Friday, February 28, 2014
THE CHRISTIAN INLTELLIGENCER, Gardiner, Maine, Friday October 10, 1828
In Leeds, Androscoggin County, on the 27th ult., Miss Diana Sampson, aged
20 years.
The death of this young lady is deeply lamented by all of her friends and
"But why should we repine, and sorrow rise,
That Christ has call'd her spirit to the skies,-
That the afflictive race of life is run-
And a unfading crown of glory won?
Truly we mourn not as those who mourn without a hope; but as mortals, we feel
to mourn for those who are torn from our bosoms in youthful bloom. We weep at
the rending of those ties of nature which had bound them so dearly to our hearts. Yet
while we mourn the loss of one who was lovely even in her shroud, we feel calmly
resigned, believing that He, "whose tender mercies are over all the works of his hands,"
has taken her to a sacred nearness of himself. O, how smoothing the hope which
furnishes a balm to heal the wounded heart! We do feel to bless the Father of our
spirits, that by his holy word he has given us "hopes of bliss beyond the grave." It
is that which enable us to look forward with joy to that glorious period when we shall
re-unite with our departed sister, and in the realms of unbounded felicity, join her in
hymns of praise to him who "died that we might live."
"The rose has bow'd beneath the storm,
The grave conceals the graceful form;
While tears of woe fall on the tomb
Of her, who died in beauty's bloom."
Mr. Drew,-Never did I fully realize the force of the above beautiful lines, till last
Thursday morning, when summoned to pay the last tribute's of respect to the remains
It was a dark morning,-the almost forsaken fields-and the silent air, uncheered by
the voice of nature's songsters , or the buzz of insects, all seemed silently to speak of
a natural glory that was departing from the earth; and led me involuntarily to reflect
upon the short lived nature of all earthly enjoyments, and to compare them with those of
more celestial origin.
Thus did I proceed on my short journey in company with a few youthful associates
from a neighboring village, pensively musing on the loss our little society has sustained
in the death of Courtney, till we arrived at the abode of the deceased. We entered-a
multitude of youths thronged the room, mingling their lamentations, and silently bidding
their last farewell; as I gazed around I though I could distinctly read on every
countenance the same chain of reflections, that labored in my own bosom. It was a
morning of sorrow-for Courtney was beloved and her death deeply lamented. I have
seen her in the morning of her day-in playful moments. She appeared like the wild rose,
scattering fragrance and beauty on every surrounding object. Or like the opening buds of
the lily upon the surface of the lake in a calm morning, when tinged by the first sparkling
beams of aurora-lovely and fascinating. I have seen her in mature age-she was virtuous,
amiable and happy. Peace and tranquility and innocence she their mingled delights
around her.
But now the scene is changed-as I cast a last lingering look upon her clay, cold
countenance, thought I, those eyes in which the big fear has so often gathered at the
tale of sorrow, are now closed forever! Those cheeks that so lately bloomed and
blushed with beauty and modestly, are now cold and lifeless! O, how soon are the
fairest earthly prospects blasted. Only three months ago she was in the bloom of
health, and bid fair as any one now does, to be long a blessing to her friends. But,
alas! in an unexpected moment a quick consumption seized upon her frame and laid
the fond hopes of her parents in the dust. Such, said I, is the fate of the wisest and best
of mortals.
Myself and five other youths had been selected to walk by the side of the hearse, as
pall-bearers. We had scarcely taken our places when our ears were saluted by the
shrieks of a female-It was the mother of the deceased. I despair of giving you a
description of the sensation produced in my breast at that moment. I could no longer
command my sympathy-I wept. Reader; picture to yourself a mother; one who (if
eminent piety and genuine goodness are worthy the appellation) may be called the best
mothers, following to the grave a beloved and amiable daughter, cut down in the bloom
of life, before the sun of her bright morning had reached its meridian, and if you could
refrain from weeping, I envy not your feelings. I had rather go and weep with a friend
upon such a afflictive occasion than to mingle in the gayest circle. There is a certain
charm in being able to mitigate the sorrows of a friend, that if far beyond the reach of
speculation, and a satisfaction that out weights the Monarch's crown or the wreaths of
But, although Courtney is dead, she still lives, and will long continue to live in the
remembrance of the virtuous; and I trust the tear of friendship will oft bedew her
grave, while rich bouquets of roses shall be strewed thereon by the hand of youthful
C old hand of Death; why thus destroy?
O h! why arrest sweet youthful bloom?
U nmingled sweetness, why decoy,
R eluctant to the silent tomb?
T ake not from earth such new born bliss;
N or tear from weeping friends, such treasure.
E 'en when thous must the wound inflict-
Y et spare, O spare such buds of pleasure.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
THE CHRISTIAN INTELLIGENCER, Gardiner, Maine, Friday, October 10, 1828
In Livermore, on the 6th ult., Mrs. Bethian Pray, wife of Mr. Otis Pray, age
34 years.
As one who has enjoyed a long and happy acquaintance with the deceased, the
writer of this notice, esteems it both a privilege and a duty, to bear a public
testimony of her amiable life and her triumphant death. Few persons were more
universally esteemed by all who knew her,-and few have been more deeply lamented
in death. As a neighbor, she was kind, conciliatory and benevolent; as a friend, she
was ardent and sincere; as a wife, she was faithful, constant and affectionate, and as
a mother she was an honor to that tender and endearing name. She was an example of
industry, prudence, and economy. What the wise man has said of a virtuous woman,
might with great propriety be said of her. "The heart of her husband doth safely trust
in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil; she will do him good, and not evil, all
the days of her life; she seeketh wool and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands."
During a sever and protracted illness, which terminated her earthly existence, she was
most perfectly resigned to the will of Heaven, and when the hour of her departure had
arrived, she calmly resigned her into the hands of Him who gave it, with full hope of a
happy immortality beyond the grave. She died as she had lived in the firm belief of the
final triumph of the Prince of Peace over pain and death,-that "as in Adam all die, even
so in Christ shall all be made alive." May a merciful God console the afflicted husband
and bless the motherless children.
In Wayne, Kennebec County, on the 7th of June last, Mr. Hannibal H. Daily, in
the 24th year of his age.
The writer of this notice regrets that the death of this truly excellent young man
has not been publicly noticed before this. When the worthy and the virtuous are called
from society, and from the family circle by the relentless hand of death, some public
testimonial of respect is not only pardonable, but justly due to the friends and relatives
who are left behind.
