Sunday, August 2, 2015


                                                         CITY ITEMS
                                                  (Glances About Town)
          At a meeting of the Ancient Landmark Lodge, Tuesday week, Stephen Berry stated
     that it was the semi-centennial anniversary of the membership of Charles Fobes, the
     Treasurer, and he gave a sketch of his Masonic life; there was present Jonathan Smith,
      Oliver Gerrish and Marcian Seavey, who were compeers of Mr. Fobes, who spoke
      warmly and feelingly of their life; a committee has been appointed to present a
      present a suitable memorial to Mr. Fobes in commemoration of his fifty year member-
          There was a leakage of gas in one of the offices over Dr. Loring's apothecary shop,
      Exchange Street, on Thursday week, and Mr. Purvis thought he would find out some-
      thing about if by lighting a match; the result was he found himself thrown violently into
      the hall, with his hands burned; two other men were also thrown down, the large front
      door wrenched from  their hinges, plastering thrown down and glass broken.
          The Provident Society is greatly in need of clothing for the poor; send any spare
     garments on hand to Colonel J.  H. Thompson, City Building.
          Mr. George D. Jost, whose house was twice set on fire, had the misfortune to fall on
     the ice last Friday, fracturing the small bone of the leg and badly spraining the ankle.
          Ex-County Treasurer Pennell visited his office on Friday week, and turned over
      $20,294.26 to Mr. Harding, the new Treasurer; we hear of no trace of robbers as yet.
          Honorable G. W. Woodman was elected President for the ensuing year, and in his
     speech of acceptance drew a very flattering picture of the business prospect of Portland.
          Mrs.. William E. Edward, whose death is this week announced, was a daughter of
     the late Joseph M. Gerrish, for many years published of the Daily Advertiser.
          Mr. Ira P. Farrington has been elected President of the Casco Bank in place of
      S.  E. Spring, who declined re-election.
          Rev. G. W.Bicknell gave his lecture, "Through by Daylight," in  M. C.  M. A. course
      to a large audience Tuesday.
           Ex-County Treasurer Pennell visited his office on  Friday week, and turned over
     $20,294.10 to Mr.  Harding, the new treasurer; we hear no trace of the robbers as yet.
          Robert E. Williamson had his shoulder dislocated by a snow slide on Commercial
     Street, last Friday.
          The Portland Mechanic Blues had a pleasant reunion at their armory last Friday
     evening, at which, an interesting history of the company, written by Adj. Charles
     Roberts was read.


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