Friday, September 19, 2014



               Schooner Alaska, of Cherryfield, 128 tons, built in 1867, has been purchased
          by parties in Portland at $7,000. She is to be commanded by Captain John H.
          LAUNCHED.- At Thompston 29th, a three-masted schooner to be commanded
     by Captain Webb. Length of keel 137 feet, beam 23 feet and depth 11 feet, 8 inches.

          Brig M. A.  Herrers, ashore at Cape Henry, has been stripped and will probably
     be a total lost, as she is settling in the sand.
          Schooner St. Elmo before reported in collision with the sloop President, carried
    away head-gear and flying jib-boom. The sloop was cut down to the water and
     her maters, Marshal,  killed.
          Ship Polar Star, Stetson, from Auckland, New Zeeland, for London. which put
     back, encountered a gale February 27th, and 28th, and shipped  a sea which washed
     away everything movable on deck, threw the vessel on her beam ends, straining her
     badly and causing her to leak at the rate of 10 inches per hour.
          Schooner Fanny Reed, of Biddeford, Captain Sennett, collided with a Boston
     pilot boat 30th ult., in a thick fog  off Cape Ann, and sprung bow-spit started 
     cutwater  &c. The pilot had her mainsail torn and  top-works injured.
          Schooner, Edward, Dodge (master) of and from Ellsworth for Providence
     with lumber, went ashore at Hewett Point Marshfield, Mass., Sunday morning,
     and is a total wreck. crew saved and most of the cargo will be ? (saved.)
          Schooner J. B. Myers  of Orrington  from Bangor for Portsmouth went ashore
     morning of the 4th near Kennebunkport, and will be a total lost.

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