His moral career was terminated by a pulmonary consumption, the distressing effect
of which he bore for nearly two years; during the whole time of which time he
manifested the most entire resignation to the Divine Will. His confidence in God as a
merciful and provident Father of all his offspring, both in time and in eternity, was
firm and unshaken. His hope was anchored within the vail, and his faith in the
Redeemer of the world was strong. During his confinement he was never heard to
murmur or complain that his lot was hard. One year and two months before his death,
he was called to part with a twin sister, who died of the same fatal disorder. At the time
of her death he was in the most perfect health. Shortly after, he was seized with a violent
affection of the lungs, which continued to prey upon his constitution until it deprived
him of life. The writer visited him a few months before his death, on which occasion
he questioned him concerning his faith. He found him resting in the promises of God,
-steadfast and unmovable in his faith, believing without the shadow of a doubt in the
final salvation of the human family. As he drew near the gates of death, his
anticipations of heavenly peace in an immortal state, became greater and greater, and
it was manifest in all around him, that he was ripening for the Kingdom of celestial
glory. On being asked by his eldest sister, if he had any doubts respecting the truth of
the doctrine in which he had professed, he answered, "no, not any-I long to see Louisa,
" (the sister above mentioned.) He possessed many amiable qualities which endeared
him to a numerous circle of relatives and friends. May we all be prepared to follow
him and that patience, resignation and firm trust in God, which which supported him in
the moment of dissolving nature, which enabled him to triumph over the "King of
Sunday, February 23, 2014
On Wednesday week, the skate and chisel factory of C. A. Williams & Co., at
Skowhegan was destroyed by a fire caused by the carelessness of a workman who
to enlarge the hole in an alcohol barrel with a red hot poker! Three of the female
operatives were injured by the explosion that ensued, one of them very seriously,
and the building was set on fire. Loss from $12,000 to $16,000; insured for $6,000.
The Press, from which we gather these facts, says that one of the workman left his
coat, in the pocket was a wallet containing $50.00, hanging up in the building, and
after the fire the coat was found reduced to cinders, but the pocket, money and
wallet were untouched.
The Oxford Democrat gives the following singular case;
Samuel B. Wing, aged about thirty, a soldier was wounded in the battle of
Spottsylvania. His right arm was raised at the moment, and the ball entered near
his elbow, passed up and entered the right lung where it lodged. Ten months
after, he coughed up a piece of his blouse one inch by 1/2 in size; and a piece of
the lining 1 1/8 by 3/4. Two years and nine months after, he raised a piece of bone
3/4 by 1/8. He can feel the ball sometime in the lung now. He has not been able to go
from his room since the wound until recently, but in now improving in health and
gaining strength. He resides at North Turner.
In Cornish on Thursday week, as we learn from the Press, the house, barn and
out-buildings of Mr. William F. Allen, were destroyed by fire, together with twenty-
four head of cattle, one horse, one colt, twelve sheep, fifteen lambs, a quantity of
hay, corn and wheat, fifty bushels of oats, one hundred bushels of potatoes, twenty
barrels of cider, wagon, sleigh and harness, and all the household goods, except two
beds. Insured for $800. Mr. Allen's neighbor generously came forward and purchased
a barn which they removed to his place and raised some hundreds of dollars besides.
The inmates of the Chelsea Military Asylum rebelled against General Everett,
last week, because he punished one of their number for getting intoxicated and
becoming boisterous. The General was obliged to send to the Augusta Arsenal for
a guard, and has also sent to the War Department for a detachment of troops to
protect the institution.
The Shipbuilders Convention, held in this city last week, took measures to
induce Congress to grant relief from the onerous taxation which weighs so heavily
on this branch of industry. Honorable N. G. Hichborn was appointed agent to lay
before Congress the grievances and burdens under which shipbuilders and owners
now labor.
The whole Board of Trustees of the State College of Agriculture and
Mechanic Arts now stands as follows:
Samuel P. Dyke, of Bath; Abner Coburn, of Skowhegan; Lyndon Oaks of
Garland' Isaiah Stetson of Bangor; William Wingate of Bangor; Nathaniel
Wilson of Orono; George P. Sewell, of Oldtown.
The Sprague's have purchased additional land and other property at Augusta
to the amount of more than $80,000. The whole amount of property purchased
by them is nearly $150,000. They now own nearly a mile on both sides of the
river, embracing about 50 acres.
A fire in Brunswick on Tuesday week, destroyed Campbell's stable, together
with horses, carriages and harnesses. The stable and woodshed of Mrs. M. G.
Merryman were also burned, and her house with that of J. Lufkin was considerably
damaged. Loss $5,800; mostly covered by insurance.
On the 27th ult., Ella J., a daughter of Nicholas Smith of Harmony, being left
in charge of the house fell asleep in her chair near the stove, when her clothes took
fire, and she was so severely burned that she survived but twelve hours. She was
fifteen years old.
On Saturday week, as we learn from the Belfast Age, Mr. Martin B.Hunt,
of Belmont ate his dinner, in his usual health, pushed back his chair from the
table, took up a newspaper, and almost immediately died, apparently without
a struggle.
The Lewiston Journal contains the following paragraph in its list of recent deaths:
"Auburn-April 2nd, Mr. Cromwell P. Hunton, aged 54 years; February 16th John
aged 7 years; March 22nd Lua E. (?) , aged 13 years; March 30 Herbert, aged 24
years; children of Cromwell P. Hunton."
Mr. M. Freeman, of Orrington, was attacked a few evening since on the road by
three men, who knocked him down, robbed him of a small sum of money, beat him
severely and then left him for dead. His friends found him lying insensible in the road
at three o'clock the next morning.
The "Nutshell" is the title of a tiny sheet, edited by Eva Oaksmith and published by
Jessic L. Thurston, of this city. The girls make a very pretty curtsey in the public, and
say they expect some very polite bows in return.
On Saturday 13th, as Stephen Hinkley, Esq., of Gorham, was standing in a wagon
the horse suddenly stared, throwing Mr. Hinkley on the tailboard of the vehicle, and
injuring him so severely that he died on Friday week.
