Thursday, May 7, 2015


                                                               MAINE MATTERS
          On Wednesday morning of last week, a house in Guilford, occupied by the families
     of Isaac Wharff and Hiram Jenkins, was discovered to be on fire, and the flames made
     such progress that Mr. Jenkins had time only to save his own family. Mr. Wharff, his
     wife and nephew, a lad of twelve, were burned to death. Mr. Wharff was insane, and
     it is supposed that his wife and nephew perished in their attempt to save him. Mrs.
     Jenkins was barefooted, and she froze her feet and hands before reaching shelter.
          The dedication of the new court hose at Skowhegan, on the 5th inst., was a very
     pleasant affair. Everyone was glad to learn that Mr. Coburn has so far recovered from
     his recent illness as to be able to attend the ceremony and to participate in it. In
     presenting the keys to the chairman of County Commissioners, he said he had long been
     wishing to do something for the citizens of Somerset County, and when it become
     necessary  to have a new county buildings, it seemed to him a favorable opportunity to
     carry out his purpose, as it would relieve the county so much. In accepting the keys
     Commissioner Walton said, "And now, honored  sir, as long as the magnificent
     structure shall stand, or this house remain, with one stone upon another, may it remain
     a monument of your generosity to the people of Somerset County."
         The Kennebec Journal says it is hinted at Skowhegan that Governor Coburn intends
     the next season
 to erect a large hotel in that town
          The paint shop of Alex Robinson's  ship yard,  Bath,  containing  many of the
     trimmings of a new ship, was burned last week.
          A correspondent at Belfast referring to a famous case lately tried in the Superior
     Court in this city, thinks the defendant not be a Granger, since they are known as
     "Patrons of Husbandry."
          Noel B. Nutt, editor of the Eastport Sentinel,  has been appointed Collector of
     Customs for the Passamaquoddy district.
          A refractory prisoner in Alfred jail the other day showed fight, and was struck by the
   officer with a heavy key over the head. Several doctors sat up with him that night.
          Honorable T. H. Hubbard, of Biddeford, is suffering for a serious attack of
     hemorrhage  of the lungs.
          There have been18 divorces  decreed at  the present term of the S. J. Court.
          Timothy Clifford, of schooner Sea Witch, has been tried and found guilty of throwing
     over board a sailor who came aboard his vessel to secure assistance for his own craft,
     which was adrift in a squall in Kittery.


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