Sunday, April 28, 2013



            In Bath Mr.. Philemon  R. Russell to Miss Martha Robinson.
            In Saco, Honorable Isaac Emery of Biddeford to Miss Sarah Spring,
          daughter of Seth Spring, Esq.
            In Union Mr. Abijah P. Judd, of Vermont to Miss Sarah R. Gilmore.


            In Bath on the 25th inst., Captain Calvin Waterman, aged 58, formerly
          of Bridgewater, Massachusetts.
            In August, on Wednesday the 25th, Mr. Jacob Bassford, aged 55.
            In Litchfield on the 19th inst., widow Jane Potter.
            On Wednesday the 25th inst., was drowned at Gardiner Village, Mr. William
          Stevens, son of Amos Stevens, Esq.,  of Litchfield.  He attempted to cross a
          timber which lay across the mouth of the Cobbesse-Contee stream, for the
          purpose of securing lumber in the Mill Dock, when he was blown into the
          stream, in the most rapid part of the current. Ever  attempt was made to save
          the life of this promising young man was unavailing; and he was thus suddenly
          launched into the boundless ocean of eternity, leaving a numerous circle of friends
          and  relations to deplore his untimely loss. His body has not yet been found. (Com)

                                                              May 4, 1827
             In Boston by the Rev. W. Knowles, Mr. Simon H. Lewis to Miss
          Martha Earle.
            In Portland Mr. John Lecomaraine to Miss Nancy Goodenow; Rev. Thomas
         B. Ripley to Miss Martha Mayo.


            In Winthrop on Tuesday1st , Mrs. Abiah, consort of Abiel Pitts, aged 53,
          When such a person is taken away by death, a bereaved family and friends
          may well mourn.
            In this town, Gardiner, suddenly on Monday last, Mr. Eliphalet Pray, aged 43
          years.  On Thursday last while at work on the rounds as a highway surveyor,
          he accidently wounded one of his hand by a small paper of skin being torn off.
          On the following day cold in this very trifling wound, which occasioned such an
          inflammation that he died of it but a little more than two day afterwards! He was
          one of the most robust citizen, and has left many friends to mourn the sudden
          and unexpected death of a useful man. 
            In South Boston, Mrs. Jane, consort of Joseph Woodward,  Esq., after a sickness
          of more than three years.
            In  England Mr. Rundall.  He amassed a great fortune from being a poor
          youth. He left $1,200,000. The Probate Stamp cost $15,000. He invited the\
          son of Mr. Bannister the actor, to breakfast with him the day he was free,
          when he gave him, beside his coffee, a check for $10,000. He gave $20.000
          apiece to the children of Mr. Bigge.
            In Hallowell, Miss Cordelia Martin, daughter of Mr. Alfred Martin, aged


Wednesday, April 24, 2013



            In this city 11th inst., by Rev. G. W. Bosworth, Mr. William R. Lawry,
          of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, to Miss Sarah B. Ross, of Portland.
            In this city 10th inst., by Rev. Mr. Eaton, Mr. Henry Winslow to Miss
          Priscilla L. Target, all of Portland.
            In this city 8th inst., Mr. Daniel Willard to Miss Rhoda F. Allen, both of
            In New York 8th inst., Mr. Charles Worcester of this city to Miss Marian A.
          Campbell, of New York.
            In Belfast 8th inst., Mr. Amariah P. Wood to Miss Olive Boynton, both
          of Unity.
            In Bangor 10th inst., Mr. Lorenzo Fletcher to Miss Amorette Thomas.
            In Bath 11th inst.,  Mr. Charles B. Dalton to Miss Mary Ann Scales both
          of Bath.
            In Rockland 8th inst., Mr. C. L. Allen to Mrs. Sophronia Harrington.
            In Thomaston 9th inst., Captain George A. Bailey to Miss Isabella
          A. Freeman, both of Rockland.
            In North Yarmouth 4th inst., by Rev. Caleb Hebert, Mr. James W. Webber,
          of Durham to Miss Jane G. Loring, of North Yarmouth.
            In Hollis 14th inst., Mr. S. F. Moody to Miss Mary E. Spencer, both of
            In Boston 15th isn't., Mr. E. Osgood Libby of this city to Miss Sarah L.,
          daughter of James Whiting, Esq., of Boston.


            In this city 12th inst., Rosina, daughter of Antonio and Hannah Caleb,
          aged 1 year, 5 months.
            In this city 14th inst., Eliza K., wife of Captain G. W. Turner, 37.
            In this city 12th inst., Frances E., daughter of the late Captain James
          Rackleff, aged 9 months.
            In this city 11th inst., Harriet Amanda, daughter of Mr. Samuel Bryant,
          aged 26 years, and 9 months.
            In Gorham 3rd inst., of typhoid fever after two weeks of painful illness,
          which was borne with great fortitude and Christian resignation to divine
          will, Miss Almira E., eldest daughter  of   Samuel and Mary Allen, aged
          19 years, 6 months. (We have not  space for the obituary accompanying the notice.)
            In Gray 10th inst., Mrs. Julia A., wife of Rev. Allen Lincoln, aged 34.
            In New Orleans 4th inst., Captain Thomas M. Brown of Rockland,
          master of barque Charles Brewer.
            Lost overboard 6th inst., from brig Burmah  (sic), off the mouth of Rappahannock
           River, William Carter, seaman of Brookline. (Mass?)

            In Saccarappa on Sunday morning last, the Grist mill of Babb &
          Wormwood, the carriage factory of M. F. Morse (both owned by Judge Fitch,)
          and the saw mills of Warren & Brigham and of Samuel Clemens were
          destroyed by fire, together with all their contents.  Loss of Mr. Morse, $4,000
          without insurance. Total loss estimated at $20,000 and fifty men throw out of
          employment.  The fire is thought to have been the work of an incendiary, and
          only prevented from becoming an extensive conflagration by the most persevering
          energetic efforts on the part of the citizens.