The Farmington Chronicle says that on Tuesday weeks, as Mr. L. S. Jacobs was
carrying lumber into his mill, he slipped on the ice, and fell, breaking one bone in
his leg and spraining his ancle (as spelled.)
Friday, February 21, 2014
Mr. Sylvanus Barter, of St. George was drowned on the 10th inst., by his boat
capsizing while he was drawing lobster nets at "Herring Gut."
The city of Saco offers a reward of $500, for the recovery of the body, dead or
alive, of the missing Miss Patterson.
Alonzo Cooper of East Pittston, was knock overboard from schooner Mary
Shields, near Phipsburg on Friday week and drowned.
Brother Maxham, of the Waterville Mail, has a buck which he values at $2,000.
He paid his owner last year some $800 or $1000.
Reverend J. T. Nichols, of Saco, was presented by his society, on Friday week,
with a barrel of flour and $204 in money.
The Farmington Chronicle says Mr. William Toothaker, of Phillips, has made
a generous donation of $5,5000 to Bates College.
Rev. Mr. Fletcher, state temperance lecturer, has secured the names of 50,000
Sunday school children to the temperance pledge.
The house of Mrs. Elizabeth Look, of Phipsburg, was burned to the ground on the
16th inst. Insured for $600.
Colby University has sixty-six students.
Mr. Winslow Morton, of Lubec, sat down upon a crochet needle, which entered
the fleshy part of the thigh and broke off close to the handle. Surgical aid failed to
extract it, and after a long search it was considered as one "lost in the hay stack,"
says the Machias Republican.
Mrs. Rhoda Green, who died in Lisbon, Me., on the 16th inst., lacked but two
months of being one hundred years old. She was a Revolutionary pensioner.
The Clarion say Mr. N. W. Morse, of Norridgewock, has a cow four years old
next month, that has brought her owner four calves. She has been a fruitful vine.
A lad named Lothrop had his head so badly crushed in the machinery of the
Androscoggin Mill, at Lewiston, that he died in half an hour.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Sorry this is another blog that should have been put up sooner.
Brig Carrie Purington, from Palermo, Italy, for Boston, which as been dragging
round in the ice some weeks past in Provincetown, has come out into clear water.
Schooner Sea Foam, Sawyer (Captain) from Castine for Swans Island which was
reported missing, has arrived at Cutler all right.
Schooner Melissa A. Wiley, which went ashore with the Ruth B. Baker, at
Providence, has come off without damage.
Brig Edith Hall, before reported ashore at Vineyard Haven, was hauled off
2nd inst., after discharging some of the cargo, and is now at the railway wharf.
Brig Madawaska which got ashore at Avola, Sicily has been floated and taken
into port.
Schooner Sea Lyon, from Cienfuegos, Cuba, for Portland, which went ashore
at Rockport 5th, will probably be saved, also the cargo.
Damage has been assessed on schooner Ruth H. Baker, for fouling with and
causing the schooner M. A. Wiley to go ashore at Newport on Sunday.
The crew of brig Ida M. Comery arrived at Havana 25th ult. They report the
vessel a total wreck, which went ashore near Nuevitas, night of February 9th.
Ship Edward O'Brien, from Mobile for Liverpool, before reported ashore in
Cardigan Bay, was floated previous to the 1st inst., after discharging about half
her cargo of cotton, which was saved in good condition. The vessel was leaking
badly, and she was beached at Holyhead.
Barqe James E. Ward, for Matanzas, Cuba for New York, with sugar, put into St.
George, Bermuda, 15th ult., in distress, having encountered heavy gales, during
which the vessel was badly strained and sprung a leak and shifted cargo, lost sails,
&c. Crew badly frost bitten. The cargo is being taken out in bad order.
Schooner Susan Setson, Lewis (Captain) from Portland, January 27th, for Richmond
via Norfolk, went into Black River Harbor, Connecticut, 28th, where she got caught
in the ice and was crowned out to Penfield's Reef.
Brig Myronus, Higgins (Captain) at New York from Messina (Italy?) took the Northern
passage, and had strong westerly gales, lost cat-water, stove forward house and bulwark's
lost and spilt sails, and was 20 days west of the Banks.
Brig Annie R. Storer, Adams (Captain) at New York for Mantanza, Cuba, had
heavy gales on the passage, carried away main boom and lost and spilt sails.
Schooner Henrietta, from Brunswick for Portland, before reported towed into
Liverpool, N. S., was picked up morning of the 14th on Georges Banks; mainmast
gone and foremast hanging over the bow. The sails were gone, the hatches off,
the poop deck and deckhouse swept away. Three anchors and the chain were on
the wreck and her coasting license and enrollment were on board, it was thought
all hands were swept off and lost.
Ship Friedlander, from New York for San Francisco, which put into Rio
Janeiro, Brazil, leaky, was ordered to discharge for repairs. Some of the cargo
was damaged.
Ship Pacific, for New York, Foss (Captain), from Mazatian, Mexico, for Liverpool,
put into Rio Janerio, February 22nd, short of water.
Barque Evelyn, from Baltimore for Queenstown, which sunk off Delaware Capes,
lies about six miles from the shore and twenty miles south of the Cape, and in the
track of vessels bound in. The Evelyn registered 284 tons, was built at Cutler, Me.,
in 1883 and hailed from Gibraltar.
Schooner Satilla, Captain Rives, from Satilla River for Bath returned to Vineyard
Haven 5th inst., from whence she sailed 26th ult., and reports; On the 2nd and 3rd inst.,
had heavy N E gales and was blown back to Cape Cod, and spilt spanker and jib; the
the mate and one man were injured while trying to secure the deck load. Was ashore
on Stone Horse 28th, but came off without damage. Out of provisions and had to
put in for fresh supply.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
On Thursday week the tar roofing establishment, near the Kerosene Works
was destroyed by fire; the building was owned by H. N. Jose and the stock,
about half of which was saved, by Elias Hersey, whole amount of loss, $3,000;
no insurance.
Myer Waterman, living on the corner of Commercial and State streets, says
that on Saturday night some one entered his house by prying open a window,
invaded his sleeping room, for which his pants and two trunks were robbed of
$900 in money; Mr. Waterman knew nothing of the affair until he wanted to put
his pant on in the morning, and couldn't find them.
Messrs. Palmer and Rowe have purchased and sent to Washington about ten
thousand dollar worth of mutilated currency; it comes in from all quarters, and
people are glad to get rid of it at a slight discount.
