Sunday, September 28, 2014


                                                      CITY ITEMS

         The Ottawa hotel closed Monday after a successful season.
          The H. F. Webb Company, of this city commenced operations at its Leeds factory
     last Thursday, and it has been running full blast ever since.
          Messrs. William W. Lawrence and Howard R. Ives sail on the American line
     Wednesday for Europe, where they will complete their studies.
          Postmaster Swett has obtained from the department the promise of a new roof on the
     building, to make several important improvements and redecorate the court room.
          James Carter of Braintree, Mass., was thrown out of a carriage on Congress Street
     Saturday afternoon by reason of the horse running away, and sustained a cut on his  head
     which required fourteen stitches to close.
          William B. McElroy, John A. McCarthy, John Reardon and Thomas Davis, the boys
     who stole oranges at the Grand Trunk depot, were before Judge Robinson Thursday, and
     their case was continued until Saturday.
          Governor Powers, Mayor Randall, Capt. George A. Dow of Company A., and
     Lieutenant Philbrook of Company L, together with a squad of Company A men were
     among those who attended the funeral of Corporal Benjamin Nelson  of Company A,
     1st Maine Volunteers in Portland, Tuesday of last week. (Aug. 29, 1898)
           Mr. Amos Emery Howell, while walking down Exchange Street at 10:30 o'clock
     Saturday forenoon, was seized with paralytic stroke that affected one side of his body.
     Although Mr. Howell is over eighty years old, on account of his vigorous constitution
     there are hopes for his recovery.
            Mr. Thaddeus S. Hatch died in this city Saturday morning after a long illness.
     He was a native of Saco and was 65 years of age. For many years Mr. Hatch was in the
     restaurant business and kept the leading restaurant of the city on the site now occupied
     by Owen Moore & Co.  He was the first man to introduce ice cream on the street. Mr.
     Hatch was a member of the Veteran Firemen. He leaves five sons and two daughters.
          The official reports of the recent firing of the ten-guns at Portland Head have just
      been forwarded by Major William Crozier, Volunteers, U. S. A. and Captain of
      Ordnances, U. S. A., also by Captain, G. F. E. Harrison, Commanding Officer of
     the Head, but of course have not yet been given to the public. In the meantime, a
     statement from so competent and scientific an officer as Captain John R. Williams,
     7th Artillery, who witnessed the recent tests, will be of interest. Smokeless powder
     was used, and the Buffington-Crozie disappearing carriages worked most successful.
     The shots were excellent, and would have struck the hull of a battleship at target range
      over five miles. The guns were mannered by detachments taken from the batteries
     stationed at Portland Head namely; Battery E. of the 3rd Artillery and Battery D of
     7th Artillery, and their work was commendable, especially in view of the fact that the
     guns had never before been fired at drill and some of the men had but a few month's
     service in the ranks of the regulars. Major Crozier expressed the greatest satisfaction
     with the working of the disappearing carriages, and the results of the test firing at
     Portland Head from every view point can be regarded as highly satisfactory. Firing
     began with moderate charges, no guns being trained nearer the lighthouse or adjoining
     buildings except the breaking of one or two pane of window glass in some of the out
     buildings.  The second shot from each gun was fired without further damage to the
     lighthouse except the breaking of a few more window panes in the out buildings.
          Mr. Stephen Howard, a well known citizen of Stroudwater, came to an untimely
    end Wednesday evening. Since his wife's death he had lived along, a neighbor
    occasionally assisting him in the housework. Wednesday afternoon he came to Portland
    and bought some lobsters for supper. While eating a lobster he got a piece of shell in
    his throat. He soon strangled. Mr. Howard was a currier, 60 years of age and had been
    a resident of Stroudwater 40 years. He leaves no  near relatives.
          A great crowd witnessed the dedication of the Firemen's Monument of the West
     Promenade Monday afternoon, the ceremonies being conducted by the Veteran
    Firemen. Rev. S. F. Pearson delivered the prayer, and Mr. Henry Fox, the presiding
    officer of the occasion gave an address, dealing largely with the history of the Relief
    Association. Councilman F. F. Driscoll and Mayor Randall followed with addresses,
     which were eloquent tributes to the heroism of the fireman.


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