Monday, April 8, 2013



          In Bath, Mr. Oliver Moses to Miss Lydia H., daughter of  Charles Clapp, Esq.
          In Hampden, Colonel Daniel Emery to Miss  Almira Crosby, daughter of
          General John Crosby,
          In Concord, New Hampshire, Mr. Frederick C. Swaim (Swain?) formerly of
          Nantucket, to Miss Ann D., Tuck, of Hopkington, N. H.


          In Fairfield, on the 21st inst., Mrs. Maria Peaks, wife of Benjamin H. Peaks.
          In Dover, on the 6th ins., Mathew H. Plumer, Esq., aged 28, after an illness
          of thirteen days.  he has left a wife, and  a large circle of relatives and friends
          to mourn his early end.  A few months ago he was the picture of health, and
          actively engaged in a large sphere of business and bid fair for long and useful
          life; but alas!, he was cut down in the bloom of life to exchange a mortal for
          a more immortal state. How consoling to the parents, brothers and sisters of the
          deceased , that they do not mourn those who have no hope, but have a glorious
          assurance that their son and brother has gone to meet his Redeemer, who called
          himself the savior of the world. We consign his remains to the silent mansions
          of the grave, there to rest till the last trumpets joyful sound-

                                        "Shall all burst his chains, with sweet surprise,
                                       And in his Savior's image rise!"

          In Andover, Vermont, Mr. Eleazer Butterfield, aged 77. About thirty years
          since, Mr. Butterfield united with the Baptist church; but receiving  more
          light from the gospel of his Redeemer, and being blessed with  a more enlarged      
          faith, a faith embracing the whole family of man as the heirs of salvation and
          immortal glory, he about two years afterwards requested a dismission (sic) from the
          church  This reasonable request was refused; and although no charge of immoral
         or improper  was brought against him, he was excommunicated for heresy.  From
         that time to the day  of his departure, he continued firm in the faith; and it
         forsook him not in the hour of death."  "Blessed are the  dead who die in the
         Lord." Chris. Repository


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