Uncle Chase say he has sold lobsters to the United States Hotel ever since it
was a story and a half high; he is in his eightieth year, and has sold lobsters forty-
one years.
Three thousand dollars worth of smuggled liquors and spices were seized on
Peak's Island last week; they were landed there by schooner Lucy, of St. George,
and Reuben Clark, of that place has been committed in default of bail in answer
at the April term of United States Circuit Court.
Harding the architect has plans for twelve dwelling house and eight stores on
Cumberland Street alone.
Brig Kennebec, of Portland, at Boston from Segua, Cuba, reports the 13th
inst., in a heavy gale off Hatteras, North Carolina, blew away lower topsail,
foretopmast stay sail, main staysail and main stay, sprung foreyard, lost deck,
load of molasses, stove long boat, forward and after houses, and lost water casks.
The mate was washed overboard, but succeeded is regaining the vessel.
Schooner Alice C. Noyes, from Corpus Christi, for Pensacola, is reported in
the breakers, at Aransas Pass, Texas, and would probably be a total loss.
Barque Eugene, from Liverpool for Baltimore, put back in Liverpool, 20th
ult., leaky and otherwise badly damaged, having encountered bad weather, and
had docks swept. Four of the crew were washed overboard.
Friday, February 14, 2014
In this city, April 18th, by Rev. C. F. Allen, Mr. George Irvin to Miss Nellie G.
Thaxter, both of Portland.
In this city, April 17th, by Dr. H. A. Lamb, Mr. Mahlon S. Hodson and Miss Flora E.
Lewis, both of Portland.
In Norway, Me., 18th, by Rev. M. B. Cummings, John M. Adams, Esq., of Portland,
editor of the Argus, and Miss Adela S. Hobbs, Norway, Me.
In Lewiston, April 11th, Mr. Isaiah W. Vickery, of Auburn, and Miss Elvira A.
Daley, of Auburn.
In Biddeford, April 6th, Mr. Martin N. Robinson and Miss Ellen A. Tapley.
In Biddeford, April 6th, Mr. Nahum S. Drown and Miss Ann M. Coffin.
In Harpswell, April 20th, Mr. John M. Johnson and Miss Almira S. Johnson.
In Augusta, April 11th, Mr. W. U. Norcross, of Alton, Penobscot County, and
Miss Susan C. Smith, Augusta.
In Friendship, March 31st., Mr. William J. Cook, and Mrs. Mary J. Winchenpaw.
In Rockland, April 15th, Dr. Joshua W. Trussell and Miss Fannie Clark.
In Union, April 15th, Mr. J. Adelbert Townsend and Miss Martha Carroll.
In Union, April 6th, Mr. Henry A. Hawes and Miss Retta (?) A. Dunton.
In Union, March 30th, Mr. Charles F. Wellman and Mrs. Polly Coburn, of Lincoln.
In Lincoln, April 9th, Tibeon Field, of Paris, and Mrs. Polley Coburn, of Lincoln.
In Wesley, March 31st, Mr. Jonathan S. Munson and Mrs. Adelaide Carlow.
In West Bath, April 14th, Mr. Kingsbury Bubier, and Mrs. Mary E. Brown.
In Bath, April 18th, Mr. Edward M. Warren and Miss Katie P. Walker.
In Benton, at Brown's Four Corner, Kennebec County April 17th, Mr. John B.
Colcord, and Miss Anna O. Thaxter.
In Liberty, Waldo County, March 30th, Mr. James L. Knowlton and Miss
Sarah A. Chapman.
In this city, April 21st, Mrs. Susan, widow of the late Olive Blake, aged 66 years.
In this city, April 18th, Mrs. Sarah Dickinson Cobb, widow of the late Elias Cobb,
Esq., of Somerset County, aged 68 years.
In North Yarmouth, March 14th, Nehemiah A., on son of Henry M. and Amanda
Hamilton, aged 1 year, 3 months.
In Gorham, April 19th, Mr. Stephen Hinkley, aged 68.
In Gorham, April 7th, Thomas Robinson, formerly of Baldwin, aged 78 years,
and 7 months.
In South Boston, April 18th, Katie Parker, only daughter of William P. and
Fannie McCobb, aged 6 years, 5 months.
In Freeport, April 11th, Mrs. Deborah Dunning, aged 48 (?) years, and 6
In Rockland, April 4th, Mr. Henry Brown, aged 47 years and 6 months.
In Baldwin, April 6th, of lung and heat disease, Eliza R., wife of John Goodwin,
Esq., aged 58 year, 8 months, and 25 days. She was a daughter of Elisha and
Dorothy Richardson, for many years resident of Limington, Me., and sister of
George F. Richardson, several years in Brunswick, Me.
In Bath, April 19th, Mr. Marcus F. Conant, aged 84.
In Bath, April 16th, Mr. Gilbert Trufant, aged 85 years.
In Bath, April 15th, Tyleston C. Clapp, 19 years, 8 months.
In Belfast, April 9th, Mrs. Susannah, widow of Robert White, aged 86 years.
In Thomaston, March 27, Mr. Samuel L. Bryan, aged 64 years.
In Kennebunk, March 30th, Martha H., wife of Edmund Brown, aged 79 years.
In Eden, April 24, Captain Benjamin Thomas, aged 87.
GREENLEAF SMITH-The subject of this notice, son of Theophilus and Sarah
Smith, was born in Cornish, August 1799;always lived on the homestead; was
married October 21, 1824; and died after an illness of three years, February 27,
1867, aged 67 years, 6 months.
He was a man of great industry, energy and perseverance; of unblemished
character for morality, integrity and truthfulness' one of the kindest and most
affectionate men in his family and neighborhood; very social, hospitable and
fond of company; and best of all a good Christian, a worthy member of the
Church of Christ.
He had a great musical talent; was sent for from a distant community to drum
at a military parade, when but a lad of nine years,-the messenger inquiring for
"Mr. Smith the Drummer:" and for many years until his last sickness, with his
rich, bass voice he led the choir in the Sanctuary, he led to the satisfaction of all.
Leaving a widow and four sons, two sisters and many friends to mourn their
loss, not his, he was gone, we believe to join forever in the harmonies of heaven.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Glances about Town.
