Sunday, August 30, 2015


                                                  MAINE MATTERS
          Captain C. H. Wording and wife and wife of Belfast, recently celebrated their
     Golden wedding anniversary.
          A. H. Parsons, of Stockton, took from his weir a salmon that weighed 44 1/2
     pounds, said to be the largest ever caught on the Penobscot.
          It is reported that gypsies made an attempt to kidnap a little Pettengill girl in
     Swanville. The girl's story is that they put her in a wagon, and tied a piece of cloth
     over her mouth, but a man came along and rescued her.

          Pensions have been granted to William N. Gower, Calais; Albert A. Lincoln,
          Among the graduates this summer from the College of Liberal Arts of Boston
     University will be Miss Alice Mabel Flagg, a South Berwick young lady.
          Jesse B. Wingate, of Buxton, died Thursday night from a disease which physicians
     are unable to  classify, although it is supposed to have been liver trouble. Mr. Wingate
     had been in failing health for some months, but went out the day before his death
     apparently as well as usual; but finding himself unable to work, returned to the house and
     soon became alarmingly ill. His body swelled rapidly to enormous proportions and he
     suffered the most excruciating pain. The only relief his physicians could give was to
     administer large doses of morphine. He retained consciousness up to a few moments
     before his death.

          IN GENERAL. Two carloads of Texas ponies that were to be shipped to Bangor,
     Me., were found at Hartford last week o have been 13 days without food  and
     several of them were dead.
          The Sawyer memorial church was dedicated at Jonesport, Tuesday night.
          The Maine Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, was formed in 1874, and now has
     200 granges and about 15,000 members. It had bu three master during it thirteen  years
     of existence
          FIRES. Large barn in East Deering, owned by Charles Woodman, Henry Moulton and
     Mark Jordan; loss $1,500, insured for $800, porbably set by tramps. Cottage of C. A.
     Donnell, Spurwink, from defective chimney; insured.-House of Joseph M. Bray, Orland, 
     most of the furniture being saved; insured for $700. Barn of Benjamin Moulton, York,
     with contents.-Buldings of William Higgins, Fairfield, at loss of $3000, and insurance,
     $1,800; from defective chimney.

Friday, August 28, 2015


                                               MAINE MATTERS
          The 15th annual commencement of the Maine State College will take place
     June 25th-30th. The baccalaureate discourse will be by Rev. Thomas Hill, D. D.,
     of Portland. The contract for the erection of the new natural history building at the
     new natural history building at the State College has been awarded to J. & J.
     Philbrook  of Portland, at $29,987.
          Lewis W. A. Johnson, a colored man, formerly of Portland, was fined $20 and
     costs Friday at Bangor, for assault with a knife a few days before upon a man named
     Brooks.  After his discharge an examination of Brook's watch showed he had a
     narrow escape, the point of Johnson's knife having penetrated both cases of the watch.
    It would have gone hard with the prisoner, it is said, had this been known before.
          A pension has been granted to Simon Brown, Orneville.
          A peculiar misfortune befell a little French child named Raemeau in Greenville
     recently. She became frightened at a dog, screamed and ran out her tongue in such
    a way that the dog springing at her, caught it between his teeth, biting it so severely
    that a physician had to be called in.
          A pension has been issued to Osborn W. Fish, Madison.
          Eddie Lewis, aged 12, was drowned in the river at Skowhegan, Saturday,
     while bathing in the river.
          The Pittsfield Advertiser says W. L. Parks, of that village, six years ago
     bought a piece of land in Omaha, Nebraska, paying $300 for it, and a few days
     ago he sold the property for $20,000.
          A feature of Memorial Day exercises at Norridgewock was draping of the
     colors of the old Ninth Maine back of the orator of the day. The colors were  placed
     there by the widow of Colonel Sabine Emery, the colonel of the regiment.
          At Barnham, Sunday 29th ult., Rev. Tobias Lord baptized 10 persons, each one
     who was in some way related to all the rest.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


                                                     MAINE MATTERS
          While tearing away the brick work in the house of J. B. Rafter, at Damariscotta,
     workmen found two hollow bricks. Inside of two of them, as they laid together,
     was a purse made to hold five $20 gold pieces. One of the bricks was dated 1777.
     They also found in the house a rat with two heads.


