Wednesday, September 17, 2014


                                                   MAINE MATTERS

               Ex-Governor Coburn is steadily recovering.
               Bernard Cromwell, an eccentric bachelor, of Skowhegan died lately at the age
           of  67.    The Reporter say he has remembered several poor widows in his will.
               Charles Bigelow, of Skowhegan, aged about 35 years committed suicide last
          Friday by shooting himself through the heart. No cause assigned.
               Edward McDonald was crushed to death in a jam of logs at the Forks of the
          Kennebec, last Friday.
               Senator Sprague is much impressed with the beauty and advantageous location
          of Skowhegan. The purity of the water makes it a place especially suitable for print
          works. Speaking of works at Augusta, he said he thought they should go on increasing
          their business there, as they found they could manufacture cheaper in Maine, than in
          Massachusetts or Rhode Island.

               Seven divorces were decreed at the last term of court at Belfast.
                The first salmon of the season was a 12lb. one, caught at Seasrport, and served
          at the newly opened Biddeford House.

               Deacon Small, of Lubec, offers to explain in the secret of his success in taking
          foxes, to any one who will send him $5.00. J. S. Sprague of Charlotte, has taken
          25 foxes the past season besides a great variety of other game.
               They had a fox hunt in the streets of Calais a few day ago, but Reynard made
          good his escape to the woods.
               Albert Chaffee of Lubec, mate of schooner May Harmon, was thrown overboard
          while holding the sheet of the staysail, and drowned last Saturday.

               Mrs. John Stevens of Kennebunk was knocked down and run over by a
          locomotive on the Boston & Maine railroad, at Biddeford last week Thursday.
          One of her feet was badly crushed rendering amputation necessary.
               Mrs. Jane Davis of Biddeford, committed suicide last Thursday by jumping
         into the Saco from the Boston & Maine railroad bridge. She had for some months
         shown symptoms of insanity. After she threw herself into the water her shrieks were
         heard for a long distance. The river here is narrow, and the water swift. She was
         carried over the falls, and her body was not recovered.
               Elder Vance will resume public religious services at Shaker Village, Alfred, the
         Sabbath in June.
               Another hotel is to be built at Old Orchard by E. C. Staples.
               Mayor McMullan, of Biddeford, offers to pay any person arrested for intoxication
          his fine and $25.00 besides for evidence that will convict the party selling him liquor.
          Also to pay $25.00 to any person giving information that will lead to the conviction
         of the rum seller. This is a standing offer for a year, and will be backed up to the extent
         of $10,000 if necessary. He made the announcement in the Municipal Court Monday
            They say that Wagner disturbs the other prisoners in Alfred jail by praying and


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