Friday, March 28, 2014


                                                               CITY ITEMS

          Messrs. George A. and C. W. Thomas have sailed for Europe with the Tourjee
          In the Superior Court last Saturday, Charles E. Prescott convicted of the murder of
     Harry Williams, was brought up for sentence and repeated his last "confession:" to the
     effect that Nell Pray killed Williams, and he buried the body; the Judge then sentenced
     him to State Prison for life.
          Portland has not hitherto boasted much over the fact that Weston, the walkist who
     has for a long series of years found his account in coming a little short of success, who
     has indeed seemed to consider a miss as a little better than a mile in his career, is a
     native of this city; now that he has really done something, we  can crow over the feat;
     he was named Edward Payson, after the eminent divine whose name will ever be
     associated with that of our city.
         The sea serpent was seen off Cape Light by two different vessels last Saturday.
          Miss Lizzie Smith and Mrs. Sturdivant of Portland, Miss Mary Gerry of Fryeburg,
     sail for Europe this week.
          John H. Goddard convicted of an assault upon Charles Lambert in January 1878,
     and appeared for sentence on Saturday, his bail of $5,000  was defaulted and scire
     facias  ordered to issue; his counsel called Dr. Bray to prove he was suffering from a
     severe case of hernia, and it would be at the risk of his life to be brought into court.
          On Friday last the botany class of the high school had an enjoyable excursion to
     Cape Lights under the care of their teacher, Miss Carrie Gould; they received very
     hospitable  attentions from the family of D. W. Fesssenden, Esq., who has a cottage
     near the Ocean House.
          Mr. Henry John Murray, for many years British consul at this port, has been
     knighted by the Queen.
          Mrs. Sarah W. Condit, wife of the late Rev. J. R. Condit, D. D., formerly pastor
     of the Second Parish Church in this city, died the 15th inst., in Perry, New York, at
     the home of her son-in-law, Rev. C. F. Dibble.  Her remains were removed to her
     home in Auburn and now rest beside husband and children in the cemetery at Fort
          At the closing exercises of St. Dominies school, on Tuesday.  Bishop Nealey
     delivered an address and awarded the prizes.
         Tuesday was marked by an unusual number of alarms which kept the fire
     department very busy; there was a false alarm on Monument Street, followed
     by a small fire near the office of the Eastern Express Co., which was extinguished
     without an alarm; then came the partial burning of the house of Captain John
     Armstrong, 24 Cedar Street, caused by a defective chimney; loss covered by
     insurance; a more distressing fire was that at Dyer's block, Hanover Street, also
     caused by a defective chimney; the bock was occupied by Alonzo Quimby and
     eleven other families, several of them widows, who all  lost  most of their
     household furniture; the building was insured for $3,000; in the evening the
     carriage factory of T. J. Akeley, Preble Street, was destroyed, the carriage; tools,
     and material being mostly saved; there was also a slight fire at the Rolling Mills,
     and the light of a burning building in Scarborough was seen from the Promenade at

          Schooner Sahwa, of Machias, before reported abandoned, was passed again 16th,
     inst., 25 miles, N E of Cape Cod; everything of value has had been taken off.


          Schooner H. S. Billings put into Vineyard Haven, Mass., 15th, having lost
          Schooner F. Barney, Burgess, Captain, of and from Belfast for Vinal Haven,
     Mass., is ashore on Dogfish Island.
          Schooner Isabella Thompson, from Philadelphia, for Saco; which put into the
     New London, Conn., leaking  badly, will discharge for repairs.
          Schooner Helen, from St. George, Canada for Calais, Me., went ashore on the
      ledges of Hurricane Island 18th, and lies in a very bad position.
          Schooner Connecticut, Coombs, Captain, from  South Yarmouth for Bangor,     
     in ballast, in running into Vineyard Haven 17th, went ashore on Canal Flat and
          Schooner L. T. Knight, Graham, Captain, from St. Mary's, Ga., for Rio Janeiro,
     Brazil, put into Fernandina, 11th inst., having been ashore in the river. She was
     discharging 18th for repairs.
          Schooner Hayena, of St. George, Canada, went shore near Hurrican Isle 13th,
     was knocked off about 20 feet of her keel. She was hauled off about midnight,
     and will be laced on the railway at Rockland.


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