Sunday, August 30, 2015


                                                  MAINE MATTERS
          Captain C. H. Wording and wife and wife of Belfast, recently celebrated their
     Golden wedding anniversary.
          A. H. Parsons, of Stockton, took from his weir a salmon that weighed 44 1/2
     pounds, said to be the largest ever caught on the Penobscot.
          It is reported that gypsies made an attempt to kidnap a little Pettengill girl in
     Swanville. The girl's story is that they put her in a wagon, and tied a piece of cloth
     over her mouth, but a man came along and rescued her.

          Pensions have been granted to William N. Gower, Calais; Albert A. Lincoln,
          Among the graduates this summer from the College of Liberal Arts of Boston
     University will be Miss Alice Mabel Flagg, a South Berwick young lady.
          Jesse B. Wingate, of Buxton, died Thursday night from a disease which physicians
     are unable to  classify, although it is supposed to have been liver trouble. Mr. Wingate
     had been in failing health for some months, but went out the day before his death
     apparently as well as usual; but finding himself unable to work, returned to the house and
     soon became alarmingly ill. His body swelled rapidly to enormous proportions and he
     suffered the most excruciating pain. The only relief his physicians could give was to
     administer large doses of morphine. He retained consciousness up to a few moments
     before his death.

          IN GENERAL. Two carloads of Texas ponies that were to be shipped to Bangor,
     Me., were found at Hartford last week o have been 13 days without food  and
     several of them were dead.
          The Sawyer memorial church was dedicated at Jonesport, Tuesday night.
          The Maine Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, was formed in 1874, and now has
     200 granges and about 15,000 members. It had bu three master during it thirteen  years
     of existence
          FIRES. Large barn in East Deering, owned by Charles Woodman, Henry Moulton and
     Mark Jordan; loss $1,500, insured for $800, porbably set by tramps. Cottage of C. A.
     Donnell, Spurwink, from defective chimney; insured.-House of Joseph M. Bray, Orland, 
     most of the furniture being saved; insured for $700. Barn of Benjamin Moulton, York,
     with contents.-Buldings of William Higgins, Fairfield, at loss of $3000, and insurance,
     $1,800; from defective chimney.

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