Sunday, March 30, 2014
The Bates commencement week opened last Sunday with Baccalaureate sermon
by acting President Hayes, who took for his text, "We know what we worship." The
college alumni chose Josiah Chase, of Portland, as President Dr. F.E. Sleeper, of
Sabattus, and W. E. C. Rich were elected members of the Board of Overseers.
Solon Chase writes to the Boston Globe that the utterance of Chase's Chronicle in
regard to the State convention did not reflect his ideas, but that the Greenback platform,
as adopted, does reflect them and that it is "practicable, radical and invulnerable."
Last Saturday the corner stone of a new Episcopalian Church was laid by Bishop
Neeley, at Lewiston. The walls are to be of stone and it will be erected this season.
Emigrants are going to Presque Isle is considerable number this season. Building
lots in the village, and no vacant stores are to be found. This owing to the prospect of
the early completion of the railroad to that town.
B. A. Butler, station agent at Pine Point, Scarborough, furnished the clams for
the great Masonic clambake on Tuesday, and the 300 bushels were nearly all dug on
the Scarborough beaches on Monday.
The 87th birthday of Mrs. Eleanor Fitts, widow of Mr. Samuel Fitts, of Freeport
was celebrated on the 13th of June, by the usual gathering of her children and friends.
There were present seven children, twenty-two grand children and eighteen great
grand children. There were sixty in all who were bountifully provided for from the
table of Mr. Samuel Fitts and his sister Miss Almira Fitts, son and daughter, who resides
at the homestead. The day was exceedingly pleasant and long to be remembered by
all present. J. A. F.
Mr. Cyrus Thurlow, a well known citizen of Deering, died at his residence at
Abbot's Corner on Thursday week, after a long illness caused by enlargement of
the liver. Mr. Thurlow was about 55 years of age, and a native of Westbrook. For
six weeks past he had been engaged in market gardening on a large scale. He had
held the office of selectman of Deering, and was highly esteemed by his fellow
A very large audience gathered at the High School building in Deering on Friday
week, to witness the exercises of the graduating class, which numbered seven. The
performances were very creditable to the school which is under the instruction of
Mr. Fred Robbins and Miss H. Hawkes. The music, under the direction of Mr. A. J.
added much to the interest of the occasion.
There was intense excitement last week on the line of the Sandy River railroad,
upon the rumor that Mr. Shannehan, one of the contractors had found while excavating
for the road, a copper pot, which was hurriedly taken away and left in the bank. It was
said that it contained over $30,000 in gold which is probably a great exaggeration. Mr.
Shannehan does not state how much it contained.
Camp meeting John Allen announces that it is proposed to celebrate the 54th
anniversary of his conversion in a grove near Fairbanks Mills, on Sunday the 29th
inst., with preliminary exercise on Saturday 25th.
A young woman attempted suicide at Hallowell last Sunday night, by jumping
into the river. A watchman, seeing her running toward the wharf, followed and
rescued her.
Rev. J. Evarts Pond lately of Hampden has been installed pastor of the
Congregational Church of Warren.
Haines the murderer conceived a plan to murder the turnkey of the Bangor jail
last year, in a manner similar to that lately employed in murdering his keeper at
Rockland. The plan miscarried, and he was kept in a dungeon three months on
account of it. He evidently is not a criminal to trifle with. He says he is a candidate
for a long term, and expects to be elected. He spoiled the lock of his cell in the jail
at Rockland, before he was put in the city lock up.
H. F. Pitcher, a well-to-do farmer in South Waldoboro, committed suicide last
Workman are now putting up the telegraph wire, and soon Dixfield will be in
telegraphic communication with all parts of the world. E. G. Harlow has laid the
foundation to his block in Dixfield. A. I. H.
Paris, Me., celebrates his centennial September 11th, ex-Governor Perham will
preside, and among the speakers are expected Senator Hamlin, Honorable Horatio
King and Honorable General F. Emery, editor of the Boston Post, all of whom are
natives of the town.
Friday, March 28, 2014
Messrs. George A. and C. W. Thomas have sailed for Europe with the Tourjee
In the Superior Court last Saturday, Charles E. Prescott convicted of the murder of
Harry Williams, was brought up for sentence and repeated his last "confession:" to the
effect that Nell Pray killed Williams, and he buried the body; the Judge then sentenced
him to State Prison for life.
Portland has not hitherto boasted much over the fact that Weston, the walkist who
has for a long series of years found his account in coming a little short of success, who
has indeed seemed to consider a miss as a little better than a mile in his career, is a
native of this city; now that he has really done something, we can crow over the feat;
he was named Edward Payson, after the eminent divine whose name will ever be
associated with that of our city.
The sea serpent was seen off Cape Light by two different vessels last Saturday.
Miss Lizzie Smith and Mrs. Sturdivant of Portland, Miss Mary Gerry of Fryeburg,
sail for Europe this week.
John H. Goddard convicted of an assault upon Charles Lambert in January 1878,
and appeared for sentence on Saturday, his bail of $5,000 was defaulted and scire
facias ordered to issue; his counsel called Dr. Bray to prove he was suffering from a
severe case of hernia, and it would be at the risk of his life to be brought into court.
On Friday last the botany class of the high school had an enjoyable excursion to
Cape Lights under the care of their teacher, Miss Carrie Gould; they received very
hospitable attentions from the family of D. W. Fesssenden, Esq., who has a cottage
near the Ocean House.
Mr. Henry John Murray, for many years British consul at this port, has been
knighted by the Queen.
Mrs. Sarah W. Condit, wife of the late Rev. J. R. Condit, D. D., formerly pastor
of the Second Parish Church in this city, died the 15th inst., in Perry, New York, at
the home of her son-in-law, Rev. C. F. Dibble. Her remains were removed to her
home in Auburn and now rest beside husband and children in the cemetery at Fort
At the closing exercises of St. Dominies school, on Tuesday. Bishop Nealey
delivered an address and awarded the prizes.
