Sunday, May 31, 2015
Farmingdale, April 5th, to the wife of E.H. Stevens, a son.
East Fryeburg, March 27th, to the wife of J. J. Pike, a son and daughter.
South Bridgton, April 5th, to the wife of Thomas Smith, a son.
Naples, Me., April 8th, to the wife of Thomas Edes, a daughter.
Lewiston, April 26th, to the wife of Lewis Ware, a daughter.
Lewiston, March 25th, to the wife of William J. Rodick, a daughter.
North Fayette, March 26th, to the wife of Dr. Charles Russell, a daughter.
Clinton, April 2nd, to the wife of William G. Foster, a daughter.
In this city, April 7th, Charles E. Gurney and Jessie E. Hunnewell.
In this city, April 11th, John Sutherland of Halifax, Nova Scotia, and Maggie
McNeil, of Clinton, Ontario.
In this city, April 9th, Charles N. Davis and Nellie M. Dyer, both of Portland.
Newport, Me., April 13th, by Rev. B. M. Mitchell, J. F. Hiscock, of Newport,
and S. M. Ladd, of Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
Saco, April 6th, Stephen S. Smith and Augusta Coffin, both of Biddeford.
South Paris, April 4th, Frank A. Thayer and Alice Phelps.
Gardiner, March 30th, Martin Horn and Anna Hoyt.
Lewiston, April 6th, John Atherton and Sarah Jane McKay.
New Sharon, March 25th, Enoch L. Greenleaf and Frances A. Smith.
Biddeford, April 11th, John S. Derby, Esq., and Mary Tripp, both of Auburn.
Auburn, April 6th, C. N. Pratt, of Auburn, and Carrie M. Pattes, of Harrison.
Kent's Hill, April 3rd, Dudley W. Ladd, of Wayne, and Betsey H. Williams,
of Readfield.
Lewiston, April ?, J. H. Leonard and Victoria M. Walker, both of Livermore
Waterville, April 8th, Levi R. Moody, and Jennie R. Morgan, both of Waterville.
Wells, April 5th, Eli Woodman of South Berwick, and Pauline Trafton, of
North Berwick.
Snow's Falls, South Paris, Me., April 5th, Thomas E. Stearns and Mrs. Augusta
M. Thayer, both of Paris.
Standish, April 5th, Ingalls Blake of Standish, and Abbie Riley, of North
Conway, New Hampshire.
Saco, April 6th, Stephen S. Smith and Augusta Coffin, of Biddeford.
Charlestown, Mass., April 4th, John B. Trefethen and Arvilla Wentworth, both
of Kittery.
Oxford, April 7th, Eri W. Wyman of Dead River, and Augusta M. Williams of
Oxford, Edward Scribner and Caroline Bumpers, both of Oxford.
Biddeford, April 6th, Frank H. Cousins, of Chicago, Illinois, and Marilla M.
Smith, of Biddeford.
Lewiston, April 11th, George H. Godwin and Nancy J. Hayden, both of
Friday, May 29, 2015
Schooner Eva Adell, Capt. Eaton, for Boston, was inside the Bar at Galveston,
January 29th, where she had been detained 33 days by bad weather, making it
impossible to get away. There were about forty other vessels, which had been
detained from five to forty day from the same cause.
Recent sales of vessels at New York-Barque Ocean, Home; 297, built in
Surry in 1856, metaled 1872 at $8,000; brig Glendale 425 tons built at Bath in
1873, at $13,000.
The new three-masted schooner Benjamin B. Church, 759 tons, built at Bath,
made the passage from the Kennebec to Delaware Breakwater in 48 hours.
Schooner Levi Hart, of St. George, Capt. Giles from St. John, New Brunswick,
for Cardenas, Cuba, which went ashore at Bliss Island, 25th ult., struck about 3o'clock
in the morning, the vessel being in charge of the pilot and snowing at the time. The
pilot was trying for a harbor and misjudging the distance from the light struck while
endeavoring to round the point. When the tide left the vessel her stern was hanging
under the water about one third her length, crew again boarded her and got her
into Bliss Harbor with 12 feet water in her hold. She will be taken to Eastport for
Barque Mary C. Dyer, Captain Sargent, sailed from New York, November 13th,
for Cienfuegos, South Cuba, with iron and has not been heard from since. She
registered ?54 tons, was built at Millbridge in 1856, and hailed from New York.
