Wednesday, October 30, 2013

THE PORTLAND ADVERTISER and Gazette of Maine, March 28, 1837


          In this city last evening, by Rev. J. S. Maginnis, Mr. Charles E. Beckett to
     Pamelia Plummer.
          In Westbrook, Mr. Benjamin French to Miss Loisa  (Louisa?) Small.  Mr.
     Charles Evens to Miss Caroline F. Prockter.(sic)
          In South Boston, Mass., Mr. Thomas Hammond, Jr., to Miss Sophia Theresa
          In Livermore, Mr. Nathan Sawtelle of Turner, to Miss Maria Hinds, of
          In Waterborough, Mr. Charles Brooks of Berwick, Great Falls, to Miss Lucinda
         In Turner, Mr. Charles Torrey to Miss Ruth Turner. Mr. Caleb Hardy, of
     Fryeburg, to Miss Laura Ann Sawtelle, of Turner. Mr. H. Row of Sumner, to Miss
     Betsey Coburn, of Turner.
          In Natchez, Mississippi, Mr. William Pearce to Miss E. Gillett, of Hallowell,
     Me., daughter of Rev. E. Gillette, D. D.
          In Frankfort, Waldo County, Captain W. S. Smith to Miss Elizabeth R. Mayo,
     of Boston. Mr. M. M. Rich, of Bucksport, to Miss Sarah Dorr, of Frankfort.
          In Parkman, Piscatquis County, Mr. Benjamin Larabee to Miss Bashaba 


          In this city, Mrs. Ann Barrett, 62.
          In this city, a child of Mr. Edward Foss, aged 22 months.
          In Bath, Mr. Edward Wood, Jr., 22.
          In South Berwick, Mrs. Sarah Hodson, (Hedson?) 93.
          In Turner, Eliza Bryant , aged 4 years.
          In Durham, Androscoggin County, Mrs. Nancy Douglass, 38.
          In Lisbon, Me., Mrs. Mary Anderson.
          In Chester, New Hampshire, 21st, Mrs. Isabella Aiken, aged about 79 years.
          In Augusta, Miss Prudence C., daughter of  George Fish, 17.
          In Scarboro', March 9th, William C. Lord, son of Robert Lord, aged 4 years
     and two months.
          In this city, Mr. William P. Freeman, aged 24. Funeral on Sunday afternoon
     after service, from the residence of Mr. Belford.
          In this city 21st. inst., Mrs. Nancy Ross, aged 54. Funeral on Friday, at 3 o'clock,
     from the house of Samuel N. Beale, Cotton Street.
          In Norway, Maine, Miss Sally Crockett, 31.
          In this city 20th inst., Mr. Thomas Province, aged about  35.
          In this city on 20th inst., Mary Catherine, eldest daughter, of Mr. Alex J.
     Emery, aged 12 years.
          In this city 17th inst., Mary Ellen, youngest child of Mr. Henry Moore.
          In Scarborough, Mrs. Lucy Fenderson, 79.
          In Bangor, Susan Sophia, eldest daughter of Mr. Charles Glover.
          In Saco, Captain Jabez Woodman, 50. Mr. Edward Cotton, 63.
          In South Berwick, 27th ult., Mrs. Sarah F., wife of Rev. E. L. Boyd, aged
     57. In her patience, faith, and perfect resignation to the will of God was manifested
     the power of grace; enabling her to endure without a murmur a painful sickness of
     three weeks. Unshaken in her hope, she only desired a greater revelation of divine
     love in her soul.  For forty years she discharged the duties of a wife with an
     affectionate devotion that renders her loss irreparable. As a mother she is embalmed
     in the memory of her children by her tenderness, watchfulness, and prayers in their
     behalf-and as a Christian she was a "burning and shining light, " a "living epistle
     known and read of all"  through her life, which was a bright development of the
     Christian graces. The Bible was her chart, and daily companion. Her benevolence
     rendered her the friend of the distressed, and benefactor of the poor. But, the prominent
     feature of her character was self denial; her own happiness was of less importance than
     the welfare of others, emphatically, she "sought not her own advantage, but the  things
     of others." She lived a Christian, and in her death was verified the Savior's promise, " I
     never leave nor forsake thee." {Christian Watchman.}

          Suicide-Mrs. Ellen Jordan residing in  Brown Street in this city, committed suicide
     yesterday by drinking laudanum.  She was about 37 years of age, and has left a husband
     three children.-Argus

          Leander L. Quimby, the young man who committed suicide at Whiting on the 12th
     inst., we  learn was from the Eastport Sentinel, was a painter by trade, and belonged in
     Westbrook. It is also added that he was innocent of the offence for which  he had been
     imprisoned-that the watch found in his possession was put in the trunk by another young
     man, who held a grudge against him, in consequence of some love affair-purposely to
     injure the character  of the deceased. A small bundle of clothes and some letters may be
     had by his friend, as application to  Andrew Ring, Coroner at Lubec.

          We understand that a son of Dr. Briggs of this city, was severely bitten on the arm
     by a dog yesterday. The arm is very much swollen, and fears are entertained that the
     dog was  rabid. Some measures should be taken by the City Councils towards killing
     off members of the canine race which infest the city.-Argus

          ALL persons are cautioned against taking the following notes, viz; Three notes
     for the sum of Five thousand,  four hundred and fifty two dollars, each signed by
     Horatio Mason, David Daniels and Amos C. Leland-payable to James Crosby and
     Deodat Brastow; one of them payable in one year, another in two years, and
     another in three years; on one of which has been paid and endorsed, at different
     times, Twenty five hundred and fifty dollars-all dated on or about the first day of
     September A. D. 1835;- and two notes for the sum of Fourteen Hundred and six dollars
     each dated twenty-fourth August, 1835; signed by Horatio Mason, David Daniels and
     Amos C. Leland, payable to Nathaniel Fifield,-one in a year and the other in two years,-
     the same having been obtained from blatantly and without consideration, and the
     consideration having failed.                                      
                                                                                                     Horatio Mason,
                                                                                                      David Daniels,
                                                                                                     Amos C. Leland
          Boston, Mass., March 24th, 1837

          Stray Cow. Came into the enclosure of the subscriber on Saturday night last,
     a red COW with a white face, about five years old.
                                                                                               SETH CLARK
          March 27.






