Sunday, January 17, 2016



                                                          MAINE MATTERS.
          Joseph A. Lamb, in State prison for being accessory to a case of abortion, has been
     pardoned by the Governor.
          John Clancy, an Irishman of advanced years, died in Lewiston last week. A little while
     before death he revealed to friends that there was a pot of gold buried in his cellar. Search
     revealed $1,000 gold. Fifteen years ago a Mrs. Howe asked Clancy's advice in regard to
     what she should do with a thousand dollars in gold she had accumulated, and he advised
     to bury it in her cellar. She did so, and soon  after the money was gone. She suspected
     Clancy, and sued him for the amount, and Clancy settled. Of course, it is suspected that
     the money in Clancy's cellar is the identical money stolen from Mrs. Howe. Clancy's
     friends, however, say he doubtless acted on the advice he gave her and that this was his
     money. If he had put it at interest 15 years ago, his estate would have been worth $2,500
     more than now.
          John Taylor, an English carpenter, was killed at Lewiston last Sunday, by being
     thrown from a carriage.

               Sydney Cook's new steamer is running on the Aroostook River from Fairfield to
          Presque Isle and Ashland.
          George Snow of Brunswick was struck on the head last Friday night by Henry Clay,
     colored, and is in a critical condition. Clay has fled.
          Last Saturday night Bridgton narrowly escaped a general conflagration. At it was
     five buildings on Main Street were destroyed including the office of the Bridgton News.
     The fire was discovered in the furniture store of B. F. Evans, whose loss is $1,200; insured
     for $1,000; M. A. Bean lost buildings, $1,800 insured for $1,000; C. H. Weston, buildings
     loss $3,500, insured for $2,800; H. A. Shorey, building and printing office, loss $4,500,
     insured for  $2,500; Fogg & Dodge, building and stock loss $2,200, insured for $1,200;
     B. T. Chase, law office, loss $2,500; insured for $1,000' F. S. Strout, law office, loss
    $1.000,insured for $700; James Bailey, Portland, building , loss $1,000, insure for $7,000;
     Highland and Grand Lodges, K. P., loss $2,200, smaller sums are lost by Boston
     Clothing Co., A. O. B. Carbett, W. B. Bailey, W. H. Haskell, Bridgton Library, Stoley's
     bakery, F. M. Larrabee, D. P. Larrabee, Cumberland House, R. Bell, A.R. Carsley. The
     total loss is set at $26,000, and the insurance is about $1,000. The cinders were carried
     for miles by high wind, and many building set on fire. A timely lull in the wind saved
    the village.
           Honorable David Moulton, of Deering, "Elder Crawford," will give an olio of comic
     recitations in the company with Mrs. T. F. Beals, the elocutionist, at Bridgton, November
          A bundle of clothes, containing shirt, drawers and overalls, was found in the woods
    near Morrill's corner, a few days ago, and it is thought they may be the exuvias (to remove)
     of the murderer of Low, at West Cumberland. The shirt is marked with initials.
          Daniel Pilsbury, of Cape Elizabeth, has two apple trees on his place that were set out
     before 1761, by Joshua Woodbury, Jr, They this year bore two barrels of apples, natural
     fruit, the specimens of which handed to us fair and sound. He has a pear tree of the same
     great age, also in bearing.
           William F. Fessenden, of Bridgton, get 700 bushel of apples from his orchard,
     200 bushels more than in any former year. One tree bore 40 bushels, says the News.
     Other orchardists in the town get large yields of apples, even more than last year.
          T. D. Emery's clothing establishment at Harrison turns out 100 coats a day for
     Boston  parties. He has 50 hands in the shop, and about 150 outside.
          Jacob Abbott, the well-known author, died at his residence "Ten Acres," Farmington,
     October 31st., aged 76. He was born in Hallowell, graduated at Bowdoin in 1820, became
     a tutor and afterwards professor of mathematics  in Amherst College, and was for several
     years principal of a school for young ladies in Boston, of  a similar school in New York.
     He is best known as a author, and the Harpers have published most of his works, in all
     about 150 volumes. The Rollo and Franconia series of juveniles were the most popular of
     all. For several years past he has resided at his old family homestead in Farmington. He
     leaves four sons, all of whom have won distinction, two as lawyer in New York, and two
     as editors and clergymen. He was an older brother of John S. C. Abbott, the historian,
     who died a few months ago. Two unmarried sisters survive him, and reside in Farmington.
          Rev. A. G. Devoll died a Carthage, October 26th, aged 66 years.




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