            A foot race come off Lewiston last week. S. H. Manning run a quarter of a mile\   
          in 58 seconds and won the highest premium, $5. The second best time made was
          1 minute and three seconds.

            At the Saco River Station of the Y. & C Railroad, on Thursday last week a
          little girl aged 2 years, daughter of Joseph O'Brien was burned so severely by
          her clothes taking fire from contact with the stove, that she died the next
          morning. The mother has but a moment left the house, when hearing a scream
          she rushed in and found the child's dress in flames.'

            At Machias Mr. Charles Bridges while running off lumber was buried by the
          falling of the pile, breaking both legs, one in two place, dislocating his shoulder,
          otherwise injuring him so much that his life is despaired of. 

            The Valley Times published at Vienna, Me., states that J. M. Whittier, Esq., of
          Boston, have recently given a fine town house to his native town, Vienna. It is
          said to be a very beautiful and commodious edifice.  There was quite a celebration
          on the occasion of its dedication-a procession, public dinner, speeches, &c.

            The celebration of the 100th birthday of Rev. John Sawyer was attended at Bangor
          by a concourse of people.  The aged preacher delivered an address an hour and a
          quarter in length without any apparent fatigue.  He stated that he was born in
          Hebron, Connecticut, October 9, 1755, being the youngest of a family of five sons
          and two daughters.  He preached his first sermon in 1785,  seventy five years ago!
          His discourse was facetious in many part.  Many incidents of Revolutionary times
         were related.  He was not out in the wars.
            He said he fired a gun once but when the ball went he did not know-he had not
          seen it since!  A contribution of $100 was taken up for his benefit.

            In Pittsfield on Wednesday, a man named Chancey Johnson hung himself
          upon a limb of a tree. He hung there all night before the body was found.

            The Machias Union tell the following story, which beats that of the three wise
          men of Gorham, who went to sea in a bowl-
            On Tuesday last Mr. William Tibbetts and son, a lad of 12 years left Addison in a
          small open boat having on board a large iron kettle holding some hundred gallons
          to go "around to Jonesboro" a distance of some fifteen miles.  When near Shorey's
          Island  the wind commenced blowing furiously which made so much sea that the boat
          filled, but fortunately the kettle did not, when both man and boy got into the kettle
          and succeeded in freeing the boat from water by means of a  bailing dish and arrived
         safely at their place of destination.  A tough story to believe, perhaps to tell, yet our
          information is so direct we believe the authenticity.

            Barque Fanny Buck, of Searsport, Porter, from Jamaica for London, put into
          Searsport, 6th inst., in distress, the captains wife and child dead, and the vessel
          short of provisions.  The captain had no mate and several of his men being sick he
          was obliged to keep personally in charge of his vessel during all the time of his
          distress.  The vessel will proceed after obtaining men and supplies.

            Schooner Ottawa, Howe, from Philadelphia for Portland which put into Newport
          10th inst., in distress; had been run into night of the 7th, off Cape of Delaware by
          an unknown schooner which carried away five stanchions on the starboard bow,
          rail and bulwarks, started top gallant forecastle, and sustained other damage.

            Brig Laura, of Machias, which sunk off Shag Ledge, below Boston night of 6th inst.,
          is breaking up, some pieces of her having floated ashore at Hull, Mass.

            Schooner Maria Jane, from Eastport of Alexandria, put into New Bedford 15th
          inst., for repairs, having sprung a leak in a gale 12th inst.

            Brig Edward Lind, of Portland, Green, from Trinidad for New York, with
          molasses was lost 24th ult., on Los Jardine's Reef.  Captain Green fell into the
          hole of the Spanish steamer Isabel, at Cienfuegos, injuring himself severely,
          doubts being entertained of his recovery. Crew saved and carried into Havana.
            Ship Ashland of Kennebunk, Clark which called at New Orleans 2nd isnt., for
           Liverpool, put back to Slaughter House Point, 7th inst., leaky.





Monday, April 22, 2013

PORTLAND TRANSCIPT February 26, 1870


            In this city February 13th, by Rev. George F. Tewksbury, Nelson Green and
          Miss Falkingham, both of Westbrook.
            In this city February 15th, Samuel H. Pike and Annie I. Van Horn, both of
            In this city February 14th, by H. C. Houston, Esq., Joshua L. Taylor, and
          Maggie A. Doyle, both of Portland.
            In Brownfield February 20th, by S. B. Bean, Esq., William Smith Haley
          and Ellen Grey, both of Brownfield.
            In East Boston February 16th, Dr. Richard M. Ingalls and Miss Mary E.
          Shattuck, both of Boston.
            In Auburn February 7th, E. C. Dunlap, of Westport, and Lois M. Hunton,
         of Lewiston.
            In Lewiston February 15th, Emerson E. Goding, and Abbie A. Bigelow,
          both of Livermore Falls.
            In Lewiston February 3rd, Dr. B. F. Sturgis, of Auburn and P. Jennie Brooks,
          ol Lewiston.


            In this city February 17th, Honorable  William Willis, aged 75.
            In this city February 20th, Happy Morse, widow of the late Enoch Morse,
          aged 99 years, 10 months.
            In this city February 16th, Albert Redlon, aged 28,  oldest child of Nathaniel
          and Jane H. Redlon.
            In this city February 17th, Frank C. Quimby, aged 20.
            In this city February 20th, William B. Small, aged 46.
            In this city February 15th, Elijah P. Lewis, aged 36.
            In this city February 19th, William Radford, aged 90.
            In this city February 20th, George W. Moody, aged 58.
            In this city January 21st., Lieutenant Harrison Holt, 6th United States
          Cavalry, aged 27.
            In this city February 21st, Mrs. Mary Otis, aged 35.
            In Cape Elizabeth  February 18th, Mrs. Sarah B., widow of John Willard,
          aged 80.
            In Lebanon February 5th, James A. Ricker, aged 31 years, 6 months.