Sunday, October 27, 2013



                                                       OXFORD COUNTY

          The house of King Lane, Brownfield, was burned on the 11th inst. This is the
     third time he has been burned out in three years.
          The relatives and friends of Honorable John M. Eustis and wife, of Dixfield,
     celebrated their Golden Wedding, recently.
          The Mount Pleasant house is closed.

                                                     PISCATAQUIS COUNTY

          The spool factory at Foxcroft is nearly ready for work.

                                                    PENOBSCOT COUNTY

          Noah Swett of Garland, the oldest of the thirteen Swett children, whose family
     re-unions at Hampden have been widely notices, has died.

                                                    SOMERSET COUNTY

          The buildings of Oliver Leathers, Palmyra, were burned on the 2nd. The
     the buildings of Franklin Hinds, Harmony, shared the same fate on the 8th.
                                                     WALDO COUNTY

          They trace the Belfast fire to sparks from the galley of schooner Village, of
     Camden, lying at Haraden's wharf. The sparks blew into a broken window in
     Dennett's sail loft.  This is the verdict of the sheriff jury who held the fire inquest.
          The late Mrs. Abigial Bradstreet, of Belfast, left by will $200.00 to the
     Spiritualists. Her heirs desire to break the will; the judge admits it to probate and
     an appeal is entered.
          A dozen houses and several blocks of stores has been commenced in Belfast since
     the fire.
                                                WASHINGTON COUNTY

           But little lumber is being cut at Cherryfield this season, but the wharves and mills
     are being improved and will be well prepared for the revival of business which is hoped
     for. At Machias also the lumber business is dull. Mr. Hemmenway is filling in a fine
     new wharf with the stone which is being blasted from the ledge the government is
     removing from the channel.
           Uncle Jot, in the Eastport Sentinel says that Wesley never was celebrated as a
     watering place, but just now it has been as dry a lot of wells and cisterns as you would
     meet in a week's travel.
           H. C. Burleigh of Fairfield, and George E. Shores of Waterville, took their mobile
     Hereford herds which was some of the best prizes at the New England Fair, to the
     Rhode Island Fair last week, and will be at Bangor this week.

                                                      YORK COUNTY

          The report that Wagner is wasting away in Alfred jails, in consequence of
     confinement in a underground cell, that has been going the rounds is entirely false.
     None of the cells are underground, and Wagner is growing fat and trying to break
     jail all the time, says the Biddeford Journal.


          The following Maine fishermen have been heard from since the gale on the 24th
     ult., and are reported all right.-James Pool, Cynosure, and Josephine Swanton of
     Boothbay; Idella Small, Annie Lewis, Mary Francis, Collector, Golden Eagle, and
     Emma Brown, of Deer Isle; M. E.  Torrey of Sedgewick; Lizzie Williams, of
     Camden; Fleetwood, and Nevada of North Haven; Tiger and Cora Geenwood of
     Portland; George F. Keene, of Bremen;  Abby Morse of Vinalhaven.
          Launched-At Yarmouth 10th inst., by Giles Loring & Co., a substantial
     Clipper brig of about 400 tons, named the Hattie M. Bain. She is owned by Ross &
     Sturdivant, J. S. Winslow & Co., Captain George Thestrup (who is to command her)
     and others of Portland.
          At Belfast 9th inst., a schooner of 200 tons, named A. W. Eflis.  She was built
     by C. P. Carter & Co., for parties in Belfast and is to be commanded by Captain J.
          At Bucksport 9th inst., from the yard of J. L. Buck, a schooner 250 tons.
     William Beazley & Co., have purchased this yard and will commence immediately
     on a schooner of 200 tons.
          At Thomaston 8th inst., by Hilt, Waterman & Co., a three-masted schooner of
     300 tons, named the May McFarland, owned by John McFarland, who is to
     command her, and others of Thomaston.
          At Thomaston 8th inst., by Walker, Dunn & Co., a three-masted schooner of
     300 tons, named Etta Barter, owned by the builders and others, and to be commanded
     by Captain Barter of St. George.
          Barque Ada Carter, 435 tons, built at Harpeswell in 1863, has been sold to parties
      in Baltimore at $15,000.
          The new barque Joseph Baker, 450 tons, recently launched by J. Oakes & Son, at
     Brewer has been charted at Portland for South America. She is having her sails bent,
     and is about ready to leave.


          Brig H. M. McGilvery Stubbs, at North Sydney, Cape Breton, Canada, from
      Boston, reports 31st ul.t, off Casco during a strong gale, lost part of sails carried
      away jib boom, and partly filled with water. The pumps being choked had to
      resort to bailing to keep afloat.
          Brig E. H. Kennedy, from Weymouth (Mass?) for Charleston , South Carolina,
     with 425 tons of guano, got ashore on Folly Breakers, entrance to Charleston, night
     of the 9th inst., and will probably be a total loss.
          Schooner M. Sewall, Captain Law, was driven ashore at North Sydney, 24th ult.,
     and is badly damaged on starboard side, port bilge stove in, and main mast gone
     with everything attached.
          Schooner J. W. Drisko, Captain Haskell, is ashore at North Sydney, very leaky.
          Ship Lathly Rich, Mitchell, from Callao, West Peru, for Falmouth, which put into
     Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 8th, in distress, repaired and proceeded 6th ult.
          Schooner Clara Smith, of Rockland, Captain Rhodes, from Cow Bay, got
     ashore below Boston, 13 ult., where she remains badly bilged and full of water.
        Schooner George Staples, Bunker,  at Boston from Port Caledonia, Cape Breton,
     Canada, reports having rode out the gale of the 24th ult., at Port Caledonia, with
     loss of jib boom, quarter rails, part of main rail, cat head, davits, anchor stock and
     hawser, but proceeded without making repairs.




