Sunday, March 24, 2013



          In Gardiner, widow Sarah Heath, aged 75, formerly of Plaistow, N. H.
          In Wiscassett, Mrs. Susan Churchill, aged 75.
          In Lincolnville, Mrs. Mary Matthews, aged  68.
          In Bowdoinham, Mr. William Booker, aged 65.
          In Thomaston, Jacob, son of Captain Jonathan Crocket, aged 12 years-Miss
          Laurania Rider, aged 18.
          In Augusta on Sunday morning last, Mr. ISAAC PLUMER, aged 23 years.
          His death was occasioned by a fall from the United States Arsenal, now erecting
          in that place,  He was for several years a resident in this town, during which time he
          much respected for industrious and sober habits.  He has left a wife, (to whom he
          had been married but a few months) and numerous friends and acquaintances to
          mourn his early exit.  Kennebunk Gazette

          In the death of Mrs. Maria Peaks, wife of Mr. Benjamin H. Peaks, of Fairfield,
          (whose death was mentioned in out last,) a husband is bereft of a kind and a
          affectionate companion, a young family of a faithful and affectionate mother,
          and the neighborhood in which she lived, of a well tried friend and good
          neighbor. In regard to Mrs. Peaks religion, she was not a stranger to God, for
          for in the days of her youth she remember her Creator and espoused the
          cause of the Redeemer. At the age of 14 she joined a Calvinistic Baptist
          church, and manifested the Christian spirit in her life and conversation.
          In mature life, after reflection more deliberately on the inconsistency of the
          principals she had embraced, and contrasting them with the immutable
          character of God, and his sacred revelation to man, she was led to embrace
          more liberal views of the Christian religion, which removed from her mind a
          great  source of painful anxiety for the future welfare of her fellow beings; and
          often has she been heard to say-the more confirmed she felt in the doctrine of
          universal love, the more happy and resigned she was.  Though confined by a
          lingering illness more than a year, yet she bore it with Christian patience .  Her
          affection for her little ones  strong to death, were   not only under the protection
          of a kind earthly father, but more particularly in the hands of an Almighty and
          enteral Father, whose protection would never fail them. Her last expiring whisper
          to her husband was-"Mourn not for me, for we part only to meet again with all our
         friends in the mansions of eternal rest. (Communicated)

          Suicide. John W. Mellen, Esq., formerly practicing attorney in this state, attempted
          suicide at New York last week by cutting his throat; but he was arrested in his
         design  and the flow of blood was stopped.  Subsequently he drank off a vial of aqua
         fortis and expired in a few hours afterwards.  He was the late cashier of the Dover,
         New Hampshire bank.  He was graduated at Harvard University, and always
         sustained a high character  for integrity.

        A New Mode of Fishing.   Mr. Arno Buttues of Augusta, Me., observing a Salmon
       swimming near the shore on Monday last, laid hand of the first fishing apparatus that
       came in his way, which happened to be a common roasting spit, and when the
       opportunity presented itself, plunged the spit through the fish, and took it out of the
       water.  it weighted 19 2/4 pounds.



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