            Miss Eva Lane of Westbrook Seminary, daughter of one of the overseers in the
          cotton mills in Saccarappa, died suddenly on Sabbath morning by hemorrhage;
          the immediate result of exposure on the stormy Saturday on which the obsequies
          George Peabody, philanthropist were had in this city. She was a young lady of
           of culture and high Christian character.-Press


             Mrs. Happy Moses, the oldest member of that remarkable trial of whom we have
           lately been called twice to speak, first by a festive anniversary and than by the death
           of the youngest of the group, died peacefully and in the full possession of her faculties
          on Sunday morning last.  In eight weeks she would have been one hundred  years
          old, having been born April 20, 1770.  Her recollections of the opening scenes of the
          Revolution were naturally fuller though not more vivid than those of her surviving
          brother, Mr. Elias Thomas, who is two years her junior. She was not confined to
          bed for a day by her last illness, which seemed scarcely more serious than an
          ordinary cold, till the last moments of her long life approached.  In regard to her
          ancestry, of course the sketch we last week published of her sister, who was buried
          just one week previously, applies to her.  She was named for her mother, Karen-
          happock, but that was too long and unwieldy a word  for the people of this fast
          century, to whom she was known by the name given above.  She was married at
          about the age of 21, and her husband, Mr. Enoch Moses, was somewhat older than
          she; he died suddenly in the year 1836.  He was a "Minute Man" of the patriot
          force which guarded this place in the War of the Revolution.  His widow received
          a pension from the government on account of these services-one of the last of the
          revolutionary pensioners.  She had no children. Of late years she has resided in the
          family of Colonel J. R. Thompson, whose wife is her niece, being the daughter of
          her sister Hannah, the late Mrs. Rogers.  For some years after the death of her
          husband she continued to reside at the corner of India and Federal Streets, and
          afterwards moved to a house on the opposite of India Street, near the residence of
          her brother Elias. At that time her sister Betsey lived by herself in a house on
          Congress Street, near the head of India.  These sisters and brother were each
          born, and have always resided in Portland, and most of the time have been very
          near neighbors.
            The funeral of the late William Willis took place at the First Paris Church on
          Saturday last; in the large gathering of prominent citizens present were the City
          Government, members of the Maine Historical Society, directors of the Portland
          Institute and of the Merchant's Bank, members of the Aged Brotherhood, ex-
          Mayors of the city and the Cumberland Bar Associations, headed by the venerable
          ex-Chief Justice Shepley; Rev. Mr. Bailey delivered a very feeling address,
          commemorative of the high qualities of the deceased; the remains were conveyed
          to the Evergreen Cemetery, the bell of the church pealing solemnly as the possession
         started; the death of Mr. Willis was appropriately noticed in the Courts, and the
          numerous associations with which he was connected have passed resolutions in
          honor of his memory. 
            The loss we have sustained in the death of Mr. Willis is seen in the fact that no
          one has been found to give so full a biographical sketch of him and his family as
          he has given of so many of our departed.
            During the severe gale of Friday night a chimney on Miss Jones' boarding house
          blew down, making a large hole in the roof and considerably injuring the room
            John Neal, at the age of 76 is doing vigorous battle in the dailies in the cause
          of "Social Science."
            The house of Mr. Alvin Dyer, at Knightville was destroyed by fire, last week,
          involving a loss of $4000- insured for $2,400.
            Mr. Redlon of this city died last week at the age of twenty-eight; he was a young
          man of much originality and literary taste, and some years ago was a frequent
          contributor to the columns of the Transcript;  for the last two years he has been
          employed as proof reader on the New York Evening Post.
            The immediate relatives of the late Honorable William Willis present at his
          funeral were his brother Henry of Boston, and his sister Mrs. Duncan, of
          Haverhill, Massachusetts.
             Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Hooper celebrate their Golden Wedding on Thursday evening
          of this week.
             J. M. Kimball & Co., sold twenty-six sleighs at auction on Saturday, at an average
         of  $91.50 per sleigh.
            The three deaths of Miss Betsey Thomas, Honorable William Willis and Happy
          Moses have followed rapidly one upon the other, and make a sad gap in the ranks
          of our age people.
            The Press says there was once the affianced wife of Daniel Webster, but finally
         refused to marry him on account of his using strong drink; she never married.



Thursday, April 18, 2013


                                                             KNOX COUNTY

            The schooner James A. Brown from Raritan River, New Jersey reports that
          she lost her first mate, Alfred Moore when off Highland Light, Saturday. Moore
          fell overboard from the jib boom.  He was 29 years of age and belonged in
            Eli J. Linnekin, a native of Appleton died at his home in Allegany, Pennsylvania
          last week, aged 58.
            A volunteer infantry company, to be known as the Camden Volunteers, has been
          organized in town under the leadership of Mr. W. H. Gardiner. Names are being
          signed each day to the already large list and the drilling will commence soon.
               Jesse Wood of Rockland who has been serving a sentence of three years at the
          prison for breaking, entering and larceny was released Friday.
            The San  Francisco Bulletin prints this item:  Frank Luce who lived alone in a portion
          of a deserted barn, dropped dead while returning home with a bundle of meat. When
          the morgue wagon arrived the coroner's deputies had to drive away with a whip two
          Newfoundland dogs that defended their master's corpse before they could touch the
          body.  Luce had fallen within a few hundred yards of the barn in which he had lived
          during the last three years. He did odd jobs in the neighborhood, particularly in lumber
          yards. Luce was a native of Rockland and was about 58 years of age.
            Edwin R. Coffin, Esq., of the firm of Fish, Richardson & Starrow of Boston, is in
          Rockport taking depositions in the case of Carleton Norwood & Co. vs. W. G. Nash
          of Boston.  The Carleton's have petitioned the court to enjoin Mr. Nash from selling
          lime with the words "Jacob" on it, purchased of the S. E. & H. L. Shepherd company
          claiming an equal right to the use of the brand.  The case in now pending in United
          States Circuit Court, district of Massachusetts.
             Mr. Almon  M. Thompson died at Union last week, aged 73 years.  He received the
          the degree of  Free Masonry more than 50 years ago, and served as tyler (?) for 30
             Mr. Lawrence F. Abbott of New York, son of Dr. Lyman Abbott has purchased a
          lot on Ogier's Hill, on which is expected he will erect a summer residence.  Mr.
          Abbott spent last summer in Camden.