Friday, October 25, 2013


                                                         MATTERS IN MAINE
                                                   ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY

           A. Cushman & Co.'s shoe factory, Auburn, is increasing its working force to
     600 operatives.
           A blacksmith named Charles Booth, on the Bates Corporation, Lewiston, fell dead
     in the shop one day last week. Heart disease.
          The house of David Stetson, East Livermore was burned on the 15th.
                                                     AROOSTOOK COUNTY

          The editor of the North Star gives some personal reminiscences of Professor
     C. C. Langdell, Dean of the faculty of the Law School in Harvard University; who
     has been lately visiting the Aroostook. He began his preparation for college at the
     academy in Exeter, N. H., in 1845, at the age of 19.  Lest it should be noticed that
     so large a boy was just beginning the study of languages, he carried his Latin lessons
     in his pocket. His industry was so great that his progress in his studies was very rapid
     and he was one of the best scholars of his class.
          Mr. Shieldstream bought a place in Maysville for $400, and sold timber to the
     amount of $300 from the place, and raised the first year a crop worth $500.
          Llewellyn Powers has sued the Houlton Times for libel, placing damages at
                                                     CUMBERLAND COUNTY

          Two daughters of Captain Pittee, formerly of Ferry Village were recently drowned
     at Anastasia Island, Florida. They were lovely girls aged 15 and 13, and the family
     has the sympathy of all the people of the village. Captain Pittee was in charge of the
     erection of a lighthouse at that place. His three daughters and a colored girl were
     riding on a car on the tram road leading to the works, when they were accidently
     thrown into the water as they turned a curve. Only the youngest daughter, a girl of
     5, was saved as the water was deep and the tide strong.
          Mr. S. P. Mayberry of Cape Elizabeth in looking up material for a history of the rise
     the religious societies of the town, finds the original letter of Rev. Jesse Lee (the
     travelling companion of Asbury, and known as the apostle of Methodism in New
     England) written to William Hall, in answer to request to preach there while on his
     journey east for the spread of the doctrines of John Wesley:
                                                                                                         Saco, Sept. 16, 1793
          Bro: Would that I could be able to preach the word of God to your people. My
     time for the present is nearly all marked out, but when I return next summer I will
     try and stop a few days.     Jesse Lee

          The buildings of Mrs. Lydia Frye, Yarmouth, were burned on the 11th inst. Loss
     $4000, insured for $,1,700. Two men were seen coming from the barn just before
     the fire broke out.
          The News says the champion husker at the Bridgton corn factory is Royal
     Gammon, who husked 72 bushels in 9 1/2 hours. His brother Washington, also
     William Quincy, W. W. Farnham and J. R. Bachelder are each almost as smart.
     N. P. Hilton, aged 83, husk  his 26 bushels per day.
          The clothing manufactory of Jeremiah Parker & Son, Great Falls, Gorham, was
     burned last Sunday night. There was $4000 worth of clothing in store, and $800 worth
    of tools, on which there was no insurance.

                                                       FRANKLIN COUNTY

          Commissioner Dyer, who so narrowly escaped being murdered by the Modoes (sic)
     (Modocs?) American Indians, when General Canby was killed is visiting his home in
     Farmington. He is a son of Colonel J. Dyer.
                                                       HANCOCK COUNTY

          Honorable Monroe Young, Mayor of Ellsworth, publishes a card in the American
     complaining that he is not backed up by the professed temperance men of that city in
     his vigorous and impartial efforts to suppress the liquor traffic. He says:
          Some of these reformers and well wishers of the community have gone so far as to
     say that they had "rather see rum running down our streets, than its sale prevented by
     the present authorities." And to my mind the sincerity of temperance people has been
     tested and found wanting, and further it has been proved that genuine temperance men,
    they are scarcer than were the righteous men in ancient Sodom. As to the truth of the
     statement in regard to the enforcement of the law, I refer you to the records of the
     Police Court. Therefore under such a state of public sentiment, all I can say is, if you
     want Rum, have it; but good order in the streets shall be maintained at all hazards, and
     regardless of expense attending the Police Court, and the Police force of our city.

                                                       KENNEBEC COUNTY

          Mr. H. M. Mansur of Augusta, dealer in musical instrument, and proprietor of
     of a musical periodical, died last week of typhoid fever.
          At the New England Fair Dr. N. R. Boutelle of Waterville, took the sweepstakes
     prize for best cow, 1st and 2nd prizes for best cow over four years old, first prize
     on yearling heifer, second prize on yearling bull, and second prize for the best herd
     of cattle, against several choice imported herds for other states.
          Ex-Governor A. P. Morrill is about to remove his residence from Readfield to
          Mr. T. R. Law of New York proposes establishing a patent clothes pin factory at
     Clinton. The town will aid him by furnishing a suitable building.

                                                          KNOX COUNTY

          A gathering of the Buffum family takes place at A. C. Buffum's, North Berwick,
     the old homestead of the family on Thursday of this week. It is expected that 150
     will be present.
          The Springfield, Mass., Republican has the following paragraph in regard to the
     Maine State Prison at Thomaston:
          There is one circumstance about the Maine State prison which should be generally
     known, both for a terror to evil doers and to the credit of the juries and sheriffs and
     prison officers of the state. It contains more dangerous bank robbers and safe openers,
     in proportion to the whole number of convicts than any prison in the United States. No
     less than four different gangs of bank robbers have been caught and convicted and shut
     up in Maine within the last five or six years, and at one time there were a dozen of that
     class in the Thomaston cells. Other states such rascals compound their felony, or get
     off on bail, or tamper with juries or buy their way out of jail by corrupting the turn-
     keys with money; but in Maine they are caught and held. Among them is one first
     class Massachusetts rogue, Langdon W. Moore, who has been concerned in robbing
     several banks in his native state, but is now serving a seven years' sentence at
     Thomaston, to expire in 1877.  Along with him are several of his own gang and a rival
     of New York financiers, in the same line of business.
          Miss Lucy A, Mink, charged with the murder of Dr. Baker, is to be tried at the
      present term of court at Rockland, Chief Justice Appleton presiding.
          Captain Frank Lane who lives on an island near Vinalhaven  has a span of horses
     which he uses on his farm and also employs to carry passengers to and from the boats.
     A few weeks since, during the absence of Mr. Lane, one of the horses backed into a
     well about twelve feet deep. His mate immediately started for the house of a neighbor,
     and by neighing and other ways endeavored to attract the attention of the inmates.
     After repeating this several times, the neighbors became satisfied that something
     unusual had taken place, followed the horse to the well, and after a little delay
     gathered a force and rescued his mate from his uncomfortable position. To their
     astonishment the horse had received no injuries worth mentioning.  Upon his return
     Mr. Lane had occasion to go down after passengers, and concluded to harness the
     horse which met with no accidents into a single wagon, and give the other horse an
     opportunity to recover from his bruises. No sooner had he started than the horse's
     mate placed himself by his side, and kept his place down and back, and this was
     repeated several times when Mr. Lane concluded to again harness them both and let
     them in future work together in double harness. Bangor Whig