          F. Fulton Wormwood, editor and proprietor of the Oxford County Record, a
     local weekly paper printed at Kezar Falls, has decided to move his paper and job
     to Fryeburg. Elijah Russell, a somewhat famous printer of his day, started the
     Russell Echo, or the North Star, in Fryeburg, nearly 100 years ago, it being one
     of the first papers published in the district of Maine.
         The Democrat say Miss Grace Weeks, supervisor of schools, is teaching in the
     Weeks district, East Brookfield. She visits the schools on Monday and teaches
          The Rev. W. C. Stiles, whose mysterious disappearance from Pittsfield, N. H.,
     caused his friends great concern, arrived safely at Norway, Me., his old home. Parties
     left Pittsfield to bring him back. A letter written to his wife, received Friday night, was
     full of insane delusions.
          Arrangements are being made for a great temperance celebration at Lake
     Anasagunticook, Canton, July 4th.  General Neal Dow and Honorable John J.Perry
     will be among those selected to treat that subject. Mrs. Ada Cary Sturgis is engaged
     for contralto. Mrs. F. A. Bent, the finest lady cornet player in this country will be
     present. To this will be added bands of music, children choruses and other features.
          By will of S. H. Blake, of Bangor, his  house, grounds, etc., are left to his wife,
     with interest of $100,000; to his nephews, W. A. and E. H. Blake, he gives six-
     twelfths of his estate; but by codicil E. H. Blake is given $50,000 more in place of
     three-eights of a township; Edward Hutchinson gets $50,000; Mabel Packard $50,000
     and $50,000 is given to the children of Mary Sterns. Two of these children-the boys-
     are given a farm in Paris, Me., "providing they give their father a life estate therein."
     He enjoins upon his executor the collection if possible of a loan, without security or
     extra interest, made to W. H. Curtis, who he says, has paid his mercantile debts, but
     instead of discharging this debt of honor "has manifested ingratitude and sourness"
     toward his benefactor.   
          A pension has been issued to Galen Worcester, Bangor.
          A novel industry has been started in Dexter. A "still" have been erected there
     for extracting the oil from cedar boughs. These boughs are cut fine and packed
     close in large wooden tanks, through which steam is passed until the oil is extracted.
     This is probably the only establishment of the kind in Maine, although they are said
     to be quite common among the green hills of Vermont. The product is worth some
     $150 for each barrel of 300 pounds. Leslie M. Johnson and Herbert Chase are now
     carrying on the work. The boughs are given them by parties who are glad to have
     their pastures cleared of them.