                                                        WASHINGTON COUNTY

            The Pleasant Point Indians are organizing a battalion of 100 members of the
          Passamaquoddy Indians, with the intentions of offering their services to the
          government in the event of war with Spain.
             A house belonging to Nelson Spinney was slightly   damaged by fire last week.
          It caught from a defective chimney.
          A party which will leave St. Croix valley for the Klondike within a few days includes
          the following:  Mrs. Taylor and Miss Bonness, St. Stephen; Aaron Cross, Ira Stinson,
          J. D. Bonness, Christopher Faulkner, W. A. Lamb, A. V. Greenlaw, David Marrs,
          Stephen Chambers, and Maurice McGarrity, all of Calais.
            Mrs. Lorena Bangs, one of the old residents of North Lubec  died at her home last
            At Whiting recently 20 deer, including a white one were seen by Emery White.
         Another resident discovered five, and they are reported plentiful in the Perry woods.
            Landlord W. B. Cottle of Lubec offers the Merchants' Hotel for sale, together with
         the furniture, stable, etc. The house is three and one-half stories, finely situated and
         offered for $6,500.
            M. B. Steven's box mill in Cutler is in operation.
            One morning last week, Mr. and Mrs. Phinnemore, who live in the Small district
          of Cherryfield were poisoned by drinking coffee in which Paris green had been put.
          Their domestic, a girl about 12 years old admitted that she mixed the poisonous drink.
           By prompt action no serious results followed. Mr. Phinnemore and his wife live on a
           farm and had taken the girl to live with them.  No cause for the girl's act is give.
                                                                  LINCOLN COUNTY

            Mr. Henry Hussey of North Nobleboro has a cradle that has been used by three
          generations of his family.  More than 50 children have been rocked in it.
            Mrs. Amy Pinkham, (nee Abbott) of Boothbay Harbor is now over 100 years old,
          having been born September 4, 1794.  Her hearing is perfect and her mind is sound,
          while her memory of remote events is as clear as is our of yesterday's happenings.
          She recalls distinctly many of local movements of the soldiery in the War of 1812.
            The Lincoln County News has been sold to Mr. George Bliss, of Waldboro. Mr.
          Miller will act as editor for the present.

                                                      FRANKLIN COUNTY
            Mr. and Mrs. John C. Stewart of Farmington celebrated the 66th anniversary
          of their wedding day last week.
            Mr. Ridley of Leeds, who was a member of the Mount Saddleback Lodge,
         of I. O. O. F.  of Phillips has just died, making their seventh member only
         since their organization 16 years ago last August.
           Dr. Perkins of Wilton was thrown from his sleigh on coming from North Jay,
       and his horse landed on a front yard fence near the Methodist church.  The horse
       was cut and the sleigh somewhat defaced, but both  were running on the street the
       next day.
          R. O. Dunning of Carthage has gone to North Dakota, intending to go later to
      Alaska.  He has disposed of all his property.

Monday, April 15, 2013


          In this city 3rd inst., by Rev. H. Cox, Charles W. Roberts to Miss Mary
          Mary K. Marston; Mr. Addison Frey to Miss Eliza Ellen Wiley, all of
          In this city 21st ult., by Rev. S. F. Wetherbee, Mr. William Thompson
          to Miss Sarah F. Furbish, both of Portland.
          In this city 28th ult., by Rev. Dr. Carruthers, Mr. David Chamberlain to
          Miss Mary  Hunter, both of Bristol, Maine.
          In this city 28th inst., Rev. Mr. Stebbins, Mr. David Howarth to Miss Mary
          J. Gay; Mr. Andrews Hasty to Miss Julia Gay, all of Portland.
          In this city 3rd inst., by  Rev. W. P. Merrill, Mr. Joel M. Sawyer to Miss
          Ann V. Knight, both of Portland.
          In this city 3rd inst., by Dr. Wright, Mr. Addison G. Leighton of Falmouth
          to Miss Sarah W. DeCreney, of Portland.
          In this city 30th ult., by Rev. Edward Thwing, Mr. William J. Soule to
          Miss Mary E. Brown, both of Portland.
          In this city 30th ult., by Rev. Wright, Mr. Almon H. Gove or Portland to
          Miss. Jennie H., daughter of Deacon M. Tarbox, of Hollis.
          In this city 29th ult., by Rev. Dr. Carruthers, Ellery G. William, Esq., of
          Cleveland, Ohio, to Miss Mary C. Mitchell, of Portland.
          In Saccarappa 3rd inst., by Rev. Mr. Foster, Mr. William Brown, Jr., to
          Miss Ellen K. Skillings, both of Portland.
          In West Newfield, Mr. Jacob Buzzell to Miss Caroline, daughter of
          Frederick C. Waterhouse, both of Bath.
          In Bath 30th inst., Mr. Charles  L. Turner to Miss Angella C. Waterhouse,
          Esq., formerly of Bath.
          In Charlestown, Mass., 10th inst., Mr. John D. Bailey, of Portland to Miss
          Kate W. Jordan, of Castine.