Tuesday was marked by an unusual number of alarms which kept the fire
department very busy; there was a false alarm on Monument Street, followed
by a small fire near the office of the Eastern Express Co., which was extinguished
without an alarm; then came the partial burning of the house of Captain John
Armstrong, 24 Cedar Street, caused by a defective chimney; loss covered by
insurance; a more distressing fire was that at Dyer's block, Hanover Street, also
caused by a defective chimney; the bock was occupied by Alonzo Quimby and
eleven other families, several of them widows, who all lost most of their
household furniture; the building was insured for $3,000; in the evening the
carriage factory of T. J. Akeley, Preble Street, was destroyed, the carriage; tools,
and material being mostly saved; there was also a slight fire at the Rolling Mills,
and the light of a burning building in Scarborough was seen from the Promenade at
Schooner Sahwa, of Machias, before reported abandoned, was passed again 16th,
inst., 25 miles, N E of Cape Cod; everything of value has had been taken off.
Schooner H. S. Billings put into Vineyard Haven, Mass., 15th, having lost
Schooner F. Barney, Burgess, Captain, of and from Belfast for Vinal Haven,
Mass., is ashore on Dogfish Island.
Schooner Isabella Thompson, from Philadelphia, for Saco; which put into the
New London, Conn., leaking badly, will discharge for repairs.
Schooner Helen, from St. George, Canada for Calais, Me., went ashore on the
ledges of Hurricane Island 18th, and lies in a very bad position.
Schooner Connecticut, Coombs, Captain, from South Yarmouth for Bangor,
in ballast, in running into Vineyard Haven 17th, went ashore on Canal Flat and
Schooner L. T. Knight, Graham, Captain, from St. Mary's, Ga., for Rio Janeiro,
Brazil, put into Fernandina, 11th inst., having been ashore in the river. She was
discharging 18th for repairs.
Schooner Hayena, of St. George, Canada, went shore near Hurrican Isle 13th,
was knocked off about 20 feet of her keel. She was hauled off about midnight,
and will be laced on the railway at Rockland.
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Glances about Town
George A. Jones will bring a Pinafore company here on the Fourth of July, to perform
in the City Hall afternoon and evening.
Ex-Governor Hugh J. Anderson and family will spend the summer in Portland,
occupying the house of General Fessenden of State Street, who will be absent during
the summer.
The will of Lydia Caroline Baker, give $100 to Ligonia Lodge, Odd Fellows, to
keep in order the lot in Evergreen Cemetery where the remains of her father are interred;
she also leaves $200 each to the Portland Fraternity, Society for Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals and Old Ladies' Home; by the term of Mr. Charles Baker's will the bulk of the
property enjoyed by Miss Baker can now be distributed; that will leave $3,000 each to
Almira Harlow and heirs, and the families of his brother Abel M., and James H. Baker;
to the Widow' Wool and Portland Provident Societies $500 each; to the American
Unitarian Association $1,000, to the Martha Washington Society $100, and to the
Park Street Unitarian Church $8,000 to form a salary of the minister; the property of
Mr. Baker has depreciated in value since his death, and it is thought under the
circumstances, the church will not accept the gift , but allow it to be distributed
among the relatives.
In the case of Dr. Charles H. Witham, tried for adultery the jury brought in a
verdict of guilty; his counsel gave notice that they should file exceptions, and Dr.
Witham gave bail in $4,000.
Mr. John Anderson, son of General Samuel J. Anderson, who has written some
interesting letter from Florida for the Transcript has recently returned from the state,
where he has been engaged in the cultivation of oranges, and will remain in town
during the summer with the intention of returning to Florida in the early fall.
Miss Annie Louise Cary will pass the summer at home, and give no concerts.
Mr. J. P. Baxter has obtained and outlet for one of his new streets on the F. O. J.
Smith property in Deering by exchanging land with Mr. J. H. Clark, on Pleasant
A little son of Captain Kilby was severely hurt on Friday week by falling from a
balcony on the new house of Mr. I. A. Wade on Spring Street.
Harry Brown and family will pass a month or two at the Glen House.
The Portland Cades gave their newly married comrade Mr. Joseph T. Stubbs,
a serenade on Friday week, and presented him with an elegant sliver pitcher; they
were treated to a fine collation.
The Blues had a good day and a good time on their 72nd Anniversary; they went
to Long Island where they engaged in shooting matches, baseball and other
amusements; Captain Davis and David Hunt took the active's prizes in the shooting
match and the honorary prizes were won by ex-Lieutenant Ilsley and Mr. John St. Clair'
dinner was served with all the delicacies of the season, after which the honorary
members chose the following officers for the ensuring year; T. A. Roberts, President;
James Bailey and Stephen R. Small, Vice President; Charles W. Roberts, Secretary.
Mrs. Mary Jordan, while shopping on Middle Street last Saturday, laid her pocket-
book , containing about $8.00 on the counter, when a woman standing near by snatched
it and ran out the store, making good her escape.
Four deaths last week; consumption, cancer, heart disease and convulsion one each.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Kennebunkport Depot, June 19th, to the wife of Thomas Jones, a son
Madrid, Maine, June 16th, to the wife of Ellsbury McCoy, a son.
New Sharon, June 8th, to the wife of J. T. Hodgins, twin girls.
In this city, June 17th, by Right Rev. Bishop Neely, John B. Baker, of New York City,
and Annie S., daughter of the late Oliver B. Dorrance.
In this city, June 18th, by Rev. Dr. Hill, James A. Gray of Danversport, Essex
County, Massachusetts, and Georgie J., daughter of P. F. Varnum of Portland.
In this city, June 18th, by Rev. C. J. Clark, Joseph T. Stubbs and Lena A. Carr,
both of Portland.
In this city, June 19th, by Rev. J. McWhinnie, Oliver M. Nash, and Lucy F. Low,
both of Portland.
In this city, June 19th, Rev. A. Dalton, Captain Benjamin J. Willard and Mrs.
Henrietta O. Gardner, both of Portland.
Westbrook, June 14th, by Rev. I. Luce, William H. Colbroth of Portland, and Mrs.
Georgiana H. Horn of Westbrook.
Saccarappa, May 3rd, by Rev. H. B. Mead, Harry C. Ross of Portland, and Mrs.
Carrie H. Milliken of Deering.
Bristol, June 12th, Samuel O. Packard and Esther Erskine.
Elliot, June 8th, John E. Rogers and Emeretta A. Spinney, both of Elliot.
