Friday, October 25, 2013


                                                         MATTERS IN MAINE
                                                   ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY

           A. Cushman & Co.'s shoe factory, Auburn, is increasing its working force to
     600 operatives.
           A blacksmith named Charles Booth, on the Bates Corporation, Lewiston, fell dead
     in the shop one day last week. Heart disease.
          The house of David Stetson, East Livermore was burned on the 15th.
                                                     AROOSTOOK COUNTY

          The editor of the North Star gives some personal reminiscences of Professor
     C. C. Langdell, Dean of the faculty of the Law School in Harvard University; who
     has been lately visiting the Aroostook. He began his preparation for college at the
     academy in Exeter, N. H., in 1845, at the age of 19.  Lest it should be noticed that
     so large a boy was just beginning the study of languages, he carried his Latin lessons
     in his pocket. His industry was so great that his progress in his studies was very rapid
     and he was one of the best scholars of his class.
          Mr. Shieldstream bought a place in Maysville for $400, and sold timber to the
     amount of $300 from the place, and raised the first year a crop worth $500.
          Llewellyn Powers has sued the Houlton Times for libel, placing damages at
                                                     CUMBERLAND COUNTY

          Two daughters of Captain Pittee, formerly of Ferry Village were recently drowned
     at Anastasia Island, Florida. They were lovely girls aged 15 and 13, and the family
     has the sympathy of all the people of the village. Captain Pittee was in charge of the
     erection of a lighthouse at that place. His three daughters and a colored girl were
     riding on a car on the tram road leading to the works, when they were accidently
     thrown into the water as they turned a curve. Only the youngest daughter, a girl of
     5, was saved as the water was deep and the tide strong.
          Mr. S. P. Mayberry of Cape Elizabeth in looking up material for a history of the rise
     the religious societies of the town, finds the original letter of Rev. Jesse Lee (the
     travelling companion of Asbury, and known as the apostle of Methodism in New
     England) written to William Hall, in answer to request to preach there while on his
     journey east for the spread of the doctrines of John Wesley:
                                                                                                         Saco, Sept. 16, 1793
          Bro: Would that I could be able to preach the word of God to your people. My
     time for the present is nearly all marked out, but when I return next summer I will
     try and stop a few days.     Jesse Lee

          The buildings of Mrs. Lydia Frye, Yarmouth, were burned on the 11th inst. Loss
     $4000, insured for $,1,700. Two men were seen coming from the barn just before
     the fire broke out.
          The News says the champion husker at the Bridgton corn factory is Royal
     Gammon, who husked 72 bushels in 9 1/2 hours. His brother Washington, also
     William Quincy, W. W. Farnham and J. R. Bachelder are each almost as smart.
     N. P. Hilton, aged 83, husk  his 26 bushels per day.
          The clothing manufactory of Jeremiah Parker & Son, Great Falls, Gorham, was
     burned last Sunday night. There was $4000 worth of clothing in store, and $800 worth
    of tools, on which there was no insurance.

                                                       FRANKLIN COUNTY

          Commissioner Dyer, who so narrowly escaped being murdered by the Modoes (sic)
     (Modocs?) American Indians, when General Canby was killed is visiting his home in
     Farmington. He is a son of Colonel J. Dyer.
                                                       HANCOCK COUNTY

          Honorable Monroe Young, Mayor of Ellsworth, publishes a card in the American
     complaining that he is not backed up by the professed temperance men of that city in
     his vigorous and impartial efforts to suppress the liquor traffic. He says:
          Some of these reformers and well wishers of the community have gone so far as to
     say that they had "rather see rum running down our streets, than its sale prevented by
     the present authorities." And to my mind the sincerity of temperance people has been
     tested and found wanting, and further it has been proved that genuine temperance men,
    they are scarcer than were the righteous men in ancient Sodom. As to the truth of the
     statement in regard to the enforcement of the law, I refer you to the records of the
     Police Court. Therefore under such a state of public sentiment, all I can say is, if you
     want Rum, have it; but good order in the streets shall be maintained at all hazards, and
     regardless of expense attending the Police Court, and the Police force of our city.

                                                       KENNEBEC COUNTY

          Mr. H. M. Mansur of Augusta, dealer in musical instrument, and proprietor of
     of a musical periodical, died last week of typhoid fever.
          At the New England Fair Dr. N. R. Boutelle of Waterville, took the sweepstakes
     prize for best cow, 1st and 2nd prizes for best cow over four years old, first prize
     on yearling heifer, second prize on yearling bull, and second prize for the best herd
     of cattle, against several choice imported herds for other states.
          Ex-Governor A. P. Morrill is about to remove his residence from Readfield to
          Mr. T. R. Law of New York proposes establishing a patent clothes pin factory at
     Clinton. The town will aid him by furnishing a suitable building.

                                                          KNOX COUNTY

          A gathering of the Buffum family takes place at A. C. Buffum's, North Berwick,
     the old homestead of the family on Thursday of this week. It is expected that 150
     will be present.
          The Springfield, Mass., Republican has the following paragraph in regard to the
     Maine State Prison at Thomaston:
          There is one circumstance about the Maine State prison which should be generally
     known, both for a terror to evil doers and to the credit of the juries and sheriffs and
     prison officers of the state. It contains more dangerous bank robbers and safe openers,
     in proportion to the whole number of convicts than any prison in the United States. No
     less than four different gangs of bank robbers have been caught and convicted and shut
     up in Maine within the last five or six years, and at one time there were a dozen of that
     class in the Thomaston cells. Other states such rascals compound their felony, or get
     off on bail, or tamper with juries or buy their way out of jail by corrupting the turn-
     keys with money; but in Maine they are caught and held. Among them is one first
     class Massachusetts rogue, Langdon W. Moore, who has been concerned in robbing
     several banks in his native state, but is now serving a seven years' sentence at
     Thomaston, to expire in 1877.  Along with him are several of his own gang and a rival
     of New York financiers, in the same line of business.
          Miss Lucy A, Mink, charged with the murder of Dr. Baker, is to be tried at the
      present term of court at Rockland, Chief Justice Appleton presiding.
          Captain Frank Lane who lives on an island near Vinalhaven  has a span of horses
     which he uses on his farm and also employs to carry passengers to and from the boats.
     A few weeks since, during the absence of Mr. Lane, one of the horses backed into a
     well about twelve feet deep. His mate immediately started for the house of a neighbor,
     and by neighing and other ways endeavored to attract the attention of the inmates.
     After repeating this several times, the neighbors became satisfied that something
     unusual had taken place, followed the horse to the well, and after a little delay
     gathered a force and rescued his mate from his uncomfortable position. To their
     astonishment the horse had received no injuries worth mentioning.  Upon his return
     Mr. Lane had occasion to go down after passengers, and concluded to harness the
     horse which met with no accidents into a single wagon, and give the other horse an
     opportunity to recover from his bruises. No sooner had he started than the horse's
     mate placed himself by his side, and kept his place down and back, and this was
     repeated several times when Mr. Lane concluded to again harness them both and let
     them in future work together in double harness. Bangor Whig

                                                     LINCOLN COUNTY

          Launched in Waldoboro, September 13th, brig "Emily T. Sheldon," owned and
     built by Messrs. J. Clark & Son, 425 tons new measurement. To be commanded by
     Captain William B. Sheldon, of New Jersey.


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