Friday, May 22, 2015


                                                      MAINE MATTERS
          Seven divorces were decreed at the recent term of Court in Androscoggin
          The trial of James M. Lowell, for the murder of his wife, began  at Auburn on
     Tuesday, and excited a great deal of interest. It is the "headless skeleton mystery,"
     which made such a stir at Lewiston last October. The prisoner appears to be the
     most disinterested  spectator of the proceedings.

          Honorable W. W. Thomas, of Portland, has given a $150.00 organ to the
     Swedish colonist, for use in the "Capitol" at the New Sweden for social and
     religious purposes, without distinction of sect or class.
          The North Star says that Eliphalet Watson, 17 years old, while sliding down a
     long hill in Fort Fairfield, was thrown from his sled. He struck on his face and his
     nose was cut clean off. The broken nose was subsequently replaced by a surgeon
     who says it will grow on again and be serviceable.
          The Voice say E. P. True of Island Falls, has lately killed three loupcerviers,
     (Canadian Lynx,) after exciting hand to hand tusseles with two of them. Mr. True
     was a soldier during the rebellion and since then has made a business of hunting.
     He has killed 57 bears, 213 foxes, 80 lynx, wild cats,etc., beside thousands of
     small fry, such as otters, minks and muskrats. He has a fine collection of stuffed
     birds, which he offers for sale.
          Mr. Albert Gould, only son of the late Dr. Moses Gould of North Bridgton,
     died February 1st,  one week after  his father passed away. Thus is the extinct one
     of the best-known and wealthiest families of that vicinity.  Mr. Albert Gould was
     a graduate of the Harvard Law School. He was also a proficient  in the science of
     chemistry, a musician, and lecturer, and a writer upon scientific subjects. Indeed
     he had a faculty of turning his hand to a great variety of useful employments.  He
     was Postmaster at North Bridgton, and held many positions  of usefulness in the
          Professor Joel Wilson,  of Kent's Hill Seminary, has accepted the position of
      Principal of Gorham Seminary, made vacant by the resignation of Mr. Bodge.
      Professor Choate will remain  in  charge of the classical department . The spring
     term will begin March 3rd.
          The Westbrook Seminary begins its spring term  March 3rd, under charge of Mr.
     G. M. Bodge, formerly principal of  Gorham Seminary. He will be assisted by Mr.
     C. B. Varney, and a large corps of competent instructors in the several departments
     of the institution.
          Mr. Ellwin,  a selectman of Baldwin, teacher at Steep Falls, lately punished a
     scholar so harshly as to arouse a very indignant feeling in the community. He has
     settled the case by paying $50.00.

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