Ellsworth, June 16th, Isaac A. Webber and Carrie D. McKenzie, both of Ellsworth
Franklin, June 14th, Eastman Hutchins and Julia M. Clark.
Gorham, June 19th, Stephen Hinkley and Maria Paine.
Lewiston, June 17th, William J. Snow of Bath and Eva J. Ham of Lewiston.
Princeton, Washington County, June 16th, E. B. Larrabee and Fannie E. Woodcock,
both of Princeton.
Bristol, June 16th, Samuel F. Huston of Boston, and Josie R. Oram of Bristol.
Bristol, June 21st, Frank W. Weston of Berman and Clara B. Partridge of Bristol.
Richmond, June 11th, James H. Thomas and Olivia Kittredge.
Canton, June 18th, by Rev. A. C. Herrick, Herbert F., Hayford and Nellie M.
McLaughlin, both of Canton.
Woolwich, June 16th, Homer F. Corliss and Fannie S. Webb, both of Woolwich.
In this city, June 23rd, Susan Alice, youngest daughter of Andrew and Ann
Taylor, aged 19 years.
In this city, June 22nd, Susie H., wife of William T. Richards, aged 36 years.
In this city, June 21st, Willie W., youngest son of Samuel and the late Clara F.
Matthews, aged 26 years.
In this city, June 17th, Hannah, widow of the late Benjamin Barker, aged 58
In this city, June 20th, Sarah, wife of James McQuade, aged 26 years.
East Deering, Cyrus Thurlow, aged 58 years, 8 months.
Falmouth, June 22nd, Joshua Merrill, aged 83 years.
Belfast, June 21st, Mrs. Frances, widow of the late Benjamin Kingsbury, aged
87 years.
Yarmouth, June 13th, Herman F. Pitcher, aged 56 years.
Biddeford, June 16th, Cynthia C. Waterhouse, aged 28 years, 11 months.
Lewiston, June 15th, Mrs. Chloe Plaisted, formerly of Gardiner, aged 81 years,
3 days.
Saco, June 16th, Cynthia C., wife of Isaac S. Waterhouse, aged 28 years,
11 months.
New York, June 11th, Mrs. Charles Norton, daughter of Mr. George W. Pike
of Biddeford.
Bath, June 14th, Rachael A., wife of James H. Bolton, aged 24 years.
Bath, June 16th, William A. Wright, aged 67 years, 3 months.
West Ellsworth, May 12th, Mrs. Margaret Gott, aged 81 years; June 17th, Isaac
Gott, aged 79 years.
Saco, June 5th, Elveanna, daughter of Joshua and Emily J. Smith, aged 21 years,
2 months.
Alna, Lincoln County, June 12, Alexander Blagdon, aged 74 years.
Lincoln, June 16th, Nancy, wife of Captain John Warren, aged 69 years.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
A young man named Joseph Robinson, of Brewer, aged about 16, a student in
China (Me.) Academy committed suicide by hanging himself on Thursday last.
Bangor Adv.
East Machias.-We learn by the last Calais Gazette, the J. Dickinson and others, will
petition the Legislature to be incorporated by the name of the East Machias Canal
Company, for the purpose of making a canal uniting the tide waters of the East
Machias River with Hadley's Lake, so called, and many other lakes between said lake
and the source of said river, and the Gardiner's Lake, and other lakes in the Gardiner
river and the Gardiner's Lake, and other lakes in the Gardiner stream, so called-and so
forth,-all of which we should be right glad to see accomplished.-Bangor Adv.
Distressing Casualty-The child of Rev. Hervey Hawes of Hampden, was burnt so
shockingly on Saturday morning last that it survived only about eight hours. The
little sufferer-a girl about 4 years of age-had in the absence of its parents for a few
moments, approached the fire so near that her clothes caught, and in one minute she
was enveloped in flames, which when first discovered blazed two or three feet above
her head. Her clothes were burnt to a cinder. Mr. Hawes, in attempting to extinguish
the flames had his hand badly burnt, but not so much as to permanently deprive him
of its use. We would recommend to parents that their children be clothed from top
to toe in woolen during the cold part of the season, when large fires are indispensable.
"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Bangor Adv.
We learn from the Radical, that a saw mill on Webb's Brook in Waltham, owned
by S. G. Woodward of Ellsworth, was burnt down on Friday morning.
Painful-We learn that Mr. Charles W. Pine, of Portland, formerly of this town,
was killed by a fall from the main topsail yard of the brig Caroline, about the 6th of
November. The brig had just arrived at Pictou, Nova Scotia, and the crew were in the
act of furling the sails. Mr. Pine was standing upon the main topsail yard, which being
covered with ice, caused him to slip off. In his descent, he struck upon the main yard
and it is supposed, broke both his legs, from thence he fell to the deck and was
instantly killed. The deceased was 33 years of age, and has left a wife and two
children. [Eastport Sentinel.
Maine Wesleyan Seminary-Kent's Hill, Readfield. From a catalogue of the
officers and students of this institution, we learn that the whole number of students
at present attending the seminary is 142 males-females 52. Rev. William C.
Larrabee is Principal-Miss Phebe Paine, Preceptress. A library of 500 volumes is
connected to the seminary. There is also a Laboring Department connected with it-
45 are at present employed in the Mechanic shop and 10 in agriculture labor.
An address was delivered last evening, in the 2nd Parish Meetinghouse, by Rev.
Mr. Vail, before the Female Charitable Society, after which contribution was taken
in aid of its funds. The amount collected was $135. We understand this was the
largest sum ever taken at one time by the Society.
PROMISSORY NOTES-Caution. All person are cautioned against purchasing
a NOTE signed by the subscriber dated the twentieth day of August, A. D. 1835,
for four hundred and six dollars and six cents. Said note is endorsed by said
Brazilla Latham or bear in ninety days. Said note is endorsed by said Latham,
without recourse to him, to one D. C. Aldrich or order, and by said Aldrich without
recourse to him, to Alden Jackson or order. This NOTE was originally obtained by
fraud, and is without consideration and will not be paid.
Hollis, November 20, 1835.
