Sunday, September 14, 2014


                                                   MATTERS IN MAINE


          Lieutenant Albion Howe of the Fourth U. S. Artillery, killed in the recent fight
     with the Modocs, was the son of Colonel Marshall S. Howe, of Standish, who was
     placed on the retired list as Colonel of the Third Cavalry. Colonel Howe's family
     was one of the oldest in Standish, and young Albion Howe was born in Florida in
     1838. He graduated at Bowdoin College in the Class of 1861 and in December 1865,
     was appointed Second Lieutenant in the Fourth Artillery. He was promoted Brevet
     Captain 3rd March, 1867, and Major Volunteers same date.
          Lettice Libby of Scarboro, a deaf and dumb lady,80 years old, committed suicide
     by hanging Tuesday morning. Her bachelor brother with whom she had resided died a
     year or  two ago, and she has been much depressed since.
          William S. Brown of West Gorham, brings us a fair and sound russet potato, picked
     up  under the tree this spring. It is in all respects as well preserved as though it has been
     lying in a cellar. This phenomenon is quite common this spring throughout the

          There is urgent call for more houses at Farmington. There is not an unoccupied
     house in the village, says the Chronicle, and several person desirous of obtaining rents
     feel hardly able to build.

          Mr. Ogden of Boston is to build an $8,000 house for himself at Bar Harbor, this
          The body of a unknown man was found washed ashore on Verona Island last week.
      He was from 25 to 30 years of age.
          A false marriage noticed we copied from the American is causing a considerable
     sensation at Cranberry Isle. The author of such a hoax deserves the severest punishment.


          Mrs. Croswell caught a woodchuck and held him firmly in the folds of her dress,
     till she could carry him several rods to an axe, with which she dispatched him. Talk
     about the degeneracy of American women!
          The factory at Waterville for the manufacture of Watson's boat and shoe shanks
      turns out 130 gross of pairs per day, and employs 40 operatives. There is such a
      demand for this work, that the factory runs night and day.
          John Herbert Philbrick, son of J. W. Philbrick, Esq., of Waterville was the
     successful competitor for the West Point cadetship, for the Third District. The
     examination was made by the Faculty of Colby University.
          Leander Ballard of Vassalboro, has lost an arm by pulling a gun towards him by
     the muzzle.
          The Kennebec Journal of last Saturday published the version of "Rock me to Sleep,
     Mother," put forth by the absurd New Jersey plagiarist, Ball, and credits it to Florence
     Percy. It is a piece of patchwork which those familiar with the original poem of
     Percy's will at once recognize as spurious. The first stanzas are correctly given, and
     doubtless the editor of the Journal failed to notice how it has been pieced cut,

          Mr. W. A. Titcomb for over 20 years cashier of the Rockland Bank, has resigned,
     and Mr. G. H. Wiggin has been selected as his successor.
          Schooner Dolphin of Camden, foundered off Turtle Head, last Saturday, and the
     crew barely escaped with their lives.

          Schooners Anna Sargent, Captain Greenlief; (sic) Josephine Swarton, McKown;
     Ripley Ropes, Willey; Hannah Eldridge, Hodgdon; James Pool, McAuley; Regalia,
     Pinkham; Arizona, Stover; Young Sutton, Barter; sailed on the 29th, and went ashore
     the same day near the mouth of Little River, and is a total loss. The crew was saved.
          The divorce case of Emma G. Call vs. Dr. Moses Call, of Newcastle, has been
     attracting much attention at Wiscasset the past week, being somewhat sensational.
     The defendant is a physician of large practice, 68 years of age. The libellant is his
     second wife, is 36 years old, and they have been married about six years.
          Our Waldoboro correspondent inform us that on the 29th ult. Raymond W. Hoffses
     sawed off the fingers and thumb from his right hand in a stave machine.-April 30th,
     steamer Charles Houghton made her first trip of the season.-Mrs. Solomon Brock,
     aged 64 years, was burned to death on the 24th..


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