The liabilities of the C. P. Kimball Company are reported at about $7,000; the assets
between $15,000 and $20,000; the creditors have voted to leave the affairs of the
company with the directors, who are requested to sell the property and wind up the
company as quickly and economically as possible.
Sergeant Thornett reports for February, highest temperature 40 degrees; lowest
6 below; greatest daily range 36 degrees; total rainfall, 2.85 inches; prevailing wind
west; stormy and cloudy days 13.
The County Commissioners have made a formal demand upon Mr. Pennell, ex-
County Treasurer, for the sum of $9, 973.35 stolen from the treasury last December.
Mr. Pennell asked for a few days to think over the matter and will probably stand a suit
at law.
The Mechanic Blues have received an invitation to attend the Centennial celebration
of the fight at Concord, Mass., on the 19th of April, and will probably do so, and take
Chandler's Band along.
The Museum was packed Thursday evening last week, on the occasion of the benefit
of Miss Isadora Cameron, and her every appearance was loudly applauded; this lady has
won golden opinions by her performances in this city.
Mr. Thomas Norton one our citizens who held the office of City Marshal many
years ago, and was once keeper of the old jail, died in this city last Friday, after an
illness of several years, aged 80.
The Maine Journal of Education has been merged in the New England Journal of
Education, and Mr. Albro E. Chase will act as State editor of the new paper.
A laborer named Looney, while wrestling on Commercial Street, last Friday, was
thrown in the sidewalk with such force as to set him into convulsions, and his case
was considered a critical one.
The steamer Chase had a rough passage from Halifax, 1st week, and did not arrive
here until late Thursday night.
Robert Bradley, Esq., well known in this city as a merchant, died at Falmouth Hotel on
Wednesday week, aged 40 years; he was a son of the late Samuel Bradley, Esq., of Saco,
an advocate of note at the York County Bar.
It is useless to say there is no Knight in Heaven; Enoch has been there ever since his
The retiring City Council had a good time bandying compliment's last Friday evening;
well deserved testimony was given to the faithfulness of Mayor Wescott, and clerk Barnes
was funnily (sic) poetical.
It will be seen by an advertisement in another column that schooner O. A. Dow,
Captain Sterling, proposes to make a pleasure excursion through the Bahama Islands. to
be gone two or three months, if a sufficient number of passengers can be secured; apply
to C. H. Trefethren, Custom House wharf.
A new Post Office has been established at Knightville, Cape Elizabeth, and Stephan
P. Mayberry is appointed postmaster.
On Sunday morning last the grocery store of Mr. Hobart, on Brackett Street was broken
into and robbed of about $200 worth of goods; a policeman found a pipe on the floor which
he recognized as belonging to a man named Clark, living on Danforth Street, and the stolen
goods were founds at his house, and three men were arrested there after a sharp fight.
Two boys were detected by Sheriff Pennell, last Saturday night in an attempt to break
jail; they had removed the bricks from around the ventilator in their cell and made a hole
through which they would have been able to escape to the roof, whence they might have
leaped into the snow. They were removed to the dungeon.
Our Irish fellow citizens will celebrate St. Patrick' Day by a grand parade through
the principle street of the city, in the forenoon; in the evening a lecture will be delivered
in City Hall by Rev. Father Mortarty, of Albany, N. Y., after which the children of the
Catholic school will give a concert.
We regret to learn that Charles A. Lord, Esq., formerly editor of the Christian Mirror,
fell on the sidewalk one day last week, and broke his arm.
The firm of J. Winslow Jones, canned goods, has failed liabilities stated at about
$100,000; assets not estimated, being widely scattered in lands and buildings; Mr.
Jones is in London, but has been summoned home by a cable dispatch.
A man named Marean living on Newbury Street, was knocked down and robbed
of $80 near his house on Monday night; his head was badly gashed, and his wounds
were pronounced dangerous; he had been drinking in Anderson's saloon and
foolishly displayed his money; the police arrested Frank Richards and a man named
Gillen on suspicion of having committed the crime.
At the meeting of the new School Committee Tuesday evening , it was decided
by lot that Messrs. Libby, Forbes, Frank and Hill shall serve two years, and Messrs.
Shailer, Chadwick, and Curtis on year each; Mr. Fred Fox continues for the present to
act as school agent.
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Frank Farrington, formerly of Fryeburg, who died recently on his way to England,
leaving two families, one in California and one in Maine, left his property to be divided
equally between his two families. His life was insured for ten thousand dollars. His first
wife was a daughter of Isaac Littlehale, of Bethel. A few hours before his death he wrote
to her, making disposition of his property. His remains are to be taken to San Francisco.
The Democrat says that Mrs. Martha Quimby, of Fryeburg, the oldest person in town,
was a pupil of Daniel Webster at the Fryeburg Academy 75 years ago. She has many
reminiscences of Webster, and says that as a young man he was "fond of girls and a
good time." He was a strict teacher, but always good natured, "never whipped 'em,-he
only had to look at 'em with his black eyes."
Two barns of Daniel Pierce, Hiram, were burned last Sunday. Loss $1400, insured
for $400.
The appointment of Captain Edward E. Small to the Pension Agency give much
satisfaction all round, as he is a very popular young man, with a good record both during
and since the war.
A starving and freezing family of nine persons was found in Glenburn the other day and
relief furnished them by a gentleman, who in passing accidentally discovered their needs.
This gentleman was Mr. Howard Shaw, of Portland, who at once procured clothing and
food, and notified the selectman
There was no choice for Mayor in Bangor on Monday. Stickney, Temperance
Republican, had 1415 vote and Laughton, Democrat, exactly the same number. Blake,
bolting Republican, had 184 votes. The city council is Republican. There was a good deal
of excitement on the question of the Mayoralty, from a variety of local causes. The water
question was settled almost unanimously in favor of the bill passed by the last Legislature.
The trial of Edwin D. McCauslin for arson, at Dover last week, attracted considerable
attention, because of the entirely circumstantial evidence. The house was burned at
Guilford on the night of October 30, 1874. The alleged cause was the unpleasantness
of Mr. McCauslin's relations with his wife and wife's mothers. Three days before the
fire he left for Lewiston, and the night of the fire he arrived in Dexter on the train. This
is but twelve miles distant from Guilford, and at eight o'clock that evening he hired a horse
to go three or four miles, as he said. He did not return till shortly before midnight, the horse
giving evidence of having been driven hard and fast. The fire was discovered at about a
quarter before eleven o'clock, which would have allowed time for a rapid return to Dexter.
