Sunday, October 20, 2013



          South Vassalboro, August 23rd, to the wife of J. Leon Williams, a daughter.
          East Vassalboro, August 23rd, to the wife of George Doe, a daughter.
          Bridgton, August 29th, to the wife of the Charles H. McKenney, a son.
          Bridgton, September 7th, to the wife of Royal Libby, a son.
          Greene, September 11th, to the wife of Horace Fogg, a son.
          Sweden, Me., September 1st, to the wife of Granville Jordan, a daughter.
          Boston, August 29th, to the wife of George W. Granville, a son.


          In this city, September 13th, Alfred Sweetser and Donna Woodbury, both of
          In this city, September 1st, William A. Jordan and Myra F. Swett, both of
          In this city, August 23, Walter Mallory and Mary Ceclia Jose, both of Portland.
          In this city, September 9th, Floyd Talbor of Freeport and Cynthia A. Hacker,
     of Brunswick.
          In this city, September 9th, Wilson McLean and Hattie P. Swain, both of
          In this city, September 10th, John E. Richards and Mary V. Murphy, both of
          In Sangerville, September 14th, by D. W. Hussey, Esq., Josiah F. Prince, and
     Hannah L. Billings, both of Sangerville.
          West Lubec, September 10th, by Rev. S. L. Handscomb of Cutler, Peter S.
     Grierson of Boston Highlands, and Susie Andrews of West Lubec.
          Buxton, September 9th, by Rev. S. Bixby, William W. Smith and Emily J.
     Lang, both of Buxton.
          Stewartstown, New Hampshire, September 7th, by Joseph W. Flanders, Esq.,
     George M. Frye, of Yarmouth, Me., and Sarah E. Tibbets, of Colebrook, N. H.
          West Durham, September 6th, Emery P. Parker, of Durham, and Katie O.
     Richardson, of Pownal.
          Lewiston, September 6th, Joseph E. Cross and Nellie E. Tenney.
          Bangor, September 4th, Enoch P. Richardson and Rosalle Hunt.
          Bowdoinham, September 3rd, Edward L. Baker of Wakefield, Mass., and
     Beulah P. Moseley of Portland.
            In Lewiston, September 4th, Rufus Dailey of Auburn, and Mary J. Welch of
          Warren, Knox County, August 31st, Aaron Winchenbach  and Clara Vinal.
           Harrison, Cumberland County, August 30st, Owen Taylor and Ella M. Jordan,
     both of Bridgton.
          Augusta, September 7th, Marcellus W. Engeley and Alice M. Lyon.
          Brunswick, August 30, Albert G. Winslow and Rachel H. McDonald, both of
          Hallowell, September 2nd, Moses W. Pinkham and Esther M. Mears.
          Augusta, September 4th, Eugene L. Tibbets and Lizzie C.  Morton.
          Palmero, August 27th, Nehemiah Hilt and Lemantha (sic) J. Clifford.
          Wiscasset, September 4th, Joseph T. Hubbard and Fannie T. Scott.
          Bath, September 4th, J. C. Crafts of Boston, and Ella S. Mallett, of Bath.
          Bath, September 8th, Oliver Todd, of Boston, and Anna M. Totman, both
          Bath, September 8th, Fred L. Wing, of Boston, and Susan S. Totman of Bath.

          In this city, September 15th, James Spear, aged 77.
          In this city, September 12th, Charles K. Dutton, aged 25.
          In this city, September 11th, Daniel Woods, aged 75.
          In this city, September 10th, Honorable Ashur Ware, aged 91.
          Hiram, September 11th, Eudora L., daughter of  Almon and Mary M. Young,
     aged 11 years, 10 months, 11 days.
          Pownal, August 28th, Mrs. Maria S., wife of Leander Wood, aged 39.
          Falmouth, September 8th, Mrs. Lydia Knight, widow of the late Alfred
     Wadsworth, of Boothbay, aged 91.
          Biddeford, September 1st, Mr. .Abigail Garland, wife of Stephen Roberts,
     aged 77.
          Bath, September 19th, Mrs. Antress D. Hayes, aged 83 years, 6 months.
          Camden, August 19th, Mrs. Theodore H. Dillingham, aged 61 years.
          Nobleboro, September 1st, Mrs. Jane Hatch, aged 86 years, 3 months.
          Skowhegan, August 29th, Mrs. H. B. Botsford, aged 29 years, 9 months.
          Damariscotta, August 30th, Priscilla Hitchcock, aged 62 years, 2 months.
          Bath, September 5th, George D. Henderson, aged 35 years, 5 months.
          Augusta, August 29th, N. Rogers Ramsdell, aged 32 years, 2 months.
          Camden, August 29th, R. M. Mansur, aged 55.
          Augusta, August 9th, Glover Thomas, aged 72 years, 8 months.
          Georgetown, September 3rd, Mrs. Eleanor Webber, aged 69.
          Dayton, York County, August 28th, Benjamin C. Hight, aged 52.
          Bridgton, September 7th, Mrs. Betsey Woodbury, aged 92.
          Bridgton, September 8th, Rev. John Berry, aged 40.
          Saco, September 6th of heart disease, William Stone, aged 75.
          Boston, August 23rd, Ida A. Babb, of Gorham, aged 24.

               Tryon, Prince Edward Island, Canada, August 16th, Mary Ellen, daughter of
      Charles B. and Maggie L. Howat, aged 9 months.

                                              The laid her in her coffin,
                                                 In a robe of purest white,
                                              Yesterday, our darling babe,
                                                 Today an angel bright.

                                              They closed her eyelids gently
                                                  And on her little breast,
                                               Her hands they sweetly folded
                                                  And laid her down to rest.
                                               In her little grave we laid her,
                                                   Our darling down to sleep
                                               We know that God in Heaven,
                                                    The jewel bright will keep.




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