Wednesday, January 6, 2016


            LAUNCHED.  At bath, 12th inst., by Goss & Sawyer, a schooner of 450 tons,
     named the "Annie T Bailey," owned by the builders  and parties in Barnstable, Mass.,
     and Gardner, to be commanded by Captain Price Bearse.
          At Bath 15th inst., by Packard & Haggett, a schooner of 400 tons, called "L. A.
     Plummer" owned by Captain Ezra Howes, who commands her, and others of New
     Bedford. Also, by B. W. & H. F. Noose, a four-masted schooner of 843 tons, named
     "Charles E. Balch, owned by builders and others.

          Upward of forty vessels have been launched from the shipyard at Bath, since
     January 1st., of the present years.
          At Bath, William Rogers has a ship of 2000 tons and a schooner of 400 tons well
     advanced, and has just stretched the keel for a schooner of 400 tons. Hitchcock &
     Blair have a ship of of 2,000 tons well under way for Isaac F. Chapman of New York.
          Brig William Mason, of Boston, 200 tons, built at Castine in 1857, has been
     purchased by parties in Portland. Terms private.
          Captain Bragg, of steamer, Eleadora, reports a sunken schooner off Quack Hole,
     Vineyard Sound, with masts 15 feet out of water, in a dangerous position to passing
          At Bath, Messers. Deering & Donnell have on the stocks two schooners of about
     100 tons each, intended for fishing business. John McDonald is putting up the frame of
     for a ship of 2,000 tons for Benjamin Flint of New York, to be off next fall. Thomas
     E. Hagan & Co., will build  two more fishing schooners this season.                        
          Schooner Ruben Eastman, from Gardiner for New York, put into Newport, R. I.,
     13th inst., last, having carried away flying jib spilt jib and sprung jibboom.
          Schooner Susan Ross dragged ashore at Tennant's Harbor in a blow 6th inst., but
     was not injured.
          Schooner Hattie S. Colling, in coming in to the Kennebec River, run on to
     Ellingwood Rock, which lies about N E of Sequin, and carried away all her head gear,
     fore-foot  beside other light damage; Steam Tug Resolute bowed her to the lower end
     of Georgetown for repairs.,
          Schooner Caroline  Knight,  (Lewis) from Fall River for New York, in ballast put into
     Newport, R. I., 13th inst., last and reports when off Point Judith 12th was run into by schooner
     A. D. Scull also bound west and had foresail badly torn, and carried away two shrouds and
     fore rigging; hull and masts also badly chafed. The colliding carried away heard gear, and
     was obliged to put back to Dutch Island Harbor. The Caroline Knight in returning was
     obliged to anchor off Kettle Bottom Rocks, and was in danger of going ashore, but a tug
     towed her into Newport.
          Barque Payson Tucker (Oakes) of Portland, from Yabacoa,  Puerto Rico for Boston,
     with sugar, while proceeding to sea 15th inst., in charge of pilot, ran on a reef outside the
     former port and will be a total loss. She registered 615 tons, was built at Bath in 1880. and
     owned by J. S. Winslow & Co., Capt. H. Tucker and others of Portland, William Rogers of
     Bath, and J. B. Thomas of Boston. She was  valued at some $30,000, on which there was
     only about $7,000 insurance.
          Schooner Nellie T. Morse, (Hawley,) from Beaufort, N. C., for New York, which was
     beached near Beaufort after being ashore, had discharged nearly all her cargo on the 10th
inst., out she continued to leak badly. It is supposed the leak is about the keel.
         Schooner James A. Parson, from Kennebec for Philadelphia, is repairing mainsail
     at this port.
         Schooner Kendrick Fish, (Walls,) from  Gardiner, for New York, put into Vinyard-
     haven 14th inst., with loss of anchor.




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