CAUTION. All person are hereby cautioned not to buy notes of hand given by
the subscriber to Joshua Ricker, in November and December last, to the amount of
four hundred dollars, as said notes were given without consideration and will not be
paid by me. HENRY RICKER
Portland, October 22, 1835
Fears are entertained for the safety of three of the packets which left August for
Boston over a fortnight ago; the schooners Mary, Captain Heath, the Fame, Captain
Beale, and the Hellespont, Captain Beck. They were out in the N E storm, and have
not been heard of since. Other vessels which sailed afterwards arrived in due season.
Revenue Cutter M'Lane, Sturgis (Captain) has sailed from New Bedford for
Noman's Land, to assist in saving the materials of brig Hunter.
Brig Navy of Thomaston, is not known to have been ashore at Sydney. Brig Olive
Branch of Sametport, (Eastern Gulf Coast?) was the vessel supposed her, and got off
without injury.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
In this city on Monday last, by Rev. Mr. Chickering, Mr. Benjamin Kingsbury, of
Newton, Mass., to Miss Almira Trowbridge of this city.
In this city by Rev. Mr. Coe, Mr. Andrew Martin to Miss Sarah Shebane.
In this city by Rev. Mr. Coe, Mr. Edward Coad to Miss Clarissa Hicks.
In Saco, Mr. John S. Gilman to Miss Hannah C. M'Kenney, both of Westbrook.
In South Berwick, Mr. Henry H. Plumer, of South Berwick, to Miss Martha Hale,
of Bradford, Mass.
In Alfred, Mr. Nathaniel Leach, of Kennebunk, to Miss Mary Haley, of Alfred;
Mr. Charles Farnum to Miss Sally Cousins, both of Alfred.
In Bath on Thanksgiving evening, Mr. S. D. Haley, to Miss H. W. Jameson; Mr.
Eben Moses to Miss E. T. Parshley. On Monday morning 30th, Rev. S. Hodges, of
Weston, Mass., to Miss Rosabella Stockbridge.
In Lubec, Mr. Jeremiah Parker to Miss Caroline Bailey.
In Boston, Mr. Charles Mushette, late of New York, to Miss Caroline Carman
formerly of Deer Isle, Me.
In Lubec, Mr. Robert Calder to Miss Rebecca Morgan, both of CB (Campobello?)
In Hallowell, Mr. Alexander Trask, of Patricktown Plantation, Kennebec, to Miss
Susan Kean, of Hallowell. Mr. Reuben F. Wass to Miss Martha Ann Gilman. Mr.
Eben Freeman to Miss Mary Davis.
In Winthrop, Mr. Osgood Carlton to Miss Ursula Burbank, both of Augusta.
In Monmouth, Mr. Charles Norris to Miss Almira Blake.
In Montville, Mr. William H. Bennet to Miss Caroline Rowel.
In China, Me., Mr. David Pullen to Miss Mary Dudley; Mr. Hollis Broad of
Orono to Miss Mary P. Shaw of China. Mr. Pilsbury Bailey to Miss Tamson
In Albion, Mr. John Libbey II, to Miss Hannah D. Libbey.
In Eastport, Timothy Darling, Esq., to Miss Lucy Sargent.
In Hallowell, Mr. Thomas Megroth to Miss Elizabeth M. Freeman. Mr. Shepard
Davis to Miss Maria S. Gray.
In Solon, Mr. John G. Norton, of Madison, to Miss Melvina Raymond of Solon.
In Athens, Somerset County, Mr. Richard L. Brown to Miss Mahala Watson,
both of Raymond.
In Orrington, Captain Robert R. Loud, of Orrington, to Miss Mary Gardiner, of
In Cape Elizabeth, Mr. Simon Armstrong to Miss Mary H. Woodbury.
In Cumberland, Mr. Rufus Sweetser to Miss Sarah C. Weston.
In Bangor, Mr. William Hall to Miss Judith E., eldest daughter of John Short, Esq.
In Westbrook, Mr. Seth Lord of Falmouth, to Miss Jane Sawyer of Westbrook.
In Brooks, Waldo County, Mr. Simon Silly to Miss Phebe Silly; Mr. Ambrose
Pearsons, of Thorndike to Miss Alithea Roberts of Brooks.
In Swanville, Mr. Cyrus Patterson, of Belfast to Miss Abigail Jane Cunningham,
of Swanville.
In Belmont, Mr. Robert Hall to Miss Wealthy Farrow.
In Falmouth, Mr. Milton Patterson to Miss Eunice Hatch.
In Woolwich, Mr. Aaron Hilton to Miss Betsey Blin.
In Bath on Wednesday evening last, by Rev. Mr. Ellingwood, Capt. William E.
Harriman to Miss Lucy B., daughter of Charles Clapp, Esq.
In Kennebunkport, Mr. Ebenezer Williams to Miss Lydia Wormwood: Mr. Silas
Skillings of Cape Elizabeth, to Miss Miriam Ward, of the former place. Mr. William
Durrell, of Kennebunk, to Miss Sally Averill of Kennebunkport.
In Eden, Mr. James Mayo to Miss Anna Reed.
In Mount Desert, Mr. Eben H (?) to Miss Clarissa S. Brown, of the former place.
In Bath, Rev. Edward R. Warren, of New Castle to Miss Mary Hathorne, of
In this city, Elizabeth Harding, aged 11 years.
In Dover, New Hampshire, Miss Jane Bryant of Saco, aged 19.
In Bangor, Laura Ann Johnson, aged 3 years and 4 months.
In York, Mr. James Bracy, a Revolutionary pensioner, aged 95. Mrs. Sarah Beal,
aged 101. Elizabeth Cutts aged 19.
In this city Wednesday morning, Everlinah, daughter of Joshua Steven, aged 13
years and 7 months.
In Eastport, suddenly, Mr. Daniel Ingersol, aged about 30.
In Boston, Mrs. Hannah Perry, formerly of Bucksport, aged 38.
In Montville, Mr. Willard Whitaker, aged 18.
In this city, 4th inst., Mr. Jacob Ham, aged 62 years. On Sunday last, Mrs. Jane
Runnels, aged 26.
At Atkinson, New Hampshire, on the 17th inst., Mr. Henry Gates, aged 61
formerly of this city.
In Norway, Me., Mrs. Adeline Beal, aged 29. Miss Mary Crocket 29.
