Friday, March 22, 2013

Portland Transcript, December 18.1869


            In this city, December 7th, by Rev. A. Dalton assisted by Rev. J. Pratt. D. D.,
            Rev. D. A.  Easton, of Danbury, Connecticut and Miss Margaret Ellen, youngest
            daughter of T. Corser, E. Esq., both of Portland.
            In this city, December 8th, by Rev. W. H. Fenn, T. Coleman Allen and Helen
            Bailey, both of Portland.
           In this city, December 7th, Rev. Charles A. Hayden and Carrier Ormsby, both
           of Farmington.
           In this city, December 7th, Hiram S. Libby and Jennie E. Moody, both of
           In this city, December 9th, Charles F. Libby, and Alice Bradbury.
           In this city, November 18th, at the residence of the bride's father, No. 241 Congress
           Street, by Rev. Mr. Root, John S. Green and Mary F. J. Colburn.
           In this city, December 5th,  by J. W. Edwards, Esq., Thomas G. Kimball of
           Albany, and Margaret Good, of Portland.
          In Saccarappa, December 12th, by Rev. H. J. Bradbury, Isaiah D. Leighton, of
          Falmouth, and Abbie M. Bodge of Windham.
          In Westbrook, November 11th, by Rev. George A. Tewsbury, John M. Jordan
          and Mrs. Frannie Jordan, both of Westbrook.
          In Standish, November 2nd, William Thompson and Miss Maria Dow,
          both of Portland.
          In  North Bridgton, y Rev. E. F. Borchers, William Carsley of Harrison, and
          M. Augusta Smith, of New Brunswick.
          In Wiscassett, December 7th, by Rev. John N. Marsh, A. P. Thompson, of
          Minneapolis, Minnesota and Rose Alley  of Wiscassett.
          In Wells,  December 5th, by Rev. J. W. Sawyer, George N. Dockam and
          Mary E. Furbish, both of Wells.
          In this city, December 8th, M. E. Black, aged 13.
          In this city, December 7th, William Causer, aged 40.
          In this city, December 9th, Miss Ann Davis.
          In this city, December 7th, Mrs. Jane Elizabeth Doyle, 25.
          In this city, December 12th, Mrs. Eliza P. Sweester, aged 65.
          In this city, December 13th, James H. Westwood.  Funeral l Wednesday, P.M.
          1 o'clock from No. 33 St. John Street. Friend are invited.
          In this city, December 11th, Mrs. Emily Emery, formerly of Halifax, N. S.,
          aged 82.
          In New Durham, New Hampshire, December 5th, Cassie M., daughter of
          Eli P. and Sarah L. Watkins, aged 1 year 29 days.
          In Chelsea, Massachusetts, December 12th, of quick consumption, Mrs.
          Jennie P., wife of William M. Libbey, formerly of Portland  and daughter   
          of Deacon R. Rideout of Cumberland Center, 38 years, 4 months.  Funeral
          Thursday 2 o'clock from her father's residence.
          In Winthrop, December 9th, Benjamin J. Robbins, aged 80 years, 8 months.
          In Denmark, Me., September 19th, Mrs. Priscilla, wife of Cyrus Ingalis, aged
          years, 9 months, 8 days. [Wisconsin paper please copy]
          In Palemo, Me., Samuel H. Worthing, Esq., aged 74 years.
          In Hingham, Massachusetts, November 27th, Mrs. Bertha Hobart, 80 years.


          Sloop Stephen Orr, Capt. Harriman, of Cape Elizabeth , loaded with stone
          and run into during the storm of Monday last in Seal Harbor. No lives lost.

          Miss Ada Penley of Biddeford, caught her hand in some machinery in one
         of the mills, crushing two fingers of the right hand severely.  

          A  little daughter of Isaac Martin, of Kittery, six years old, was burned to
         death the other day by her clothes catching at a fire her little brother had made
         in the woods near their home.

         The cooper shop of the Paris Flouring Co., South Paris was burned, loss
         $800 to $1000. C. H. Durell and Col. R. Parson lost valuable sleighs which
         were in the paint shop.

          Edgar Emery and James Avery have been sent to jail to await trial for
          breaking into and robbing the store of Mr. Lougee, on Factory Street,
          Saco, of about $1000 worth of property on Thursday week.

          Mr. William Wagner of Rockland, on Thursday week, was knocked down
          and robbed of seventeen dollars while on his way to visit his daughter.

          Seth Kelly was instantly killed on Tuesday week by the bursting of a large
          grindstone, in Hubbard, Blake & Co.'s scythe shop at West Waterville.  He
          leaves a wife and one child.
          Mr. James Roger of Bath, had his right hand badly crushed, by being caught
         between the body and the tongue of his cart.

         Mr. I. P. Longfellow of Machias narrowly escaped drowning a few day since
         while skating.

          E.  Harlow of Canton, slaughtered a pig six months old, which weighed
         278 1/2 lbs.




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