Sunday, March 30, 2014



           The Bates commencement week opened last Sunday with Baccalaureate sermon
     by acting President Hayes, who took for his text, "We know what we worship." The
     college alumni chose Josiah Chase, of Portland, as President Dr. F.E.  Sleeper, of
     Sabattus, and W. E. C. Rich were elected members of the Board of Overseers.
          Solon Chase writes to the Boston Globe that the utterance of Chase's Chronicle in
     regard to the State convention did not reflect his ideas, but that the Greenback platform,
     as adopted, does reflect them and that it is "practicable, radical and invulnerable."
          Last Saturday the corner stone of a new Episcopalian Church was laid by Bishop
     Neeley, at Lewiston. The walls are to be of stone  and it will be erected this season.

          Emigrants are going to Presque Isle is considerable number this season. Building
     lots in the village, and no vacant stores are to be found. This owing to the prospect of
     the early completion of the railroad to that town.


            B. A. Butler, station agent at Pine Point, Scarborough, furnished the clams for
     the great Masonic clambake on Tuesday, and the 300 bushels were nearly all dug on
     the Scarborough beaches on Monday.
          The 87th birthday of Mrs. Eleanor Fitts, widow of Mr. Samuel Fitts, of Freeport
     was celebrated on the 13th of June, by the usual gathering of her children and friends.
     There were present seven children, twenty-two grand children and eighteen great
     grand children. There were sixty in all who were bountifully provided for from the
     table of Mr. Samuel Fitts and his sister Miss Almira Fitts, son and daughter, who resides
     at the homestead. The day was exceedingly pleasant and long to be remembered by
     all present. J. A. F.
          Mr. Cyrus Thurlow, a well known citizen of Deering, died at his residence at
     Abbot's Corner on Thursday week, after a long illness caused  by enlargement of
     the liver. Mr. Thurlow was about 55 years of age, and a native of Westbrook. For
     six weeks past he had been engaged in market  gardening on a large scale. He had
     held the office of selectman of Deering, and was highly  esteemed by his fellow
          A very large audience gathered at the High School building in Deering on Friday
     week, to witness the exercises of the graduating class, which numbered seven. The
      performances were very creditable to the school which is under the instruction of
      Mr. Fred Robbins and Miss H. Hawkes. The music, under the direction of Mr. A. J.
      added much to the interest of the occasion.

          There was intense excitement last week on the line of the Sandy River railroad,
     upon the rumor that Mr. Shannehan, one of the contractors had found while excavating
     for the road, a copper pot, which was hurriedly taken away and left in the bank. It was
     said that it contained over $30,000 in gold which is  probably a great exaggeration. Mr.
     Shannehan does not state how much it contained.
          Camp  meeting John Allen announces that it is proposed to celebrate the 54th
     anniversary of his conversion in a grove near Fairbanks Mills, on Sunday the 29th
     inst., with preliminary exercise on Saturday  25th.


          A young woman attempted suicide at Hallowell last Sunday night, by jumping
      into the river. A watchman, seeing her running toward the wharf, followed and
     rescued her.
          Rev. J. Evarts Pond lately of Hampden has been installed pastor of the
     Congregational Church of Warren.
          Haines the murderer conceived a plan to murder the turnkey of the Bangor jail
     last year, in a manner similar to that lately employed in murdering his keeper at
     Rockland. The plan miscarried, and he was kept in a dungeon three months on
     account of it. He evidently is not a criminal to trifle with. He says he is a candidate
     for a long term, and expects to be elected. He spoiled the lock of his cell in the jail
     at Rockland, before he was put in the city lock up.

          H.  F. Pitcher, a well-to-do farmer in South Waldoboro, committed suicide last

          Workman are now putting up the telegraph wire,  and soon Dixfield will be in
     telegraphic communication with all parts of the world. E. G. Harlow has laid the
     foundation to his block in Dixfield.  A. I.  H.
          Paris, Me., celebrates his centennial September 11th, ex-Governor Perham will
     preside, and among the speakers are expected Senator Hamlin, Honorable Horatio
     King and Honorable General F. Emery, editor of the Boston Post, all of whom are
     natives of the town.


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