                                                     LINCOLN COUNTY

          Launched in Waldoboro, September 13th, brig "Emily T. Sheldon," owned and
     built by Messrs. J. Clark & Son, 425 tons new measurement. To be commanded by
     Captain William B. Sheldon, of New Jersey.


Wednesday, October 23, 2013


                                                              CITY MATTERS
                                                            Glances about Town.

          Judge Ashur Ware died at his residence in this city on Wednesday week, at the ripe
     old age of ninety-one years and seven months; his name has been intimately connected
     with the history of our state and his career has been a long and honorable one; born in
     Shelburne, Mass., in 1782, graduated in Harvard in 1804, engaged in teaching until
     1815, he turned his attention to law and politics and coming to this city taking an active
     part in the efforts for the separation of the Province of Maine from the state of
     Massachusetts, he was appointed the first Secretary of State, and held the position until
     1822, when he was appointed the Judge of the District Court of the United States for
     Maine District, which position he filled with honor and distinction for the long term of
     forty-four years, retiring in 1866 from all the active duties of life; since that time his
     bodily and mental powers have gradually faded away until he quietly fell asleep in
     death;  the Cumberland Bar has paid suitable honors to his memory, and his form, so
     familiar in our streets for many years was committed to the dust on Sunday week.
          In the case of the Maine Steamship Company, sued for the value of liquors seized by
     the Deputy Sheriff while in their charge, Judge Fox has decided that the carrier is exempt
     when goods in his hands are seized by a legal process; the rule ordinarily held by the act
     of God or the public enemies; the libellant appeals.
          Judge Clifford, who has been sick at the Falmouth Hotel is now recovering.
          The Argus tells us that a foolish, old sheep that got away from a flock, and
     running into Littlefield & Wilson's planning mill, jumped into a blazing furnace;
     when it was pulled out it was roast mutton.
          Judge Morris admonished some boys who had been stealing fruit from gardens
    up town, that they wouldn't be let off so leniently again.
          A little three year old boy named Frank Ford, was playing at mud houses on West
     Commercial Street last Friday, when a jigger drove over him and crushed his head so
     that he lived but a short time; the driver could not see the child on account of a cloud of
          The venerable City Messenger, Mr. George T. Ingraham, reached his 78th birthday
     last  Saturday.
         The dwelling house of Mr. S. H. Colesworthy, Jr., on High Street, Woodford's
     Corner, was destroyed by fire on Friday week; the fire caught in the attic from a
     defect in the chimney in the ell; the house was entirely consumed; but the furniture
     was saved; loss $6,000 insured for $5,000; there is great need of a fire engine at
     the Corner.
          There was a sweet time at Wilson & Co's  grocery the other day when a hogshead
     of molasses fell and burst at it was being lowered into the cellar.
          The Governor has appointed E. P. Payson, of Deering, Stephen Hubbard of
     Portland, and S. H. Haskell, of Cape Elizabeth, Justices of the Peace and Quorum.
          Last Friday Sheriff Pennell served a writ on the clerk and attorney of the Maine
     Central road to recover $75,000 damages alleged to be sustained by the Boston &
     Maine road on account of the refusal of the Maine Central to allow connection with
     it in this city; property is attached in this county, and the defendant corporation is
     summoned to appear at the October term of the S. J. Court.
          Mrs. Mary Ann Dolan, head cook at the Perry House fell over the embankment
     near North Street last Sunday evening, and broke her leg, which it was thought
     might have to be amputated.
          The police were notified last Sunday by Warden Rice, of the State Prison that
     some New York roughs were in the city, and that the banks were in danger, and
     attention was paid to the warning.
          Mr. William R. Carlton, the celebrated baritone soloist, Mrs. John Dwyer, with
      the Portland Band, will appear in the Shaw Company on Thursday evening of this
     week; tickets for the remaining concerts, 75 cents with reserved seats.
          John A. Parker, formerly a merchant of this city, died in New York lately.
          Rev. James Freeman Clark and Samuel  Bowles were the guests of Honorable
     George T. Davis on Monday; they have gone eastward on a fishing excursion.
          On Tuesday in the Superior Court, the jury brought in  verdict of guilty against
     Black, who was charged with a infamous outrage on an infant step-child.
          Messrs. S. H. Colesworthy, Honorable Horatio King, and J. W. Lane propose
     erecting a brick block on Federal Street, extending from Temple Street to Hopkin's
     fish market.
          Rev. John L. Evans will be installed pastor of Ligonia Church, Cape Elizabeth
     on  Saturday and Sunday 20th and 21st; Rev. Dr. S. Thurston of  Searsport and R. G.
     Jones of Utica, New York will deliver the address.

Sunday, October 20, 2013



          South Vassalboro, August 23rd, to the wife of J. Leon Williams, a daughter.
          East Vassalboro, August 23rd, to the wife of George Doe, a daughter.
          Bridgton, August 29th, to the wife of the Charles H. McKenney, a son.
          Bridgton, September 7th, to the wife of Royal Libby, a son.
          Greene, September 11th, to the wife of Horace Fogg, a son.
          Sweden, Me., September 1st, to the wife of Granville Jordan, a daughter.
          Boston, August 29th, to the wife of George W. Granville, a son.


