Wednesday, September 3, 2014


                                                     CITY ITEMS
                                                Glances About Town
          Honorable F. O. J. Smith was notified last week  that in the "Cornell case," in
     which he was plaintiff, he had recovered a verdict for $532,000.
          It is expected that the Nashua & Rochester railroad will be completed by
     June 1, 1874, and this will give us our most direct connection with New York, via
     Rochester and Worcester.
          Mr. Joshua F. Strout, keeper of the Portland Light, had two fingers crushed in
     the machinery of the fog whistle last week Wednesday.
          Misses Annie and Ada Cary and the Beethoven Quintette  Club will appear in
     the concert in aid of the hospital next Saturday evening.
          The Carlotta did not lose a trip between the port and Halifax all last winter.
          Rev. Mr. Luce, who preached his farewell sermon at the Chestnut Street M. E.
     Church, last Sunday will act as presiding elder of the circuit during the illness of
     Mr. Sanderson, who it is feared will not recover.
          Mr. R. O. Robbins, editor of the Dexter Gazette, married Miss Phosie Fassett,
     of Deering, at the Woodford's Corner Church last Saturday, the good wishes of a
     large circle of friend go with the happy pair.
          Captain Alfred Burns, of schooner Sangammon, of Waldoboro, was drowned
     last Saturday evening from Commercial wharf; he probably made a misstep on
     the capstan of the wharf, while seeking his vessel; he was 45 years old, and was
     the owner of the craft.
          The competitive examination for the West Point cadetship from this district is
     to be held at Saco on the 27th isn't.; Mr. Burleigh has designated Dr. Jewett, of
     South Berwick, A. A. Strout, Esq., of this city and B. F. Hamilton, Esq., of
     Biddeford, as examiners.
          Our neighbor, Mr.  George A. Whitney, the furniture man gives a splendid
     easy chair, satin lined to the Hospital Fair.
          The Starbird Concert Company is organized for a extended summer tour; it
     comprises  a vocal quartette of the best quality, including as it does Miss Annie
     Fairman, Mr. Nelson Varley and Mr. W. H. Becket; they will be assisted by Miss
     Theresa Liebe, the violinist.
          A lad named John Casey was seriously injured by falling out of a dump cart
     he was driving on Monday; the wheel passed over him and he received internal
          Rev. Dr. Peabody will preach the sermon and Rev. J. T. G. Nichols and Rev.
     Mr. Buck will assist in the exercises.
          Lieutenant Howe, slain by the Modoes was a Standish man, and  was well-
     known and highly respected in this city and vicinity.
          Miss Sarah E. Danielson, daughter of S. O. Danielson, Esq., residing at No. 1
     Stone Street, got up Saturday night about 12 o'clock to wait upon her father who
     has been sick all winter, and in the dark mistook the door at the head of the stairs
     leading to the basement for the bedroom door. She fell headlong to the bottom of
     the stairs, injuring her right hip very badly. This is singularly afflicted family.
     Mr. Danielson, the father fell down the same stairs last fall, but fortunately escaped
     any serious injury. He was taken down sick the last of December, of paralysis of the
     right side, and for nearly three months his life was despaired of; he has begun to
     recover and is able to sit up and walk about the house and now this daughter who
     has taken care of him all winter has met with this accident, rendering her entirely
     helpless. Hopes are entertained that she will not sustain any permanent injury.



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