Saturday, May 18, 2013


                                                              MAINE MATTERS

              Miss Rilla Berry of Winthrop attempted to commit suicide in Auburn on
          Thursday morning by cutting her throat.  She is employed in  a shoe shop in Auburn. 
          Despondency is supposed to have caused the act.  The wound was not fatal.
              Mrs. Sophia W. Rowell died at Livermore Falls on Monday, aged 96 years and
          2 months. She was the widow of the late  Abijab Rowell, and mother of John A.
          Rowell of Livermore Falls, Edwin W. Rowell of Lewiston and Major E. Rowell 
          of Hallowell.  Two of her grandsons, George S. and W. W. Rowell are connected
          with the Portland Advertiser.
              L. C. Reyson a prominent Auburn horseman broke his leg at the State Fair
          track while exercising a trotter Wednesday.


              The Ellsworth American says that in a fit of anger a man named Davenport,
          of that city threw an axe at a young man named Gordon, the blade striking him in
          the thigh and inflicting a wound so serious that he could not be moved home, but
          cared for at the house of Mr. Davenport.  Mr. Davenport is naturally, it is said a
          kind-hearted man but has a quick and most ungovernable temper.
              Deacon Dudley Bridges of Penobscot, 83 years of age, recently dropped and
          and covered 700 hills of potatoes in one day, wheeling most of the seed in the field
          on a wheel barrel.
             At North Harbor, Mount Desert several new cottages are going up and Honorable
          Erastus corning of Albany is having some extensive improvements made on his
          property, under the direction of a landscape gardener. At Seal Harbor, Mount Desert
          a large amount of building is going on and many summer cottages are going up
          for Boston and New York people.
              A once famous dweller on Mount Desert Island was Mme. Milliken who lived to
          be 100 years of age.  Her home was on the side of Pretty March harbor.  Here the
          madam and her husband Milliken (who was descended from a Scotch baronet, Sir
          Hugh Milliken of  Aberdeen, Scotland) spent long, useful and happy lives.  Mme.
          Milliken was a doctress, and there living being no road, but only foot and bridal paths
         at that time on Mount Desert she rode on horseback all the time to all part of the
         island, and some times to the main land which could only be reached with a horse at
         low tide. She also rowed and sailed to and from the neighboring islands, attending to
        her professional duties.  Ellsworth American.
             "The Bluffs" at Mount Desert Ferry, have been leased by G. T. Stockham who
          has been one of the head clerks at the Ebbett House, Washington House, D. C.
          the hotel will be opened for the entertainment of guests about the first of July.


              L. C.  Jones of Hallowell recently sold his fast horse to Boston parties for
              It is denied that the Kennebec Democrat is to be removed to Ellsworth. It
          will still be published by at Waterville by Colonel Butler. 
              Martin Witham of Albion was arrested Wednesday, charged with robbing the
          post office at Benton, and in default of bail was committed to jail.
             Rev. S. S. and Mrs. Sargent of Augusta celebrated their Golden wedding
          anniversary on Thursday last week.
             Monday week an unfortunate resemblance caused Detective True, of Hallowell
          and Bangor officers to arrest a man on the Pullman  train going west on suspicion
          that he was "Shang" Campbell, wanted by Inspector Byrnes, of New York for
          burglary.  The man had a large sum of money with him, including $600 Canadian
          bills, leading the officers to believe he was the man wanted.  He was lodged in jail
         at Augusta, but was released the next day, one of Brynes' force saying he was not the
         wanted man. That evening a telegram received from Ottawa stated that the man
         arrested was Charles Stubbs, a lumber man of that city who left for the States two
       weeks ago.

              Honorable A. P. Gould, one of the leading lawyers of Maine died at  Thomaston
          Sunday after a long illness from chronic nephritis.  He was born in New Hampshire
          in 1821 and studied law in the office of Daniel Webster, and settled in Thornton in
         1848. He represented that town in the Legislature in 1861 and in 1863, and had been
         the candidate of the Democracy and the United States Senate. He leaves a widow, a
         son three years old, and two daughters from a previous marriage.
              Chauncey Hodge, head hammer man at the Camden Works died Saturday night
          from blood poisoning caused by getting a little finger jammed about two weeks ago.

