Friday, November 7, 2014


                                                         CITY ITEMS
                                                   Glances about Town

               Mr. G. W. Arnold of Saco, requests us to correct the statement made in our
     last as to the assault upon robbery of Mr. John M. Harding, of that city. Nothing of
     kind of happened. Mr. Harding was drunk. He abandoned his horse, leaving him
     hitched to a tree for three days and the animal died soon after being found by some
          On Thursday night of last week says the Argus, some one entered the sleeping room 
     of Mr. Freedom Milliken of Scarboro', and robbed his pants of $50 and Mrs. Milliken's
     pocket of $14. His store was also entered and $14 taken from the drawer.
          The sad news was received by Cuba cable, last week of the death of Matanzas, on
     the 6th ult., of yellow fever, of Captain Joseph B. Woodbury, master of the bark George
     S. Hunt, of this city;  Captain Woodbury was one of  our ablest ship-masters, and his
     sudden death has been received with feelings profound sorrow by a large circle of
     acquaintances; the flags of the shipping in our  harbor were displayed at half mast
     in request to his memory; he leaves a wife and daughter; he held a policy of insurance
     on his life for $6,000.
          Two lewd women, known as Mahala Hamilton and Nell Tucker, went on  a spree  to
     the Brewer House one night last week, in company with two men, and having imbibed
     a good deal of liquor, the women  got into as affray, when Hamilton stabbed Tucker
     several times in the neck and shoulders, inflicting ugly wounds; Hamilton was
     arrested and bound over to the January term of the Superior Court.
          Honorable John Lynch has been elected President of the Portland & Rochester
     Railroad Company, and Thomas Quincy, Esq.,  of Biddeford, Superintendent and
          The Star Match factory on Kennebec Street, was destroyed by fire on Sunday
     morning last, involving a loss of about $20,000 , insured for $10,000; the factory
     just got well started under the management of a private company of three gentlemen,
     Messrs. Manasseh Smith, J. C. Jordan and Thomas E. Twitchell; the building
     was owned by Messrs. W. G. Ray, of New York, and A. W. H. Clapp, of this city;
     it was valued at $6,000 and was not insured; the walls were left standing; Mr. John
     E. Coffin lost $300 worth of tools, all he had left after the great fire in 1866.
           The course of lectures on Egypt and Palestine by Rev. Dr. Bosworth commences
     at Free Street Church, on Wednesday evening, they promise to be highly interesting.

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