Barque Caroline Lamont, Captain Bowker, from Buenos Ayres, Argentina for
Valparasio, was wrecked on the Chilean Coast December 22nd. Captain Bowker
reports that on the 20th the wind died away and the current set in towards the shore
until 10 fathoms was reached, when the anchors were let go and she brought up.
On the 21st, the sea was too heavy to get out a kedge and the 22nd the vessel
gave a heavy lurch which parted her chains and she drove up on the rocks. The
crew reached San Antonio in the long boat and took refuge on some British vessel.
Brig Lima, recently condemned and sold at Bermuda, has been purchased by
Captain H. A. Brightman, of Newport, Rhode Island, who will take her to a
Schooner J. W. Baxter, with a cargo of flour for St. John, New Brunswick, put
into Ten Mile Creek, 1st inst., with part of the crew badly frost bitten. The vessel
has been ashore at Gardiner's Creek.
Schooner W. R. Page, of Eastport, recently damaged by collision, has been
repaired and put in good seagoing conditions.
Friday, May 22, 2015
Seven divorces were decreed at the recent term of Court in Androscoggin
The trial of James M. Lowell, for the murder of his wife, began at Auburn on
Tuesday, and excited a great deal of interest. It is the "headless skeleton mystery,"
which made such a stir at Lewiston last October. The prisoner appears to be the
most disinterested spectator of the proceedings.
Honorable W. W. Thomas, of Portland, has given a $150.00 organ to the
Swedish colonist, for use in the "Capitol" at the New Sweden for social and
religious purposes, without distinction of sect or class.
The North Star says that Eliphalet Watson, 17 years old, while sliding down a
long hill in Fort Fairfield, was thrown from his sled. He struck on his face and his
nose was cut clean off. The broken nose was subsequently replaced by a surgeon
who says it will grow on again and be serviceable.
The Voice say E. P. True of Island Falls, has lately killed three loupcerviers,
(Canadian Lynx,) after exciting hand to hand tusseles with two of them. Mr. True
was a soldier during the rebellion and since then has made a business of hunting.
He has killed 57 bears, 213 foxes, 80 lynx, wild cats,etc., beside thousands of
small fry, such as otters, minks and muskrats. He has a fine collection of stuffed
birds, which he offers for sale.
Mr. Albert Gould, only son of the late Dr. Moses Gould of North Bridgton,
died February 1st, one week after his father passed away. Thus is the extinct one
of the best-known and wealthiest families of that vicinity. Mr. Albert Gould was
a graduate of the Harvard Law School. He was also a proficient in the science of
chemistry, a musician, and lecturer, and a writer upon scientific subjects. Indeed
he had a faculty of turning his hand to a great variety of useful employments. He
was Postmaster at North Bridgton, and held many positions of usefulness in the
Professor Joel Wilson, of Kent's Hill Seminary, has accepted the position of
Principal of Gorham Seminary, made vacant by the resignation of Mr. Bodge.
Professor Choate will remain in charge of the classical department . The spring
term will begin March 3rd.
The Westbrook Seminary begins its spring term March 3rd, under charge of Mr.
G. M. Bodge, formerly principal of Gorham Seminary. He will be assisted by Mr.
C. B. Varney, and a large corps of competent instructors in the several departments
of the institution.
Mr. Ellwin, a selectman of Baldwin, teacher at Steep Falls, lately punished a
scholar so harshly as to arouse a very indignant feeling in the community. He has
settled the case by paying $50.00.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Edward Little was born in Newburyport, in 1773, and was the second son of Colonel
Josiah Little of that city. He graduated at Dartmouth in 1797, and prepared himself for
the bar. His early and middle life were spent in Newburyport and Portland. At one time
he was a bookseller and publisher in this city, his stand being in Muzzy's Row, Middle
Street. We occasionally find old volumes containing his imprint.
At the death of his father, who had large landed estates in Maine, he removed to
Danville, now Auburn, and build a mansion in a sightly position, overlooking the
grand water-power, the value and use of which he appreciated. While laboring to
develop the industries of the villages clustered on either side of Lewiston Falls,
foreseeing as he did for the first the grand possibilities of the situation, he did not forget
to plant and to foster the church and the school. One of his first acts, after building the
church, was to give the large and valuable tract of land to Lewiston Falls Academy,
which he also endowed with gifts of money. It is characteristic of the man that he
selected the fairest spot in all his broad domain for the school and had it all planted in
an ample park near the confluence of Little Androscoggin and the Androscoggin rivers.