Nor far from the house that was burned, in a hollow concealed from the road, were
found evidence that a horse had been hitched there. A day or two subsequent McCauslin
returned to Guilford, and the circumstances were so suspicious that he was arrested. Some
of the witnesses testified to having heard the accused threaten to burn the house. The
shoes of the horse, which fitted the tracks in the hollow referred in, were brought into
court. The case came to an abrupt termination on Monday by prisoner's pleading guilty
to burning with intent to secure insurance, as he had an interest in the buildings burned.
He was sentenced to State Prison for five years.
The marble bust of ex-Governor Coburn, sculptured at Skowhegan, by E.W.
Marble, is finished and will be placed in the Court House. The Register says that all
who see it are struck with its wonderful accuracy as a likeness of one of Maine's noblest
William Doran, of Skowhegan, advertises for 500 owls.
Skowhegan elected Miss Annie L. Bigelow, one of the best teachers of the town, as
an member of the School committee.-Madison voted to raise $6000 towards paying
the town debt of $12,000.-Mercer voted to drop the suit against Henry Thompson,
former town treasurer, instituted on account of the famous school house affair.-New
Portland in free from debt.-The debt of Madison is $12,000, and $6,000 is
appropriated towards its payment.-St. Albans owes $2,715, and its assets are $3,257.
Mr .Alden Morse, of Phipsburg, while at work with a circular saw a few days ago
had a slab strike him in the forehead with such force as to fracture his skull, and tear
his face in a shocking manner. He died on Saturday.
A little son of Nathan Sullivan, Bath, was run over and fatally injured on Monday.
Lewis Finney, a lad fifteen years old, was instantly killed last week, at the Pembroke
Iron Works by being caught by the coupling and dragged between the rolls.
Last Saturday night two men, named Myers and Gray, attempted to force an entrance
into the dance hall of David Thurston, at Calais. In the affray which followed, Gray was
struck in the head and instantly killed. The coroner's jury decided that Gray died of
apoplexy, induced by the blow or by excessive drinking.
Governor Joseph Francis of the Passamaquoddy Tribe of Indians, died at Pemborke
last week. He is said to have been 110 years old.
Bartlett Justin, of East Machias is bound over for assault with intent to kill Robert
Mugford, of Lubec. He attempted to shoot the officer who arrested him. It was the
result of a drinking spree.
Belfast elected John G. Brooks, the citizen's candidate for Mayor, by 100 majority.
The friend of Rev. S. F. Wetherbee, of Saco, formerly of this city, celebrated the
35th Anniversary of his wedding last week, presenting him with over $300 worth of
appropriate gifts.
Several leading citizen of West Buxton publish a statement in regard to the case
of Hugh Smith, accused of ill-treatment of his insane wife, which puts a different
face upon the matter. It was only a temporary neglect due to exceptional causes,
for which Mr. Smith reproaches himself equally with his neighbors, who accord
to him the merit of sustaining with uncomplaining patience for many years, trials
and burden in consequence of his demented wife, which but few men would have
borne as well.
The house of Louis Frank, Biddeford, occupied by four French families was
burned on the 5th. Loss, $2,5000.
Friday, February 7, 2014
Charles B. Pettengill of Minot, in finding that his invention of the American
dish lifter is lifting himself into a fame that has begun to pay. He has invented
the machinery needed in constructing his ingenious household implement, and
the orders flow in rapidly.
The Lewiston mills run on full time.
Michael Wood, a Lewiston alderman, is arrested for breaking into a shoe store
one night last week.
The bar of this county will petition the Governor to appoint Honorable J. C.
Madigan to the Supreme Bench, as the successor of Judge Cutting.
D. W. Corliss, Smyrna, has caught two live caribou, 14 miles from Houlton.
They are to be sent to the Philadelphia Zoological Garden. One of them has a fine
pair of antlers.
Mr. Gilman of the Pioneer, had his face scratched and his clothes torn the other
day at Houlton by a young woman whom he had offended by a paragraph in his paper.
Reverent Joseph Torrey is installed pastor of the First Parish Congregational
Church at Yarmouth, which is one of the oldest societies in the county.
Harpswell elected Moses Bailey, T. S. Scofield and C. E. Trufant, Selectmen,
and voted $1,400 for schools, $1,600 for highway, $1,400 for poor, and $2,000
town debt.
Harrison elected Selectmen, Joshua Howard, James W. Watson and Reuben Hobbs.
The town debt is only $373.45. George W. Newcomb offered to collect the taxes for
nothing, and was accordingly chosen Collector. The appropriation for free high school
was by small majority. Bridgton has a town debt of $5,000. Naples voted $300 for
free high school; town debt $1458.56.-The liabilities of Deering are $12,375 and its
resources $15,697. Its bonded debt is $42,650. The debt of Windham is $22,558, and
and that of Falmouth $8,957.
Reverend J. T. Rea has decided to withdraw his resignation of the pastorate of the
Congregational Church at Bridgton.
A shocking railway accident happened last Saturday afternoon on the Grand Trunk
between Yarmouth and North Yarmouth. A special engine in charge of Mr. Noyes forgot
to look out for regular trains. Mr. Noyes forgot the Lewiston passenger train, and met it
on a straight stretch of road but in dense fog. Both engines revered and whistled down
brakes, but it was too late to prevent a collision. Oliver P. Cummings, engineer of
Lewiston had his leg crushed, and P. C. Evans, of Shelburne baggage master, had his
arm broken, and received other serious injuries. A Boston & Maine fireman, named
Whitehouse, was on the locomotive of the Lewiston train, and one of his legs was
completely torn from his body. He was taken to his home in Auburn and died during
during the evening. Mr. Noyes acknowledges that the blames rest entirely upon himself,
and as may well be supposed is affected by the disaster.
Charles A. Mayo, of the firm of Mayo & Turner, of this city, was knocked down and
robbed at Farmington on Thursday evening of last week. He was walking along Main
Street when he was approached behind and struck over the head, probably with a sandbag.
His assailant then jumped upon him, took $500 in money and decamped. Mr. Mayo is able
to describe the robber, and can identify him when caught. It is probable the robber is a
person whom Mr. Mayo met in Boston, and afterwards at Lewiston and to whom in
conversation he spoke of his business affairs. He saw this man just before the assault in
the Farmington post office, but did not speak to him. He is quite seriously injured, the
robber falling upon his knees onto his bowels, after he had felled him.
