Wednesday, May 22, 2013



                                                              MAINE MATTERS

              Lauriston Brown, Washburn, has been granted a pension.
              Mrs.William Morris a few days since, while washing saw a small spot of
          Paris green that was on the clothes that were unknown to her. She was very sick
          for awhile, but the proper antidotes were administered.  This is the second time
          she has been poisoned with it.
              A fourteen year old daughter of D. D. Hemore of Smyrna, while leading a horse
          to  water was kicked in the face by the animal, breaking her lower jaw in two places
          and considerably lacerating the flesh.  A physician of Houlton was summoned and
          found it necessary to fasten the boned together with a silver wire. Although a critical
          case the doctor has hope of her recovery.


              E. P. Pomeroy of Rochester, N. Y., while visiting his sister,  Mrs. Elijah Kellogg
          at Harpswell  hung himself Monday morning, Ill health and temporary insanity were
          cause.  He was 50 years old and a travelling man.
              George Thompson, the Standish livery stable keeper, let a horse Thursday evening
          to a stranger and the team has not been returned. Thompson is looking for his property.
              A child belonging to Mr. J. Harry Fisk of Brunswick, fell from a second story window
          of his residence on Pleasant Street last week, striking on its head in the middle of a
          newly plowed flower garden.  The Telegraph says the little one got up without help and
         was playing when found by its mother.
              Professor C. C. Everett of Harvard College will deliver the oration at the celebration
          of the 150th Anniversary of the settlement of Brunswick.  Professor H. L. Chapman, of
          Bowdoin College will deliver the poem upon that occasion.
              Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Libby of Saccarappa celebrated their Golden Anniversary Monday
         and were presented by friends with $55 in gold.
             Thomas Dunning, 81 years old of Cape Elizabeth, shot himself in the head Friday,
          killing him instantly.
             In East Baldwin the other day George Richardson was trying to throw a ball over the
          top of an ancient pine, about 150 feet in height. The ball lodged in the top of the tree,
          and Mr. D. Shaw undertook the task of recovering it by climbing the tree.  After much
          trouble he succeeded in performing the daring feat.

              Mr. E. K. Woodman of Farmington, has bought the four-year-old mahogany bay
          stallion Gideon Chief, of Dr. J. B. Twaddle for the sum of $1,000.
              John G. Chapman of New Sharon, about the age of 38 years of age, committed
          suicide by hanging on Thursday of last week. No cause is assigned for the act.
              The wife of Deputy Sheriff C. B. Millay committed suicide in Bowdoin Center
          Saturday night.
              News received in Bath Saturday of the death of James T. Patten at Wayneswille,
          North Carolina, Friday.   He was one of the leading business men at Bath having
          been interested in the Patten car works. Afterwards he went into the oil business at
          Brooklyn. Mr. Patten was mayor of Bath two years, and served two terms in the
          Maine Legislature.  He leaves a widow and several children.
              Saturday morning the New England Ship Building Co., launched the passenger
           steamer Nahanada, owned by the Eastern Steamboat Company, and designed to
           run on the Bath and Boothbay Harbor route.  The steamer is very strongly built in
           every particular, and is 97 feet overall, 236 in breadth and 7.6 in depth. The
          The Nahanada was designed by Mr. William Pattee, who designed the Shappo and
          he was made her hull very similar to that of the speedy Bar Harbor Ironworks, and
          is considered a very fine one, and it is thought the new steamer will be able to log
          sixteen miles an hour easily.  She will be ready for duty in about a month. The New
           England yard now contains but one vessel, a three-masted, 500 ton schooner, to be
           owned by parties in Dover, N. H.


              Mrs. Parker Williams of Madison, has a fuscbia, taken from a slip last summer
          that has 97 blossoms upon  it.  She also has another with variegated leaves, taken
          from the slips last October that is 40 inches high and budding to blossom.
              Henry Smith of Skowhegan died Saturday morning of dropsy, having been
          confined to the house but one week.  Mr. Smith was baggage master at Skowhegan,
          and well known throughout the state, having been a conductor on the Maine Central.
           He  leaves a wife and daughter.
              A pension has been granted to Oliver E. Otis of South Norridgewock.
              Bert Dawes of Madison was drowned while at work on the logs of Spencer stream
          Thursday.  He was the principal actor in a tragedy enacted at Madison bridge fourteen
          years ago.  He was then a lad of ten or twelve years of age, and was playing with a
          little girl half his age, named Spear when they discovered a gun.  He took it up pointed
          it at her, killing her instantly.  He was arrested and pleaded that he did not know the gun
          was loaded, but was simply trying to frighten his playmate.  This statement was not
          credited and he was sent to the Reform  School.

              Mr. Alvah E. Stimpson of Belfast has formed a co-partnership for the purpose of
          making of wigwam slippers.  They have rented a section of the second floor of C. J.
          Hall's foundry building where their machinery is set up.
              News have been received that William E. Park, Jr., first officer of the schooner Lina
          C. Kaminska, was drowned on passage from New York to Port Royal South Carolina.
          He was the son of Captain William H. Parks of Searsport, and was about 26 years of age.
              Pensions have been granted to Francis Matthews, Liberty; Surmandel K. Richards,
          Belfast; Dorinda A., widow of William Richardson, Prospect; Stephen Thurston, Belfast.

              Orrin H. Anderson, Milltown, has been granted a pension.
              Mr. F. J. Moore, a telegraph operator in Machias with the exception of short
          vacations has been at his post in that place 36 years.
              A young son of Captain Wass of South Addison, had a narrow escape from drowning
          recently.  He was playing in a yard where a tub of water was standing and accidently
          fell in, but was rescued by his sister, 3 years old, who by taking hold of his dress hauled
          him out.  She then took him to the house and told her mother that the baby had
          fallen in the water.





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