Sunday, August 23, 2015


                                                      MAINE MATTERS
            F.F. Noyes has leased the corn factory at East Wilton, owned by H. J. Adams,
          and will put up 200,000 cans of sweet corn this year, besides apples.
           F. E. Harris of Salem has recently lost sheep by bears.
           Rev. S. P. Morrill, of Farmington, a Representative to Congress for one term
       from  the district, was stricken with severe paralysis, Thursday night.
           Mr. H. B. Bishop, who has rented Mr. James G. Blaine's Bar Harbor cottage
      for the present summer is one of the members of the Standard Oil Company, and
      a brother-in-law of D. O. Mills. It is said that Mr. Blaine gets $3,500 rent for the
          A year ago, C. O. Faulkner's house at Stuben was burned. Mr. Faullkner was
     absent in Massachusetts. Before leaving home he had $100 in the form of five
     double eagles, which he wished to put in some safe place. Going into his cellar
     he bored a hole in one of the beams, placed the gold coins within and plugged up
     hole. The house burned and nothing was left but the usual debris in the cellar. Mr.
     Faulkner came home, and many wondered what he was hunting for in the ashes so
     industriously. He found every coin, although they were much discolored.
          Charles Jocelyn, of Castine, confessed to taking a $1,000 bond belonging to Jones
     Turner, and has been put under bonds to await  the next term of court.
          Captain Hadlock of Cranberry Isle, and others have bought the steamer Florence.
     She will run from South West Harbor to Cranberry Isle, where a hotel is to be built
     at once on the highest part of the island, which commands a fine view
          The old cannons around Fort George at Castine, which have attracted so much
     attention from visitors to this historic old spot are being mounted. Mr. George H.
     Whitherie, who owns the for, is having this work done.
          The store of Rufus of Burnham, was robbed of between $400 and $500.
    Friday night. Sheriff Stevenson captured one of the burglars, and learning from him
    that he had six companions, procured assistance and captured the gang. About all
    the booty was found on the first one arrested. The men, with the exception of one
    were foreigners, and said they came from the Provinces.
          Among the wedding presents of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Gale, of Winthrop, was a
     farm in Readfield from the father of the bridegroom, Mr. C. H. Gale.
         Augusta has a board of trade with E. C. Allen as president.
          The Waterville Sentinel says Colonel H. C. Marriam, of the 7th, United States
     Infantry, a Maine boy, in now in Berlin showing his newly patented soldiers to
     the German army officers.
          Monday week, Abram Speed of Washington, strained his stomach and bowels
     lifting a heavy timber. The next morning he felt all right and started for Searsmont
     with his team.  On the way he was taken with such severe pains that he could not
     stand. Inflammation of the bowels set in and Wednesday night he died after  great
          The two year old daughter of Wesley Lewis, of Rockland, drank the contents of
     a bottle of cough balsam, Friday, and fell into a comatose condition.
          Our Washington correspondent writes: Mr. Orrin S. Benner recently had his head
     and leg severely injured by being thrown against a fence while riding a young colt.



Friday, August 21, 2015


                                               MAINE MATTERS
          Our Mechanic Falls correspondent says Memorial Day was well observed in that
     village. A. H. Dwinal Post No. 3, dedicated their new monument with appropriate
     ceremonies. Honorable A. R. Savage delivered the address which was as fine as one
     ever delivered there. His tribute to John A. Logan was very touching.
          Mr. C. J. Littlefield of West Minot, drove into this village Memorial Day in
     apparent good health. When near N. A. Tobie's store he was taken suddenly ill and
     died Tuesday morning.
          Harry, the six year old son of James Vincent of Houlton, is missing, and it is
     feared he fell into the river and was drowned.
          Pensions have been granted to Charles White, New Limerick, Albert Hutchinson,
     Sprague Mills.
          The new Ricker Institute and Wording Hall at Houlton, the contract for which has
     awarded to John W. Burrowes of Portland, is to be of brick, with stone facings, and to
     cost when completed and furnished nearly $30,000.
          Mark P. Emery has presented to the Unitarian Society of Society of Presque Isle a
     magnificent solid silver communion service. The new church will be dedicated Wednesday,
     June 15th. Rev. Thomas Hill, D. D., and Messrs. Auckhim, Beane, P. S. Thatcher, J. A.
     and others will take part. The railroads will grant reduced rates.
          The body of a man named Walter H. Cobb, was found by the side of the Maine
     Central track in New Gloucester, Sunday morning. He probably jumped from the
          Pensions have been granted to George W. Eaton, Brunswick; Julia A., widow of
     Charles Dean,  Portland.
          The 82nd Commencement of Bowdoin College is June 19-24. The baccalaureate
     will be by President Hyde. The necrology of Bowdoin College graduates from 1886-
     1887 comprises 27 names.
          The Cumberland Conference of Congregational churches meets on Wednesday of
     this week with the church at Woodfords. In the forenoon discussions; in the afternoon
     sermon by Rev. B. P. Snow, reports from the churches, ten minutes addresses on
     "Our Seven Societies;" evening, praise service and discussion.
          Friday morning an engine connected with a working train on the Maine Central was
     thrown down an embankment at West Falmouth by the spreading of the rails. As the
     engine fell, the engineer and fireman jumped. The latter escaped with slight injuries,
     but the engineer, Mr. Wilbur Lawrence of Albion, had his hip fractured and received
     internal injuries as he struck on a pile of rock 25 feet below. The spreading of the rails
      attributed to the excessive wet weather.
          Mr. William L. Prince, the prominent agriculturist of Cumberland, died Tuesday,
     aged 62 years. He was born in Cumberland on the same place that had been the
     residence of his father and grandfather. He had been selectman and town agent, and
     in 1879 was elected County Commissioner, and being counted out by the Garcelon
     faction, made a fight for the office against Mr. Skilling, who was counted in. Mr.
     Prince won the suit, and proved a test case for the others.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


