Sunday, October 27, 2013
The house of King Lane, Brownfield, was burned on the 11th inst. This is the
third time he has been burned out in three years.
The relatives and friends of Honorable John M. Eustis and wife, of Dixfield,
celebrated their Golden Wedding, recently.
The Mount Pleasant house is closed.
The spool factory at Foxcroft is nearly ready for work.
Noah Swett of Garland, the oldest of the thirteen Swett children, whose family
re-unions at Hampden have been widely notices, has died.
The buildings of Oliver Leathers, Palmyra, were burned on the 2nd. The
the buildings of Franklin Hinds, Harmony, shared the same fate on the 8th.
They trace the Belfast fire to sparks from the galley of schooner Village, of
Camden, lying at Haraden's wharf. The sparks blew into a broken window in
Dennett's sail loft. This is the verdict of the sheriff jury who held the fire inquest.
The late Mrs. Abigial Bradstreet, of Belfast, left by will $200.00 to the
Spiritualists. Her heirs desire to break the will; the judge admits it to probate and
an appeal is entered.
A dozen houses and several blocks of stores has been commenced in Belfast since
the fire.
But little lumber is being cut at Cherryfield this season, but the wharves and mills
are being improved and will be well prepared for the revival of business which is hoped
for. At Machias also the lumber business is dull. Mr. Hemmenway is filling in a fine
new wharf with the stone which is being blasted from the ledge the government is
removing from the channel.
Uncle Jot, in the Eastport Sentinel says that Wesley never was celebrated as a
watering place, but just now it has been as dry a lot of wells and cisterns as you would
meet in a week's travel.
H. C. Burleigh of Fairfield, and George E. Shores of Waterville, took their mobile
Hereford herds which was some of the best prizes at the New England Fair, to the
Rhode Island Fair last week, and will be at Bangor this week.
The report that Wagner is wasting away in Alfred jails, in consequence of
confinement in a underground cell, that has been going the rounds is entirely false.
None of the cells are underground, and Wagner is growing fat and trying to break
jail all the time, says the Biddeford Journal.
The following Maine fishermen have been heard from since the gale on the 24th
ult., and are reported all right.-James Pool, Cynosure, and Josephine Swanton of
Boothbay; Idella Small, Annie Lewis, Mary Francis, Collector, Golden Eagle, and
Emma Brown, of Deer Isle; M. E. Torrey of Sedgewick; Lizzie Williams, of
Camden; Fleetwood, and Nevada of North Haven; Tiger and Cora Geenwood of
Portland; George F. Keene, of Bremen; Abby Morse of Vinalhaven.
Launched-At Yarmouth 10th inst., by Giles Loring & Co., a substantial
Clipper brig of about 400 tons, named the Hattie M. Bain. She is owned by Ross &
Sturdivant, J. S. Winslow & Co., Captain George Thestrup (who is to command her)
and others of Portland.
At Belfast 9th inst., a schooner of 200 tons, named A. W. Eflis. She was built
by C. P. Carter & Co., for parties in Belfast and is to be commanded by Captain J.
At Bucksport 9th inst., from the yard of J. L. Buck, a schooner 250 tons.
William Beazley & Co., have purchased this yard and will commence immediately
on a schooner of 200 tons.
At Thomaston 8th inst., by Hilt, Waterman & Co., a three-masted schooner of
300 tons, named the May McFarland, owned by John McFarland, who is to
command her, and others of Thomaston.
At Thomaston 8th inst., by Walker, Dunn & Co., a three-masted schooner of
300 tons, named Etta Barter, owned by the builders and others, and to be commanded
by Captain Barter of St. George.
Barque Ada Carter, 435 tons, built at Harpeswell in 1863, has been sold to parties
in Baltimore at $15,000.
The new barque Joseph Baker, 450 tons, recently launched by J. Oakes & Son, at
Brewer has been charted at Portland for South America. She is having her sails bent,
and is about ready to leave.
Brig H. M. McGilvery Stubbs, at North Sydney, Cape Breton, Canada, from
Boston, reports 31st ul.t, off Casco during a strong gale, lost part of sails carried
away jib boom, and partly filled with water. The pumps being choked had to
resort to bailing to keep afloat.
Brig E. H. Kennedy, from Weymouth (Mass?) for Charleston , South Carolina,
with 425 tons of guano, got ashore on Folly Breakers, entrance to Charleston, night
of the 9th inst., and will probably be a total loss.
Schooner M. Sewall, Captain Law, was driven ashore at North Sydney, 24th ult.,
and is badly damaged on starboard side, port bilge stove in, and main mast gone
with everything attached.
Schooner J. W. Drisko, Captain Haskell, is ashore at North Sydney, very leaky.
Ship Lathly Rich, Mitchell, from Callao, West Peru, for Falmouth, which put into
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 8th, in distress, repaired and proceeded 6th ult.
Schooner Clara Smith, of Rockland, Captain Rhodes, from Cow Bay, got
ashore below Boston, 13 ult., where she remains badly bilged and full of water.
Schooner George Staples, Bunker, at Boston from Port Caledonia, Cape Breton,
Canada, reports having rode out the gale of the 24th ult., at Port Caledonia, with
loss of jib boom, quarter rails, part of main rail, cat head, davits, anchor stock and
hawser, but proceeded without making repairs.
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