Wednesday, February 12, 2014


                                                              CITY ITEMS
                                                         Glances about Town.

          The liabilities of the C. P. Kimball Company are reported at about $7,000; the assets
      between $15,000 and $20,000; the creditors have voted to leave the affairs of the
     company with the directors, who are requested to sell the property and wind up the
     company as quickly and economically as possible.
          Sergeant Thornett reports for February, highest temperature 40 degrees; lowest
     6 below; greatest daily range 36 degrees; total rainfall, 2.85 inches; prevailing wind
     west; stormy and cloudy days 13.
          The County Commissioners have made a formal demand upon Mr. Pennell, ex-
     County Treasurer, for the sum of $9, 973.35 stolen from the treasury last December.
     Mr. Pennell asked for a few days to think over the matter and will probably stand a suit
     at law.
          The Mechanic Blues have received an invitation to attend the Centennial celebration
     of the fight at Concord, Mass., on the 19th of April, and will probably do so, and take
     Chandler's Band along.
          The Museum was packed Thursday evening last week, on the occasion of the benefit
     of Miss Isadora Cameron, and her every appearance was loudly applauded; this lady has
     won golden opinions by her performances in this city.
          Mr. Thomas Norton one our citizens who held the office of City Marshal many
     years ago, and was once keeper of the old jail, died in this city last Friday, after an
     illness of several years, aged 80.
          The Maine Journal of Education has been merged in the New England Journal of
     Education, and Mr. Albro E. Chase will act as State editor of the new paper.
          A laborer named Looney, while wrestling on Commercial Street, last Friday, was
     thrown in the sidewalk with such force as to set him into convulsions, and his case
     was considered a critical one.
          The steamer Chase had a rough passage from Halifax, 1st week, and did not arrive
     here until late Thursday night.
          Robert Bradley, Esq., well known in this city as a merchant, died at Falmouth Hotel on
     Wednesday week, aged 40 years; he was a son of the late Samuel Bradley, Esq., of Saco,
     an advocate of note at the York County Bar.
          It is useless to say there is no Knight in  Heaven; Enoch has been there ever since his
          The retiring City Council had a good time bandying compliment's last Friday evening;
     well deserved testimony was given to the faithfulness of Mayor Wescott, and clerk Barnes
     was funnily (sic) poetical.
          It will be seen by an advertisement in another column that schooner O. A.  Dow,
     Captain Sterling, proposes to make a pleasure excursion through the Bahama Islands. to
     be gone two or three months, if a sufficient number of passengers can be secured; apply
     to C. H. Trefethren, Custom House wharf.
         A new Post Office has been established at Knightville, Cape Elizabeth, and Stephan
     P. Mayberry is appointed postmaster.
          On Sunday morning last the grocery store of Mr. Hobart, on Brackett Street was broken
     into and robbed of about $200 worth of goods; a policeman found a pipe on the floor which
    he recognized as belonging to a man named Clark, living on Danforth Street, and the stolen
     goods were founds at his house, and three men were arrested there after a sharp fight.
          Two boys were detected by Sheriff Pennell, last Saturday night in an attempt to break
     jail; they had removed the bricks from around the ventilator in their cell and made a hole
     through which they would have been able to escape to the roof, whence they might have
     leaped into the snow. They were removed to the dungeon.
          Our Irish fellow citizens will celebrate St. Patrick' Day by a grand parade through
     the principle street of the city, in the forenoon; in the evening a lecture will be delivered
     in City Hall by Rev. Father Mortarty, of Albany, N. Y., after which the children of the
     Catholic school will give a concert.
          We regret to learn that Charles A. Lord, Esq., formerly editor of the Christian Mirror,
     fell on the sidewalk one day last week, and broke his arm.
          The firm of J. Winslow Jones, canned goods, has failed liabilities stated at about
     $100,000; assets not estimated, being widely scattered in lands and buildings; Mr.
     Jones is in London, but has been summoned home by a cable dispatch.
           A man named Marean living on Newbury Street, was knocked down and robbed
     of $80 near his house on Monday night; his head was badly gashed, and his wounds
     were  pronounced dangerous; he had been drinking in Anderson's saloon and
     foolishly displayed his money; the police arrested Frank Richards and a man named
     Gillen on suspicion of having committed the crime.
          At the meeting of the new School Committee Tuesday evening , it was decided
     by lot that Messrs. Libby, Forbes, Frank and Hill shall serve two years, and Messrs.
     Shailer, Chadwick, and  Curtis on year each; Mr. Fred Fox continues for the present to
     act as school agent.


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