Friday, October 4, 2013


                                                     MATTERS IN MAINE

                                                ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY
          The Mechanic Falls Rifle Company is unable to fill orders for the patent rifles,
     which are meeting with a rapid sale.

                                                   AROOSTOOK COUNTY

          Near Fort Kent near the Canadian side of St. John, have been found the remains
     of a young man named Boller, who had been at work in Winn, and was returning
     home with about $300 in his possession. He had been missing since last August. He
     crossed with a Canadian named Silber Ouillett, and it is supposed he was murdered
     for his money. Blood was found on the bridge at the time, but nothing was thought of
     in until young Boller was missed.

                                                    CUMBERLAND COUNTY

          An imposter who gives the name Senter, has been claiming to act as our agent
     in the vicinity of Duck Pond. He has offered the Transcript for less than our published
     rates, and this fact, in all cases is enough to prove any pretended agent to be a fraud.
     We shall be glad to have our friend cooperate with us in bringing this class of
     swindlers to justice.
          An unusual amount of building and repairing is going on at Brunswick and Topsham.
     The paper mill is being enlarged, and the fact that Mr. A. C. Denison has charge of it
    sufficient to guarantee a large and prosperous business.

                                                         FRANKLIN COUNTY

          The buildings of John B. Morris, Farmington, were burned last week. Defective
     chimney, partly insured.
          Mr. A. H. Abbott's slate quarry operations at Farmington have at length proved
     successful. After a hard summer's work in a ledge that gave at first rather discouraging
    results, a vein of excellent slate is at last reached 40 feet long by 20 feet high, which
    will well reward the search for it.

                                                         HANCOCK COUNTY

          Messrs. Reed & Bryant are starting a lime quarry at North Deer Isle, erecting an
     extensive wharf, shed, etc.
          John Gilley of Sutton's Island lost nearly all his season's work by the burning of
     a building containing herring, boxes, shingles, etc., a few night ago. Loss about $500.

                                                       KENNEBEC COUNTY

          Sidney Keith, engineer on the Maine Central had his right foot crushed at
      Clinton last week by a misstep from the engine as it was stopping at the station.
          On the 11th there was a fire at Farmingdale which destroyed the buildings of
     Robert Thompson and Mrs. Sarah Gould, and damaged the pottery works of Messrs.
     Plaisted and the house of J. A. Jackson. Total loss, nearly $10,000, largely insured.
          A little son of Hamlin A. Fall, Gardiner was shot last week by a playmate who
     snapped a cap upon a gun he did not suppose was loaded. Several buckshot penetrated
     his lung and he is not expected to live.
           Mrs. Sarah G. Crosby, of Albion is shorthand reporter in the courts in Augusta.
     She has also reported for the courts at Skowhegan.
           Henry M. Dudley gave his note to an agent for some kinds of haying tool for the
     right to sell the article in the town of Winthrop. But his note matured, was of course
     in the hand of an "innocent holder,: and being sued, a verdict has been obtained in
     the S. J. Court against him for $295.90.  Let it be a warning against signing papers
     for agents who urge that they are of no validity till the machines are received.
                                                          KNOX COUNTY

           On Saturday evening Mrs. Thomas Frost of Augusta was sitting before an air
     tight stove, holding a three weeks old infant, when all at once her clothing was in
     flames.  She tossed the babe from her arms, she knew not where but luckily it landed
     on the bed standing in the corner of the room. Her husband and mother rushed into
     the room, and extinguished the fire badly burning their hands is so doing. Mrs. Frost
     suffered no injury.
                                                    LINCOLN COUNTY
          Messrs. Haynes, Foster & Company, of Wiscasset, have dissolved and the
     Kennebec Land and Lumber Company of Augusta have purchased all their property,
     consisting on one of the largest saw mils in the state, ice buildings, farm &c., the
     whole valued at $1000,000. Large quantities of deals will be shipped from this mill
     to Liverpool by the Kennebec and Land Company. A seventeen hundred ton ship is
     now being loaded with that article.
          The house of Stillman Proctor, Waldoboro, was burned last week. In  Edgecomb,
     Isaac Pool lost his buildings by fire. Both partly insured.
          The buildings of Captain Abner Robinson, Newcastle, were burned on Tuesday.


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