Sunday, October 6, 2013


                                                            OXFORD COUNTY

          The buildings S. S. Hersey, Waterford, were burned on the 4th last. A few years
     ago Mr. Hersey lost his buildings in the same manner, and in both cases it is thought
     the fires were incendiary.
          A little child of a Mr. Huntress, of Hiram, wandered away from home a few days
     since and fell into a hole filled with water and was drowned.
          Solon Royal, of South Paris, writes to the Register that he has fully investigated
     the matter of the buried treasure at North Paris, and is prepared to say that all the
     money Alanson Briggs buried there was strictly his own, and that the property of J.
     Gardiner, (alluded to by our correspondent) which was missed for a time while in the
     charge of William Russ, had not a shadow of connection with Mr. Briggs treasure.
          On the 4th inst., a small child of William Witham of South Paris, was killed by
     by being run over by the wheel of an ox car, which passed over its head.  The team
     was driven by a brother, also quite young.
          A few days ago as Rial Berry, of Sweden, Me., was going across the Lovell
     Plains after dark he saw a bear in the road.  Thinking to drive him away, he procured
     a club and advanced toward bruin who moved a short distance, but refused to be
     driven. Berry's courage began to grow less and less, and at last, thinking discretion the
     better part of valor he went back about a mile, and collected a crew of men who started
     for the bear in earnest. When they arrived at the spot the old fellow still held his ground.
      After firing at him several times, and quieting him as they thought, they approached the
      carcass and picked up-not the bear-but a buffalo robe which some traveler had lost
      out of his carriage. The wind was blowing hard at the time, which cause the bear to
       move. Norway, Me., Advertiser.
                                                          PENOBSCOT COUNTY

          Timothy Collins was killed at Bangor a few days ago by the caving of a bank of
     earth upon him.
          Charles Hamlin of Bangor, Assistant Counsel of the United States, calls the
     attention of sailors and others who lost their personal effects on vessels captured by
     the Alabama or Florida, to the necessity of filing their claims in the Commissioners
     Court of Alabama Claims on or before December 23, 1874, or otherwise they will
     be barred.
          Honorable S. F. Hersey of Bangor, M. C., for the Fourth District, it is feared is
     near his end. His disease is atrophy of the liver, the progress of which has been long
     delayed by his powerful will and iron constitution.
         Honorable Edward Kent has resumed the practice of the law at Bangor.
         George Mason, a Bangor barber had a narrow shave last Sunday. Firing at some
     doves on his eaves his gun burst, and one fragment cut a deep gash above his eye while
     the powder lodged in his face.  It is a comfort to him and to all the sympathizing friends
     that one of the doves was shot.
          During the past six week 13,000 sheep have been purchased in  Bangor from drovers,
     by Mr. J. E. Farrington of Brighton, Mass.
                                                       PISCATQUIS COUNTY

          The Dexter Gazette says that Charles Bradlaugh was much interested in the
     specimens of slate from the Piscataquis quarries.  He says in Wales such quarries are
     worked upon the royalty system, with but a small outlay of capital, being leased by
     gangs of workmen. He thinks a large number of Welsh miners could be induced to
     changes their field of operations, as they are now having trouble at home.

                                                       SOMERSET COUNTY

          Isaac Savage of Fairfield, for many years intemperate, on Tuesday evening of last
     week shot himself dead in the street near the Universalist Church in that village. He
     had frequently said he would take his own life.  He selected a pistol  three weeks ago,
     and called and paid for it the day of the tragedy.  At that time he was sober. He was
     about 45 years old.
                                                   SAGADAHOC COUNTY

          Years ago Bath had ten church spires of which only three remain.

                                                       WALDO COUNTY

          General Webster of Belfast, formerly of Adjutant General of that State, is confined
     to his bed by paralysis, which is likely to prove fatal.
          William H. Sayward of Thorndike, is building a large mill on the stream near the
     railroad depot, for sawing, planning, grinding and perhaps wood carding.
          Jacob E. Cunningham, a prominent citizen of Swanville, fell dead lastly while
     walking the field near his house. His age was 72 and he had held many places of trust.
     The fact is stated that his family all die thus suddenly. His brother, General H. W.
     Cunningham, died in a similar manner.
          Honorable Ralph C. Johnson, of Belfast died last Saturday, aged 84.  He was
     formerly a successful merchant, was the first mayor of Belfast, and held several
     other positions of political trust.  His second wife and one son survive him. He leaves
     an estate estimated upwards of $1,000,000.

                                                      WASHINGTON COUNTY

          Barkertine Minnie Thaxter, 437 tons is a most creditable specimen of marine
     architecture, built by John Mcbride, Lubec, and commanded by Captain N. T.
     Woodman, of Winterport.  She is classed A 1, 11 years, American Lloyds. Is of
     best materials, full set iron knees and salted on the stocks.
          Charles H. Hickey, a teamster of Calais, Me., cut his throat with a common pen knife,
     making seven different gashes, and died from the effects in about five hours after.
          William Wilson's house at Union Mills, Calais, was burned lately; supposed to be
     incendiary. Loss $1,200; insurance $600.
          Frank Russell of Danforth, was killed lastly at Grand Lake by a tree falling upon
                                                            YORK COUNTY

          Horace Burke's dye house, Lyman, was burned last Friday. Partly insured.
          Thomas Crockett and Levi Rackliff were drowned by the capsizing of their boat
     off Ash Point in a squall, last week Wednesday. Both men were highly respected
     citizens. Rackliff had a wife and three young children,  Crockett was unmarried.
          George Thompson of Kennebunk, aged 71, while chopping in the woods the other
     day, had a tree fall upon him, in his efforts to dislodge it from another tree. He was
     pinned to the ground, with his left hip dislocated and broken, till night his cries for
     help not being heard. At night his wife aged 80, became alarmed at his absence went
     to the woods and found him. It is feared the unfortunate man may not recover from 
     his injuries.
          Samuel Brooks of Saco, a lad of 17, was drowned by the swamping on a boat on
          On the 16th inst., two Frenchmen named Sabine and Brooks, were gathering
     driftwood, when the boat was over turned and Brooks, 17 years old was drowned.
                                                                                             (As written in the paper.)


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