Friday, March 7, 2014
The territory of Maine which is under pension agent Anderson contains about 12,500
pensioners, who receive $2,300,300 yearly. The rolls not include navel pensioners who
are paid in Boston. During June there were 153 survivors of the War of 1812 on the rolls,
and 930 widows. There are no Revolutionary pensioners, and only one Revolutionary
widow,-Mrs. Susan Curtis of Topsham. Among the best known who are drawing pensions
are General Joshua L. Chamberlain, $30; General Seldon Connor, $30; Corporal D. F.
Davis, $4, General George L. Beal, $12.50; General Neal Dow, $7.50; and General J. P.
Cilley, $25 a month.
The Odd Fellows of Maine, during the past forty-two years have contributed for the
relief of member, their widows and orphans, the sum of $1,337,935.00
Fires in Maine.-House and barn of Walter Davis, North Berwick at a loss of $1,800,
caused by a cinder from a passing train; small insurance. Store building of Obee & Clark,
Atkinson, occupied by F. A. Tewkesbury; insured for $250.-Barn at C. A. Phillips, South
Gardiner, at loss of $300; insured.
Mr. Cary Lea, of Philadelphia, who owns a fine lot of land on the Duck Brook Road,
Bar Harbor, will build thereon the coming winter.
The rush of travel to the Glen House, White Mountains, it is said, has been so large
the it has fully convinced Mr. Milliken of the necessity of an immediate completion
of an extensive building as originally designed, and work will probably be commenced
at the close of the present season. When fully completed it will be one of the finest and
most attractive summer resort houses in New England.
Reports from different sections agree that deer are more plenty now in Maine than
for many years past. From all directions come stories about deer being seen in many
instances in localities where they have not been observed before for a quarter of a
century. But while they are thus frequently seen near, the settlement they are notably
numerous in their favorite haunts in the depths of the forest. The greatest deer park
in Maine, or in fact on the Atlantic Slope is in the vicinity of Nicatous Lake. A few
weeks since James West and wife of Camp Nicatons, while canoeing from Nicatous
Lake, up Gasabeus Stream to the lake of the latter name, saw 12 deer in one afternoon.
J. Darling of Lowell, on a trip to Gasabeus a short time since saw 18 deer in one day.
Mr. Merrick, a somewhat noted bear hunter, on a recent visit to Gasabeus saw seven
deer in the lake at one time. These report give some idea of the abundance of deer in
the locality this season.
Of the 41 camps in the Maine Division Sons of Veterans, inspection shows that
Daniel Chaplin Camp, of Bangor ranks first and the camp at East Stoneham second.
Captain F. C. Barker has his new camps at Rangeley about finished and most of the
furniture in. One camp is 20 x 26 feet, with two rooms below and four up stairs, that are
all plastered.
The veteran among Maine moose hunters is Nathan B. Moore of Bingham, who is
sixty-eight years old and as ready for a twenty-mile tramp through the woods as he was
twenty years ago. He has killed 275 Moose, and is anxious to bring the records up to an
even 300, but as the game laws allow only one moose a year to each hunter, he will
hardly accomplish it.
The Harpswell correspondent writes; The Salvation Army are holding meetings here.
The Salvation Army convention meets at the Congregational Church at Harpswell
Center August 11th. Rev. B. G. Howard of Boston, Mass., and Rev. Mr. Howe of
Lewiston will be among the speakers. The Crow Club from Boston arrived August
9th. The camp meeting at North Anson begins August 23rd and continues five days
under the charge of Rev. A. W. Pottle, Residing Elder of the Augusta District.
Patrick S. Ford, editor of the Irish World is at Bar Harbor.
Honorable Wayne McVeagh and partner won the first prize in a tennis match at
Poland Springs Thursday.
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