In Gardiner, Mr. Robert Gould.
In Lincolnville, Ephraim Fletcher, Esq., aged about 79.
In Bath, John Powers, aged 12.
In Thomaston, Mr. Charles Demuth, aged 22.
In Kennebunk, Mr. William Butland, aged 96.
In Bangor, Mrs. Phillips Harper, aged 80. Her death was caused by her clothes
taking fire. She was shockingly burnt, and survived the accident but a short time.
Friday, March 14, 2014
At Jonesboro, Master William L. Tupper will launch in a few days a schooner of
100 tons,, owned by the Jonesboro Lumber Company.
At Bath, the large four-masted schooner "Benjamin F. Poole" will be launched from
the yard of William Rogers, Tuesday at 11 o'clock.
Calais, July 3rd.-Schoon Wyoma (?) from Calais for Parsboro, Nova Scotia,
capsized in a squall this afternoon off Devil's Head, crew saved.
Schooner James W. Drury, from Bangor for Philadelphia arrived at Delaware
Breakwater, 3rd inst., with loss of spanker and boom.
St. John, New Brunswick, July 30th-Schooner T. W. McKay, from New York
reports that at 12 o'clock yesterday a small schooner bound from Eastport to Grand
Manan , ran into the T. W. McKay. The unknown schooner had her bowsprit, fore-
mast and main topmast carried away. Captain Roberts went on board the schooner,
cleared up the wreck, secured her main mast and got her under way. Captain
Roberts says the schooner was about six or seven tons register. He did not ascertain
her name.
Calais, July 3rd, Schooner Wiona (Wyoma?) before reported capsized was towed
to Red Beach on her beam ends. Crew saved.
Rockland, August 2nd, Schooner Roger Drury, from Bangor for Richmond with
ice, left this port Thursday and ran on a sunken ledge near Ash Island; was towed here
Saturday leaking badly and will go on the marine railway for repairs.
Schooner Frank Herbert, Herrick, from Bangor for Boston sprung a leak 3rd inst.,
50 miles 8W from Monhegan, and came near filling up, but by hard work to the pumps
managed to keep afloat and reached Boothbay with five feet water in hold.-Will try
to stop leak without discharging.
Ship James Drummond Curtis from Cardiff for San Francisco put into Port
Stanley, Falkland Islands, about 4th inst., with sickness on board.
Barque Niphon which went ashore recently near Cowes Isle of Wright, has
recently been sold at auction for $2,500. She registered 1,094 tons and was built in
1869 at Bath, where she was owned by J. W. Marr and others.
Schooner L. A. Burnham Harding (Captain) from Gardiner for Savannah, put into
Boston 5th inst., and reports in a squall a.m. 31st ult., 40 miles south of Block Island,
carried away foremast and main topmast and received other slight damage.
Biddeford, August 6th- Schooner Fairdealer, from Castine with cargo bricks ran
on Niger Ledge off Niger Island, last night and sunk. Crew saved. A diver will
strip her. The schooner lies in seven fathoms water with her back broken and will be
a total wreck. The vessel was uninsured. Her cargo of 60,000 bricks were insured.
Schooner Edward Stanley, of Camden, Carle (Captain) from Lincolnville for New
Bedford, sprung a leak a. m. 4th inst., while hove to during N W gales 30 miles
E N E off Highland Light, Mass. She sunk in five hours. All hands taken off by
schooner Raven, of and from Bangor for New York, and landed at Cottage City,
Martha's Vineyard.-Nothing saved but some sails and the crews personal effects.
Schooner James W. Drury at Philadelphia 6th inst., from Bangor was run into
by unknown schooner during the passage and lost spanker and boom.
Schooner Lady Elgin, Pierce, (Captain) at Port Hawkesbury, Cape Breton
reports while hove to in a heavy sea, had seine boat badly stove and had to let it go.
Brig Addie Hale, Nichols, (Captain) Humacoa, Puerto Rico, North of Hatteras,
put into St. Thomas 7th inst., leaking badly.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Daniel C. Lyford, an employee in the tannery of Charles Shaw at Dexter, died
Saturday night of blood poisoning. A few days ago he strapped his razor on a strap
used for sharpening the knives of the beam hands. In shaving he cut a small eruption
on his face. The cut was unnoticed at the time. Saturday physicians were summoned,
but he was beyond medical aid.
Mrs. James P. Copeland who was arrested at Dexter for the murder of her husband,
was discharged by the Justice, he saying that the evidence failed to show that a murder
had been committed.
Asa Benson of Bangor, 45 years old, was injured Wednesday by a fall while in
Connecticut. He died of his injuries Thursday morning.
The Monson Slate says J. H. Parker, of Milo, is to build a mill near White Brook, five
miles north of Katahdin Iron Works, for the manufacture of spool stock.
The Advent denomination of Dover and Foxcroft had been sent a check for $100 from
Mr. William Harriman, of Minneapolis to purchase a lot upon which to erect a church.They
will receive a deed of it in a few days, and will buy their lumber this season and early next
(sic) commence the erection. The building will be 35 x 55 feet. Several hundred dollars have
been pledged by different parties in half of the enterprise.
Wednesday the New England Ship Building Company of Bath, successfully launched
the largest four-masted schooner ever built. It is said that a Bath ship builder recently
contracted to build a five-masted schooner, something never attempted by modern ship
builders heretofore.
Charles Ames employed in the woolen mills at East Madison, got caught in the
machinery Friday afternoon and received injuries from which he died.
George F. Green, one of the Keene Brother's suspended cutters, was employed by
the superintendent of Skowhegan shoe factor to work outside of the building,
whereupon the Knights of Labor made complaint that it was in violation of the
management, and the superintendent discharged him. Green has brought suit against
two of the Knights charging conspiracy to injure his business, and they have recognized
in $750 each to appear at the September term.
A. P. Williams, the newly elected U. S. Senator from California, is a native of New
Portland, Me., where he was born in 1830. He taught school, was a clerk in a store in
Fairfield, and went into trade on his own account. His wife is a daughter of Lewis
Dunbar. He went to California about 30 years ago, had many adventures and is now
the leading member in the firm of Livingston and Leach, of San Francisco.