              Consul general Phelan Monday night received a dispatch stating that the fishing
          schooner Ambrose H. Knight of Boothbay, Me., Captain Higgins, had been seized
          at St. John, Newfoundland, and the crew arrested for selling bait at St. Pierre,
          Miquelon.  Captain Higgins gave bonds and he and the crew were released
          thereupon with their vessel.
              Ozro Bryant of Nobleboro, played the same fife for the G. R. A. Post
          Wednesday in the service at Port Hudson.

              Burglars broke into the drug store of Dr. F. H. Packard and the confectionery
          store of Erastus Cummings, at West Paris, Friday night, getting ten or fifteen dollars
         in money from the money drawers and a lot of tobacco and cigars.  An overcoat was
         stolen from Mr. Benjamin Davis.  As yet there is no clue to the robbery; it is supposed
         to be the work of tramps.
              S. H. Burnham, formerly of Norway, Me., is a successful banker of Lincoln,
             The $10.00 prize given by A. E. Herrick, Esq., at the prize debate of Gould's
          Academy students was awarded to John J. Elliot of Rumford.
             Pensions have been granted Elizabeth N., mother of A. F.  Ryerson, Paris, Me.,
          Pulaski Hodge, Canton; Charles C. Burt of Norway.

              A warrant has been issued for the arrest of Mrs. Orrin Boothby of South
          Waterboro, for assault with the intent to kill on Mrs. Ivory Bean of that town
          last week. The attending physician says that Mrs. Bean cannot recover. Jealousy
          was the cause of the assault.  The trial will be held before the justice of South
          Waterboro on Wednesday. Several citizens of the town have been summoned.
              Imogene Emerson of Biddeford, aged 21 who was frightfully burned by her clothing
          coming in contact with the kitchen stove last winter, died Sunday night.  She had been
          a terrible sufferer ever since the accident.
              The Democrats of the 1st Congressional District last week nominated William
          Emery as Representative.  Samuel L. Lord is Presidential elector.
              Ralph Chadborne of Saco, successfully passed both mental and physical
          examinations at Annapolis Naval Academy and is now in the naval service as a cadet.
              Nate Haines was arraigned Saturday in the Saco Municipal Court, on charge of
          assault.  He retracted his plea of not guilty and pleaded guilty. He was fined $10 and
          cost to $30, which he paid.  The young Maddox boy who Haines assaulted is rapidly
          improving.  He has an abscess under his knee but will undoubtedly recover from the
          effects of the assault.
              A young son of George F. Bryant of Biddeford on the river bank on Friday
          afternoon and was carried over the falls. The body was not recovered.
              A three year old daughter of John Kneeland of Saco, lies at the point of death
          and the physicians who have been summoned since her sickness, have been unable
          to decide upon the disease from which she suffers, says the Biddeford Journal.
          Twelve weeks ago from apparently perfect health she was suddenly taken with
          chills and the joint of the limbs began swelling. The first physician  who attended
          pronounced it a case of rheumatic fever, and a little later some worm medicine was
          given to the child.  Since then she has been unable  to hold anything like nourishment
          and has steadily wasted away, until at present the child is simply a living skeleton.
          She seems to experience but little suffering, and is so faint is the spark of remaining
          life that several times she was thought dead. The physician are completely baffled by
          the disease and give no hopes of the child's recovery, and her death is expected at any
              Henry U. Haley of Saco died Wednesday from blood poison caused by some
          poisonous dye stuff getting into a slight scratch on his finger about a month ago.
             A daughter of Louis Nadean of Biddeford died recently from a trouble thought
          to have been contracted by an excessive indulgence in jumping the rope.
             Isreal Shevenell the oldest truck man in York County, was the first French
          Canadian to settle in Biddeford.  He walked from Quebec to Biddeford 43 years
          ago. Now there a nearly 7,000 of his county men in that city.
             Charles H. Haley of Biddeford, recently attempted suicide by taking laudanum.
          B. R. T. Collins, of Kezar Falls, received the degree of Bachelor of Science, after
         the graduation exercises at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston, last
              John Raymond of South Waterboro was very dangerously injured recently be
          being caught between a car and a lumber wagon.
              William K. Trafton formerly of South Berwick, one of the oldest and best known
          reporters of the Produce Exchange, New York, died Friday aged 70.



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