          In this city 29th inst., William Evans, Esq., aged 83 years, 6 months.
          In this city 29th ult., Charles Herbert, son of George and Abby Trefethen,
          aged 10 months.
          In this city 29th ult., Ann, widow of the late Captain Thomas Browne,
          aged 78 years, 8 months.
          At Peak's Island (Casco Bay) ult., Margaret J. Goodwin of East Corinth,
          aged 19. (Eastern and Western papers please copy.)
          Drowned at Stroudwater 29th ult., Moses Q. Hawes, aged 16 years,
          7 months.
          In Scarboro 5th inst., Mrs. Bathsheba Babb, formerly the widow of Jonathan
          Cobb, of Portland, aged 72 years, 6 months.
          In Gorham 10th ult., of congestion of the brain, Sarah J., wife of Freeman
          Paine, aged 35 years, 9 months.
          In Alfred 14th ult., Mrs. Mehitable Brooks, aged 72 years.
          In Raymond, Cumberland County, 29th ult., Mr. Sumner S. Dingley aged
          24 years, 5 months.
          In Naples, Maine,  18th ult., Ellen F., daughter of Samuel F. Perley, Esq., aged 7.
          In Bath 29th ult., Mr. Benjamin Foster, aged 69.
          In Winslow 23rd ult., Rev. David Hutchinson, aged 77 years, 10 months.
          In Winthrop 24th ult., Rachel, wife of Mr. Luther Cobb, aged 45.
          In Skowhegan 29th ult., Mr. Thomas Robinson, aged 81.
          In Sanford 30th ult., Rev. Christopher Marsh, aged 64 years, 11 months.
          In Biddeford 29th ult., Mr. Jeremiah Edgecomb, aged 67.
          In Lovell 29th ult., Abigail A., wife of Mr. David Mansfield, aged 44.
          In Dayton, 26th ult., Mr. Peletiah Moore, aged 60.

           Missing Vessel-Barque Mary E. Donworth, Captain Baker, from Machias,
          sailed for St. Thomas, February 13th for St. Michaels, since which nothing
          has been heard from her, and fears are entertained for her safety. The ship
          was an A2 vessel of 356 tons, built at  Machias in 1855, where she is owned.
          She had a cargo of lumber.
          Barque Mary E. Donworth, reported above was at Fayal, Azores, North
          America, May 31st., chartered to bring forward part of the cargo of
          British barque Indus, coal loaded, condemned.

          We regret to learn that on Thursday week Mr. George W. Ricker, the
          popular landlord of the Stanley House, at Augusta, was thrown from
          his carriage while riding on the race course of the State Agricultural
          Society, and striking his head, was taken up insensible.  It was first
          thought his injuries would prove fatal, but we are glad to learn that he
          is now in a fair way of recovery.

          Accident in Gorham.-The Fourth was celebrated in Gorham by a
          parade of Continentals, in grotesque uniform, with a tin and a
          sheet iron band. Two young men were badly injured by the premature
          discharge of a cannon they were loading. Mr. George W. Jewett had
          his face very severely injured, and may perhaps lose an eye; Mr.
          George Patrick escaped with a pretty severe burning of his arms.

          As David Carter of Parkman, was engaged in taking down an old barn
          on the 18th, he  fell from the beam fracturing one arm and dislocating
          his wrist.  A similar accident happened to Deacon French of the same
          town, only two days subsequent to Mr. Carter's misfortune.

         The house of Mr. Huzzy Gould, of Brownville was struck by lightning
         on the 20th ult.  Two of his children were rendered senseless for a time
         by the shock, and the house was somewhat damaged.  The children
         soon recovered.

         Brother Littlefield of the Skowhegan Clarion has an able editorial on
        "Dandruff and Sore Head." He handles the subject like one who is
         thoroughly versed in it.

         At the opening of the Antiquarian Society of the North at Copenhagen
         last May, under the presidency of the king of Denmark, Dr. A. C. Hamlin
         of Bangor, Maine, sent in an inscription found in the Island of Monhegan
         near the coast of Maine, and traced to the Normans, who were supposed
         to have visited the American coast in ancient times. 





          In this city Mr. John Ayers to Miss Joanna Harris. Mr. William Claridge
          to Miss Hannah Black.  Mr. Charles Gammon of Naples to Mrs. Abigail
          E. M. Boothby, of this city.
          In Hallowell on Thursday evening last, Mr. Samuel Waterhouse, formerly
          of this city, to Miss Mary H. Mayo, of Hallowell.
          In Boston, Mr. William W. Miller to Miss Charlotte A. Cram, of  Parsonsfield,
          In Lisbon Mr. Byram Whitmore, of Bowdoinham to Miss Sarah Trufant,  of
          Lisbon.  Mr. William H. Colby to Miss Sally Pinkham.  Mr. John Gould, Jr.,
          to Miss Gerusha Bard.
          In New York, 16th inst., Captain Thomas Lambert, of brig Lackawan
           (Lackawanna?) to Miss  Rebecca H. Gatchell, both of Lisbon, Maine.

          In Augusta Mrs. Lydia Read, 70. Drowned while skating near the bridge
          Hiram, eldest child of Mr. Moses Wild, aged 11 years.
          In this city, 15th inst., of typhus fever, Ann Maria Brackett, aged 13
          years and 8 months.  16th, Melville, son of Rev. G. F. Cox, aged 4 years.
          In Norridgewock, Mrs. Lucy Parlin, 76.
          In Paris, Maine,  Mr.William Leslie, formerly of this city 24.
          In Windham, Mr. John Brown, 79.  Mrs. Elizabeth Dodge, 71.
          Drowned from on board schooner Ant, from Matanzas, Cuba, supposed
          to have arrived at Halifax, Andrew Jackson, said to be a native of
          Portland, Maine.
          At Penang, (island off the coast of Asia)  July 14th, Captain Francis
          A. Thompson, of Bath, Maine, master of ship Alciope, of Boston.
          Died in this city 23rd inst., Mrs. Phebe, wife of Mr. Parker Ilsley, aged 72.
          Funeral tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon at half past two o'clock.   Friends
          and relatives invited to attend.
          In this city John Franklin, son of Mr. John Fuller, aged 21 months, and
          15 days.
          In Rumford, December 10th, Mrs. Hannah P., wife of Mr. Joshua Graham,
          aged 31. As a wife, a mother, a daughter and a sister, she was pleasant and
          desirable.  But she has gone we doubt not to rest in the Paradise of God,
          safe from disease and decline.  She has left a deeply afflicted companion,
          five children, an aged mother and a large  circle of relatives and friends to
          mourn her loss.  Her funeral was attended at the Center Meeting House, by
          Rev. Joseph Lafkin, agreeable to her request, and a discourse  delivered
          from Ezekiel 24, 6, to a solemn and attentive audience. [Com.]
          In Tattnall County, Georgia, November 12th of an affection of the lungs
          Mr. Nathaniel Fifield, 45, a native of Maine.
          In this city,  Perry Place, 17.
          In Kennebunkport, Mrs. Esther Curtis, 46.
          In this city 21st inst., Mrs. Nancy Wescott, 85.
          In Phipsburg, Captain William Lawrence, 91.
          In Castine, Mrs. Sarah Veazie, 93.
          In Bangor, Miss Elizabeth McNeal, 80.