There has been considerable excitement in Waldo occasioned by a disorder of the
cattle of Mr. Bowden, which had symptoms of tuberculosis, the disease which caused
the extermination of the entire herd of the Agricultural College Farm. Mr. Bowen
killed one animal and Dr. Pearson made an examination of the lungs found them
affected. Dr. Bailey of Portland was sent for and made an examination. He thought
there was no risk in turning out all the animals except one, and he was not sure that
one had tuberculosis, although the symptoms indicated that it might be, but in the first
stages of the disease it is difficult to tell with certainty. He left orders for the animal to
be killed should it grow any worse.
Ruby Lovering of Vanceboro, took laudanum with suicidal intent, Thursday at
Dover, N. H., and died the following morning from the effects.
The St. Croix Cotton Mill Company are running with a largely reduced number of
hands but expect to soon resume work with a full force. The are now importing some
200 or 300 weavers from Scotland to fill the places now vacant in the mill. The
company is remodeling their houses to accommodate the newcomers. Each house
will be arranged for four families.
Enoch Butterfield, aged 76, fell from a load of wood at Bar Mills, Saturday,
striking on his head and receiving injuries from which he died in half a hour.
The Consolidated Electric Light Company of Maine is arranging for the
establishment of a plant at Biddeford and Saco. It is understood a large number
of merchants will patronize the services. The building is now being put in readiness
and everything is expected to be prepared by October.
Sunday, March 9, 2014
The method by which the affairs of the Lewiston Mills, Lewiston, Me., and Boston,
are to be settled has been definitely agreed upon The Merchants National Bank has agreed
to release its attachments on the corporation's property as far as they affect the property in
Maine, and the corporation is to make an assignment for the benefit of its creditors to
Charles E. Raymond and Gerald C. Tobey.
The body of Jerry Murphy was recovered from the river at Lewiston, Friday. It is
supposed to have been a case of suicide, as a man was seen to plunge from the logs
Wednesday, since which date Murphy has been missing.
The District Labor Convention at Auburn, Friday nominated W. T. Eustis, of Dixfield,
for Congress.
Nelson Herrin purchase on Monday the grove on the shore of Nickerson Lake,
Houlton, seven acres more or less of Hiram Nickerson. Mr. Herrin intends to make
special improvement in the near future for the entertainment of pleasure parties.
The Maine Grand Lodge, I. O.O.F., opened Tuesday morning its 42nd annual
session in Bridgton. There are 112 subordinate lodges with a membership of 15,811,
an increase of three lodges and 824 members. T. Freeman of Portland has been elected
Grand Master.
Captain Jerry H. York of Ferry village, underwent one day last week a very painful
surgical operation, having a part of his tongue cut out, necessitating the taking of twenty
stitches therein, all of which was done without the administering of anything to cause
One day last week, Mr. George Curtis, an elderly resident of Harpswell, narrowly
escaped being gored to death by a vicious bull. He was trying to put a heavy ring in the
animals' nose, when he was knocked down and would have been gored had he not struck
the bull in the eye with the ring.
A fine horse owned by T. McL. Davis, of West Farmington was terribly mangled
recently in the pasture. He was feeding near a barbed wire fence and a fly having bitten
him the horse stamped and stuck its foot through the fence. The barbs pricked his leg and
he sprang away from the fence and ran taking the fence with him, which wound about and
pierced his leg and breast in many places. Before the animal ceased his struggles he had
torn five or six rods of barbed fencing from the posts. Under the fore leg the flesh was torn
to pieces.
There are 520 patients at the Insane Hospital as compared with 474 one year ago. The
board of managers of the institution meets next Wednesday.
Benjamin F. Palmer of Morse's Corner, Thomaston, who was hurt some weeks ago by
a premature explosion in a quarry, is dead from his injuries. He was a member of the
Fourth War Regiment and of the Grand Army.
The net earnings of the Knox & Lincoln Railroad for the month of June 1886, were
$3,634.54. In June 1885 the net earnings were $2,093.73.
The Boothbay Register says; Mrs. Mary P. Stinson has a found a bonanza or rather
Boston Company have found it for her in the shell heaps on the Damariscotta River.
$45 a ton is the price paid her for the remains in Indian dinners long ago eaten by the
river side. They also pay a bonus for all arrow heads, cooking utensils, etc., dug out
shell heap. There are tons and tons of shell; one of them brought to the Register by
John McFarland measures 10 3/4 by 3 3/4 inches.
Last Wednesday Chester O. Witham shot and instantly killed Joseph H. Turner, at
Somerville. Some claim that the shooting was accidental while other claim that it was
murder. Witham disappeared and has not been seen since.
While walking in her sleep a few nights ago, Miss Susie Bailey, of Wiscasset, fell
down a flight of steps breaking her right shoulder.
The Newbert family hold a reunion at North Waldoboro, August 27th.
The Boothbay Register has the following in regard to the Knickerbocker's paymaster,
who lately disappeared. It is known that Mr. Whitten has been "feathering his nest," at
the expense of the Knickerbocker Ice Co. The plan of operation was make out a pay
roll for $50 to $100 more than men actually worked, draw the money and appropriate
the surplus. This was a game that must have an end and knowing this Mr. Witten
stepped out Friday of last week. He was seen to purchase a ticket for Portland. The
amount is not known to a certainty, but must be for $1,500 to $2,000. His house is
attached for $3,000. It has been a matter of wonder how a man on a small salary could
afford so fine a house, stable and grounds.
South Paris voted Saturday to make a 20 year contract with the Norway Water Co.,
for as effective fire services for the village, and to supply the Park Cemetery and for
street sprinkling.
Mrs. W. R. French of Canton Point, shows us a piece of bed ticking woven in 1807,
that has been in almost constant use ever since that date. A short time ago when the tick
was opened it was found that the inside of the cloth head a thick, soft nap, composed of
the down of feathers worked into the texture. While the tick was filled with feathers of all
colors, the nap appears of a even brownish hue.-Canton Telephone
Friday, March 7, 2014
The territory of Maine which is under pension agent Anderson contains about 12,500
pensioners, who receive $2,300,300 yearly. The rolls not include navel pensioners who
are paid in Boston. During June there were 153 survivors of the War of 1812 on the rolls,
and 930 widows. There are no Revolutionary pensioners, and only one Revolutionary
widow,-Mrs. Susan Curtis of Topsham. Among the best known who are drawing pensions
are General Joshua L. Chamberlain, $30; General Seldon Connor, $30; Corporal D. F.