He was an early laborer in the temperance cause, and the writer of this article well
remembers the series of temperance meetings held nearly forty years ago in his drawing-
room; for there was no hall or vestry then on the territory now occupied by two thriving
Mr. Little died in 1849. His sons, Thomas, Josiah and Edward survived him, but have
now passed away, leaving many descendants. Two of his daughters are now living, Mrs.
Samuel Pickard, of Auburn, and Mrs. Charles Clark of Lewiston. His young brother,
Josiah of Newburyport, founded the free public library of that city, and many educational
and benevolent associations were benefitted by his munificence. He endowed a professor-
ship at Bowdoin, which has taken his name, and now another professorship in the same
college is to be endowed with funds transferred for the purpose by the trustees of the
Institution founded by Edward Little.
The sculptor who is to model the proposed statue has a noble form and a benignant
countenance to represent in bronze. Fortunately many excellent likenesses of the good
man are in existence. Doubtless a Maine sculptor will receive the commission, and it is
hoped that the first portrait statue may be in every sense a credit to the State.
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Two news agents, named Chase and Pinkham, have been arrested for stealing
railroad tickets from the station at Lake Sebago; the plan was to reach into ladies
windows while the agents back was turned.
A young girl, named Emily Griffin at work in the Horse Railroad boarding house
at Steven's Plains, has her leg broken the other day, while scuffling with one of the
hostlers; she tripped him, but in going down he threw her and broke her leg.
An ox team became frightened while passing along Portland Street on Tuesday,
and in some way the sled ran over one of the oxen and broke its leg, so that it become
necessary to kill the animal on the spot; the ox belong to Mr. Charles McKenney,
of Saco River.
Rev. George H. Hepworth lectures on the "The Great Fight" in the Y. M. C. A.
course on Wednesday evening of this week.
A Washington letter says that Messrs. Simmons of Maine, and Jones of Texas,
are contestants for the commission of the bust of Chief Justice Tenney and Chase,
which are to ornament the Supreme Court room.
Last Saturday morning, Mr. William Williams, a temperate and hard-working
man, employed at the Rolling Mills, working nights, was going home along the
D. & M. track, and set down to rest; he had had no sleep for four nights and soon
fell asleep; the 6:15 train came along, and he was not seen in season to entirely
prevent an accident, but the train was slowed, and he escaped with some very severe
but not dangerous bruises.
We learn that Dr. Eliphalet Clark and wife, of the city will leave on Wednesday of
this week on a trip to California for the benefit of Mrs.Clark's health; their many
friends will wish them a safe and pleasant journey.
The Statue to Edward Little. It now seems probable that the first public statue erected
in this state in honor of one of its citizens will be the one which the city of Auburn has
voted to place in the park of the Edward Little High Institute, hereafter to be known as
the Edward Little High School. It is creditable to the city of Auburn to be first to conferred
upon one whose sole claim to it rests upon philanthropic grounds. It will be a statue not to
a warrior or a statesman, but to an ardent and steady friend of the cause of education and
of temperance. To the public spirited man, whose wise planning and unselfish enterprise,
laid broad and deep the foundations of education, morality and religion in the twin cities
of Auburn and Lewiston, where he spent the last and most active years of his useful life.
Friday, May 15, 2015
The North School passed a successful examination last week; Honorable Warren
Johnson, Superintendent of Public Schools, who was present, expressed the opinion
that the institution is by far the best of its grade in the State.
On Thursday night of last week Rufus Stanley's wholesale liquor store, on Fore
Street, was damaged by fire to the amount of $500.
Mr. Samuel H. Stevens, the popular conductor on the Portland & Ogdenburg
Railroad, has been appointed local agent for the Boston & Maine Railroad, in
place of Mr. Payson Tucker, who has resigned; everybody will say this is putting
the right man in the right place.
Frank L. Bartlett, State Assayer, has been elected teacher of chemistry in
Westbrook Seminary.
Mrs. Robert I. Hull, of this city, will appear in the Marshall entertainment, on
Thursday evening of this week; she has been a pupil of Mr. Marshall, and is
said to be a fine reader.
On Friday week Mrs. Mary, wife of Captain Charles Richardson, slipped on the
ice near the city building and broke her shoulder.
D. W. Clark & Co., are cutting ice on Lake Sebago fifteen inches thick; their
new icehouse there will hold about 600 tons.
William Brunyard was found guilty of smuggling and sentenced to six months
in jail.
Miss Harriet F. Larrabee, for many years a teacher in the public schools died
last Sunday evening.