                                                     CITY MATTERS
                                               (Glances About Town)
          Mr. H. D. Hadlock says the suit for $16,000 against the city of Portland brought
     by Ruel Philbrook, assignees, for owners of the Knibb valve patent will not be
     discontinued, and that the test will not be made here.
          Some 600 people attended a sparring exhibition given at the Dijon rink, Saturday
     evening, by the John L. Sullivan combinations.
           At the meeting of the Maine Historical Society to be held at their rooms Friday
     afternoon, June 10th, the following paper will be read:
           The First Treaty of the United States. Its negotiation and how the good news was
     brought from France. A passage in the  Revolutionary history of Old Falmouth, by
     Honorable William Goold, of Windham and ending with Garfield with personal
     reminiscences concerning the tour of President Polk, by Honorable Joseph Williamson,
     of Belfast. The capture of the Margaritta, of Machias, the first national battle of the
     Revolution by George F. Talbor, Esq.
          The complimentary dinner to Honorable James W. Bradbury will take place at
     6 p.m.-At the Opera House,Greenwood Garden  the past week. Balabrega, the magician,
     and company, including Miss Emma Lynden, have had such good success that they have
     been engaged for the week; round trip tickets via steamers cadet and Greenwood, from
     Franklin and Burnham's wharves, admit to the Garden; the five dollar coin offered by
     Captain Knowlton to the boy or girl who would make the greatest number of words
      in the name Greenwood Garden will not be awarded until next week.
          LOCAL NEWS. Bits of Bygones.-No.4. One of the familiar figures of the past,
     no longer seen in our streets, was the town crier. He was an important personage in
     his day. He was the ringer of news, the proclaimer of important events, the advertiser
     of things lost and found and of all men's wares. We remember the last of the race, who
     bore the name Burns, and went about with his bell proclaiming auction sales. To this
     specialty had his once multifarious office been reduced. It was his business to tack up
     handbills announcing the sale, then turn, ring his bell, and shout out his announcement
     in an unintelligible jumble of sounds. The omnivorous newspaper has swallowed him
     up as it has swallowed so many other things.
          Mr. David Hill, of Chebeague Island, now 84 years of age, informs us that when he
     was about six years of age, a family of twenty-four twin brother, came to Maine from the
     South, to take possession of a township given them by the United States government.
     As they passed through Portland, they marched two by two, the oldest first and the
     youngest in order. He would like to knew where they settled, and what was their family
     name. It there is anything in heredity they must have many descendants now living,
     from some of whom we hope to hear from the fortunes of the family.


