Sunday, September 14, 2014


                                                      MAINE MATTERS


          Frank W. Chandler of Fryeburg, a young man of much promise, aged about
     18 years, committed suicide with laudanum last Tuesday night. He had twice been
     thwarted in his love affairs, and it is supposed that this had so discouraged him as
     make him weary of life.
          Rev. D. B. Sewall closed his long and prosperous pastorate of the Congregational
     Church at Fryeburg last Sabbath. He has served this society for 13 1/2 years, and a
     feeling of warm attachment had sprung up between him and his people.
          Commencement exercises were held at the Oxford Normal Institute this week. Mr.
     Swazey retires from the profession of teaching, in which he earned an honorable
          The town collector of Rumford has left for unknown parts, with the funds of the
     town and of private parties.
          The two firms, A. & P. B. Young and B. G. Green & Co., of Hiram, employ each
     about twenty-five girls in the manufacture of clothing, besides hiring a large amount
     done in surrounding towns. The later firm will build them a new work house 60 x 30
     feet, for better accommodations.
          The old Western House at Fryeburg, nearly a century old, is being moved to give
     place a modern structure to be build by John Western upon plans by Fassett.


          Rev. Mr. Bean, pastor of the M. E. Church at Orono, lately baptized 21 persons,
     converted during the recent revival, and 15 or 20 more will receive the same
     ordinance soon.
          The house of Leonard H. Smith, Charleston was burned last week. Partly insured.
          "Oliver" writes to us from Bangor that Dr. Field accompanied his brother Rev. Mr.
     Field to Europe. H. C. Goodenow has been appointed Judge of the Police Court.
          The reunion of the alumni of Mr. Joseph Littlefield, the veteran teacher, will be held
     in Norombega Hall on the 15th; a grand time is expected.
          The Whig  says that Charles G. Atkins, Esq., ex-Commissioner of Fisheries, has
     issued a circular requesting all persons engaged in fishing or dealing in salmon on the
     Penobscot to examine carefully all the fish of this kind that may come into their hands,
     to see if any have attached a metal tag indicate that they were at the Penobscot Salmon
     Breeding works, at Bucksport last season. His purpose is to learn the breeding habits of
     the fish.

              The town collector of  Dover is $3,000 short, the deficit being the growth of
     five years. The Observer divides the blame between several parties interested in town
     affairs. The collector's bondsman give notice that unpaid taxes must be settled at once,
     or either property will be seized and sold, or the body of the delinquent will be taken.


          The Androscoggin Pulp Co., successfully operating at Topsham, have recently
     purchased a mill property at Bennington, Vt., for the same kind of work.
           The old Haley house in Topham once a tavern long unoccupied, was burned
     the other day.
           Mr. H. P. Mallett of Topsham, denies the irregularity in his accounts with the
     town which has been charged upon him. He says six boards of annual auditors have
     examined them and pronounced them properly vouched.
          Newhall Kimball, an old peddler, who was supposed to be murdered some years
    ago for his money, has returned to Bath with the peculiar crooked cane he always used
    to carry.



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