Superintendent Leach displayed great energy in clearing the track of the Deering
branch of the Horse Railroad, after the great snow storm of last week; nothing less
than an avalanche could keep him under.
The reception to be given to Governor Dingley, by the officers of the First Maine
Regiment at City Hall, on the 26th inst., promises to be a very brilliant affair; the
formal reception will be succeeded by a ball.
Last Saturday a lady, supposed to be Mrs. Waite, made purchases at a Congress
Street store, and paid in silver saying that silver was plenty in Nova Scotia where
she came from; she said, in reply to a question that her name was Kate McKenzie;
the storekeeper says the resemblance to Mrs. Waite is wonderful.
Mr. Elias H. Ely, formerly connected with the New York bar, and a judge of
of one of the city courts, died Sunday night at the Preble House where he has
been boarding for the past five years; he was 83 years of age.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
In this city, February 4th, Oliver B. Littlefield, aged 31 years.
In this city, February 4th, Mrs. John Brown, aged 22.
In this city, February 7th, Edward Fairfield, aged 68 years, 8 months.
In this city, February 9th, Sumner Witham, aged 21 years, 8 months, 19 days.
In this city, January 11th, at the Alms House, Mrs. Eunice Thomas, aged 75.
In this city, January 23rd, Mrs. Susan, widow of John Battis, aged 63.
In this city, February 1st, Anna Joyce, aged 28.
In this city, February 8th, Edwin A. True, aged 26 years, 5 months.
Littleton, New Hampshire, January 23rd, Nellie E., only daughter of C. W.
and H. L. Kenison, aged 6 years, 6 months.
Turner, January 30th, William H. Torrey, aged 65 years.
Saccarappa, October 14th, 1873, Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Daniel Rounds of Saco,
aged 47 years, 7 months, 24 days.
In noticing the death of Mrs. Rounds we can but feel that it deserves more than a
passing notice. She was a member of the Methodist church in good standing and by
her Christian kindness endeared herself to a large circle of friends and relatives with
whom she was on the most intimate terms; as a wife and mother she was all and
everything to her husband and children; she was ever faithful to her household and
although she was for many years deprived of the privilege of attending to the wants
of her family by a long and severe illness, yet their grief shown that her labor was
appreciated; as a Christian none who knew her could for a moment doubt her sincerity
and devotion; she was all her heavenly Father saw fit to lay upon her. Her record is on
high where she will be with Jesus until the trumpet shall sound and death and the grave
deliver up their dead and the righteous receive immortality. She lived a humble Christian
life here and will receive her reward when Jesus comes to be glorified by all them that
loved Him, and while those who held her most dear mourn their great loss they can but feel
comforted with the thought that while they bear the cross she wears the crown. M. H.
wears the crown. M.H.
While in this vale of life and sorrow
She felt her Father's promise sure,
And asked for faith to be more stronger
That she might all her pains endure.
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Scarborough, February 5th, to the wife of Thomas J. Libby, a daughter
Cornville, January 19th, to the wife of Sumner W. Clark, a son.
St. Albans, January 11th, to the wife of S.A. Maxim, a son.
Deering, February 3rd, to the wife of J. M. Adams, a daughter.
North Farmington, January 24th, to the wife of Joseph Brown, a son.
Lovell, January 12th, to the wife of J. L. Parker, a daughter.
In this city, February 3rd, Isaac N. McLarrin and Nellie M. McLellan, both of
In this city, February 4th, Ebenezer T. Weeks, of Portland and Drusilla Belcher,
of Freeport.
In this city, February 4th, Abram H. Milliken, of Saco and Ella D. Waterhouse,
of Portland.
In this city, February 5th, Daniel H. Towle, and Julia P. Sawyer, both of Portland.
Ellsworth, January 6th, by Rev. Dr. Tenney, N. H. Higgins, Jr., and Marion D.
only daughter of Charles H. Macomber, of Franklin.
Westbrook, February 4th, by Rev. G. W. Gould, J. F. Grant, of Falmouth, and
H. A. Haven, oldest daughter of Captain A. S. Haven, of Franklin. (no cards)
Biddeford, February 3rd, Leonard Thompson and Fannie L. Ward.
Wilton, January 21st, Charles Lufkin, of Wilton, and Jennie Combs, of Temple.
Newcastle, January 22nd, William H. Herbert and Mary A. Huston, both of
Cape Elizabeth, February 3rd, Edwin H. Mariner, of Portland, and C. O. Bennett,
of Cape Elizabeth.