Davis, $4, General George L. Beal, $12.50; General Neal Dow, $7.50; and General J. P.
Cilley, $25 a month.
The Odd Fellows of Maine, during the past forty-two years have contributed for the
relief of member, their widows and orphans, the sum of $1,337,935.00
Fires in Maine.-House and barn of Walter Davis, North Berwick at a loss of $1,800,
caused by a cinder from a passing train; small insurance. Store building of Obee & Clark,
Atkinson, occupied by F. A. Tewkesbury; insured for $250.-Barn at C. A. Phillips, South
Gardiner, at loss of $300; insured.
Mr. Cary Lea, of Philadelphia, who owns a fine lot of land on the Duck Brook Road,
Bar Harbor, will build thereon the coming winter.
The rush of travel to the Glen House, White Mountains, it is said, has been so large
the it has fully convinced Mr. Milliken of the necessity of an immediate completion
of an extensive building as originally designed, and work will probably be commenced
at the close of the present season. When fully completed it will be one of the finest and
most attractive summer resort houses in New England.
Reports from different sections agree that deer are more plenty now in Maine than
for many years past. From all directions come stories about deer being seen in many
instances in localities where they have not been observed before for a quarter of a
century. But while they are thus frequently seen near, the settlement they are notably
numerous in their favorite haunts in the depths of the forest. The greatest deer park
in Maine, or in fact on the Atlantic Slope is in the vicinity of Nicatous Lake. A few
weeks since James West and wife of Camp Nicatons, while canoeing from Nicatous
Lake, up Gasabeus Stream to the lake of the latter name, saw 12 deer in one afternoon.
J. Darling of Lowell, on a trip to Gasabeus a short time since saw 18 deer in one day.
Mr. Merrick, a somewhat noted bear hunter, on a recent visit to Gasabeus saw seven
deer in the lake at one time. These report give some idea of the abundance of deer in
the locality this season.
Of the 41 camps in the Maine Division Sons of Veterans, inspection shows that
Daniel Chaplin Camp, of Bangor ranks first and the camp at East Stoneham second.
Captain F. C. Barker has his new camps at Rangeley about finished and most of the
furniture in. One camp is 20 x 26 feet, with two rooms below and four up stairs, that are
all plastered.
The veteran among Maine moose hunters is Nathan B. Moore of Bingham, who is
sixty-eight years old and as ready for a twenty-mile tramp through the woods as he was
twenty years ago. He has killed 275 Moose, and is anxious to bring the records up to an
even 300, but as the game laws allow only one moose a year to each hunter, he will
hardly accomplish it.
The Harpswell correspondent writes; The Salvation Army are holding meetings here.
The Salvation Army convention meets at the Congregational Church at Harpswell
Center August 11th. Rev. B. G. Howard of Boston, Mass., and Rev. Mr. Howe of
Lewiston will be among the speakers. The Crow Club from Boston arrived August
9th. The camp meeting at North Anson begins August 23rd and continues five days
under the charge of Rev. A. W. Pottle, Residing Elder of the Augusta District.
Patrick S. Ford, editor of the Irish World is at Bar Harbor.
Honorable Wayne McVeagh and partner won the first prize in a tennis match at
Poland Springs Thursday.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
The city was thrilled Wednesday forenoon by the announcement that a sail boat
had capsized off Indian Cove, Diamond Island, and that seven persons, all relatives,
were drowned. It was a number of hours, owing to the lack of telephone facilities, before
definite information concerning the disaster was obtainable. It appears that a party
of fifteen persons, comprising the families of John R. Cleveland and James S. Whitten,
and immediate relatives, were on their way in two small boats to Diamond Cove, and
when nearing that point the boat in advance was capsized by a sudden gust of wind. Of
the eight aboard but one escaped-little Jimmy Whitten-who sustained himself by
swimming until the second boat reached the scene. The following are the names of the
drowned; Wellington Masters, 71 years old; Jane Masters, his wife, aged 69; Benjamin
Whitten, aged 7; Maud Whitten, aged 12; Harry Cleveland, aged 7; Emma Cleveland,
aged 11; Jane Masters, aged 11. The boat containing the unfortunate was of the center
board description, and Mr. Masters, who had the tiller, was not familiar with the boat of
that class. Five bodies have been recovered, those of two children not having been found.
The calamity by which seven persons had lost their lives last week, adds another to the
list of accidents caused by the mismanagement of sail boats in sudden squalls. In this case
the accident was due to the attempt to jibe the boat with the center board up. The lesson
often taught and so constantly disregarded in the danger of inexperienced persons
attempting to manage sail boasts, especially when crowded with women and children.
Doubtless in the hands of an experienced boatman there is little danger in a sail boat, but
they are often cranky and require constant watchfulness on the part of those who manage
them. We can recall three or four instances in which parties of six or seven have been
drowned by their capsizing in our harbor. One occurred in Diamond Cove, when five or
six young men lost their lives. In July 1848, by the capsizing of the pleasure boat Lee, near
Hog Island Ledge, the wife and three children of Mr. Smith and four children of John
Whyley were drowned. Instances in which one or more persons are drowned by similar
accidents are frequent. on the other hand though it is now about forty years since steamboats
began to run to the islands,we do not recall the loss of a single life among the hundreds of
thousands transported by them.Those who go a sailing should be sure of their boat and
their boatman.
Mr. Fuller who had his hands blown off while firing a salute at Mechanic Falls July
3rd, married Olive Swallow, daughter of Larned Swallow, who had both arms blown
off , July 4, 1834 at Fort Preble. The accident was caused by the carelessness of the man
attending the vent of the gun. Mr. Swallow had enlisted in the service of the United
States as an artisan, and was stationed at Fort Preble. He was detailed on the morning by
the commander to assist in firing a national salute. He was then twenty-eight years old.
The following October he was married, and drew a pension from the government until
his death in 1862. He lost two sons in the War of the Rebellion, one serving in the Union
Army, the other in the Confederate. C. Swallow.
