Wednesday, August 19, 2015


                                                     CITY MATTERS
                                               (Glances About Town)
          Mr. H. D. Hadlock says the suit for $16,000 against the city of Portland brought
     by Ruel Philbrook, assignees, for owners of the Knibb valve patent will not be
     discontinued, and that the test will not be made here.
          Some 600 people attended a sparring exhibition given at the Dijon rink, Saturday
     evening, by the John L. Sullivan combinations.
           At the meeting of the Maine Historical Society to be held at their rooms Friday
     afternoon, June 10th, the following paper will be read:
           The First Treaty of the United States. Its negotiation and how the good news was
     brought from France. A passage in the  Revolutionary history of Old Falmouth, by
     Honorable William Goold, of Windham and ending with Garfield with personal
     reminiscences concerning the tour of President Polk, by Honorable Joseph Williamson,
     of Belfast. The capture of the Margaritta, of Machias, the first national battle of the
     Revolution by George F. Talbor, Esq.
          The complimentary dinner to Honorable James W. Bradbury will take place at
     6 p.m.-At the Opera House,Greenwood Garden  the past week. Balabrega, the magician,
     and company, including Miss Emma Lynden, have had such good success that they have
     been engaged for the week; round trip tickets via steamers cadet and Greenwood, from
     Franklin and Burnham's wharves, admit to the Garden; the five dollar coin offered by
     Captain Knowlton to the boy or girl who would make the greatest number of words
      in the name Greenwood Garden will not be awarded until next week.
          LOCAL NEWS. Bits of Bygones.-No.4. One of the familiar figures of the past,
     no longer seen in our streets, was the town crier. He was an important personage in
     his day. He was the ringer of news, the proclaimer of important events, the advertiser
     of things lost and found and of all men's wares. We remember the last of the race, who
     bore the name Burns, and went about with his bell proclaiming auction sales. To this
     specialty had his once multifarious office been reduced. It was his business to tack up
     handbills announcing the sale, then turn, ring his bell, and shout out his announcement
     in an unintelligible jumble of sounds. The omnivorous newspaper has swallowed him
     up as it has swallowed so many other things.
          Mr. David Hill, of Chebeague Island, now 84 years of age, informs us that when he
     was about six years of age, a family of twenty-four twin brother, came to Maine from the
     South, to take possession of a township given them by the United States government.
     As they passed through Portland, they marched two by two, the oldest first and the
     youngest in order. He would like to knew where they settled, and what was their family
     name. It there is anything in heredity they must have many descendants now living,
     from some of whom we hope to hear from the fortunes of the family.


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