Tuesday, April 9, 2013


           In this city 7th inst., by Rev. C. F. Penney, Everett C. Brown to Miss
           Lizzie A. Gordon,  both of Portland.
           In this city 30th ult., by Rev. Dr. Quinby, Fred Mansfield to Miss Nellie A.
          Metcalf, both of Hope.
           In Farmington 2st inst., Joseph C. Holman, Esq., to Miss Mittie F. Currier,
          both of Farmington.
           In North Jay 2nd inst., Olney A. Burgess of Andover, Me., to Miss Addie
          P. Lake of Jay.
           In Reading, Massachusetts, 25th inst., Lyman L. Jones., of Weld to Miss
          Mattie Wightman of Reading.
          I n Athens, Maine., 4th inst., by  Rev. R. F. French, Jackson Cayford to Miss
          Aphai M. Getchell, both of Fairfield.
           In Riverside 30th ult., by Rev. Charles Bray, H. W. Woodcock of
         Vassalboro' to Mrs. Frank Wilson of Portland.
          In Auburn 2nd inst., Walter D. Crafts of Auburn, to Miss Ellie Watson of
          In West Lynn, Massachusetts, 28th ult.,   Charles W. Brown, formerly of
          Damariscotta to Miss Mina K.  .Breed, of West Lynn.
          In Bristol 23rd inst., Allen F. Quimby to Miss Annie E. Chisam, both of
          Bristol; 2nd inst., B. F. Tambor to Miss Rebecca R. Quimby of Waldoboro.
          In Jefferson 30th ult., Wells A. Deering to Miss Callie Kennedy.
          In Wascassset 31st int., Caton to Miss Susan Foster.


          In this city at the Insane Hospital, 6th ult., Mrs. Honora, wife of Michael
          Lee of Portland.
          In Sidney, Maine 3rd inst., Thomas Whitchouse, aged 87 years, 6 months
          5 days.
          In Vienna, Maine, 28th ult., Lewis Brown, aged 23 years.
          In Farmington 3rd inst., Mrs. Joseph Butterfield, aged 82 years, 7 months,
          and 8 days.
          In Lynn, Massachusetts, 26th ult., Cummings E. Johnson, formerly of
          Lisbon, Maine., aged 49 years 1 month.
          In Weld 23rd inst., Miss Edith, only child of Joseph Plummer   aged 17 years;
          wife of Benjamin Jones, aged 50 years.
          In Damariscotta 29th ult., Jane M. Metcalf, wife of Honorable  B. D. Metcalf,
          68  years.
          In Bath 2nd inst., Addie S., wife of Joseph R. Mitchell, aged 22 years, 11
          In Woodwich 1st inst., Eugene R. Brookings, aged 21 years, 9 months.
          In Georgetown 1st inst., Miss Abby A. Rowe, aged 28 years.


           The sad news of  Mr. Henry Brown of this place, Letang River was
           received here Monday. He was hoisting the sail of his boat and the
           halliards (sic)  breaking he fell back overboard. Not being able to
           swim and being alone in  the boat, he was drowned.
                                                                                    [Eastport Sentinel]

          Charles B. Palmer of Bremen has a curiosity in a chicken with four
          legs. Both pair of legs are well developed, but only one pair are used.

          William Lord of Minot, eight-seven years old, celebrated the Fourth
          in the hay field loading hay.

          The Whig says that a family reunion of the descendants of Mr. Levi
          Page, on of the first settlers of Brownville, was held at that place
          July 4th. The family was represented by fifty-three in number.
         The neighbors of Captain Bradford Merry, in South Newcastle who
         recently lost his barn by fire, collected Saturday to the number of
         about forty, and assisted him in raising and covering a new one.

          Bath, July 9th. The schooner N. Berry, 123 tons leach from Bangor
         for Providence, R.I. sprung a leak Sunday afternoon, thirty miles off
         Cape Elizabeth , and filled in 30 minutes.  The captain bore away for  the
         Kennebec River, in entering which he drifted on the Sugar Loaf, and
         remained till this morning, when she came off.  She is owned by P.
         McConville and others of Bangor.

          Lewiston, July 9th.  Charles Densmore, river driver, in starting a jam
         of logs slipped and had his leg crushed between the logs.

          Farmington, July 9th.  Charles L. Craig, aged 53 hung himself last night.

         Launched at Kennebunkport 3rd inst., from the yard of Crawford  &
         Perkins by Lyman Mitchell and William Brooks, a superior, wide but
        sharp schooner of about 150 tons, not yet named, and is for sale.

         Biddeford, July 7th. The house of Dorcas  Cole, corner of West and
         Alfred Streets, was burned this morning.  Insured for four hundred
         dollars. Most of the furniture was saved.

         Bath July8th.  The home of John Higgins of Water Street in this city
         was burned this afternoon.    Loss eight hundred dollars. Insured for
         eight hundred dollars Hugh Craig's house adjoining was damaged,
         eight hundred dollars. Insured seven hundred dollars.  The furniture
          partially insured.

         Skowhegan, July 6th.  The farm building of Phineas Eames of Embden,
         consisting of house, shed and two barns, was destroyed by fire last night. 
        Part of the furniture was saved. Loss two thousand dollars, supposed to
        be incendiary. Another fire in  Embden on Friday night burned the farm
        of John Wentworth.  Insure for nine hundred dollars. Supposed incendiary.