Sunday, August 16, 2015


                                                           CITY MATTERS
                                                      (Glances About Town)
          The  Portland Club on Wednesday evening entertained Honorable A.B. Beard,
     State Treasure of Massachusetts, who made a vigorous and acceptable speech on
     political issues.
           Mr. Gardner Floyd of this city, a submarine diver, was successful in recovering,
     last week, the body of the McNally boy, drowned at Lewiston, through the conditions
     were unfavorable, owing to driftwood and obscurity; this makes the fourth body Mr.
     Floyd has recovered at Lewiston and vicinity within a few years.
           Two veterans of 1812, Messrs. Smith and Lowell, aided the squad which
     decorated the graves of the soldiers of that war in this city on Memorial Day.
          Mr. Samuel Trask is to erect a block of two handsome brick houses on the corner
     of Spring and Vaughan Streets.
          Mr. Osgood will open the Hope Island House on the 15th inst.; he has improved
     the approach to the house by removal of the old stone wall and built a neat waiting
     room on the wharf, summer visitors will find Hope Island a very attractive resort.
          The first volume of York Deeds, published by Mr. J. T. Hall, under the direction
     of the Maine Historical Society, will be ready for delivery about June 10th.
          Parker & Nagle, of this city, on Saturday, shipped a keel boat and a center board
     surf boat to New Orleans for use in the bayous; they are each 24 1/2 feet long, white
     oak framed, cedar planked, brass kneed and copper fastened.
          Schlotterbeck & Foss will soon start  an apothecary store at Knightville.
          A child of Mr. John Batty, Federal Street, has died with malignant diphtheria, the
     house  is quarantined.
          Mr. Jenks opens his house on Great Chebeague on the 14th inst., and expects a
     liberal patronage this season.
           B. A. Atkinson & Co., have furnished two sets of elegant drawing-room furniture
      for the Glen House.
          Captain Barre, of revenue cutter Dallas, now undergoing repairs after her winter
     work, says that in some respects the weather during the past winter was the worse he
     has known in thirty years.
          On Tuesday evening, June 14th, at the First Parish Church, Rev. Dr. E. E. Hale,
     of Boston, will read his popular story, "In His Name," and there will be a
     musical entertainment in which Mrs. Clark Cushing and Mrs. Morrison will favor
     the audience with solos and quartettes.
          The Reverend W. C. Stiles, of Pittsfield, N. H., whose wanderings have occasioned
     so much anxiety, passed through here Saturday on his way home in charge of friends;  
     he was dressed in clerical garb, but had a broom in one hand a  straw hat in the other,
     and several felt hats tucked away in pockets; he is demented from overwork, and has a
     hallucination that he is over-run with engagements to preach all over the country.
          While Augustus Hill was at work on an elevator in a Commercial Street store,
     Tuesday, he fell down the shaft from the fourth story, breaking his leg and  elbow, but
     not sustaining internal injuries, it is thought.
          The Back Bay and Fore River Commissioners organized Tuesday, by the election
     of Judge Symonds as chairman.

Friday, August 14, 2015


          In this city, June 1st, Johannas, child of Olaf and Marianne Warenskyold, aged
     2 months.
          In this city, May 31st, Ethel M., daughter of E. F. Edland, aged 3 years, 4 months.
          In this city, June 1st, Elizabeth Cotton, aged 67 years.
          In this city, May 31st, Elizabeth L., widow of the Samuel A. Nash.
          In this city, May 31st, Lucy A. Oliver, wife of Thomas Payne, aged 29 years,
     9 months.
          In this city, May 30th, Michael Conley.
          In this city, William J. Ricker, aged 29 years, 11 months, 10 days.
          In this city, June 2nd, Cynthia A., wife of W. H. M. Leavitt.
          In this city, May 5th, at the Home for Aged Women, of which place she has been
     a resident for 11 years, Miss Sarah Rice, aged 80 years.
          In this city, June 4th, of acute bronchitis, Eben Nutter, only son of Clinton R. and
     Emma O. Jones, aged 6 years, 10 months.
          In this city, June 6th, Annie Callan, aged 18 years.
          In this city, June 6th, Harry E., youngest child of Mahlon S. and Flora E. Hodsdon,
     aged 8 months, 12 days.
          Ferry Village, June 6th, Capt. George V. Crockett, aged 73 years.
           Cumberland, June 4th, James Winthrop, infant son of Edward H. and Carrie
     H. Trickery.
           Buxton, June 4th, Hannah M., wife of Aaron W. Milliken, aged 66 years.
           Boston, May 31st, Mrs. Eleanor  E. March, formerly of Portland, aged 50 years,
     6 months, 15 days.
           Woodfords, June 3rd, Edmond C. Merrill, aged 77 years, 10 months.
           Cape Elizabeth, June 2nd, John Hull, aged 76 years.
           Cumberland Mills, June 2nd, Annie E., daughter of Benjamin and Mary Graffam,
     aged 27 years, 3 months.
            Weston, May 27th, Charles Megquir, aged 79 years, 3 months, 22 days.
             Gray, May 30th, Polly G., wife of the late E. B. Woodbury.
             Cumberland Center, June 2nd, William L. Prince, aged 62 years, 2 months.
             Bath, June 1st, Susan A., widow of Dr. George W. Haley, late of Peabody, Mass.
             Topsham, May 30th, Roland H., son of Charles H. White, aged 22 years, 3 months.
              Leeds, May 25th, Elizabeth A. Moore, aged 21 years, 2 months.
              Benton, WilliamPaul, aged 63 years, 2 months.
              Kennebunkport, May 31st, George Smith, aged 66 years.
              Bath, May 29th, Robert Holmes, aged 45 years.
              Brunswick, May 28th, Frederick C. Reed.
              Woolwich, May 20th, Mrs. Lois Brookings, aged 100 years.
               Bridgton, May 30th, Charles H. Bryant, aged 30 years, 10 months.
               Biddeford, June 2nd, Josephine Hanson, aged 42 years, 3 months.
               Saco, June 2nd, Abraham Lord, aged 77 years, 10 months.
                Rockland, May 27th, Mrs. Maria Larrabee, aged 89 years.
                Kaukaku, Illinois, May 29th, Almena M., wife of Honorable Charls R. Starr,
          only sister of the late Augustus E. Stevens.
                Auburn, New York, May 30th, Mrs. Sally N. Gross.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