          In this city, September 13th, Alfred Sweetser and Donna Woodbury, both of
          In this city, September 1st, William A. Jordan and Myra F. Swett, both of
          In this city, August 23, Walter Mallory and Mary Ceclia Jose, both of Portland.
          In this city, September 9th, Floyd Talbor of Freeport and Cynthia A. Hacker,
     of Brunswick.
          In this city, September 9th, Wilson McLean and Hattie P. Swain, both of
          In this city, September 10th, John E. Richards and Mary V. Murphy, both of
          In Sangerville, September 14th, by D. W. Hussey, Esq., Josiah F. Prince, and
     Hannah L. Billings, both of Sangerville.
          West Lubec, September 10th, by Rev. S. L. Handscomb of Cutler, Peter S.
     Grierson of Boston Highlands, and Susie Andrews of West Lubec.
          Buxton, September 9th, by Rev. S. Bixby, William W. Smith and Emily J.
     Lang, both of Buxton.
          Stewartstown, New Hampshire, September 7th, by Joseph W. Flanders, Esq.,
     George M. Frye, of Yarmouth, Me., and Sarah E. Tibbets, of Colebrook, N. H.
          West Durham, September 6th, Emery P. Parker, of Durham, and Katie O.
     Richardson, of Pownal.
          Lewiston, September 6th, Joseph E. Cross and Nellie E. Tenney.
          Bangor, September 4th, Enoch P. Richardson and Rosalle Hunt.
          Bowdoinham, September 3rd, Edward L. Baker of Wakefield, Mass., and
     Beulah P. Moseley of Portland.
            In Lewiston, September 4th, Rufus Dailey of Auburn, and Mary J. Welch of
          Warren, Knox County, August 31st, Aaron Winchenbach  and Clara Vinal.
           Harrison, Cumberland County, August 30st, Owen Taylor and Ella M. Jordan,
     both of Bridgton.
          Augusta, September 7th, Marcellus W. Engeley and Alice M. Lyon.
          Brunswick, August 30, Albert G. Winslow and Rachel H. McDonald, both of
          Hallowell, September 2nd, Moses W. Pinkham and Esther M. Mears.
          Augusta, September 4th, Eugene L. Tibbets and Lizzie C.  Morton.
          Palmero, August 27th, Nehemiah Hilt and Lemantha (sic) J. Clifford.
          Wiscasset, September 4th, Joseph T. Hubbard and Fannie T. Scott.
          Bath, September 4th, J. C. Crafts of Boston, and Ella S. Mallett, of Bath.
          Bath, September 8th, Oliver Todd, of Boston, and Anna M. Totman, both
          Bath, September 8th, Fred L. Wing, of Boston, and Susan S. Totman of Bath.

          In this city, September 15th, James Spear, aged 77.
          In this city, September 12th, Charles K. Dutton, aged 25.
          In this city, September 11th, Daniel Woods, aged 75.
          In this city, September 10th, Honorable Ashur Ware, aged 91.
          Hiram, September 11th, Eudora L., daughter of  Almon and Mary M. Young,
     aged 11 years, 10 months, 11 days.
          Pownal, August 28th, Mrs. Maria S., wife of Leander Wood, aged 39.
          Falmouth, September 8th, Mrs. Lydia Knight, widow of the late Alfred
     Wadsworth, of Boothbay, aged 91.
          Biddeford, September 1st, Mr. .Abigail Garland, wife of Stephen Roberts,
     aged 77.
          Bath, September 19th, Mrs. Antress D. Hayes, aged 83 years, 6 months.
          Camden, August 19th, Mrs. Theodore H. Dillingham, aged 61 years.
          Nobleboro, September 1st, Mrs. Jane Hatch, aged 86 years, 3 months.
          Skowhegan, August 29th, Mrs. H. B. Botsford, aged 29 years, 9 months.
          Damariscotta, August 30th, Priscilla Hitchcock, aged 62 years, 2 months.
          Bath, September 5th, George D. Henderson, aged 35 years, 5 months.
          Augusta, August 29th, N. Rogers Ramsdell, aged 32 years, 2 months.
          Camden, August 29th, R. M. Mansur, aged 55.
          Augusta, August 9th, Glover Thomas, aged 72 years, 8 months.
          Georgetown, September 3rd, Mrs. Eleanor Webber, aged 69.
          Dayton, York County, August 28th, Benjamin C. Hight, aged 52.
          Bridgton, September 7th, Mrs. Betsey Woodbury, aged 92.
          Bridgton, September 8th, Rev. John Berry, aged 40.
          Saco, September 6th of heart disease, William Stone, aged 75.
          Boston, August 23rd, Ida A. Babb, of Gorham, aged 24.

               Tryon, Prince Edward Island, Canada, August 16th, Mary Ellen, daughter of
      Charles B. and Maggie L. Howat, aged 9 months.

                                              The laid her in her coffin,
                                                 In a robe of purest white,
                                              Yesterday, our darling babe,
                                                 Today an angel bright.

                                              They closed her eyelids gently
                                                  And on her little breast,
                                               Her hands they sweetly folded
                                                  And laid her down to rest.
                                               In her little grave we laid her,
                                                   Our darling down to sleep
                                               We know that God in Heaven,
                                                    The jewel bright will keep.




