Sunday, January 10, 2016


          In this city, October 27th, Lena M. Murray, aged 2 years 4 months.
          In this city, October 27th, Valentine King, aged 28 years.
          In this city, October 27th, Harriet S. Elliott, wife of Isaac Jackson, aged 38 years.
          In this city, October 28th, Maria F., daughter of Washington and Mary A. Libby,
     aged 22 years.
          In this city, October 28th, Dennis Crowley, aged 66 years.
          In this city, October 28th, Patrick Milligan, aged 70 years 10 months.
          In this city, October 28th, Samuel, eldest son of Martha, and the late Hugh McDonald,
     aged 12 years 11 months.
          In this city, October 29th, Georgie G., child of Frank L and Georgie A. Byram,
     aged 5 years.
          In this city, October 28th, of diphtheria Lewis Walter, only child of C. H. and
     M. L. Newton, aged 9 years 3 months.
          In this city, November 2nd, Ada Gertrude, youngest child of Alphonso and Carrie
          In this city, November 2nd, Joseph P., youngest child of James and Mary A. Doyle,
     age 2 years 9 months.
          In  this city, November 2nd, Caroline H., wife of Howard D. Waldron, aged 50 years
     8 months.
          In this city, November 1st, Miss Abbie Howard, aged 73 years.
          In Cape Elizabeth, October 27th, Charles N. Libby, aged 30 years 4 months 12 days.
          In Deering, October 30th, Nellie Montgomery, only daughter of Capt. Alfred and
     Lizzie J. Race, aged 4 years 14 days.
          Deering, November 3rd, Patrick Kenney, aged 47 years.
          Saccarappa, November 1st., Betsey, wife of the late Jeremiah Clements, aged 88 years
     8 months 16 days.
          Harrison, October 19th, Drucilla W., wife of T. H. Ricker, aged 67 years 6 months.
          New York, New York, October 20th, Samuel Willey of Portland, aged 37 years.
          Hillsboro, N.H., October 25th, Eliza R., wife of Lyman Lewis, and daughter of
      the late Stephen Lewis of Portland, aged 73 years.
          October 14th, after a severe and lingering illness, Wellington Hale, aged 65 years,
          son of the late Deacon Ezekiel Hale; in Wisconsin; Florence, only remaining daughter
         of Jonas Parker of Norridgewock, aged 19 years.
          Kennnebuck Depot, October 31st., Miss Sarah Shackley aged 58 years.

          In this city, October 24th, Nellie Gertrude, only daughter of Andrew and Rebecca
     M. Hutchinson, aged 14 years 2 months.
          Thus has passed away one whose loveliness of character endeared her to all associated
      with her. An honest, thoughtful child, cherishing the good and abhorring the wrong she
      was universally beloved wherever known. Dear little Nellie! The wealth of beautiful
     flowers laid upon her casket by the member of her school class, bore testimony of their
     appreciation of gentleness and worth. Without murmuring she passed through her long
     suffering, and to the end, in her relation as a daughter and a sister, and friend was tender
     and loving, and will be missed and mourned by all who know her well.
                                                       In memoriam-Charles C. Frost
                                                  " A combination and a form, indeed!
                                                    Where every god seem to get his seal,
                                                     To give the world assurance of a man.
          These words of his favorite author fitly portray our noble Charlie. Of a bright, fun-
     loving disposition, he yet possessed those sterner qualities, foreign to all save dauntless
     spirits, who seem  born to conquer. A fine presence, united with great personal magnetism,
     attracted innumerable friends all of who in mercantile as well as  social circles, join with
     us in lamenting a common sorrow. Endowed with superior talents, his brief career
     shadowed forth grand possibilities. The counting-house, the crowded street, the busy
     mart will know him no more. No longer will the brave young yachtsman gayly glide o'er
     the billow of Casco Bay. No longer the hall of the "Warwick's" will re-echo his
     melodious voice. All that now remain are love and tears to tell us he hath been. Kissing
     away his struggling breath the Death-angel bore our darling to "the undiscovered
     country, from whose bourn  no traveler return." The cloud is rifted, and from beyond the
     stars, a voice is saying: "All is wll," On, widowed mother! They treasures wait thee on the
     far-off shore; and God, they God will give them all to thee.




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