          In this city, June 6th, by Rev. D. W. LeLacheur, William A. Merrill of Buxton and
     and Annie Horne of Deering.
          In this city, May 31st, by Rev. A. H. Wight, Fulton J. Caddell and Ida F. Curtis, both
     of Portland.
          In this city, June 1st, by Rev. C. H. Daniels, Otis Blake of East Pepperell, Mass., and
     Miss Emeline M. Phillips of Portland.
         Ferry Village, June 2nd, William Willard and Ruth Parsons, both of Cape Elizabeth.
         Bridgton, June 1st, Rev. George W. Barber, of Standish and Mrs. Olive P.
     Bertlwell  (?) of Hiram.
          Lewiston, June 1st, Coral C. Chick and Annie S. Cheever.
          Limerick, May 29th, Frank Smith and Jessie M. Hill, both of Cornish.
          Deer Isle, June 1st, Elmer Pearl Spofford of Deer Isle, and Leonora Alphena
     Rich of Boston, Mass.
          Belfast, May 30th, George O. Grindle of Brooksville, and Mrs. Rosalia Harrison
       of Belfast.
          Liberty, May 29th, Henry H. Skinner and Laura G. Warren, both of Searsmont.
          South Standish, May 28th, by Rev. George W. Barber, Lewis W. Berry and
     Lizzie E. Taylor, both of Standish.
          Gardiner, May 28th, Frank E. Hewitt and Sophia J. Henderson.
          Auburn, May 30th, Frank Jones of Turner and Millie A. Snow of Lewiston.
          Bear River, May 26th, Capt.  Fred H. Pearsons of Rockland and Belle M.  Copeland
     of Bear River.
          Auburn, May 28th, Dwight F. Faulkner of Turner and May Debson of Lewiston.
          Waterville, May 31st, Arthur Spencer and Florence Phillips.


Sunday, August 9, 2015


                                                   MAINE MATTERS 
          Mr. N. M. Gardner, of Machias, deputy U. S. Marshal, died last week of the suicidal
     injuries inflicted one week previous. The cause was mental depression.
          The house of Benjamin White, Topsfield, was recently burnt while the family was
     absent for a short time. When they returned to get their supper the building was in ashes,
     and nothing was saved to them except what clothes they had on. The Calais Advertiser
     says that it probably caught from wood placed under the stove.
          Honorable J. H. Burleigh last week sent an open letter to the Secretary of the Navy,
     in which he replies to the denial of Com. Howell of certain statements made by him
     in a recent speech in  Congress. He re-affirms his original statement, gives his reasons
     for so long a time, and closes with this remark to the Secretary; I had the strongest
     regard for you personally and hoped we could sail in consort, but my experience in
     the navy yard and in the naval committee convince me that you were a more risky
     navigator than I care to follow."
          Biddeford has a last elected city treasurer. The Democrats not voting, James G.
     Garland was unanimously chosen.
         George Lee, of Bromfield, Mass., about 30 years old, committed suicide at Biddeford
     on Monday by cutting his throat with a jackknife.