Friday, October 18, 2013


                                                       MAINE MATTERS

          We regret to learn that the busy village of Skowhegan was visited with another
     destructive fire on Friday night of last week-one of the coldest nights of the season,
     when the mercury was fifteen degrees below zero. It broke out in the Excelsior
     Factory, occupied by the following firms; Alva Abbot, planning mill; loss $3000;
     M. Willis, loss $3000; N. C. Houghton & Co., millwrights, loss $1500; J. F. Turner
     bedstead manufactory, loss $1000; C. F. Douglass, builder, loss $700; Brown &
     Barber, carving knife makers, loss $500; the building entirely destroyed, owned by
     M. Willis, loss $5000, no insurance on any of the above. The fire crossed the street
     and destroyed the large machine shop and foundry of S. L. Gould & Co., whose
     total loss is $1500-insured for $5000. Half the bridge crossing the river was burned.
          On the 5th inst., the engine and tender of a passenger train on the Portland &
     Kennebec Road, was thrown down an embankment of thirty or forty feet, near
     Richmond upon the ice of the Kennebec River. The baggage car was thrown from the
     track on the opposite side, while the passengers cars kept on running for an eighth of
     a mile. The fireman Charles Evans, was thrown from the tender, but escaped with severe
     bruises. It was fortunate the coupling broke, or the whole train would have been dragged
     down the embankment, with frightful consequences to life and limb.
          The Calais Advertiser relates a leap year freak which had a rather disastrous ending.
      A young lady named Ellen M. Shaw, daughter of a Baptist Minister at Brewer, procured
      a horse and sleigh on pretense of attending a funeral, but took in a man named J. D.
     Rhodes and drove to Calais where the two were married, when Rhodes was immediately
     arrested for horse stealing, and the bride was left sick at a hotel. The girl is only
     seventeen years of age, and her folks say they will take her back if she will have nothing
     to do with the fellow, but not otherwise.
         In Saco on Monday week, a fire destroyed a building owned by Dr. Berry and John
      Adams, and occupied by an apothecary, a shoe store and a fish market. Loss from
      $3000 to $5000. In Biddeford, on Thursday week a fire broke out in the Adams block,
      and Sargent's Writing Academy, Good Templar's Hall, a billiard room and offices in the
      second floor were destroyed, while the stores in the basement were badly damaged by
     water. The property destroyed was insured.
          The liquor seized on the premises of Charles Ingalls of Auburn, proved to be
     nothing stronger than ginger beer with cayenne pepper in it, and the liquid which he
     poured into it at the time of the seizure, and which came so near poisoning the constable
     and the doctor, was a solution of potash, instead of Prussic Acid. So Mr. Ingalls was
     discharged with flying colors.
          The Saco Courier states that Mr. James Nickerson, overseer of the Laconia
    Corporation, had one of his legs broken just below the hip, and his head severely bruised,
    by falling through a scuttle some seventy feet, on Tuesday week.
          The masked ball at Gardiner, on Tuesday week, seems to have been a brilliant success.
     More than one hundred couples joined in the dance, and all sorts of characters and
     nationalities were represented while many of the costumes were elegant and unique.
     We learn from the Journal that our old correspondent, Ethan Spike was represented,
     and that a gentleman from Boston appeared in the character of an immense champagne
          Colonel John W. Jameson of South Windsor, gave notice to his neighbors that he
     would give all the wood they could and draw it to the door of a certain widow lady.
     Accordingly on Monday last, men and teams started for the Colonels' woods, he with
     the rest. At night the widow's heart was made glad the sight of ten cords of good wood
    the door.
          The house of Mr. Joseph Hall at Shapleigh Corner, was robbed on the night of the
     3rd inst., of $1,200. The rogue administered chloroform, so that Mr. Hall and his wife
     did not awake until late in the morning. A reward of $300 is offered for the arrest of the
     burglars, or the recovery of the money.
          In Belfast, 7th inst., the store of Martin P. White, and a small house in the rear were
     destroyed by fire. A woman named Jipson, 80 years old, perished in the house where the
     fire originated. Store insured for $700; no insurance on stock, which was saved in a
     damaged condition.
          As a hunting party were about leaving Eastport on a hunting expedition to Grand Lake,
     one of their horses fell with a broken leg, having received a kick from the leader, and it
     was found necessary to shoot him. He was owned by Mr. Enoch Bishop, and was a heavy
     and powerful animal.
          Mr. L. C. Hodgman of South Paris, a conductor on the Grand Truck Railroad, died
     last week from the effects of a splinter which was accidently forced into one of his
     fingers. The whole arm and shoulder were swollen and a large abscess gathered in the
     arm pit.
          Honorable Toppan Robie of Gorham, has offered the citizens of that town a handsome
     clock to be placed in the tower of the Congregational Church in that village, provided
    the citizens will put the clock into its proper place.
          A man named Vose belonging in Charlestown, Mass., died in the stage between
     Calais and Eastport, on Wednesday week, from congestion of the lungs.
          The Methodist Church of Oxford, of which Rev. Samuel Paine is pastor, has been
     enjoying a season of deep religious interest, in which there have been about twenty
          The case of Davis, who has so many times torn up the track of the Somerset and
     Kennebec Railroad, in Waterville, Me., has been settled by the company paying the
     family $2140 in accordance with the decision of referees.
          Mr. John E. Currier, clerk in the Naval Store at the Kittery Navy Yard, died suddenly
      on Monday week, while sitting in his chair. He had been sick with consumption for some
          Verrill who was charged with being engaged in the West Auburn murder, has been
     very sick since his release. He seems to be completely exhausted, and some think he can
     never rally. 
          The Farmington Chronicle says Mr. Hiram Butterfield, of that village, while
     chopping in the woods, accidently cut a deep gash in his foot, which will disable him for
     some weeks.
          A little daughter of  Mr. Rufus Hamlin of Harrison, was so severely burned on
     Saturday week, by her clothes catching fire from an open stove that she died the next
          At East Great Works on Saturday week, Mr. Walton had one of his feet so badly cut
     by an axe, that amputation of a part of the foot was necessary.
          The tannery of A. S. Riggs, in Lewiston, was destroyed by fire on Wednesday week.
     Loss $2,800; insured for $1,600.
          In Bangor on Monday week, Michael Donohue died from the effects of burns received
     from setting his clothes on fire by a lamp while intoxicated.
          A correspondent informs us that Deacon John Morgan and wife of New Gloucester,
     celebrated their Golden Wedding on the 6th inst. A large company was present, including
     a brother and a sister of the bridegroom who were present at the wedding fifty year ago.
     All the children of the aged couple were present except Rev. J. F. Morgan, of  Lawrence,
     Kansas, from whom a excellent letter was read. The venerable couple were in excellent
     spirits, and the occasion was one of great interest to all present.
          The Houlton Times says Collector Vandine recently seized a horse and pung (sled)
     owned by Joseph Kearney of Woodstock, New Brunswick, the latter of which was very
     ingeniously fitted up for smuggling purposes. It had a false bottom, a tin lined tank under
     the seat, that held a barrel of liquor, and a "trap," in the dasher that contained a half dozen
          On Wednesday evening of last week Miss Julia Whitehouse of West Falmouth, was
     knocked down and run over by a horse and sleigh, which dislocated the hip joint and
     inflicted other serious injuries. Dr. Hall of Cumberland reduced the dislocation, and the
     unfortunate young lady is as comfortable as could be expected.
           As Jedediah Perkins of Ogunquit was fishing off that place lately in a small wherry,
     he succeeded in capturing a shark, about ten feet long, and taking off the monster's tail
     tail up to where it was 32 inches in width. It contained hooks from four different trawls.
          The Lewiston Journal says the physicians of Androscoggin County, have been
     discussing abortions, and Mr. Oakes estimates that 400 murders by abortion are
     procured annually. Horrible!