The slate quarry of Abbott & Belcher, at Farmington now presents a pit 80 feet in depth.
The slate already taken out pays the expense of opening the quarry.
Dr. P. H. Harding, a well known physician of Ellsworth, died last week.
The great Temperance revival which had it beginning at Ellsworth several weeks ago,
under rather unpromising circumstances, still goes on with an enthusiasm and harmony
that are delightful. The meeting are crowded even when only home speaker are
Tremont elects Thomas Clark, Town Clerk, J. T. F. Freeman, S. W. Herrick, J. G.
Wilson, Selectmen; W. W. A. Heath, Treasurer; J. T. R. Freeman and O. A. Richardson,
School Committee.-Mr. Desert voted for schools what the law requires; for the poor
$1000; for road $1951-Surry votes $970 for schools, and $2000 for roads; the village
district raised $175 for free high school.
The house of John Burrill, Albion, was burned on the 26th ult. Partly insured.
Mrs. Almira C. Dummer, the generous friend of the Industrial School for Girls at
Hallowell, has established a free bed at the Maine General Hospital, by annual payment
of $250.
When Wagner was informed of his reprieve he stood like a statue for a minute or
two, without the power of utterance, and then he burst into tears. Gordon was next
informed and the effect was very much the same as upon Wagner.
David Bartlett, one of the Bowdoinham bank robbers, now in prison, is very sick of
lung fever, and his recovery is very doubtful.
Samuel Bryant, Democrat, is elected Mayor of Rockland by a majority of 24.
Three children in Kaler's district, Waldoboro, committed to memory the names
of every town in the state, and recited them by counties-a feat the News does not
believe another person in the state could accomplish. We know of one other person
who can do it, and he is the mailing clerk in this office. We believe he can give not
only the towns but the post officers. As the Transcript goes to every nook and corner
of Maine, those in charge of out list become very expert in the geography of the
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Fairfield, February 1st., to the wife of Joseph King, a son.
Bethel, February 25th, to the wife of L. W. Lane, a daughter.
Hebron, February 25th, to the wife of Rodolph Greenwood, a daughter.
Canton, February 22nd, to the wife of Otis Thorne, a daughter.
Denmark, February to the wife of I. A. Ellis, a son.
Denmark, February 26th, to the wife of C. B. Smith, a daughter.
Waterville, February 26th, to the wife of D. C. Littlefield, a son.
Lewiston, March 2nd, to the wife of James Morgan, a daughter.
La Crosse, Wisconsin, to the wife of W. S. Hanscome, a daughter.
China, Me., to the wife of George Wentworth, a son.
In this city, March 3rd., Edward H. Martin and Sadie E. Welch.
In this city, March 6th, E. H. Starbird of Falmouth, and Mrs. Mary J. Clark,
of Portland.
Cumberland Mills, March 5th?, by Rev. Addison Blanchard, Frank M. Hanson
and Hattie B. Snow.
Naples, Me., February 21st?, D. H. Cole, Esq., Albert W. Morgan, of Casco,
and Mrs. Frank A. Doughty of Naples.
Naples, Me., March 3rd, by D. H. Cole, Esq., Mellen A. Doughty and Minnie
A. Hardy, both of Naples.
Brownville, February 27th, Wilbur S. Dean, of Katahdin Iron Works, and
Georgie R. Chase, of Brownville.
Stroudwater, March 5th, Samuel S. Oliver and Ellen M. Stevens.
Cape Elizabeth, March 7th, Walter R. Jordan and Emma S. Haskell.
Biddeford, February 21st, Charles Smith and Martha W. Lamb.
Round Pond, March 1st., Leander B. Morton and Abbie M. Webber.
Lewiston, February 29th?, G. W. Knowlton and Etta F. Watson.
Lewiston, February 25th, Frank W. Judkins and Josephine O. Dow.
Lewiston, February 27th, Augustus O. Hallett and Mrs. Harriet Preble.
Bath, March 4th, Daniel Small and Mrs. Margaret A. White.
Farmington, March 2nd, George C. Leavitt and Emma E. Chapman.
Pembroke, February 21st (22?) Bedford Finney and Sarah L. Leavitt.
Industry, Franklin County, Maine, David Elder and Mrs. Betsey Shaw.
Fairfield, February 20th, John H. Fuller and Rebecca Burrill.
Palermo, Me., February 14th?, C. W. Oliver and Josephine Bockum.
Waldoboro, February 27th, Lincoln O. Day and Sarah E. Welt.
Gouldsboro, February 27th, Melzor S. Smith and Mrs. Paulina J. Smith, both of
Paris, Me., Maine, February 27th, George F. Stevens and Eugenia A. Whitman.
Monhegan Island, February 27th?, William S. Humphrey and Vielette Trefethen.
South Paris, Me., February 21st, Alba M. Gerry and Clara A. Noyes.
Brooklyn, N. Y., February 19th, Captain Andrew F. Taxbox, of Winchester,
Mass., and Nellie O. Smith, of Dearing.
Winchester, Mass., George R. Goulding and Eliza V. Pennell, both of Lewiston,
In Rockland, February 13th, by Charles A. Davis, Esq., Frank J. Clough and
Jennie L. Bridges, both of Rockland.
Ellsworth, February 13th?, Emery Sargent and Alice M. Jordan.
Hollis, February 3rd?, Henry Tucker, of Boston, and Ida H. Knights,of Hollis.
In this city, March 1st, Cora Pearl, infant daughter of Charles H. and M. E.
In this city, March 3rd, Mrs. Hannah Harding, aged 86 years, 6 months.
In this city, March 3rd, Robert Bradley, aged 40.
In this city, March 3rd, , Mrs. Sarah F. Green, aged 23 years, 7 months.
In this city, March 4th, Mrs. Mary Scannell, aged 33 years, 2 months.
In this city, March 5th, Thomas Norton, aged 80 years, 8 months.
In this city, March 5th, Abby Maria Jerris, aged 27.
In this city, March 7th, John G. Bragdon, aged 57.
Faneuil (Brighton) March 6th, Hanson C. only son of Mrs. Emily C. Rowe,
formerly of Winthrop, Me., aged 26 years, 6 months.