          IN GENRAL.  Professor Morse say that there are probably not over 100 moose in
     Maine, where not long ago they were annually killed by the thousands. He thinks the
     species will become suddenly extinct, the conditions growing more and more unfavorable
     for it continuance. In his lecture last Saturday evening he alluded to the extinction of the
     race of giant lobster, on the coast of Maine. Fisher have thrown back the small lobster
     found in their traps, destroying only the large ones, till now the race of large lobsters
     is nearly extinct.
     The following patents have been issued to Maine inventors: J/ A. Knight, Auburn, map
     drawers and exhibitors; H. H. Harvey, Augusta, brush handles.

Friday, August 7, 2015


                                                  MAINE MATTERS
          A correspondent, "Perley," writing from Monson says: There are seven slate quarries
     opened in the town. The Eastern is owned and worked by L. E. Norris. They have gone
     down about 100 feet, and made an underground tunnel of 75 feet. The Dirigo Company
     has G. A. Mathew for superintendent, and they have gone down 90 feet. The Hebron
     quarry has gone down 85 feet; the Cove, Eureka and Imperial are the names of the
     other quarries. They employ about 100 men at the average rate $2.00 a day. The
     Piscataquis is a new quarry, just opened on the farm of E. Hughes, a Welshman, in
     Williamsburg, and it is one of the best yet found. There are two in Brownville, with
      a force of about 200 men now at work. Mr. Merrill is now hauling his slate to Bangor
      with horse teams, rather than patronize the railroad.
          The lumber mill occupied by T. Sargent, Milo, and owned in Bangor, was burned
     last week.  A correspondent says that the loss is  between $10,000 and $12,000. No
     insurance. This is a severe loss to Mr. Sargent, as all his capital was invested in the
     mill, and the only means of supporting his family.
          We learn that the Piscataquis Observer, which has lately found some reason for
     discontinuing its visits to our office, has been enlarged, put on a new dress, and Edes has
     sold a portion of his interest to F. D. Barrows, of Boston.
          The case of Marianne Robinson, appellant vs. Francis Adams, et al, executors of
     will Mary N. Green, has been settled. Mrs. Robinson, the heir at-law, recovering about
      $20.000, less counsel fees and other expenses.
          The Somerset Railroad is now open from West Waterville to Madison, twenty miles,
     fare $1.00.The track from West Waterville to Norridgewock is very smooth, and the train
     runs with a gliding movement quite in contrast to the bumping  on some roads. From
     Norridgewock to Madison the rails were laid after frost set in, the track is not yet
     properly ballasted, and the car rock like a ship at sea. The passengers car, by the way, is
     is a very elegant one, and the rolling stock on the road is first class. The passenger
     traffic is light on this road, just now, but much freight goes over it, consisting largely
     of potatoes, for which $5000 a week are paid out at Madison.  Five miles above Madison
     is the flourishing village of North Anson, having a large trade with the surrounding
     country. This village owes to the enterprise of the late Joel Gray the possession of a fine
     hall, the largest probably of which any village of its size in the State can boast. The citizens
     have started a course of lectures, in this hall,the present winter, the first of which was
     delivered last week E. H. Elwell, of the Transcript; the second, we believe is to be
     delivered this by Rev. G. W. Bicknell, of this city.
          The grocery store of Joseph Clark, Winterport,  was burned last week. Loss $,2000,
      insured for $1,500.



Wednesday, August 5, 2015


                                                           MAINE MATTERS
          During the last three months of 1874 five of the oldest citizens of Green died, viz;
      Mrs. Mary Mower, 92; Jacob Parker, 78; Jabez Pratt, 85; Mrs. Clarissa Morse, 78;
      David Thomson, 89.  Mrs. Nason, aged 93 is the oldest person living in the town..