Wednesday, October 16, 2013


                                                             CITY MATTERS

          On Wednesday evening of last week the large frame building, corner of Federal
     and Market Streets owned by Messrs. Twombly & Benson, and occupied as a
     furniture store by J. W. Merrill & Co., was totally destroyed by fire together with its
     contents; active exertions of the firemen prevented  the spread of the flames, though the
     adjoining building was badly scorched; building insured for $1400; Merrill & Co., had
     but slight insurance.
          Another fine dwelling house is to be erected at the West End, Mr. G. M. Harding
     have drawn the plan for a four story house with French roof and tower to be erected
     on Spring Street, above Clark, next summer by C. C. Chapman, Esq.; that part of the
     city is fast being covered with elegant mansions in the midst of cultivated grounds.
          Reverend W. R. Alger while here last week, kindly offered to present the Portland
     Institute with some valuable books.
         Reverend William H. Fenn of this city, will deliver the next lecture of the Mercantile
     Library course on Thursday evening of this week.
          Political affairs are warming up, preparatory to the municipal election which will be
     hotly contested; it is thought the Republicans will nominate Honorable John McLellan
     for mayor;  the Democrats will bring out their strongest men.
          The name of John J. Maybury has been stricken from the roll of attorneys in this
     county, he having been indicted for receiving stolen goods, and fled the state.
          In the Supreme Judicial Court last week, Mr. J. M. F. Libby got a verdict of  $70.40
     against Mr. F. C. Deering for sheep killed by the latter's dog; this sum will
     be doubted by the Court in accordance with the statute which allows double the
     value of sheep killed by dogs.
          Mrs. Noble, an elderly lady, residing on Green Street fell on the ice one evening
     last week and fractured her hip.
          White the burglar was taken to the State Prison at Thomaston last week, where
     he is to "remain for life."
            Rev. A. K. P. Small, Bangor, has accepted the call to the pastorate of the Free
     Street Baptist Church, in this city, and is expected to enter upon its duties about the
     second week in March; the salary given is $2,000 a year and house rent.
           Walter Brown has brought home from Troy, N. Y., a single scull boat made of
     paper; it is 31 1/2 feet long, 12 inches wide, and weights but 22 pounds; the lightest
     wood boat ever build of similar dimensions weighted 21 pounds. but yet the paper
     boat is said to be more than four times stronger than one of wood; the Argus says that
     that in event of a race it may be filled with gas so as to weigh but eight pounds!
           A valuable horse belonging to Mr. Philip H. Brown backed off Merchant's wharf,
     on Monday and was drowned.
           Mrs. Tuckerman is to remain in her usual position at Preble Chapel, at a liberal


Sunday, October 13, 2013



          In this city, February 2nd by Rev. A. Dalton, Mr. Oliver John Steinburn and
     Miss Mary Nestor, both of this city.
          In this city, February 2nd, by Rev. Benson M. Frink, Mr. L Eugene Weymouth,
     of this city, and Miss Hattie A. Smith of  Windham.
          In this city, February 3rd, at the residence of the bride's brother, by A. H. Edmunds,
     Clarence R. Metcalf, of Bridgewater, Mass., and Eliza E. Norton, of this city.
         In this city, January 20th, J. H. Mitchell and Miss Olive Moody, both of Falmouth.
         In Cape Elizabeth, February 2nd, by Rev. B. F. Pritchard, Mr. Samuel W. Ramsdell
     to Miss Lavina Seavey, both Cape Elizabeth.
         In Pownal, February 5th, Rev. C. L. Nichols, Dr. Parchal M. Sawyer of Portland,
     and Miss Sarah A. Wilbur, of Freeport.
          In Sebago, February 2nd, by Edwin J. Poor, Esq., Mr. Thomas Nason to Miss
     Eliza J. Berry, both of Sebago.
          In Cape Porpoise, February 1st, by Rev. J. E. Budden, Mr. George H. Chick and
     Miss Georgia Smith, of Kennebunkport.  
          In Winthrop, January 15th, by Rev. E. P. Baker, Mr. G. W. Webb, of the firm of
     M. L. & G. W. Webb to Miss Lizzie M., daughter of M. R. Sears, Esq., all of Winthrop.
          In Norridgewock, January 21st., by Rev. E. Nugent, Mr. Amaziah Sawtelle, of
     of Clinton  and Mrs. L. J. Walker, of Norridgewock.
          In Auburn, January 21st, LaForest Savage and Josie S. Ingalls, both of Lewiston.  
          In Auburn, January 21st, Albion P. Allen, of Auburn, and Mrs. Caroline H. Briggs,
    of Turner.


