Friday, November 15, 2013
Dr. Isaac Chandler who has been in constant practice in Lovell for 45 years, died
April 1st, aged 73 years.
C. B. Cummings & Sons have brought of the farmers of Norway (Maine) and
vicinity during the winter 8000.000 of pine timber. This they will manufacture into
shoe boxes for B. F. Spinney & Co., and other firms.
As Amassa Swift was crossing the railroad to his wood lot in South Paris, he noticed
an approaching train, but had ample time had not one of his horses caught his shoe on a
spike, which threw him down across the track. The other broke the whiffletree and got
away. The horse that was thrown was killed, and the lumber wagon was converted
into kindling wood instantaneously.
Fred P. Hammon, a Paris, Me., boy, who graduates next month from the College of
Physicians and Surgeons in New York City, has recently received a fine hospital
appointment as a surgeon in that city at a salary of $1,250 a years.
Bethel has voted to build a lock-up, and a lot has been purchased of J. B. Chapman
near Rialto Hall.
Mrs. Rebecca, widow of the late William Boston of Hiram, died March 25, aged
81 years. She was a pensioner of the War of 1812.
A singular accident happened to a fine cow belonging to C. H. Gammon of East
Sumner. Her tongue got caught under a manger board and about two inches of it was
pulled off. The board was hung on hinges and made the effectual trap that held until
the tongue broke off.
Llewellyn G. Estes of North Carolina, who has been appointed superintendent of
railway mail service, is a native of Old Town. He went to the war as a Private in the
1st Maine Cavalry, and came out as a Brigadier-General brevet.
Hosea Ham of Corinth, has an iron pot which was brought to this county in the
Mayflower. It was used as a cooking pot in some of the campaigns of Miles Standish
against the Indians.
Rufus Stevens, a farmer near Bangor, fell under a hayrack and was run over
breaking his right leg badly on Thursday.
The Methodist society of Old Town has received papers transferring to it a fine
parsonage valued at $2,5000, a gift from Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Perry of Lewiston,
former residents of Old Town.
Sarah Gerry, aged 72 Stillwater, while alone in her house Friday morning was
burned to death by her clothes taking fire.
The contract for the building the new hotel at West Cove, Moosehead Lake,
had been awarded to Mr. Charles B. Brown of Bangor, and he will soon commence
upon the structure.
Governor Burleigh has nominated Joseph D. Brown of Foxcroft for Judge of
of the Dover Municipal Court established by the last legislature.
Thursday afternoon William Lynch , a smelter at the Bath Iron Works, having
filled his mould tapped the bottom of his furnace to let out the slag and residue. The
ground was wet from a leaky roof and an explosion followed. Lynch was severely
burned on the back and limbs, while John Hanscome, a moulder near by was struck
by flying iron.
Wednesday Dr. A. R. Gilmore had occasion to examine the teeth of a Bath
gentleman, aged 76 years of age. The sets were complete, and not a cavity could be
found. It is safe to say that the parallels to the case are very rare.
The Governor re-nominated J. G. Richardson, of Bath and David R. Wylie, of
West Bath, trustees of the Bath Military and Naval Orphan Asylum. A special
meeting of the council will be called for next week to confirm the nomination.
The Board of Health in Madison and Anson have posted notices advising no
public gatherings until the scarlet fever is abated. As a result schools, prayer
meetings and church services have been discontinued for the present.
Colonel Edward Rowe of Norridgewock, formerly a prominent business man,
died Thursday night after a long illness, age 86.
Dr. J. A. Pierce, of Stockton is somewhat noted for being absent minded. A short
time since his wife requested him to draw a pail of water. It was quite late in the
evening and the disciple of Esculapius took a pail in hand and lighted a lantern in the
other and started for the well. A hook and pole was used in the absence of a pump.
The doctor carefully fastened the lantern to the pole and lowered it into the well,
completely submerging and extinguishing the light. It was only when the lantern was
drawn to the surface that the mistake was discovered.
The Windsor Hotel of Belfast was sold Saturday morning to Mr. Isreal Cox, of
Belfast. The building is to be extensively re-fitted and run in a first class manner by
the present landlord, William G. Cox.
The Winter Harbor Investment and Improvement Company have recently
purchased a piece of land of Captain T. R. Hammond at that village, and will build
a business block 40 by 60 feet.
A number of deer have been kept in captivity in Washington County during the
past few years, and it has been held by some that keeping deer alive was not a
violation of the law. Commissioner Stilwell is of a different opinion, and has sent
a warden to Orland and compelled parties-Mr. Silver and others-to set deer in their
possession at liberty.
The construction of the three-masted schooner to be built by Honorable A. M.
Nash of Harrington, and others has begun under the direction of Master Carpenter
D. W. Downing of Calais. F. W. Cooper & Co., and Captain Albert Brown in the
Machias district are build a schooner of 300 tons at East Machias. At Machias John
Shaw will build a vessel of some 600 tons . There are to be several others built in
the western part of that district.
H. F. Wilder, proprietor of the Eastport Messenger, disappeared last November.
His hat and a small boat in which he had gone to Lubec was found, the boat bottom
up, and he was given up by his wife and friends as drowned. Last week his wife received
a letter from him at Pawtucket, Rhode Island. He says the last thing he remembers is
standing on the beach at Lubec. After that his mind is blank till he found himself in the
woods near Pawtucket, ragged, poor; watch and money gone. At the time of his
disappearance he was worn out by overwork on the paper and sickness in his family.
These cares with the loss of sleep, probably unsettled his mind. No trace of him can
be found in Pawtucket.
An ex-Catholic clergyman who is now associated with Father O'Connor of New
York has been secured to take charge of the new church of reformed Catholics in
Biddeford. He will begin his labors there the first of May.
Constable Frank McKenney of South Waterboro, has brought suit against Officer
John Akerly of Biddeford, for false imprisonment. McKenney was arrested for
drunkenness but at his trial at the police court he pleaded not guilt and appealed.
Rev. Dana Tappan , now 91 years of age, formerly pastor of the Congregational
Church in Alfred, and well known in the state, still retains his mental and physical
powers to a remarkable degree. He now resides in Topsfield, Mass., where he has
conducted weekly meetings during the past winter, and walked to Boxford, three and
a half miles, on several Sundays and officiated at church services.
S. B. Emery, Sanford, has been building up an extensive business in manufacturing
mattresses for the past fourteen years. He began the trade, but discovered that by
exchanging the mattresses for furniture and selling the furniture he could make two
profits instead of one, and from that time has been steadily enlarging his operations.
He now handles all the remnants from the Sanford Plush Mills, and employs from six
to ten hands the year round.
Marshal Tarbox returned to Biddeford from Hallowell Friday with Rosanna
Petrin and Albina Garle, two girls who recently ran away from home. They had
gone to work in Hallowell.
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