North Berwick, February 7th, Arthur E., son of Oliver N. and Nellie M. Kimball,
aged 4 years.
Naples, Me., March 2nd, Mrs. Louice (Louise? ) M., widow of the late John P.
Davis, Esq.
Durham, Me., February 21st, of pneumonia, Mrs. Eunice S. Merrill, aged 68 years;
February 24th of heart disease, Woodbury Thomas, aged 71. A brother and sister.
Atkinson, February 27th, of scarlet fever, Inez Maude, only child of George F.
and Frances A. Hunter, aged 2 years, 8 months.
Plymouth, New Hampshire, February 28th, Harriet, wife of Samuel Brock, aged
80 years, 1 month.
United States Marine Hospital, March 2nd, Daniel H. Brown, aged 59 years.
North Yarmouth, March 2nd, Henry A. Phillips, aged 79 years, 3 months.
Saco, February 28th, Joseph Getchell, aged 57 years, 7 months.
Saco, March 2st, Mrs. Olive C. Knight, aged 71 years, 9 months.
Augusta, February 27th, Mrs. Eliza A. Brick, aged 28 years, 7 months.
Cape Elizabeth, March 6th, Hattie Ella Nason, aged 2 years, 10 months.
Buxton Center, March 7th, Mrs. Anna Hill , aged 87.
Deering, February 1st?, Lorenzo S. Twombly, aged 38.
Pembroke, February 17th, Colonel Jonas Farnsworth, aged 57 years, 4 months.
Auburn, February 24th, Samuel V. Walker, aged 43 years, 4 months.
Paris, Me., February 24th, Asa Dunham, aged 85 years, 8 months.
Mt. Desert, February 15th, Captain John Smallidge, aged 59 years, 6 months.
Freeport, February 24th, Isaac Randall, aged 78 years, 6 months.
Durham, Maine, February 22nd, Mrs. Eunice Merrill, aged 68 years, 6 months,
20 days.
New Gloucester, February 27th, Dr. J. P. Stevens, aged 71.
West Meriden, Connecticut, March 6th, William E., only son of Honorable
S. T. Hinks, of Bucksport, Maine, aged 26, 8 months.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
The Maine State Sunday School Convention is to be held at the State Street
Church, Portland, October 14th, 15th and 16th. Rev. W. F. Crafts of Brooklyn,
New York, Rev. Smith Baker and Rev. F. N. Peloubet of Massachusetts, and
other prominent Sunday school workers are expected to be present.
Patents have been issued to L. H. Farnham, Portland electric alarm signal;
C. J. Higgins, Farmingdale, reflector.
FIRES IN MAINE.-Building used as a restaurant and dwelling on the Old Orchard
camp ground, owned by Nathan Lowell of Saco. Loss $950; insurance $550.
Interior of Moses Gray's house, Castine. Loss $800-insured.
Picker room of No. 2 woolen mill in Dexter, badly damaged and several thousand
pounds of stock destroyed.
Amasa Howe's steam shingle mill, Fort Fairfield with a quantity of shingles.
Daniel Boyton's house Brownfield, most of the furniture saved.
House of John Ranco, Waterville, damaged to the amount of $300. A bureau
was burned, in which were his deed, insurance policy, money and his papers.
Lovering's starch dry house, Limestone.
Daniel Boyton's house, Buckfield. Furniture saved. Insurance, $400.
Two building belonging to the Shaw Brothers at Forest Station, with last,
blocks and hides. Loss between $5,000 and $7,000.
Boston, September 29th.-A first class bell buoy, has been placed on Harding's
Ledge, Boston Bay, in place of the bell boat, which have been removed for repairs.
LAUNCHED-At Bath, 4th inst., from the yard of G. W. Johnson, a three-mated
schooner named "R. D. Ribber," launched by the builder and others of Bath, in the
commanded by Captain Benjamin E. Pinkham, of Boothbay,
The remains of the steamer Falmouth, lately burned at this port, will be towed to
Great Chebeague Island Island on Tuesday and then set on fire. About 100 tons of old
iron is still on her.
At Bath, T. H. Hagan & Co., will commence work soon on a schooner for eastern
Brig O. B. Sillman reported foundered off Frying Pan, registered 320 tons was built
at East Deering 1871, and owned in Baltimore.
A waterlogged and abandoned American build barque of about 600 tons, lumber
laden, was passed 16th inst., in lat 49 34 lon 82 50, with only the mizenmast standing.
Schooner Eugenie, Godfrey (Captain,) for Calais, returned to New York 22nd inst.
having carried away jib boom and head gear while beating down the sound.
Schooner Starlight, reported wrecked at Avery's Rock, Mass, has been sold for
$7,475. (?)
Gloucester, September 25th-Schooner Gussie, Blaisdell (Captain?) of this port, went
ashore on Bass Rocks last night and will be a total loss.
Schooner Flora A. Sawyer, Feethy (Captain,) at Fall River, 22nd inst., for New York,
had carried away flying jib boom and head rigging.
Schooner Eddie Pierce, (McKown,) from a fishing trip, put into Boothbay 22nd, last
with loss of jib boom and foretopmast.
Ship Harry Morse at San Francisco from Liverpool, had heavy gales in the Pacific
during which stove bulwarks, lost and spilt sails, stove in skylight and party filled with
Schooner Telegraph, Gilchrest, at New York from Thomaston, reports 28th, when
between Shoveful and (word omitted) was run into by a an unknown schooner and lost
anchor and chain and cathead carried away.
Schooner F.L. Mulford bound to Philadelphia, lost an anchor in the Kennebec a few
days since.
Schooner Leading Star, Farrin (Captain,) at Bath from Boston reports lost sails in a
heavy blow while coming from Cape Elizabeth.
Schooner Abraham Richardson, of Belfast, lumber laden was towed into Hyannis
20th inst., full of water, having sprung a leak off Cape Cod.
Brig H. H. Weight, Meyers (Captain,) at Boston, from Buenes Ayers (sic), reports
in a heavy gale 26th, shipped a large quantitie of water, filling cabin.
Brig C. C. Robinson, Clark (Captain) at New York from ZaZa, South Turkey,
reports encountered a terrific gale 15th inst., with tremendous heavy sea, blowing
away sails, sweeping the deck and damaging the rigging.
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