Waterville, January 28th, Elijah H. Simpson, of Winslow, and Emma Sturges,
of Vassalboro.
Waterville, January 26th, Chris C. Coro and Mary E. Lashus.
Biddeford, January 31st. Charles M. Watson and Ida Dow of Hollis.
Augusta, January 30th, Frank Cottle, of Augusta and Georgia A. Perkins
of Rome, Kennebec, Maine
Dexter, January 15th, Frank R. Lewis and Nettie Howard.
Farmington, January 20th, Thomas B. Fulton, of Anson, and Mrs. Sarah
G. Cleveland of Farmington.
Ellsworth, January 21st, Augusta C. Moor and Annie L.Osgood.
Saco, February 1st, Joseph H. Grace and Rebecca P. Jose.
Biddeford, February 1st, William G.Davis of Saco, and Caroline G.
Jellerson, of Biddeford.
Winthrop, January 18th, Charles W. Stevens and Ella F. Moody
Friday, May 8, 2015
Patents have been issued to F. Hanson Hollis, for the stamp canceller; D. F.
Lamson, Fryeburg, heater; B. B. Smith, Searsport, apparatus for transferring
wood graining.
Mr. T. Frank Jones, manager of the Mercantile Agency, issues a circular in
regard to business prospects of the State. The potato crop falls far below that of
last year, but yield proves better than was expected before the harvest. The
hay crop is deficient in quality and quantity, but the anticipated advance in price
will benefit dealers, and to some extent produces. Wheat has rusted and is deficient
in quality, oats are a fair crop, and buckwheat look well. Evidence of thrift are
noticed in every direction. A large amount of new buildings and repairing of old
ones is observable all over the State; mortgages canceled or reduced, and the rate
of interest lessened.
Ex-Governor E. D. Morgan, who has been confirmed as Secretary of the
Treasury, is an old man now, seventy, with fifty years of the most active business
life behind him.-a big, roomy-framed man, with an angular face and a nose like
a promontory between two striking white whisker. He has been in nearly every
election position from alderman up, and old as he is, still early at his work and
his desk.
Mr. C.H .Lamson of this city, has made improvement to his already convenient
bicycle. "Carrier," by which the carrier is prevented from working up and down, and
wearing the rubber covering. All bicyclists will find Mr. Lamson's invention a great
convenience for carrying parcels on long tours, or to and from the places of
FIRES IN MAINE.-Large steam saw-mill belonging to the heirs of William
Rich, Bath, loss $20,000, insured for $8,00.-Farm building of Mr. Slomon ,
Litchfield, loss $3,000.
Thursday, May 7, 2015
On Wednesday morning of last week, a house in Guilford, occupied by the families
of Isaac Wharff and Hiram Jenkins, was discovered to be on fire, and the flames made
such progress that Mr. Jenkins had time only to save his own family. Mr. Wharff, his
wife and nephew, a lad of twelve, were burned to death. Mr. Wharff was insane, and
it is supposed that his wife and nephew perished in their attempt to save him. Mrs.
Jenkins was barefooted, and she froze her feet and hands before reaching shelter.
The dedication of the new court hose at Skowhegan, on the 5th inst., was a very
pleasant affair. Everyone was glad to learn that Mr. Coburn has so far recovered from
his recent illness as to be able to attend the ceremony and to participate in it. In
presenting the keys to the chairman of County Commissioners, he said he had long been
wishing to do something for the citizens of Somerset County, and when it become
necessary to have a new county buildings, it seemed to him a favorable opportunity to
carry out his purpose, as it would relieve the county so much. In accepting the keys
Commissioner Walton said, "And now, honored sir, as long as the magnificent
structure shall stand, or this house remain, with one stone upon another, may it remain
a monument of your generosity to the people of Somerset County."
The Kennebec Journal says it is hinted at Skowhegan that Governor Coburn intends
the next season
to erect a large hotel in that town
The paint shop of Alex Robinson's ship yard, Bath, containing many of the
trimmings of a new ship, was burned last week.
A correspondent at Belfast referring to a famous case lately tried in the Superior
Court in this city, thinks the defendant not be a Granger, since they are known as
"Patrons of Husbandry."
Noel B. Nutt, editor of the Eastport Sentinel, has been appointed Collector of
Customs for the Passamaquoddy district.
A refractory prisoner in Alfred jail the other day showed fight, and was struck by the
officer with a heavy key over the head. Several doctors sat up with him that night.
