Friday, November 14, 2014
The late Rufus Dwinel, a wealthy lumber dealer of Bangor, made a very liberal
will, distributing his property among a large number of persons. He must have been
a good Christian for he did not even forget the press, leaving $1,000 each to Messrs.
Wheeler & Lynde of the Whig. We congratulate our brothers on their good fortune,
and the more so because it is well deserved. Mr. Dwinel left large sums in trust to be
used for charitable purposes.
Captain George Wentworth, of Orrington, master of schooner Maud Webster, has
been arrested at Bangor on a charge of committing a rape on the high seas on the
person of a young girl less than fourteen years old, who was a passenger on his vessel
from Orrington to New York. The evidence is said to be strong against him. He is over
fifty years of age.
That vicious horse that cost Mr. Batchelder, of Cape Elizabeth his arm, ran away
with him on Thursday week, and threw him out, together with a son of Mr. Maxwell,
who was badly cut on the head. Isn't it time that reprieve expired and sentences of
death was executed?
At the session of the Probate Court held at Alfred last week, Judge Bourne was some-
what embarrassed by the appearance of two women, each asserting rights as the
widow of Luther Manson, late of Kittery, and claiming dower and allowances out of
his estate.
Miss Martha Jellison, of Ellsworth, has been an active teacher for fifty-five years.
She has had for her pupils nearly all the public men in the city. She is still engaged in
teaching, and is now seventy-two years old.
A son of Samuel A. Hubbard, Esq., of North Berwick while out in the pasture after
cows, was knocked down by a vicious ram, and has his arm broken, beside being severely
hurt about his head and face.
Andrew Hoffes fell from the quarter rail of Mr. O'Brien's new ship at Thomaston,
on Monday week and was killed. This is the third man killed by falling from this
ship since she was begun.
Charles Martin, of Oldtown, undertaking to go through his house in the dark, on
Sunday week, fell down the cellar stairs, fracturing his skull so as to cause instant
Calais has lost one her oldest and best citizens in the death of Honorable George
Downes, formerly Mayor of the city. He was in the 70th year of his age.
Mr. Eli Hanson of Cherryfield, lost his barn with eighty tons of hay, through
the explosion of the kerosene lamp in his lantern. Insure for $2,500.
Rev. G. W. Bicknell, pastor of the Universalist Church at Skowhegan has
received a call to Portsmouth, N.H., at a salary of $1,500.
The Waterville Mail denies that the loss of the village by the late storm was
anything like $100,000. General Smith's actual lost was $2,500 and that by the
bridge $10,000 to &12,000.
In Bath, a little child of Mr. J. F. Stinson was burned to death on Wednesday.
The Rockland Gazette say the community was shocked last week by tidings of
by the sudden death of Mr. A. H. Kimball immediately after attending a wedding
that morning. Her husband died in a like manner three years ago, just after returning
from a evening party.
The Machias Union says Mr. Gardiner, ninety-nine years old took dinner recently
at his son-in-laws, J. P.. Elsmore, Johnsonville, East Machias with three generation of
his children, representative of four generation at one table, the oldest not 3 score ten.
Mr. C. O'Brien, the popular conductor on the Portland & Rochester Railroad, was
presented with a beautiful badge, by stage drives and employees of the road. Mr.
O'Brien's geniality cause him to be a general favorite.
Mrs. Elizabeth Starbird has been appointed Postmistress at Hampden, in place
of Samuel Phipps, Esq. William A. Merrill was appointed Postmaster at Belmont,
vice Charles Potttle resigned.
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