Wednesday, February 26, 2014

THE CHRISTIAN INTELLIGENCER, Gardiner, Maine, Friday, October 10, 1828

                                                              OBITUARY NOTICES

          In Livermore, on the 6th ult., Mrs. Bethian Pray, wife of Mr. Otis Pray, age
     34 years.
          As one who has enjoyed a long and happy acquaintance with the deceased, the
     writer of this notice, esteems it both a privilege and a duty, to bear a public
     testimony of her amiable life and her triumphant death.  Few persons were more
     universally esteemed by all who knew her,-and few have been more deeply lamented
     in death. As  a neighbor, she was kind, conciliatory and benevolent; as a friend, she
     was ardent and sincere; as a wife, she was faithful, constant and affectionate, and as
     a mother she was an honor to that tender and endearing name. She was an example of
     industry, prudence, and economy. What the wise man has said of a virtuous woman,
     might with great propriety be said of her. "The heart of her husband doth safely trust
     in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil; she will do him good, and not evil, all
     the days of her life; she seeketh wool and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands."
      During a sever and protracted illness, which terminated her earthly existence, she was
     most perfectly resigned to the will of Heaven, and when the hour of her departure had
     arrived, she calmly resigned her into the hands of Him who gave it, with full hope of a
     happy immortality beyond the grave. She died as she had lived in the firm belief of the
     final triumph of the Prince of Peace over pain and death,-that "as in Adam all die, even
     so in Christ shall all be made alive." May a merciful God console the afflicted husband
     and bless the motherless children.


          In Wayne, Kennebec County, on the 7th of June last, Mr. Hannibal H. Daily, in
      the 24th year of his age.
          The writer of this notice regrets that the death of this truly excellent young man
      has not been publicly noticed before this. When the worthy and the virtuous are called
      from society, and from the family circle by the relentless hand of death, some public
      testimonial of respect is not only pardonable, but justly due to the friends and relatives
      who are left behind.
          His moral career was terminated by a pulmonary consumption, the distressing effect
      of which he bore for nearly two years; during the whole time of which time he
      manifested the most entire resignation to the Divine Will. His confidence in God as a
      merciful and provident Father of all his offspring, both in time and in eternity, was
      firm and unshaken. His hope was anchored within the vail, and his faith in the
      Redeemer of the world was strong. During his confinement he was never heard to
      murmur or complain that his lot was hard. One year and two months before his death,
      he was called to part with a twin sister, who died of the same fatal disorder. At the time
      of her death he was in the most perfect health. Shortly after, he was seized with a violent
      affection of the lungs, which continued to prey upon his constitution until it deprived
      him of life. The writer visited him a few months before his death, on which occasion
      he questioned him concerning his faith. He found him resting in the promises of God,
     -steadfast and unmovable in his faith, believing without the shadow of a doubt in the
      final salvation of the human family. As he drew near the gates of death, his
      anticipations of heavenly peace in an immortal state, became greater and greater, and
      it was manifest in all around him, that he was ripening for the Kingdom of celestial
      glory. On being asked by his eldest sister, if he had any doubts respecting the truth of
      the doctrine in which he had professed, he answered, "no, not any-I long to see Louisa,
      " (the sister above mentioned.) He possessed many amiable qualities which endeared
      him to a numerous circle of relatives and friends.  May we all be prepared to follow
      him and that patience, resignation and firm trust in God, which which supported him in
      the moment of dissolving nature, which enabled him to triumph over the "King of

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