Friday, May 15, 2015


                                                            CITY ITEMS
          The North School passed a successful examination last week; Honorable Warren
     Johnson, Superintendent of Public Schools, who was present, expressed the opinion
     that the institution is by far the best of its grade in the State.
          On Thursday night of last week Rufus Stanley's wholesale liquor store, on Fore
     Street, was damaged by fire to the amount of $500.
          Mr. Samuel H. Stevens, the popular conductor on the Portland & Ogdenburg
     Railroad, has been appointed local agent for the Boston & Maine Railroad, in
     place of Mr. Payson Tucker, who has resigned; everybody will say this is putting
     the right man in the right place.
          Frank L. Bartlett, State Assayer, has been elected teacher of chemistry in
     Westbrook Seminary.
          Mrs. Robert I. Hull, of this city, will appear in the Marshall entertainment, on
     Thursday evening of this week; she has been a pupil of Mr. Marshall, and is
      said to be a fine reader.
          On Friday week Mrs. Mary, wife of Captain Charles Richardson, slipped on the
     ice near the city building and broke her shoulder.
          D. W. Clark & Co., are cutting ice on Lake Sebago fifteen inches thick; their
     new icehouse there will hold about 600 tons.
          William Brunyard was found guilty of smuggling and sentenced to six months
     in jail.
          Miss Harriet F. Larrabee, for many years a teacher in the public schools died
     last Sunday evening.
          Superintendent Leach displayed great energy in clearing the track of the Deering
     branch of the Horse Railroad, after the great snow storm of last week; nothing less
     than an avalanche could keep him under.
          The reception to be given to Governor Dingley, by the officers of the First Maine
     Regiment at City Hall, on the 26th inst., promises to be a very brilliant affair; the
     formal reception will be succeeded by a ball.
          Last Saturday a lady, supposed to be Mrs. Waite, made purchases at a Congress
     Street store, and paid in silver saying that silver was plenty in  Nova Scotia where
     she came from; she said, in reply to a question that her name was Kate McKenzie;
     the storekeeper says the resemblance to Mrs. Waite is wonderful.
          Mr. Elias H. Ely, formerly connected with the New York bar, and a judge of
     of one of the city courts, died Sunday night at the Preble House where he has
     been boarding for the past five years; he was 83 years of age.

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