       Portland 7th.  The mangled body of a man named Jellerson, was found on
       the Rochester (N. H.) railroad track, near Hollis this morning, probably
       killed by the night freight train.

       Houlton, July8th.  William Shaw's bark extract works in this town was
       burnt early this morning.  The fire caught near the boiler, was discovered
       by the watchman, too late to save the building. Loss ten thousand dollars.
       Partially save.




Monday, April 8, 2013



          In this city 1st inst., by Rev. Dr. Shailer, Mr. Thaddeus Hatch to Miss
          Hattie E. Loring, both of Portland.
          In this city 1st inst., by Rev. S. F. Wetherbee, Mr. George W. H. Brooks to
          Miss Alice M. Coffin.   
          In this city 1st inst., by Dr. Wright, Mr. E. K. Varney of Windham, to Miss
          Augusta Stanford of Portland.
          In this city 2nd inst., by Rev. H. Cox, Mr. Warren Phillips to Miss Susan
          S. Brooks, both of Portland.
          In this city 28th inst.,  by Rev. Dr. Carruthers, Rev. Edward P. Thwing to
          Miss Susan M. Waite, both of Portland.
          In this city 25th ult., by Rev. Webber, Mr. Alpheus Griffin to Miss Mary
          In this city 4th ult., by Rev. Mr. Hayden, Mr. Moses E. Perry to Miss Sarah
          E. Sawyer, both of Portland.
          In Cape Elizabeth 25th ult., Mr. Benjamin F. Elliot of Portland, to Miss
          Susan E. Webster of Cape Elizabeth.
          In Cape Elizabeth 1st inst., Mr. Atwood S. Shurtleff to Miss Mary E.
          Lewis, both of Gorham.
          In Westbrook 2nd inst., by Rev. W. G. Hoben, Mr. Henry W. Caswell to
          Sarah L. Humphrey, both of  Yarmouth.
          In Westbrook 2nd inst., by Rev. G. W. Bosworth, Mr. George L. Hodgdon
          to Miss Grace R. Lockhart.
          In Saccarappa 1st inst., by Rev. H. J. Bradbury, Mr. Enos B. Hale of
          Windham, to Miss Adeline Cloudman of Gorham.
          In Gray 26th inst., by Rec. C. C. Cone, Rev. H. B. Mitchell, of the Maine
          Conference to Miss Martha P. Morse, of Gray.
          In Casco 27th ult., by Moses S. Eastman, Esq., Mr. Silas Moor of Casco,
          to Miss Caroline H. Plummer of Raymond.
          In Waterville 25th ult., Mr. Samuel H. Carter of Portland to Miss Sarah
          Noble of Waterville.
          In Casco, Novembers 25th, by Rev. Hugh Mcquilla, Mr. Charles L.
          Shane to Miss Addie V. Jacques , all of Casco.
          In Boston 29th inst., by Rev. D. C. Eddy, Mr. James F. Harris, Portland to
          Miss Annie M. Moses of  Boston.
          In Greenland, New Hampshire 25th inst., Mr. Matthew Libby, of Portland
          to Miss Eliza G. Thornton of Scarboro.


          In this city 30th inst., Mr. Charles C. Hatch, formerly of Wells, aged 38.
          In this city 28th ult., Henry S., youngest son of Job L. Wentworth, aged
          14 years, 8 months.
          In Falmouth 27th ult., Freeland, only child of Lorenzo and Mary M.
          Washburn, aged 2 months 27 days.
          In Otisfield 20th ult., very suddenly, Mr. Lyman Nutting, aged 66.
          In Brunswick 21st int., Mr. Joseph James, aged 35 years, 11 months.
          In Belfast 15th ult., Mr. James S. Burgin, aged 59 years.
          In Northport 20th ult., Mr. Reuben Davis, aged 62 years.
          In August 18th inst., Mrs. Rose Grady, aged 27 years, 7 months.
          In West Bethel 20th inst., Joseph H. Mason, aged 20.
          In Wells 11th inst., Capt. Samuel Lord, aged 67.
          In Bath 2nd inst., James Potter, Esq., aged 66 years, 3 months, 11 days.
          In Wells 11th ult., Colonel Seth Hatch, aged 81; 18th Mr. Joseph
          Sawyer, aged 74.
          In Kennebunkport 18th inst., Miss Lucy Durell, aged 68.
          In Kennebunk, 1st inst., Emma, wife of Mr. Henry Bunker, aged 24.


          On Wednesday the 4th, Honorable Neal Dow fell from a beam in his steam
          tannery, upon the top of a boiler, striking a hoe which inflicted a severe
         wound upon his body.  He narrowly escaped falling into a vat of scalding
         water. He was insensible for some time, but ultimately recovered himself, and
         expressed his thankfulness that he had received no more serious injury.

         On Sunday last the roof and rear of the house owned and occupied by Mr.
         Silas Mariner, near Ferry Village, Cape Elizabeth, were partly consumed
         by fire. No damage was done to furniture. 

         The second concert of the Portland Band will take place on Monday
         evening next. Mrs. Julia Morris (formerly Miss Wheelock of Portland)
         is to be the vocalist of the evening.

        On Sunday evening next Rev. Alexander Burgess will deliver a discourse
        at High Street Church in behalf of the Home of Aged Indigent Women. The
        cause is very deserving one, and there will doubtless be a large attendance.



          In Bath, Mr. Oliver Moses to Miss Lydia H., daughter of  Charles Clapp, Esq.
          In Hampden, Colonel Daniel Emery to Miss  Almira Crosby, daughter of
          General John Crosby,
          In Concord, New Hampshire, Mr. Frederick C. Swaim (Swain?) formerly of
          Nantucket, to Miss Ann D., Tuck, of Hopkington, N. H.