Honorable T. H. Hubbard, of Biddeford, is suffering for a serious attack of
hemorrhage of the lungs.
There have been18 divorces decreed at the present term of the S. J. Court.
Timothy Clifford, of schooner Sea Witch, has been tried and found guilty of throwing
over board a sailor who came aboard his vessel to secure assistance for his own craft,
which was adrift in a squall in Kittery.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Captain B. W. Jones been appointed assistant to Captain Hasty, Port Warden,
to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Captain Mountfort.
The wife of Coroner Gould fell from a horse car in Boston Friday week, and
broke her arm.
The Farmer's Almanac is for sale by Bailey & Noyes, Loring, Short & Harmon,
and Dresser, McLellan & Company; everybody buys it.
Rev. Homer H. King is holding crowded gospel meetings at the mission rooms.
Dr. J. M. Buzzell, Woodfords Corner, who has been very sick is reported better,
and his recovery is considered certain.
Mr. Royal Leighton, Woodfords is recovering from the injuries inflicted on him
by a kick of his horse last week.
At the shipyard, back of Munjoy's Hill, last Saturday the Rev. S. F. Pearson
administered the ordination of baptism to a number of converts; a large crowd
witnessed the ceremony.
Mr. W. C. Cushman, who has for thirteen years past been a clerk in William C.
Sawyer & Co.'s agricultural warehouse, has recently removed to Massachusetts; his
employers presented to him an elegant silver pitcher as a token of their appreciation.
Harry Brown has put the finishing touches to a large painting ordered by Franklin
Simmons, the sculptor; it is a sunset scene at Grand Manan, and its colors are very
soft and warm.
The woman who stole Mr. Robert's horse on Saturday drove to Lunt's Corner,
where she stopped at a house and called for a cup of tea, setting in a strange manner;
nothing since has been heard of her, and it is thought she is crazy.
It is understood that Superintendent Tucker has decided not to accept the offer
of the general superintendency of the Northern Pacific Railroad; a good thing for
the Maine Central.
On Tuesday while Captain Charles Shaw, of the schooner Uncle Sam of
Rockland, was oiling his gun on board the vessel in the harbor, it accidently went
off, hitting Edmund Shaw, brother of Captain Shaw who was seated with his back
towards his brother; the wounded man fell back, saying "Oh, Charlie!" and died
within five or ten minutes; he belonged in Rockland, was 29 years of age and
unmarried; Coroner Hall decided that an inquest was unnecessary and Undertaker
Rich took charge of the body.
The woman who stole Mr. Roberts's team was arrested on Tuesday on Cumberland
Street, still in possession of the team with which she had driven to Brunswick and
returned; her name is Hindall; she escaped from the Almshouse last week, and has
been crazy for some time.
Perry & Flint of this city, expect to evaporate 20,000 bushels of apples in their East
Baldwin factory.
Friday, May 1, 2015
Hudson has an exhibition at Davis's art gallery, a fine water color and a wood sketch
at Pleasant Cove.
The following gentlemen have been appointed curators of the Natural History
Society: Nathan Clifford Brown, Ornithology; Charles W. Finn, Mineralogy; Charles
D. Smith, Comparative Anatomy; C. B. Fuller, Marine Zoology; William Wood, Botany;
Mr. Fuller recently gathered some specimens of luminous fungi which shine brightly
in the dark; the Cabinet is not open to the public on Tuesday and Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Eliza Smalley, of this city, and Miss Evans, of Turner's Island, were struck
by a shifting engine on the Eastern road, on Wednesday week, and knocked into the
water; they were rescued, somewhat bruised and cut, but with no bones broken.
Our Irish citizen will give Honorable T. P. O'Connor, M. P. for Galway, a
rousing reception in City Hall on Wednesday evening of this week.
Messrs. Burnham & Morrill, of this city have put up this season at their factory
at Minot Corner 530,000 cans of sweet corn; three hundred tons of this product have
been shipped West via the Grand Trunk Railway.
It is said that Mr. Payson Tucker, Superintendent of the Maine Central, has been
offered the position of General Manager of the Northern Pacific Railroad, salary
The third course of Saturday lectures in St. Stephen's Church, by Rev. A. Dalton,
will begin on Saturday afternoon, November 5th, at 4 o'clock; all interested are
The Woman's Suffrage Association will give a course of entertainments,
beginning probably in November, which will possibly comprise lectures by
Colonel T. W. Higginson, Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and
other eminent lectures, besides Miss Susie Hale's amusing "Elixir of Life."
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