Wednesday, February 19, 2014


                       Sorry this is another blog that should have been put up sooner.

                                                          IN GENERAL


          Brig Carrie Purington, from Palermo, Italy, for Boston, which as been dragging
     round in the ice some weeks past in Provincetown, has come out into clear water.
          Schooner Sea Foam, Sawyer (Captain) from Castine for Swans Island which was
     reported missing, has arrived at Cutler all right.
          Schooner Melissa A. Wiley, which went ashore with the Ruth B. Baker, at
     Providence, has come off without damage.
          Brig Edith Hall, before reported ashore at Vineyard Haven, was hauled off
     2nd inst., after discharging some of the cargo, and is now at the railway wharf.
          Brig Madawaska which got ashore at Avola, Sicily has been floated and taken
     into port.
          Schooner Sea Lyon, from Cienfuegos, Cuba, for Portland, which went ashore
     at Rockport 5th, will probably be saved, also the cargo.
          Damage has been assessed on schooner Ruth H. Baker, for fouling with and
     causing the schooner M. A. Wiley to go ashore at Newport on Sunday.
          The crew of brig Ida M. Comery arrived at Havana 25th ult. They report the
     vessel a total wreck, which went ashore near Nuevitas, night  of February 9th.


          Ship Edward O'Brien, from Mobile for Liverpool, before reported ashore in
     Cardigan Bay, was floated previous to the 1st inst., after discharging about half
     her cargo of  cotton, which was saved in good condition. The vessel was leaking
     badly, and she was beached at Holyhead.
          Barqe James E. Ward, for Matanzas, Cuba for New York, with sugar, put into St.
     George,  Bermuda, 15th ult., in distress, having encountered heavy gales, during
     which the vessel was badly strained and sprung a leak and shifted cargo, lost sails,
     &c.  Crew badly frost bitten. The cargo is being taken out in bad order.
          Schooner Susan Setson, Lewis (Captain) from Portland, January 27th, for Richmond
     via Norfolk, went into Black River Harbor, Connecticut, 28th, where she got caught
     in the ice and was crowned out to Penfield's Reef.
          Brig Myronus, Higgins (Captain) at New York from Messina (Italy?) took the Northern
     passage, and had strong westerly gales, lost cat-water, stove forward house and bulwark's
     lost and spilt sails, and was 20 days west of the Banks.
          Brig Annie R. Storer, Adams  (Captain) at New York for Mantanza, Cuba, had
     heavy gales on the passage, carried away main boom and lost and spilt sails.
          Schooner Henrietta, from Brunswick for Portland, before reported towed into
     Liverpool, N. S., was picked up morning of the 14th on Georges Banks; mainmast
     gone and foremast hanging over the bow. The sails were gone, the hatches off,
     the poop deck and deckhouse swept away. Three anchors and the chain were on
     the wreck and her coasting license and enrollment were on board, it was thought
     all hands were swept off and lost.
          Ship Friedlander, from New York for San Francisco, which put into Rio
     Janeiro, Brazil, leaky, was ordered to discharge for repairs. Some of the cargo
     was damaged.
          Ship Pacific, for New York, Foss (Captain), from Mazatian, Mexico, for Liverpool,
     put into Rio Janerio, February 22nd, short of water.
          Barque Evelyn, from Baltimore for Queenstown, which sunk off  Delaware Capes,
     lies about six miles from the shore and twenty miles south of the Cape, and in the
     track of vessels bound in. The Evelyn registered 284 tons, was built at Cutler, Me.,
     in 1883 and hailed from Gibraltar.
          Schooner Satilla, Captain Rives, from Satilla River for Bath returned to Vineyard
    Haven 5th inst., from whence she sailed 26th ult., and reports; On the 2nd and 3rd inst.,
    had heavy N E gales and was blown back to Cape Cod, and spilt spanker and jib; the
    the mate and one man were injured while trying to secure the deck load. Was ashore
    on Stone Horse 28th, but came off without damage. Out of provisions and had to
   put in for fresh supply.

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