The wife of Mr. H. B. Brown, the artist, died suddenly Monday morning at their
residence on Cushing's Island. She had been for time in delicate health, but benefit
was expected from the pure air of the island, and she retired Sunday night apparently
as well as usual. The family have returned to their residence on Danforth Street, where
funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The sudden death of
Mrs. Brown was a sad surprise to a large circle of refined, artistic tastes, and highly
esteemed for many admirable qualities. Her husband and daughter have the sympathy
in their bereavement of all who knew her.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
In this city, August 7th, by Rev. J. M. Lowden, John G. Lang and Mary I. Jones,
both of Chester, N. H.
In this city, August 3rd, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. J. W.
Bashford, James E. Leighton and Cinnie M. Crocker, both of Portland.
In Fairfield, July 17th, Samuel J. Reynolds and Rosa E .Glover, both of Fairfield.
In Penobscot, Joseph Bowdoin of Bluehill, and Etta Gray, of Penobscot.
In Cornish, Professor Edward Brant, of Farmington, Connecticut, and Virginia
C. Boynton, of Cornish.
In South Thomaston, July 17th, Sidney D. Jackson and Annie L. McIver.
In Palmyra, July 21st., L. H. Todd, of Newport and Mrs. Fannie Millet of Palmyra.
In Lewiston, July 27th, Marshall B. Vail and Ida B. Whitney.
In Oakland, Kennebec County, July 28th, H. E .Mains and Vesta M. Goodwin.
In Cornish, July 31st., Rev. Justus Erskin of Meredith, N. H., and Hattie R. Rand of
In Auburn, July 31st., Miles L. Sturtevant, of Auburn, and Clara A. Keen, of Oxford.
In Canton, Oxford County, July 31st., A. Freeman Hollis and Hattie G. Bisbee, both
of Sumner.
In Cotuit, Massachusetts, July 31st., William G. McCune, of Chicopee, Mass., and
Sadie B. Rowe, of Auburn.
In Auburn, August 1st., by Rev. D. C. Burr, Freeland M. Blair and Rosa A. Berry,
both of Portland.
In Rockland, George H. Brown and Sadie Green, both of Rockland.
In Eau Claire Wisconsin, James E. Bridges of Durand, and Louise M. Eaton, of
Eau Claire, formerly of Portland.
In Auburn, August 8th, Henry Rose and Emma F.Swan, both of Auburn.
In Robbinston, Zina S. Foster and Eleanor A. Morrill.
In Thomaston, July 14th, Oliver W. Counce and Emily M. Hoffses.
In Worcester, Mass., William M. Kingston, of Portland, and Minnie S. Mack of
In this city, August 5th, Jennie, youngest child of Henry J. and the late Jennie
Grimsditch, aged 7 weeks.
In this city, August 7th, Frederick, son of William and Susan Daicy, aged 31
years, 11 months.
In this city, August 8th, Mrs. Hannah S., widow of the late Daniel Willard, aged
53 years.
On this city, August 9th, Frances M., wife of George B. Libby, of Standish, and
only daughter of the late Horatio J. Swasey.
In this city, August 2nd, Mary Conroy, aged 18 years, 4 months.
In this city, August 2nd, Johnhana (Jonnhana?) E., daughter of John C. and
Elizabeth Oleson.
In this city, August 3rd, James Coffee, aged 80 years.
In this city, August 4th, Helen Louise, daughter of Alice E. and John Lock, Jr.,
aged 4 months.
In this city, August 4th, William J. only son of Joseph and Patience Rumery,
aged 23 years, 4 months.
In this city, August 6th, Charles F., son of George O. and Mary A. Stimen,
aged 7 years, 10 months.
In this city, August 5th, William P., oldest son of Patrick and Sabina Curran,
aged 8 years, 6 months, 24 days.
In this city, August 6th, Inece G. Plumer, aged 8 moths, 6 days.
In Deering, August 3rd, Mrs. Mary, wife of William Shea, aged 62 years,
formerly of Portland.
In North Waterford, July 27th, George W. Rand, formerly of Portland, aged 69
In Thomaston, July 28th, Patrick McLoon, aged 59 years.
In Stoneham, Mass., July 19th, Mrs. Cornelia Kendall, widow of Honorable
Hiram Bliss, of Camden, aged 79 years.
In Greenwich, Conn., August 8th, Elizabeth Louise, aged 2 years, 10 months;
August 8th, William Henry, aged 6 years, 10 months-children of Clara B. and
Dudley S. Trowbridge.
In Greenwich, Conn., August 3rd., Clara B., wife of Dudley S. Trowbridge.
In Cape Elizabeth, August 4th, Perley, youngest child of John and Mira Cash,
aged 4 months.
In Westbrook, August 6th, infant child of Joseph E. and Delia L. Weeks, aged
5 weeks.
In Casco, August 1st, Mrs. Elizabeth, widow of the late Daniel Walker, aged 93
years, 9 months, 18 days.
In Auburn, August 1st, Willie B. Lane, aged 20 years, 10 months.
In Brunswick, July 27th, Mrs. Lucy Morse.
In Brunswick, July 29th, Mrs. Annie H., wife of Joseph Fuller, aged 49 years.
In Litchfield, Newell Nutting, aged 88 years, 9 months.
In New Gloucester, August 5th, Feroline (?) L., second daughter of Barnes and
Hattie Shailer, aged 16 years, 11 months, 21 days.
In Marion, Virginia, August 2nd, Catherine, wife of Eliot Glover, of Portland.
In South Windham, August 5th, Annie Jordan, daughter of Joseph W. and
Ellen F. Read, aged 3 years, 7 months.
In Brunswick, August 1st, Mrs. Abigail M. Stinson, aged 59 years.
In Brunswick, August 3rd, Mrs. Esther B. Lincoln, aged 84 years.
In Harrison, August 3rd, Honorable George Pierce, aged 87 years.
In Denmark, Me., July 31st, Mrs. Sarah, wife of Sidney Orcutt, aged 43 years,
10 months.
In Thomaston, August 1st, Richard W. Dunbar, aged 86 years.
In Waterville, July 30th, Mrs. Mary J. Plaisted, aged 80 years.
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