Monday, April 15, 2013


          In this city 3rd inst., by Rev. H. Cox, Charles W. Roberts to Miss Mary
          Mary K. Marston; Mr. Addison Frey to Miss Eliza Ellen Wiley, all of
          In this city 21st ult., by Rev. S. F. Wetherbee, Mr. William Thompson
          to Miss Sarah F. Furbish, both of Portland.
          In this city 28th ult., by Rev. Dr. Carruthers, Mr. David Chamberlain to
          Miss Mary  Hunter, both of Bristol, Maine.
          In this city 28th inst., Rev. Mr. Stebbins, Mr. David Howarth to Miss Mary
          J. Gay; Mr. Andrews Hasty to Miss Julia Gay, all of Portland.
          In this city 3rd inst., by  Rev. W. P. Merrill, Mr. Joel M. Sawyer to Miss
          Ann V. Knight, both of Portland.
          In this city 3rd inst., by Dr. Wright, Mr. Addison G. Leighton of Falmouth
          to Miss Sarah W. DeCreney, of Portland.
          In this city 30th ult., by Rev. Edward Thwing, Mr. William J. Soule to
          Miss Mary E. Brown, both of Portland.
          In this city 30th ult., by Rev. Wright, Mr. Almon H. Gove or Portland to
          Miss. Jennie H., daughter of Deacon M. Tarbox, of Hollis.
          In this city 29th ult., by Rev. Dr. Carruthers, Ellery G. William, Esq., of
          Cleveland, Ohio, to Miss Mary C. Mitchell, of Portland.
          In Saccarappa 3rd inst., by Rev. Mr. Foster, Mr. William Brown, Jr., to
          Miss Ellen K. Skillings, both of Portland.
          In West Newfield, Mr. Jacob Buzzell to Miss Caroline, daughter of
          Frederick C. Waterhouse, both of Bath.
          In Bath 30th inst., Mr. Charles  L. Turner to Miss Angella C. Waterhouse,
          Esq., formerly of Bath.
          In Charlestown, Mass., 10th inst., Mr. John D. Bailey, of Portland to Miss
          Kate W. Jordan, of Castine.


          In this city 29th inst., William Evans, Esq., aged 83 years, 6 months.
          In this city 29th ult., Charles Herbert, son of George and Abby Trefethen,
          aged 10 months.
          In this city 29th ult., Ann, widow of the late Captain Thomas Browne,
          aged 78 years, 8 months.
          At Peak's Island (Casco Bay) ult., Margaret J. Goodwin of East Corinth,
          aged 19. (Eastern and Western papers please copy.)
          Drowned at Stroudwater 29th ult., Moses Q. Hawes, aged 16 years,
          7 months.
          In Scarboro 5th inst., Mrs. Bathsheba Babb, formerly the widow of Jonathan
          Cobb, of Portland, aged 72 years, 6 months.
          In Gorham 10th ult., of congestion of the brain, Sarah J., wife of Freeman
          Paine, aged 35 years, 9 months.
          In Alfred 14th ult., Mrs. Mehitable Brooks, aged 72 years.
          In Raymond, Cumberland County, 29th ult., Mr. Sumner S. Dingley aged
          24 years, 5 months.
          In Naples, Maine,  18th ult., Ellen F., daughter of Samuel F. Perley, Esq., aged 7.
          In Bath 29th ult., Mr. Benjamin Foster, aged 69.
          In Winslow 23rd ult., Rev. David Hutchinson, aged 77 years, 10 months.
          In Winthrop 24th ult., Rachel, wife of Mr. Luther Cobb, aged 45.
          In Skowhegan 29th ult., Mr. Thomas Robinson, aged 81.
          In Sanford 30th ult., Rev. Christopher Marsh, aged 64 years, 11 months.
          In Biddeford 29th ult., Mr. Jeremiah Edgecomb, aged 67.
          In Lovell 29th ult., Abigail A., wife of Mr. David Mansfield, aged 44.
          In Dayton, 26th ult., Mr. Peletiah Moore, aged 60.

           Missing Vessel-Barque Mary E. Donworth, Captain Baker, from Machias,
          sailed for St. Thomas, February 13th for St. Michaels, since which nothing
          has been heard from her, and fears are entertained for her safety. The ship
          was an A2 vessel of 356 tons, built at  Machias in 1855, where she is owned.
          She had a cargo of lumber.
          Barque Mary E. Donworth, reported above was at Fayal, Azores, North
          America, May 31st., chartered to bring forward part of the cargo of
          British barque Indus, coal loaded, condemned.

          We regret to learn that on Thursday week Mr. George W. Ricker, the
          popular landlord of the Stanley House, at Augusta, was thrown from
          his carriage while riding on the race course of the State Agricultural
          Society, and striking his head, was taken up insensible.  It was first
          thought his injuries would prove fatal, but we are glad to learn that he
          is now in a fair way of recovery.

          Accident in Gorham.-The Fourth was celebrated in Gorham by a
          parade of Continentals, in grotesque uniform, with a tin and a
          sheet iron band. Two young men were badly injured by the premature
          discharge of a cannon they were loading. Mr. George W. Jewett had
          his face very severely injured, and may perhaps lose an eye; Mr.
          George Patrick escaped with a pretty severe burning of his arms.

          As David Carter of Parkman, was engaged in taking down an old barn
          on the 18th, he  fell from the beam fracturing one arm and dislocating
          his wrist.  A similar accident happened to Deacon French of the same
          town, only two days subsequent to Mr. Carter's misfortune.

         The house of Mr. Huzzy Gould, of Brownville was struck by lightning
         on the 20th ult.  Two of his children were rendered senseless for a time
         by the shock, and the house was somewhat damaged.  The children
         soon recovered.

         Brother Littlefield of the Skowhegan Clarion has an able editorial on
        "Dandruff and Sore Head." He handles the subject like one who is
         thoroughly versed in it.

         At the opening of the Antiquarian Society of the North at Copenhagen
         last May, under the presidency of the king of Denmark, Dr. A. C. Hamlin
         of Bangor, Maine, sent in an inscription found in the Island of Monhegan
         near the coast of Maine, and traced to the Normans, who were supposed
         to have visited the American coast in ancient times. 



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