          In this city, February 7th, L. Augusta King, wife of E. S. Wormell, aged 25
     years and 7 months.
          In this city, February 6th, of diphtheria, Mary Gertrude, daughter of Isreal and
     Martha Hague, aged 1 year, 4 months.
          In this city, February 5th, Mrs. Elizabeth W.  Howe, relict of Apollo Howe, aged
     81 years.
          In Auburn, New York, February 2nd, Miss Sarah J. daughter of Rev. J. B. Condit,
     D. D., formerly of this city.
          Lyman, February 5th, Freddie Warren, only child of George H. And Lucy M. Colby,
    of this city, aged 11 months.
          In  Freeport, January 28th, Miss Mahala D. Mann, aged 27 years and 4 months.
          In Norway, Maine, January 22nd, Mrs. Mary Ann, wife of W. W. Howe, aged 39.
          In Naples, Maine, January 18th, Mrs. Lydia Grant, widow of James Grant, late of
      Westbrook, aged 80 years and 6 months.
          In Gray, February 3rd, Samuel Simpson, Esq., aged 62 and 6 months.
          In Baldwin, February 3rd, Captain Sylvanus Bacheldor, aged 90 years
         and 3 months. (New York papers please copy.)                                      
          In Rockland, January 25th, Mrs. Charlotte, wife of Abner Ames, age 66 years.
          In Rockland, February 4th, Israel Rivers, aged 27 years.
          In Bartlett, New Hampshire, January 13th, Lydia Wentworth, aged 55 years
      and 10 months.
          In Skowhegan, January 30th, Mr. Samuel Philbrick, aged 88 years.
          In Skowhegan, Andrew Bernard, aged 24 years.
          In Georgetown, Sagadahoc County, February 2nd, Rev. David Webber, aged 79.
          In Pownal, February 1st, Mrs. Deborah Knight, aged 68 years She has left a
     companion and three  children to mourn the loss of a kind and affectionate wife
     and mother.  She has passed through some severe trials in life, but bore them with
     the patience of a true Christian.  She was esteemed by all that knew her and noted
     for her kindness and skillfulness among the sick, ever ready to render her services
     to the sick and afflicted. Within this year past she was stricken down with that fatal
     disease, cancer internal. She suffered great pain and distress of body, but peace was
     in her soul. When in extreme distress she often would say, "My savior suffered
     more than this."  She bore the pain and distress as usual through life, with the
     patience of a true Christian until her master called her home to that better world
     where sickness, pain and sorrow are known no more.
          In Norridgewock, August 20th, 1867, Eddy F. Jenkins, aged 3 years 6 months:
     on September 28th, Willie H. Jenkins, aged 6 years, 28 days; children of William
     L. and A. S. Jenkins.  Rarely has it been the lot of parents to part with two more
     loving and interesting children. But God takes the fairest gems of earth to adorn
                                      As vernal flowers that scent the morn,
                                         But wither in the rising day,
                                      Thus lovely was their infant dawn,
                                          Thus swiftly flew their life away.
                                      They died to sin-they died to care,
                                         But for a moment felt the rod,
                                      Then rising on the viewless air,
                                          Spread their wings and soared to God.



Friday, October 11, 2013


                                                               IN GENERAL

          Application was recently made to Judge Peters to have Charles T. Robbins
     discharged from the Insane Hospital and placed in custody of his parents at Deer Isle.
     It well be remembered the jury found him not guilty of the murder on board of the
     "Annie B," on the grounds of insanity, and in accordance with the requirements of
     law in such cases he was committed to the hospital.  Judge Peters of course refused
     the application, saying that if Robbins was a sane man, he was a guilty man, and his
     confinement in the hospital was not too severe a punishment; and on the other hand if
     he was not of sound mind, as the jury found in the verdict, the asylum was the proper
     place for him. Chief Justice Appleton concurred in the decision of Judge Peters, adding
     that something was due to the British government in the disposition of the case. The
     community will recognize the good common sense of the decision. Let criminals who
     make the plea of insanity be strictly held to it, and the plea may be less freely advanced
     in future to cover the most heinous crimes. Dr. Harlow, superintendent of the asylum
     at the trial expressed the opinion that Robbins was sane at the time he committed the
     murder (as the jury found), he would be liable to a recurrence of the malady; and
     therefore would be a unsafe man to set at liberty.
          The Kennebec Journal says that Wagner, in the State Prison, awaits calmly his fate
     with the full expectation that the law will be executed upon him. His mind in not
     particularly of a pious kind, but he thinks that after he is gone the Almighty will come
     forth from his hiding place and confess the dark deed; and thus, after his lips are sealed
     the would will see that he (Wagner) was guiltless. Hoswell is still stubborn and ugly, fat
     and saucy. He still chafes under what he calls his unjust incarceration, and thinks it a
     hard case that a man can't be allowed to strike a blow for the chastity of his own
     household, without being branded a criminal before the law. John Rogers, the Brunswick
     cashier is begging for executive clemency.

          Speaker Blaine has written a letter to the Portland Press in which he emphatically
     denies the rumor that he is attempting to be Mr. Hamlin's successor in the United States
     Senate. He says he has accepted the election of the Kennebunk District to the 44th
     Congress, and can not be driven from that duty, even were the Senatorship offered
     him.  He takes the Press to task for its alleged purpose to counsel the Republicans in
     the Legislature opposed to Hamlin not go into the caucus, and closes with a
     statement of Mr. Hamlin's claims for re-election, and reply to the charges that he is
     the office holders' candidate. He denies that (Mr. Blaine) has been at all activities in
     promoting Mr. Hamlin's candidacy among the legislature elect, but avows his belief
     that Maine will consult her best interest in returning him to the Senate. The Press in
     a leading editorial, replies to this letter, alluding to the task about its opposition to a
    caucus as "idiotic gabble," for the starting of which the Bangor Whig is responsible,
    and then gives its reasons for opposing Mr. Hamlin. It is not for what he has done, but
    for what he has not done. He allowed much bad legislation to pass unchallenged, when
    a manly protest from his lips would have been affective.  It prophesies defeat for the
    party in Maine next fall if Mr. Hamlin is returned to the Senate.

          A new Post Office is established at Lambert's Lake, Washington County, and Obed
     Foss made postmaster. The office at Easton, same county, is discontinued. William
     G. Mathews is appointed postmaster at Wells.