to take the place so  ably filled by his predecessor.
          A. P. Merrill, a Maine man, lately saved the life of a young land who fell into the
     Mississippi from a ferry boat at Rock Island, leaping into the river at great personal risk.
     Our correspondent says that he is now "a  favorite member of the grateful family."
          Chief Justice Appleton has denied the petition for an injunction to restrain the
     Maine Central for a change of gauge, on the ground that the Company has the right to
     do it, and that it will not  injure the property.     
          Harding Snow, of Hampden, accidentally shot himself in the bowels last week, a
     serious and it is feared a fatal wound. He carried a small pistol in his breast pocket
     which was discharged by his attempting to save himself from falling as he slipped on
     the steps of a store. P. S. He died on Saturday last.
          William P. Frye, the newly elected member of Congress, for the 2nd district, is the
     oldest son of Honorable John M. Frey, who has been for years agent for the Lewiston
     Falls Manufacturing Company. He is 30 years of age, a Bowdoin graduate of the Class
    of 1850, and one of the ablest and most successful lawyers and the most popular speaker
    in the state.
           Andrew Waterhouse, a lame man, who has been begging money to procure a wooden
     leg, committed suicide with poison at Biddeford, on the 9th.
           The "Collin's farm" on the Presque Isle road, one of the best farms in Aroostook,
      has been sold to E. S. F. Nickerson, for $10,000.
          Daniel Stickney, of the Sunrise, is returned to the legislature from Presque Isle.
          Daniel Herring, of Augusta, had his hand cut off in a cylinder planer, last week.
          Mr. Wedgewood replies sharply to the charges of Mr. Baker, his associate on the
     commission for the revision of the Statutes, not denying that his part of the work was
     carelessly done, but calling attention to Mr. Baker's report to the legislature that the
     work was faithfully performed.


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