Wednesday, November 6, 2013
"So learn ye whose vows are plighted,
That hearts are one when united."
In this city 19th inst., by Rev. B. D. Peak, Mr. William H. Collins to Miss
Rosanna Nason, both of Portland.
In Falmouth 20th inst., by Rev. C. Dame, Mr. Daniel B. Swett to Miss
Harriet H. Poole, of Falmouth.
In Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Andrew Sinclair of Wells, to Miss Rhoda
Davis of York; Mr. William Raynes of Kittery, to Miss March A. Sharpe, of York.
In Bangor, Honorable Isaac Reed of Waldoboro' to Miss Lydia Emery, only
daughter of Honorable John McDonald, of Bangor.
In Madison, Wisconsin, Mr. James Richardson of Madison, to Miss Ellen E.,
daughter of Edward Ilsley, Esq., formerly of Eastport.
In Rumford, Dr. Joseph P. Small to Miss Phebe E. Delano, of Milton
In Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Mr. Charles J. Woodis to Miss Lydia Ann
Blaisdell, both of this city.
In Raymond, Mr. Alfred Brown to Miss Mary Ann Hayden.
In Saco, Mr. Charles H. Roberts, of Biddeford to Miss Mary D. Nichols, of
"This is the end of earth."
In this city, 20th inst., Mr. Payson Tucker, of Sanborn, New Hampshire,
aged 69.
21st inst., Mr. Robert Nobel, aged 37
20th inst., Helen Louisa, daughter of Daniel Brown, aged 3 1/2 years.
20st int., Mr. Thomas Bradbury, aged 77.
In Saco, Abigail, daughter of Mr. Richard Berry, 87 years.
In Bangor, Mr. John Brown, aged 90, formerly of New Hampshire, a soldier
of the Revolution.
In Boston, Mr. Charles M. Cushman, formerly of Bethel, aged 25.
In Gorham, Mrs. Abigail, wife of David Elder, 65.
In Paris, Mrs. Hannah Livermore Townsend, daughter of the late Dr. Cyrus
Hamlin, aged 37.
In Hampden, Betsey Jane, daughter of Hiram and Elizabeth Wood, aged
7 months; Elizabeth, wife of Hiram Wood, aged 25 formerly of Saccarappa.
In San Francisco, April 11th, Lydia Elizabeth, wife of Isaac B. Stone, Esq.,
and daughter of David Jenks, of Thomaston, Me.
The body of a boy belonging to Mr. Charles P. Skillings, drowned two months
since, was found Friday afternoon, off Union wharf.
Ship Rodger Stewart.-We mentioned a week or two since that a ship of noble
dimensions built at Brunswick, had been towed up to our harbor. She now lies at
Central wharf, getting ready for sea-and is probably as thoroughly built, handsomely
modeled and staunch a vessel as ever floated. She was built at Brunswick at the yard
of Mr. George Skofield-has a very heavy frame of Maryland white oak, with
planking and fastening of proportional strength. Her decorative finish is likewise of
the highest degree of excellence. Her stern is ornamented with a burst of the person
whom she was named, "Rodger Stewart," and the scroll work is of a bold and
graceful character, somewhat new in style-highly creditable to the carver, Mr.
William Southworth of this city. Her cabin is finished with polished rose wood,
mahogany and satin wood, the work of Mr. Luther llsley of this city. Mr. R. T. D.
Melcher, of Brunswick, was head joiner, Mr. William Cobbett painter.
She is owned by Messrs. George and Alfred Skofield and others-her tonnage is not
far from 1100.
Rev. Mr. Hadley, a minister to the poor of the city, says in a card in the daily
paper that the "Poor's Purse" is empty and my poor purse is nearly so, it having
been drawn upon to the amount of a few dollars within the last fortnight, for the
relief of the sick and suffering. There is now severe sickness and destitution in
several families under my immediate care.
New Bishops.-On Tuesday the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, elected four Bishops, as follows;-Rev. Dr. Scott of Baltimore Conference;
Rev. Dr. Simpson of Ohio Conference; Rev. Dr. Ames of Indiana Conference;
Rev. Dr. Baker of New Hampshire Conference.
At the Democratic Convention in Saco, Honorable W. C. Allen of Alfred was
chosen delegate to the National Convention and George F. Sheply Esq., of this
city, elector.
Sad Accident.-A boat in which three lads were sailing, in New Bedford harbor,
was capsized on Saturday afternoon, and two of the boys, named William
Howland, aged 14 son of Capt. Jonathan Howland, and Tilson Wood, Jr., aged son
of Mr. Tilson Wood, were drowned.
Samuel V. Ames of Hallowell, on the 16th inst., went to the wharf, laid off his
hat and coat, took a kedge anchor in his arms and jumped overboard. He drowned.
Delirum tremens.
Dr. J. Prescott has opened a hydropathie establishment at Augusta.
FIRES. The house and barn of Colonel George E. Richardson, in Hiram, also the
stable of John P. Hubbard, Esq., was destroyed by fire on Friday night last. Insurance
about $500.00-probable loss $1000.
Fire in Bangor.- A stable, and portions of a house owned by Mrs. Merriman and
another owned by Elijah Clement, in Bangor, were burnt on Thursday evening.
Two boys of Mr. Richard Gibbs, and their grandmother, aged 85, were turned to
death in the conflagration of the house in which they were asleep, in Bath, on the
19th inst.,
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