          A little daughter of Mrs. Jewell, of West Baldwin, struck a needle in her breast last
     week, piercing the lung and breaking off. Dr. Swasey of Cornish extracted it. If the
     needle had gone a half inch further it would have pierced the child's heart.
          The blacksmith shop of W. F. Weeman, Sebago, was burned January 4th.
          The following officers were elected last week by Cumberland Co. Ag.
      (Agricultural?)  Society; S. T. Raymond, Westbrook, President; George E.
     Chadbourne, North Bridgton, W. B. Skillin, North Yarmouth, H. H. Boody, North
     Windham, Vice Presidents; Frank Noyes, Portland, Treasurer; Samuel Dingley,
     Sebago Lake,  Secretary. Mr. G. W. Woodman was unanimously re-elected
     President, but was obliged to decline, owing to his business engagements.
           The spring term of the Greely Institute, Cumberland Center, begins Mary 15th.
     W. R. Hemenway, Principal; M. G. Buxton, Assistant.
           Three tenement houses at the center of Gorham village, occupied by Irish families,
     and owned by Honorable F. Robie, were burned last Saturday morning. No insurance.
     The Irish families lost their all, and contributions were promptly made for their relief.
          The barn of W. V. Dudley, Freeman, was burned lately, with several cattle and a
          We last week alluded to the serious accident to Mr.Shibles of Rockport. He was
     blasting through frozen ground, while at work upon his well, and retired behind the
     house for safety. A piece of rock was thrown quite over the house, and struck him
     in the face, as he was looking to see if any of the earth was thrown into the air. His
     face was crushed in a shocking manner.
          The Knowlton Platform and Car Coupling Co., recently formed at Rockland, with
      a capital of $50,000 at paid , has succeeded in introducing its invention upon the Old
     Colony Railroad in Massachusetts., and trains of care are being fitted for the
     Pennsylvania Central and Baltimore and Ohio roads. Mr. C. H. Knowlton has invented
     a freight car coupler, very simple in its action, which does away with the necessity of
     going between the cars to shackle.
          The store of M. S. Spear, South Warren, was burned last week. Partly insured.


Sunday, August 2, 2015


                                                         CITY ITEMS
                                                  (Glances About Town)
          At a meeting of the Ancient Landmark Lodge, Tuesday week, Stephen Berry stated
     that it was the semi-centennial anniversary of the membership of Charles Fobes, the
     Treasurer, and he gave a sketch of his Masonic life; there was present Jonathan Smith,
      Oliver Gerrish and Marcian Seavey, who were compeers of Mr. Fobes, who spoke
      warmly and feelingly of their life; a committee has been appointed to present a
      present a suitable memorial to Mr. Fobes in commemoration of his fifty year member-
          There was a leakage of gas in one of the offices over Dr. Loring's apothecary shop,
      Exchange Street, on Thursday week, and Mr. Purvis thought he would find out some-
      thing about if by lighting a match; the result was he found himself thrown violently into
      the hall, with his hands burned; two other men were also thrown down, the large front
      door wrenched from  their hinges, plastering thrown down and glass broken.
          The Provident Society is greatly in need of clothing for the poor; send any spare
     garments on hand to Colonel J.  H. Thompson, City Building.
          Mr. George D. Jost, whose house was twice set on fire, had the misfortune to fall on
     the ice last Friday, fracturing the small bone of the leg and badly spraining the ankle.
          Ex-County Treasurer Pennell visited his office on Friday week, and turned over
      $20,294.26 to Mr. Harding, the new Treasurer; we hear of no trace of robbers as yet.
          Honorable G. W. Woodman was elected President for the ensuing year, and in his
     speech of acceptance drew a very flattering picture of the business prospect of Portland.
          Mrs.. William E. Edward, whose death is this week announced, was a daughter of
     the late Joseph M. Gerrish, for many years published of the Daily Advertiser.
          Mr. Ira P. Farrington has been elected President of the Casco Bank in place of
      S.  E. Spring, who declined re-election.
          Rev. G. W.Bicknell gave his lecture, "Through by Daylight," in  M. C.  M. A. course
      to a large audience Tuesday.
           Ex-County Treasurer Pennell visited his office on  Friday week, and turned over
     $20,294.10 to Mr.  Harding, the new treasurer; we hear no trace of the robbers as yet.
          Robert E. Williamson had his shoulder dislocated by a snow slide on Commercial
     Street, last Friday.
          The Portland Mechanic Blues had a pleasant reunion at their armory last Friday
     evening, at which, an interesting history of the company, written by Adj. Charles
     Roberts was read.