          In Fairfield, on the 21st inst., Mrs. Maria Peaks, wife of Benjamin H. Peaks.
          In Dover, on the 6th ins., Mathew H. Plumer, Esq., aged 28, after an illness
          of thirteen days.  he has left a wife, and  a large circle of relatives and friends
          to mourn his early end.  A few months ago he was the picture of health, and
          actively engaged in a large sphere of business and bid fair for long and useful
          life; but alas!, he was cut down in the bloom of life to exchange a mortal for
          a more immortal state. How consoling to the parents, brothers and sisters of the
          deceased , that they do not mourn those who have no hope, but have a glorious
          assurance that their son and brother has gone to meet his Redeemer, who called
          himself the savior of the world. We consign his remains to the silent mansions
          of the grave, there to rest till the last trumpets joyful sound-

                                        "Shall all burst his chains, with sweet surprise,
                                       And in his Savior's image rise!"

          In Andover, Vermont, Mr. Eleazer Butterfield, aged 77. About thirty years
          since, Mr. Butterfield united with the Baptist church; but receiving  more
          light from the gospel of his Redeemer, and being blessed with  a more enlarged      
          faith, a faith embracing the whole family of man as the heirs of salvation and
          immortal glory, he about two years afterwards requested a dismission (sic) from the
          church  This reasonable request was refused; and although no charge of immoral
         or improper  was brought against him, he was excommunicated for heresy.  From
         that time to the day  of his departure, he continued firm in the faith; and it
         forsook him not in the hour of death."  "Blessed are the  dead who die in the
         Lord." Chris. Repository


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

PORTLAND TRANSCRIPT, November 13, 1869


          In Bangor a butcher named Louis Reynolds was killing sheep by knocking
          them on the heard with a hammer when, missing the animal be brought the
          hammer with full force upon his leg just below the knee, breaking the bone
          short off.

         The Piscataquis Observer states that about a fortnight ago a little son of Judge
         Monroe, of Abott shot a wild duck near their premises, and upon examination
         found in its crop a fish eleven inches long and about two inches in diameter.

          Mr. John Griffin and wife of Stockton celebrated their Golden Wedding on the
          21st ult. Captain William Clifford and wife of Searsport, were present, who were
         at the wedding fifty years ago.

         An Irish boy named Connaught at Lewiston, while snowballing on Saturday
        week was struck in the eye by a snowball, which had gravel  mixed in it, and
        his eyelid was lacerated very badly.

        The Lewiston Journal says that J. R. Pulsifer, Esq., of Poland, Maine. had
        his leg broken on Tuesday week, by the sudden starting of a team with
        which he was drawing stumps.

        On the 29th ult., Dellie, the only child of Augustine and Sarah Wyman,
        of Skowhegan was so badly burned that she lived  only eleven hours
        A cow of Wheelwright Stevens, Searsport, has produced four calves in
        fifteen months-two pairs of twins.  Who will beat that.

        Mr. Henry Witham, of Waterville, as we learn from the Mail, had moved
        into a house which he had just bought, and nearly paid for when one day
       last week it burned to the ground, with barn shed and all their contents,
       leaving his family stripped of everything save the clothes they stood in.

        Two men named William and Libby broke out of Wiscasset jail on Tuesday
        night last week. William was arrested in South Gardiner on Saturday, and
        the officers were in hot pursuit of Libby.

         Miss Molly Larabee who died in Lyman, on the 21st ult., in her 96th year,
        lived and died on the spot where she was born, and was never twenty-five
        miles from home during her long life.
        On the 2nd inst., the house of Captain Jasper A. Roberts, in Winterport was
        wholly destroyed by an incendiary fire.  It was unoccupied.
        Mr. Cole, of Saco, had his hand split nearly to the writs by a circular saw on

        William Allen, Esq., of Norridgwock has just published at his own expense
         a history of his native town of Industry.

        On Tuesday week  a house in Pittston belonging to Amos Rollins, was
        burned together with it contents. Loss 2,000, insured for $600.

        The Biddeford Journal says that there are four brothers by name Samuel,
        Aaron, Philemon and John McKenney living in  Saco, whose united ages
        are 358 years, averaging about 90.  Old Mr. Jenkins of Saco, will be 102 if
        he lives till January.

       The Farmington Chronicle gives an account of one Ward, who after stealing
       a horse and pung (sled)  from John Crosby, of Avon, a buffalo robe from Benjamin
       Hunter of Strong, and a new harness from James Vining, escaped from his
       pursuers and started for Canada via Dixfield.
        Mr. F. N. Hodsdon of Saco, was thrown from a carriage on Tuesday week,
        and had the bones of his right hand badly dislocated besides sustaining
       other painful injuries. 

       Fuller Dingley of Gardiner was severely bruised by the falling of his coal
       shed, while he was fixing up the sluice way.
       The Kennebec Journal says that a piece of bullet, about the size of an acorn
        was extracted from the side of William Holmes, of Augusta, where it had
        lain since the first battle of Fredericksburg, December 14, 1862.  It first
        entered near the right shoulder and gradually worked its way down until
        it lay under the arm whence it was taken out.

         A man died suddenly at the Almshouse in South Berwick, on Wednesday
        week, who had been dropped there very ill by some unknown person, the
        night before. It appears from papers upon him that his name was Isaac E.
         We were shown the other day by George Holden, three silver buttons once
         worn on his vest by President John Adams; there are of an antique pattern,
        and well worth preserving as curiosities.

         Mr. Ferdinand Pudor eldest son of Dr. Pudor, in jumping from his carriage
         on Commercial Street last Friday, broke both bones of one of his legs just
         below the knee.

        Thomas McGowan fell from the roof of his two and a half storied house on
        Saturday, and though his fall was broken by a shed he was pretty badly
        bruised about the head, back and hips.

        Two old and respected citizens passed away last week, Captain T. C.
        Stevens, one of the Port Warrens, and Mr. William E. Kimball, recently
        crier of the Supreme Court.  The Maine Lodge of Odd Fellows was called
       out three times within the week to bury their dead, it annual year loss by
       death being only from five to seven.